In Sir's Arms (Brie's Submission Book 16)

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In Sir's Arms (Brie's Submission Book 16) Page 20

by Red Phoenix

  Little Sparrow whined.

  Thane glanced at Maxim, who shook his head.

  Brie suddenly stood up and announced, “I know exactly what you need.”

  She walked slowly to the kitchen, bearing the weight of her late-term pregnancy.

  “Did you notice the change in her belly?” Durov asked Thane when she was out of earshot.

  “Yes, I’ve noticed she’s dropped recently.” He added with a smirk, “Which means you don’t have long to recover.”

  Durov frowned. “But I cannot tolerate being in bed.”

  “Says the man with metal screws in his chest.”

  “Leave me alone, comrade,” Durov growled irritably. “I am not in the mood.”

  Brie walked back in with a bottle of vodka in one hand and three glasses in the other.

  Thane was taken aback. “Are you planning to drink, babygirl?”

  “Nope,” she answered coyly as she poured the vodka into three glasses.

  She handed the first one to Thane, the second to Durov, then folded her hands in her lap.

  “Drink up, boys,” she told them with a wink.

  Thane hadn’t touched any alcohol since promising Brie to abstain from it. “Are you sure?” he asked. “I’m a man of my word.”

  “Yes,” she answered. “While I sincerely appreciate your dedication to me, your brother needs a drinking buddy right now.”

  “And the third glass?” Durov asked, staring at it and then her.

  Brie only answered with a smile.

  “I am suspicious of your woman’s silence,” Durov grumbled.

  “I’m curious about it, as well,” Thane replied, looking at Brie.

  “Trust me,” she told them both as she pushed off the chair and waddled into the kitchen.

  “Let’s toss back a quick one and refill it before she returns,” Durov said with a mischievous grin, sounding like a naughty child.

  Thane found it oddly amusing and clinked glasses before downing it. He had both glasses refilled before Brie came back, carrying another shot glass filled to the brim with water.

  “What are you two grinning about?” she asked as she settled into her chair.

  Durov leaned toward her and whispered, “I was just telling your man how attractive you are when you waddle.”

  Her mouth dropped. “You didn’t just go there.”

  “I find it utterly charming, radost moya.”

  Brie shook her head. “Only you could say something insulting and make it adorably sweet.”

  Durov grinned and held up his glass to her.

  “Can I make the toast?” Brie asked.

  “But of course.”

  “Here’s to the unexpected.” She raised her glass to them both.

  Thane smiled as he held up his glass and downed his second drink.

  While Brie was filling up their glasses, the doorbell rang and she called out in a singsongy voice, “I’ll get it.”

  “Do you see it, comrade?” Durov commented in a voice loud enough for her to hear. “The way she gracefully sways like a penguin.”

  Brie turned her head and shot him a look.

  “You’re skating on thin ice, my friend,” Thane warned, chuckling to himself. He relaxed, sitting back in his chair, enjoying the warmth of the drink as it flowed through his veins. It had been a while since he’d had any alcohol, and he seemed to be unusually sensitive to it…

  High-pitched squeals filled the front foyer.

  Durov perked up on the couch and asked in a concerned voice, “Is that who I think it is, moy droog?”

  Little Sparrow whined softly, nudging her head under his hand, responding to his discomfort.

  “I have a joke about pizza…” echoed from the foyer in answer. “Oh, wait, it’s too cheesy.”

  “Yes, my friend, I believe it is.”

  Brie burst out laughing as she ushered Lea into the room. “Oh, my goodness, Lea. That was great!”

  Durov looked pensive as the two girls walked toward him.

  Thane wondered if Brie’s idea of a little pick-me-up for Durov was about to explode in her face.

  Brie sat Lea beside her and handed her friend the other shot glass.

  “See, girlfriend, I saved the last shot for you.”

  Lea picked it up and beamed a charming smile at Durov. “I’ve got a joke for you, Rytsar Durov.”

  “Ms. Taylor, there is no need,” he assured her.

  “Ah, but there is. I saved it especially for you.”

