Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 23

by Samantha Clarke

  Samantha spoke slowly, almost unsure, “I should be...” Was her timid response.

  “Very good. Come with me.” He led Samantha down the hall and opened his office door for her. She stepped in and took a seat, holding her head in her hands. “What did you need to discuss with me?” Colin asked, sipping his drink.

  Samantha nodded quickly and began telling Colin all that had happened after they had left the meeting at Malcolm’s manor. She stood up out of her chair, talking with her hands and pacing. She rambled about what she had learned from both Bianca and Zachary, how Kedar had finished Bianca off, and how she had eliminated Zachary single handedly. When she was finished talking she sat back down in the chair and stared at Colin expectantly as she shook her leg nervously.

  Colin didn’t say anything immediately. He twirled his drink, staring at the ice cube that clanked together in the glass. He took another sip, then placed it down on his desk and looked right at Samantha. “I’m proud of you, young one. You put the wellbeing of the pack above maintaining a good relationship with Charlotte. You made a sacrifice today. And you could have been injured in the process. I am very, very proud. Even my own children would not have done what you did.”

  “Sir… I’m not sure I acted with the intention of protecting the pack…” Samantha admitted meekly.

  Colin nodded in agreement, “Admittedly, you acted out of rage. But did you not stop to think of the pack once when confronting Zachary? Were you really just angry about what happened to Melody, or were you angry that more harm could come to your pack members?”

  Samantha stared at him, furrowing her brow. She was not sure of the answer to his question. He was right, she did act out of rage. She hadn’t stopped to think about the consequences of her actions or of her own safety. However, she wasn’t sure if it were all because Melody had almost died, or if Colin was entirely right; that she acted the way she did to ensure some semblance of safety to her pack. She sighed.

  “I’m not sure sir. I feel like I just acted out of instinct… I didn’t think.” She finally replied her voice soft.

  Colin nodded as he picked up his glass again and took another sip, “That is expected.” He stood, pacing around his office as he traced his fingers over his books, “Samantha, what do you know about your mother, in relation to the pack?” He turned to glance back at her.

  “I know she was a beta. That she was your beta. Until she had me, anyway, then you demoted her to omega.” Samantha said in response. She was unsure of what kind of turn the conversation had taken.

  “And of your father? Samuel, I mean.” Colin continued.

  “I-I know he was an Alpha of a pack in Goldenborough, or something like that. Why?” She scrunched up her face in confusion.

  “He was. He denounced the alpha-ship when he met your mother. He moved here with Jaden and raised him here. He left his pack to his younger brother, in all honesty a better fit for the Goldenborough pack if you ask me. Your father was a very headstrong and selfish alpha. Then your mother had you. Do you know what that means?” He faced her, turning his back on his books for a moment.

  Samantha hesitated, “That I have family in the Goldenborough pack that I don’t know of?”

  Colin chuckled, “Just an uncle, aunt, two cousins and a grandmother. But no, that is not what I was getting at.”

  “Then what is it sir?” Samantha was growing impatient. She wished that he would just tell her straight on what he was leading at.

  “That you’ve an alpha in you. I doubted that you had the tenacity for it, though. Until now that is. You must understand, you’re the littlest pack member of your age and you come across as weaker than the other members. But I do not think that even my son would have had the gall to go after two vampires in one day, and slay one of them by himself. I would not have expected any of you to go after a vampire knowing the consequences and killing them singlehandedly. I’ve only seen three people do that in my lifetime, one of them being you. What I’m saying is… If my children do not meet my expectations, I will be considering handing the pack down to you. Granted, only if you want it.” He returned to looking at his books.

  Samantha stared at him in awe. Then she shook her head, “No, no sir. I’m no alpha. I’m not fit for such a position. I’m the omega, that’s what I’ve always been and will always be. You’ve been drinking too much.” She stood.

  Colin shrugged and turned to Samantha, “Perhaps. You think on what I just told you. I know it is a lot, but if you change your mind let me know.”

