Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set Page 6

by Rosette Bolter

  “It’s still in the dragon, I suppose.”

  “But you are the dragon.”

  Zane shook his head. “The dragon and I have a spiritual bond, but I am not the dragon in the purest sense.”

  “I don’t follow you.”

  “Well, he’s an extension of me. And I’m an extension of him. Sorry, that sounds more confusing! Just… think of it like this.”


  “There’s two types of worlds we reside in. The physical world, where we both are now –”


  “And the astral world. The other world. The place where your spirit flies to after your body dies.”

  “So where’s the dragon?”

  “Well, he’s in the astral world now. When I shift, it’s like I’m summoning him. I’m bringing my astral form into the physical realm.”

  “But are you a human then? Or are you really a dragon?”

  Zane lowered his eyes. “I’m a dragon. There are other animals in the other world who take human forms here. But pure humans can’t shift.”

  “Which is what I am.”

  “Which is what most people are.”

  Stacey grinned. She clapped her hands together. “So where’s my breakfast?”

  “What do would you like to eat?”

  “What do you eat?”

  Zane began towards the forest edge that surrounded the clearing. “Follow me.”


  Whilst the sun’s heat was warm even this early in the morning, the wind that bristled through the forest’s trees was cool and welcomed. Stacey followed Zane’s eyes towards the tops of the trees where she saw red squirrels moving along at rapid pace. Birds flew beside them, sharing the habitat.

  Zane put his hand on the trunk of one such tree, as if he was about to climb it.

  “You’re not going to hurt those animals,” Stacey suddenly barked in alarm.

  Zane shot her a fiery glance. “No. I’m not.”

  He resumed his climb.

  “Okay,” Stacey murmured. “Sorry.”

  Zane’s finger’s stuck to the tree branch almost too easily, a bit like Spiderman. He climbed to the lowest branch and from there jump up two more. Soon he was so high Stacey could see little more than his figure.

  She stepped back, trying to figure out where he was.

  “Where are you?” she murmured.

  There was a thud directly behind her. “Right here.”

  She turned around to face Zane who was holding up a glowing blue fruit in front of her. It was as big as a melon.

  “What is that?” Stacey asked.

  “It’s a special kind of blueberry. Here, it’s yours.”

  She took it from him and held it in her hands. The berry was cold.

  In his other hand, Zane also had a berry for himself. He bit into it and ate.

  “Uh… This is not normal,” Stacey said uneasily.

  “Try it. It’s good.”

  “How did you know you would find one of these up there?”

  Zane shook his head. “You think too much.”

  He walked past her back out of the forest and towards the clearing.

  Stacey looked down at her fruit. She took a small bite.

  Instantaneously, the rich flavors poured into her mouth. The sensations traveled all the way down her throat and through her arms and legs.


  While tempted to take her second bite, she was anxious to return to Zane’s side. She followed him out to the edge of the lake where he was now sitting.

  She sat beside him.

  “What did you think?”

  “I loved it,” Stacey replied. “It tastes like a blueberry, but the taste is … magnified.”

  “That’s my powers for you. Maaa-giiic.”

  Stacey giggled.

  She took another bite and was engulfed in the rush again.

  “Seriously though,” Zane said, “I know you like to kid around with me. We get on really well. You still have to remember that I’m your Master and you’re my Blossom.”

  “I know,” Stacey said between mouthfuls.

  “We’re going north from here soon. To a rather dangerous place.”


  “It’s an exile for shifters. A safe haven for the outcasts. They have a small town where they congregate on the other side of the hills.”

  “Why is it dangerous?”

  “No doubt word of my betrayal will have been spread by now. There will be a bounty on my head. Any one of them could take that offer up.” Zane turned to Stacey. “And for a girl as gorgeous as you are, shifters will always be dangerous.”

  “I don’t know,” Stacey murmured. “It sounds like a good kind of dangerous.”

  “Don’t even joke,” Zane said softly. “I know you’re solid with me, but if you so much as look at one of these shifters in the wrong way, my honor will demand I punish you.”

  Stacey put her fruit down. She breathed in deeply.

  Then she looked up. “You’ll look after me though, won’t you?”

  Zane licked his lips. “Oh yes. With me there’s nothing to fear.”

  “But you’re joking,” Stacey said.

  “I’ve been good to you so far, haven’t I?”

  Stacey nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  Zane smiled. “Then don’t break that spell.”


  Breakfast was over. Zane took what was left of their fruit and cast it far out into the lake. Stacey watched as it splashed and then there was an undercurrent of vibration through the water. She stood up next to him, still not sure what to make of it.

  “What did that do?”

  “It absorbed the enchantment.”


  “Couldn’t exactly leave that type of food around for people to find.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we dragons aren’t supposed to venture beyond our designated areas,” Zane said. “Besides it wouldn’t be good for us to leave a trail behind, would it?”

  “I suppose not.”

  Zane smirked and then moved up to the centre of the clearing. Stacey followed as he shifted into his dragon form, bowing his giant head before her.