  “Don’t do it,” he warned.

  “I’m going to anyway.”


  “I must,” she said, grinning.

  The girl reminded Thane of an insect who had to fly into the light no matter the consequences.

  “Do it like a band-aid, Rytsar,” Brie advised. “Let her tell you the punch line, and then down a shot of vodka afterward.”

  Durov glanced over at Thane and grumbled. “I’m only consenting because there is vodka involved.”

  “Hold up your glasses, everyone,” Lea cried out eagerly, giggling before she even began. “If you’re European on the toilet, what are you on the way to the bathroom?”

  Durov shook his head. When she turned to Thane, he only gave a slight shrug.

  “Brie?” Lea asked.

  Not even waiting for her to answer, Lea blurted, “You’re a Russian!” and howled with laughter.

  Durov immediately swallowed his shot, with Thane finishing right after.

  Lea beamed at them, still holding her glass up, waiting for a reaction.

  Durov was silent as he leaned forward, grabbing the bottle and pouring both Thane and himself another shot. They chugged together, setting the glasses on the table in silence afterward.

  “Come on…it was funny,” Lea insisted. She turned to Brie for confirmation, but Brie had her eyes locked on Durov.

  Lea’s gaze darted over to Thane, and she gave him a questioning look, clearly wondering if she had said something wrong.

  “Ms. Taylor,” Durov stated, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence.

  “Yes?” she asked, when he said nothing more.

  He took a long breath, letting it out slowly, a single chuckle escaping his stern lips.

  Lea cracked a hopeful smile.

  “Eur-o-pean,” he repeated slowly in his thick Russian accent, emphasizing the pean, when he said it.

  Brie’s cheeks turned bright red before she burst out in a fit of giggles.

  Lea joined her, and their infectious merriment caused Rytsar to laugh out loud. He immediately groaned in pain as he grabbed his chest.

  Durov’s discomfort set Thane off, and he let out a low roll of laughter. He blamed it on the vodka, but did not protest when Durov poured him another.

  For the first time Little Sparrow wagged her tail, hopping excitedly as she let out small yips at her Master. Durov held out his hand and she rushed to it, wiggling in delight when he began stroking her head.

  The doorbell rang and Brie immediately piped up, “I’ll get it!” as she headed toward the door.

  Thane wasn’t sure what Brie was up to, but it seemed she was weaving some kind of magic spell based on the relaxed expression Durov now wore.

  Two new guests entered the room. When Rytsar saw the couple, he bellowed, “Nosaka!”

  The Asian Dom gave him a slight bow, then bowed to Thane.

  “What are you doing here?” Durov asked good-naturedly.

  Nosaka glanced at Brie. “Mrs. Davis indicated we were invited.”

  “And you are, Tono,” Brie assured him as she waddled over to the couple. “It’s my surprise for Rytsar.”

  “Moy droog, did you know anything about this?”

  Thane shook his head.

  “Would you like us to leave?” Autumn asked, blushing in embarrassment.

  “Nyet!” Durov cried out warmly, “More vodka for everyone.” He then pointed at Brie and added, “Except for you, radost moya.”

  She pouted with her bo
ttom lip.

  Thane started to stand up, wanting to greet the two, but Nosaka shook his head. “No need to stand for family.”

  Thane inclined his head to them both and settled back in his chair.

  The doorbell rang again as Maxim walked into the room with another bottle of vodka and two more shot glasses for Nosaka and Autumn.

  Thane was pleased to see Baron, Captain and Candy join the impromptu gathering. He watched in amusement as Maxim did an about-face and headed back into the kitchen for more shot glasses.

  As more people came, the vodka began to flow freely, but it didn’t start getting interesting until Wallace showed up with Kylie in tow. Wallace entered the room, sporting a black business suit with an eyepatch to match. Rather than being self-conscious about the missing eye, Wallace was embracing it, making it a part of his persona. Because many knew the circumstances behind his injury, it set him apart as an honored member of the BDSM community.