  “Is that all?” Samantha asked softly.

  Colin didn’t respond right away, he simply sipped his bourbon, “You’re dismissed, Samantha.” He finally said.

  Samantha nodded and quickly ducked out of the room. She went to the living room to find Charlotte curled up on the couch crying into Alex’s shoulder while Kedar, Riley and Melody watched helplessly. Samantha knew exactly why she was crying, and she didn’t dare step into the room. She made eye contact with Kedar who stood, but the movement alerted Charlotte. She jumped up, her eyes immediately meeting Samantha’s own.

  “You little traitorous bitch!” She hollered.

  Samantha took a step back, “Me? Me? You’re fucking kidding right? Your boyfriend was the traitor. I did what I had to. I protected you and the rest of the pack. He was in Anastasia’s pocket the whole time, and by the looks of it he wasn’t just flouncing around with Bianca to please her mother. I’m sorry but what I did was for the good of the pack.” Samantha forget the horrid stench that still invaded her nostrils, or the knots in her stomach. Heat raised to her face and all of her muscles tensed.

  “You’re a liar! He would never hurt any of us! He didn’t want to be a monster, you just didn’t want a vampire hanging around! You couldn’t see passed what is was physically for the person that he was inside!” Charlotte was practically in hysterics. She walked over to Samantha and smacked her clean across her face, the sound echoing in the otherwise quiet room.

  Samantha stumbled backwards, holding her face, the sting of Charlotte’s palm against her cheek no match for the sting of her words. Tears brimmed her eyes and Samantha stood tall, making eye contact with Charlotte. She felt like there was a fire in her stomach and her chest tightened. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. Kedar had stood, his fists clenched. He looked ready to intervene if a fight broke out and Samantha knew that if Charlotte hurt her, he wouldn’t have a problem hurting Charlotte in return.

  “I’m not a liar, Auntie said he was there with the other vampire, and he was telling Bianca about how killing Melody didn’t work. I saw and heard him. He admitted it right to my face, Charlotte. He tried to destroy our pack. He wasn’t a person anymore. All he truly was, was a monster. Deny it all that you want, Char, but you’re my friend. I would never do anything to purposefully hurt you, in anyway. I just did what needed to be done.” Rebutted Samantha, standing her ground.

  Charlotte pushed passed Samantha, “You’re no friend of mine.” She grumbled as she stormed out of the room and slammed the door.

  Samantha half turned to watch Charlotte walk out. She wiped a tear away from her face and then turned towards everyone else. Melody wheeled herself over to her, still unable to walk correctly from the vampire poison. She placed her hands on Samantha’s arm and smiled softly.

  “It’s okay, you did what was best. Give Charlotte some time.” She said in a low, comforting tone.

  Samantha nodded and squeezed Melody’s hand weakly, “I know, Auntie… I know.”


  February vacation came too quickly, the three weeks felt like a blur to Samantha. Charlotte was still barely talking to her, but she had grown used to it. The pain from losing her friend faded, though it still stung when they passed each other in school without saying a word. Melody was doing better and she was attending daily physical rehabilitation. She was gaining better control of her legs, but she was still using the wheelchair as to not physically exert herself. Katarina was still staying with
Melody and Samantha, but Kedar stayed over almost nightly in order to help Samantha take care of Melody, despite his nightly presence being an annoyance to Katarina.

  Samantha woke early on the day of their departure. Kedar was already awake and getting dressed, tucking his cargo pants into his combat boots as Samantha rolled over to look at him. He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled softly. He reached his hand out and touched her cheek lightly with his fingertips. His cool skin felt nice against hers and she smiled softly.

  “There’s still plenty of hot water for you to take a shower. When you’re all set I’ll have your stuff ready for you. I already packed for the both of us. It’s a day and a half hike straight to the brood’s lair. I’ve made sure everything I put together for you will keep you warm.” Kedar said in a quiet voice.

  “I’ll also have you to keep me warm,” Samantha replied with a wicked smile.