  She put her hands out, and stepped back, confused. “Do you want me to climb on then?”

  Zane lowered his head further.

  “Okay,” Stacey murmured. “Just seems a little awkward.”

  Awkward as in, putting her feet all over Zane’s face.

  Trying not to squish his scaly nostrils, Stacey managed to climb back on Zane and soon they were off in the sky once more.

  Their journey this time was a longer one – almost an hour. They flew beyond the lake and the forests and over a large mountain ravine. Roads approached on the horizon, and beyond them, Stacey could see the outline of the town Zane had talked about earlier. Before they reached it, Zane landed upon a dirt plain that was just out of sight from the road. Once Stacey was safe on the ground and he had shifted, he looked around to make sure no one had seen them.

  “You can never be too careful,” Stacey chuckled to herself.

  “It wouldn’t be so funny if we actually were spotted,” Zane scolded.

  “Okay, I’m just saying,” Stacey rolled her eyes. “Lighten up, you know.”

  “Don’t give me sass,” Zane snorted.

  “Ooh, what’s the matter,” Stacey said, putting her arms around him. “Are you Mr. Grumpy now?”

  Zane sighed deeply. Stacey kissed his cheek.

  “Come on,” Zane said. “Let’s get a move on.”

  “Yes, Master,” Stacey said quickly and jumped away from him.

  She skipped a few paces in the direction of the road. Then turned around.

  Zane hadn’t moved.

  “What are you doing?” Stacey asked.

  “You’re mocking me,” Zane replied. “You think this is funny.”

  “No, no, no,” Stacey said, breathlessly walking over.
She flashed a beaming smile.

  Zane smiled back. “I’ve been too soft on you, haven’t I?”

  “What? Too soft? No, I don’t think –”

  “Okay.” Zane unbuttoned his trousers. “On your knees.”

  Stacey’s jaw dropped. “What? Like, here?”

  “ON YOUR KNEES,” Zane boomed and then pushed her down by the shoulders.

  Stacey’s knees hit the ground, and she looked up just as Zane’s protruding cock was being forced at her. Just as it entered her surprised mouth, she grabbed it with her right hand and pushed herself back. Zane charged forward, but Stacey managed to steady his cock from her lips with the other hand. She stroked it, back and forth, and it seemed as large and ravenous as ever. He put his hands to her head, but before he could force her, she looked up at him and smiled. Then she willfully opened her mouth and let him enter. His fingers at her head settled in their pressure, and she felt a surge of relief pass from his penis glands up and beyond.

  In all perfect honesty, Stacey knew in herself that she wasn’t exactly the best girl at giving head. Blowjobs she’d given in the past were more out of necessity and caring rather than pleasure for herself. But with Zane it was different. There was no pretending that this sexual act was love between two people. As great as their feeling might have been for one another, Stacey was Zane’s Blossom and he was her Master. Perhaps she had known it herself that by being free with her tongue she was testing her boundaries to see exactly what would set her dragon man off, and now apparently she had found it. Fortunately for her, the cost of this was something she was more than happy to repay.

  His cock was warm, hot almost – especially the tip of it. But with it came a glowing sensation, much like the fruit she’d been given to eat. Was it so far reaching to say that Zane’s cock was enchanted? Or was this simply the consequence of dragon’s blood?

  Stacey wasn’t sure that she cared. She just liked sucking on it. Playing with it in her mouth. Watching Zane in his trance like state, she knew that she was giving him immense pleasure, and for her that was pleasure enough. The very thought that he could be swayed by some other girl, that she would have this privilege to be with him, was too frightening a thought. Stacey would never let that happen. So she sucked that cock of his and did her best to make sure he enjoyed it.

  Towards the end, the cock was getting even hotter. She felt parts of it burning into the back of her throat, but even though it was painful, she wouldn’t let on until it became unbearable. Soon enough though, Zane’s load shot into her, and she swallowed ever last drop as he held her temples firm in place. Once finished, he withdrew and immediately dropped to the ground. Stacey’s eyes widened as Zane’s whole body shuddered and flipped over on itself, and she saw that he was starting to shift against his will.

  “Grrrr…” Zane exclaimed, fighting it.

  Stacey stood up and moved around him, trying to see if there was anything she could do to help.

  Thankfully this process soon relinquished, and Zane was left crouching in human form, still and at ease.

  Stacey walked over to approach him.

  “At least it didn’t happen before you came,” she whispered. “You’re getting better at your control.”

  “No,” Zane said softly. “For a moment there I just didn’t like you that much.”

  He then stood up and put his arm around her.

  “Don’t worry, Blossom,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll get the control soon.”

  “I don’t mind,” Stacey replied. “I’d rather that you loved me.”

  “I do love you,” Zane said. Then he kissed the top of her head.


  The road was empty. On the other side of it there were clusters of trees, and the shadows of mountains on horizons all around. Up in the sky, there was barely a cloud to see. The sun was hot, but Zane was hotter.