  However, the conversation surrounding his missing eye took an unexpected turn when Wallace mentioned he was about to visit his parents in Colorado. “They don’t know anything about this,” he said, pointing to his face. “And I’m not planning on telling them what really happened. My poor mother would totally pass out, after having already survived my kidney transplant last year.”

  “So, what are you going to tell them?” Baron asked.

  Wallace downed a shot, grinning as he set it down. “I was toying with, ‘Hey, Mom, you know how you always said not to run with scissors?’”

  Several people chuckled.

  “I’m open to suggestions, though,” he said, glancing around the room. “Seriously.” When no one spoke, he asked, “Anyone…anyone…?”

  Lea raised her hand.

  “Hit me, Lea.”

  “Mom, I tried my hand at juggling with knives, and we can all see how that turned out.”

  Someone gasped, possibly thinking it hit too close to home, but Wallace laughed. “There we go! That’s what I’m talking about…”

  Rytsar took the bait. “Mother, I was curious about the suction level of a breast pump and got too close.”

  Wallace laughed even harder, pouring them both a shot and toasting the Russian’s contribution.

  That’s when the vodka really began to flow as people suggested outlandish excuses to explain Wallace’s missing eye—from a fistfight in an all-male biker bar to a paintball accident, and even an erection machine gone horribly wrong.

  The entire room was rolling with laughter by the time Wallace finally called it quits. “I stuck a fork in it and we’re done!” he announced.

  The entire room exploded in inebriated laughter.

  Brie was laughing with the rest of them, exclaiming, “That was so, so wrong.”

  While the room was still erupting in bursts of laughter, a new visitor called out over the din. “What’s a girl gotta do to get attention around here?”

  The room suddenly fell silent.

  Thane turned to the familiar voice, grateful Brie had thought to invite her.

  Only a handful of people knew the great risk Mary had taken for Brie, so she was greeted with glares from those who were resentful over her harsh breakup with Wallace—a man who now held the respect of everyone in attendance.

  There was a moment of uneasiness before Brie broke the silence. “Mary Quite Contrary, you finally came!” She made her way to Mary, throwing her arms around her friend.

  “Oh, Lord, woman, you are huge. What do you have in there? Twins?” Mary asked, gawking at Brie’s stomach.

  Lea growled under her breath, “Blonde Nemesis…”

  Several people in the room shifted uncomfortably.

  Rytsar instantly changed the dynamic in the room by stating enthusiastically, “I wish, because it would make me a double dyadya.”

  A few chuckles followed his comment.

  Thane stood up and beckoned Mary to him. “Miss Wilson, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  Mary oozed across the floor with sexual grace.

  Thane understood that she relied on her feminine appeal whenever she found herself in uncomfortable situations—and he did not want her to feel uneasy now. Not in a room of her peers and friends.

  He took her hand in his and clasped it firmly. Thane wanted the entire room to know about his high regard for her.

  The conversations in the room suddenly started up again as if a spell had been broken.

  “I am glad you came,” he told her, squeezing her hand before he let her go.

  “Of course, Sir Davis. When Brie told me there was going to be free booze, there was no way I was staying away.”

  “You should speak to Mr. Wallace,” he told her in a low voice. “I think it will ease the tension in the room.”

  Although everyone had reacted to Mary’s entrance, Thane had taken note of how tense Kylie seemed now. While it was absolutely necessary for Wallace to keep Mary’s secret from her, it put the two of them in an awkward dynamic that he hoped a simple public interaction might remedy.

  While Mary was speaking to them both, Baron took the opportunity to talk to Thane with Captain by his side. “Do you remember the meeting we set up before your trip to Dubai?”

  “I certainly do.”

  “Would you like to know what the two of us have been doing ever since?”

  “Naturally.” Thane gestured to Brie to join him, suspecting it had something to do with their wedding gift.

  Baron smiled as Brie approached. “Please join us, kitten. What I have to share is for both your ears.”

  His mysterious smile was infectious. “The house I bought in Adrianna’s and my old neighborhood held a surprise I wasn’t expecting.”