  He laughed, “Of course you will. But, it’s time for you to get up. We need to leave in about forty-five minutes.”

  Samantha smiled softly and pulled herself out of bed. She stripped and got into the shower, letting the hot water run over her body and relax her muscles. She took her time washing her body, enjoying the warmth the shower provided. Once she was finished she wrapped herself in a large towel and stepped into her bedroom. Kedar had already left the room, but had put multiple layers of clothing on her bed, including her jacket. She laughed softly to herself as she shook her head. He was so concerned about her when he didn’t need to be. She got dressed quickly and pulled her jacket on.

  She trotted down the stairs to be met by Kedar who was carrying two matching, oversized hiking packs. He tossed one to her and she caught it, throwing it onto her back in one swift movement. She stepped over to him, and he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against her forehead. They walked into the kitchen together, where Melody was drinking her coffee while reading the Greenwhich Tribute. Samantha walked over to her and gave her a loose hug.

  Melody looked up at Samantha and gently pat her hand, “I want you to be careful do you understand that?” She said sternly.

  “Of course, Auntie. We’ll only be gone a few days. Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Samantha replied softly.

  Melody kissed her on the cheek and then she turned to Kedar, “And you. You stay safe as well…”

  Kedar smiled softly and gave Melody a gentle hug, “Don’t worry about me, Mel, just worry about getting better. I want you walking when we get back.”

  Melody laughed lightly and squeezed his hand before returning her attention to the newspaper.

  Samantha and Kedar left the house and got into his truck to drive to the meeting point. The ride was quiet with no radio, the dry winter air void of any sounds of life. Samantha stared out the window, embracing the silence. They didn’t have to say anything to each other for them to communicate. The occasional hand brushing across a cheek, or side glances accompanied by a slight smile was more than enough for the two of them. It felt as though the ride to the meeting point was very short. They stepped out of the truck and walked up to the group. Samantha’s pack was going to be traveling to the brood’s lair with Heather’s pack. It made Samantha uncomfortable, but she just held onto Kedar’s hand tight as they approached the group, holding her chin high.

  Colin stood on a dais, surveying the growing group. After a few minutes he cleared his throat and spoke. “Good. Everyone is here. We are meeting the other packs at the lair. We are going to ambush them from both sides, if possible. The trip will take us more than a day and we are going to need to travel in the buddy system. So, if you haven’t picked a buddy, I advise you do that now.” Colin ordered firmly.

  Samantha just squeezed Kedar’s hand and he looked down at her with a soft smile on his lips. She turned her attention back to Colin when out of the corner of her eye she saw Kyle link fingers with Alex. She noticed that Colin clenched his jaw slightly just as Alex and Kyle intertwined their fingers. She smiled to herself a bit. Maybe their blossoming love would get attention off of her and Kedar’s relationship. Samantha glanced around the group one more time. She noticed both Heather and Jessica were staring at her and Kedar. She scowled and turned her attention back to Colin.

  “This trip should only take a total of three days. But that means that we are going to be camping out at least twice. If you do not have a tent packed, I’ve brought extras. Just come let me know sometime before we make camp and I will make them available to you. I think that’s all, unless anyone has any questions.” Colin continued. There was a silence and his eyes scanned the crowd. When nobody moved he nodded slowly, “Alright, then let’s be off.”

  The hike through the woods wasn’t terribly eventful. Samantha was able to maneuver around the underbrush and tree roots as easily as she would have been if she were in her wolf form. Kedar stayed close to her, making sure to occasionally take hold of her hand or place his hand gently on her back. Nobody in the group spoke as they walked. The woods were silent except for the sounds of their footsteps crunching in the snow beneath their feet. Before long the sun was beginning to set and many people in the group were beginning to tire. As they neared a small clearing, Colin turned to the group.

  “Is anyone opposed to setting up camp here?” He asked.

  “Won’t it be dangerous?” A small voice Samantha did not recognize said from the back.