  After five minutes of walking, Stacey could feel her cheeks going red. She was now thirsty. She hoped that the town wouldn’t be too much further, but was afraid to ask Zane in fear of upsetting him again.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” he said once enough silence had passed.

  “Isn’t that how you want me to be?”

  Zane cleared his throat. “It’s best you don’t say much around others in the town. But you can always confide in me, while we’re alone.”

  “How much longer till we’re there?”

  “Ten, twelve minutes.”


  “Why, are you tired?”

  Stacey shrugged. “A little I guess.”

  “Do you want to rest?”

  “No, really. I’m okay.”


  After a minute or so there was still no sign of the town and Stacey was bored. “So who are we meeting there?”

  “Someone I know.”

  “Are they going to talk to me?”

  “I’d imagine so.”

  “Is there anything I need to know?”

  “Not really. Just behave normally. I’ll do all the talking.”

  “Okay,” Stacey nodded.

  A pause. “You’re worried about something,” Zane murmured.

  “What? No.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “I’m not.”

  “What is it?”

  Stacey stopped. She felt exasperated. “I’m just thinking that … I made you mad or something. And that wasn’t something I wanted to do.”

  “Don’t worry,” Zane said calmly. “You made it right.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He pulled her close to him and then they continued forward.

  Cars were now on the horizon. Stacey could see that they were veering off to a road on the left, presumably towards the town. She reached down and interlocked her fingers with Zane, to feel secure. He squeezed back. It was good to know he was there but Stacey now realized she was feeling less worried that she’d upset Zane before, and more worried about what laid around the corner for them.

  The thought of being caught by the police again and thrown in jail, wasn’t a thought she wished to entertain…

  The town approached up ahead. In front of them they took the left road and were careful to stay well to the side. The forests soon cleared and the road spread out in different directions. Rural streets with houses stretched along the town’s perimeter, while shops and businesses had gathered in the centre, and remained a part of the road they were on. Stacey couldn’t help but feel lost and out of her depth, even though Zane was leading the way.

  “Where are we going?” she asked him as they passed the town’s entrance sign. “Who have we come to see here?”

  Zane surprised her by giving a straight answer.

  “My brother,” he said.


  Conrad Hunter, master swordsman and ex commander of the royal guard, could be found that morning at the front of his estate, training a small group of mercenaries in the art of sword play. It was no secret that many shifters couldn’t be killed with ordinary human weapons such as knives or guns, but with the right sword and enough skill behind it, man could become a dangerous foe.

  Conrad knew not of his brother’s betrayal of the King, but sensed something was in the air that day. There was great change coming he was sure, and since his retirement and seclusion some years ago, change was not something he appreciated.

  Even as the contest of swords carried out in front of him, two students clashing against one another, Conrad’s eyes had drifted out towards the front gates, anticipating the arrival. He bowed his head a moment, pondering who or what it was, or if perhaps he was just a little out of his mind that day.

  “Stop,” he said to the men in combat. “Just stop for now.”

  One of them angrily thrust his sword in the earth, whilst the other backed away.

  “I apologize,” Conrad said. “But that’s enough for today. Something… Something’s going on. You best be out of here. Please.”

/>   The men looked at each other, confused, but did not offer any sign of resistance. Conrad turned to one of his servant hands and signaled for the training area to be cleaned up. Then he proceeded on foot towards the house.

  No sooner had he opened the door was he greeted by his butler who was in some distress.

  “Yes?” Conrad murmured. “What is it?”

  “King Horatio has died last night,” the butler exclaimed.

  “Horatio? How?”

  “According to the press – he was murdered. By your brother.”

  Conrad’s head tilted slightly. “So. That’s it then.”

  “There’s been a number of calls. I wrote everything down for you in the study.”

  “All right. Thank you.”

  “Call if you need anything, Sir.”

  “I know.”

  The study was located on the second floor of the house – towards the right end of the hall where there weren’t any windows and often grew dark. Conrad went up the stairs slowly, pondering whether such events were likely to be true. Zane had always proven himself to be a most loyal and uncompromising servant to the King – much more so than Conrad had ever been. The King Horatio was unpopular for his arrogance and immature tempers, but still, it seemed unlikely that would have been enough to push Zane over the line. If this was true, then he must have had a very good reason…

  Conrad turned the door to the study and let it swing slowly open. Sitting in a chair against the left wall was a man in dark robes he immediately recognized. But was not happy to see.

  “So you’ve been informed, I trust,” the Human Mage declared.

  Conrad surveyed the rest of the room, and then closed the door behind him.

  “How long have you been in here?” Conrad demanded.

  “Not long.”

  Conrad moved through the room to take his place behind the desk. The Mage wasn’t looking at him. Just staring straight ahead.

  “What can I do for you?” Conrad asked.

  “There isn’t too many places I know of where your brother might go,” the Mage stated. “I can see he’s not here yet, so he must have stayed somewhere else last night.”


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