  “What?” Brie asked excitedly.

  “It turns out that my home used to be a secret dungeon. Even the realtor was unaware at the time of the sale. I became curious when the basement seemed off from the rest of the house. Studying the original floor plans, I realized they did not match up. With a little investigation and a sledge hammer, I uncovered an entire dungeon, complete with an antique St. Andrew’s Cross, whipping poles, and an entire wall covered in a mosaic of erotic scenes of Rome.”

  Thane shook his head. “Amazing that no one knew about it.”

  “I agree,” Baron replied. “I find the history of this secret BDSM community fascinating, and wanted to put the house to good use. That’s when I contacted Captain.”

  Captain nodded at Thane. “Both Baron and I have an interest in helping people in the community who have been abused by those in authority. We never refer to our clients as victims because our goal is to help them reassert their power.”

  “What a worthy endeavor,” Brie complimented. “I can’t think of two people better suited for it.”

  “Actually…” Baron began, looking at both Brie and Thane. “We were hoping you both would consider joining us.”

  Thane cocked his head. “In what capacity?”

  “As instructors. We not only want to help these submissives heal, but to experience firsthand what healthy D/s relationships look like before, during, and after a scene.”

  Thane had to admit he was interested in the prospect of teaching again, but was unsure why they were asking him when both men were qualified for such a position.

  “Can’t you do that with Candy?” Thane asked Captain.

  “Since Candy will be working alongside both Baron and I, we feel it is important to keep our roles as strictly advocates for our submissives, rather than act as their instructors.”

  Thane noticed Brie staring at him intently.

  “What is it, Brie?”

  “I have longed for an opportunity like this for you, Sir. Ever since you gave up your position as Headmaster of the Center, in fact. You were always meant to teach.”

  He put his arm around her. “I do not need it to be satisfied with my life.”

  “I’m not just thinking of you, but of the students who would benefit from your instruction.”

By then, Candy had joined them and told Brie, “You would be an important part of it, too, sharing your perspective and experiences as a submissive during the sessions.”

  Brie smiled. “It reminds me of the lessons Tono and I taught together.”

  “Similar, yes,” Thane agreed. “And you said you enjoyed the experience.”

  “Very much, Sir.” Brie took his hand and looked up at him. “What an honor it would be to work beside you while helping submissives reclaim their power.”

  “A worthy endeavor, indeed.”

  “Is that a yes?” Baron asked with a grin.

  Durov roared from the couch, “Did I just hear someone offer my comrade a teaching position?”

  Everyone turned to Thane, clearly excited.

  Thane smiled at the group, answering smoothly, “Discussing possibilities, nothing more.”

  “Let’s toast to your future, moy droog,” Durov insisted.

  Another round of vodka was consumed.

  Finishing his shot, Thane told Baron, “Ask me again after the baby is born and we have adjusted to family life.”

  “Of course,” Baron agreed, winking at Brie.

  Captain took Thane’s hand and shook it firmly. “I look forward to discussing this more in depth with you at a later date.”

  “As do I, Captain.”

  Thane looked around the room, impressed with the people Brie had managed to gather on such short notice. Mr. Gallant and his wife caught his eye, and he walked over to them.

  “Mrs. Gallant, it is always a pleasure when we meet.”

  The stunning Amazonian woman bowed her head respectfully. “I feel the same, Sir Davis.”

  Thane turned to Gallant. “Have you heard the proposal Baron and Captain are suggesting?”

  “Yes. Captain and I are good friends and often confide in each other.”

  “I respect your opinion, Gallant. Any thoughts?”

  “You and Mrs. Davis would work well in such an environment.”

  “Even with a child?”

  Mr. Gallant smiled. “If it is worth doing, you will find a way. Ena and I have found that to be the case.”

  “Yes, it’s true,” Thane agreed. “You two are proof that a BDSM couple can make it work with a family.”

  Mr. Gallant gazed at him intently. “I have always respected you, Sir Davis. And you know that I admire Brie. This opportunity seems like a good fit for your talents and heart.”


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