  “No,” Darien answered before Colin got the chance, presumably because the wolf asking was a member of his pack. “We picked the path we were following up towards the lair because it was barely touched by the vampires. Also, we will have one or two people keeping watch at all times during the night. That way, if something happens, they can immediately alert the rest of us. However, I don’t think that will be necessary.”

  “Thank you, Darien.” Colin said. There was almost a hint of bitterness to his voice. He cleared his throat, “Begin setting up your tents, I will be around to collect people to find firewood.” Colin ordered.

  Samantha and Kedar found a spot for their tent and began setting it up. They were both very quiet. Samantha kept glancing over at Heather and Jessica, who were still staring at her and Kedar. She decided to ignore them and continued to focus on setting up the tent. Kedar lightly ran his fingers down her back, apparently unaware that both of his exes were watching them from the distance. She turned to him and smiled warmly, her cheeks turning slightly red when his hand glided over her backside. He kissed her nose, then went right back to his task. When Samantha glanced towards Heather and Jessica they were both looking away, talking to each other in whispers and hushed tones. It was impossible for Samantha to hear what they were saying. She assumed that they were talking about Kedar, since they glanced over in their general direction more than once. It made Samantha’s blood boil, and she tried to ignore it. If she let them get under her skin it was only going to hurt her. There was no point in that.

  The group stayed divided for the rest of the night. Colin did not come to Samantha or Kedar to help him and some others gather fire wood and Samantha was almost glad. They built their own small fire outside of their tent – like many of the others did – and they sat close to one another, eating the food Kedar had packed for them. Samantha wasn’t too thrilled about eating beef jerky and freeze dried chicken, but she knew it was the best that they could do due to their current situation. She looked around the pack’s make-shift campsite quickly, noting that almost everyone else were eating something similar. She sighed to herself softly and took another bite of her dinner.

  Kedar looked at her and gently brushed his fingers down her neck, “I know this isn’t a gourmet meal. I’m sorry. When we get home I promise I’ll make you something delicious.”

  “Like what?” Samantha asked with a slight giggle.

  “Hm…” Kedar leaned into her close and buried his face in her neck, “Well maybe I could make you some venison soup. Or I could just eat you up instead…” He whispered as he kissed her nec
k slowly and nibbled at her skin.

  She laughed softly and playfully pushed him away from her, “Stop it, people are going to stare.”

  “Since when have I ever cared?” Kedar asked her, raising his eyebrows. Samantha smiled and kissed his chin softly.

  “I guess never,” She replied honestly.

  Kedar nodded and kissed her on the lips, when he pulled away he took a couple of bites out of his meal. He took a sip of water, which he had packed excess amounts of, making sure to mark the bottles that were his with blue rubber bands. He had been drinking strictly water – every bottle he drank from marked with the rubber bands – for months now. Samantha had begun to wonder why, but she was not going to bring it up. Kedar peered around her and huffed. The twins had been staring at him again and it was beginning to get on his nerves. He handed his food to her and he placed his hand on her knee, squeezing it lightly.

  “I’ll be right back, babe, alright?” He said softly, tearing his eyes away from Heather and Jessica to look at her.

  Samantha smiled apprehensively but nodded slowly. It made her uncomfortable to have both of his exes accompanying the pack on this expedition. He got up and walked over to where Heather and Jessica were sitting. Samantha turned her head slightly in order to watch the exchange. Kedar stood with his arms across his chest, obviously closed off to anything that they were going to say. Jessica stood and took a step towards him, but he took a step back not letting her get any closer to him than she already was. Samantha was still unable to hear what they were saying, but body language was enough was for her. Jessica was the only one talking, waving her hands around frantically, as if she was trying to explain herself to him. Kedar didn’t move an inch until Jessica reached out to touch his chest, and he swatted her hand away. Heather, in response to this, stood then quickly walked over to Kedar and her sister. She put her hand on Jessica’s shoulder and stepped in front of her, putting herself between her and Kedar. She said something and pointed at Kedar, and he just waved her off. He turned away from her and Jessica and headed back over to Samantha.


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