Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Page 6

by Lexi Archer


  “I also think I’m going to go try this on. Coming?”

  Trevor went to follow her back to a changing area in the back, but before he could move more than a couple of steps Kirsten’s hand shot out and stopped him in his tracks.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked.

  “Well you said you were going to try that on? I figured you’d want to show it off when you got it on,” Trevor said.

  “No way. This only goes to someone who believes in me,” Kirsten said.

  “What are you…”

  “Devin said he thought this would look good on me, so Devin gets to see it on me up close. You can just hang around back here and watch from a distance. How’s that sound?”

  “I… um… what?”

  He might’ve sounded confused, but he had a huge grin on his face. And why not? After all, he was the one who told me all about how hot he got thinking of his girl with another guy. The way I figured it, this was just another thing for him to get turned on over. So I grinned and followed her back to a small changing area in a secluded corner of the store.

  I wondered who had the idea to put the changing area back here. Was it because they put it back here as an afterthought, or was it back here to give people privacy? I know it might’ve been wishful thinking, but I found myself hoping that Kirsten might decide this was a good opportunity for some more fun.

  She stepped into the changing room and turned to wink at me and blow me a kiss. Now that was promising. I grinned right back at her and she closed the door, but not before she reached down and started pulling up on her shirt giving me a nice view of her tanned and flat stomach.

  Then the view was cut short. Sure I’d seen her stomach plenty of times before when we were out and about. Particularly when she was parading around in a bikini. There was something about seeing her stomach this time around that felt different, though. Something that seemed more sexually charged than it ever had been before.

  I mean sure, I got a sexual charge out of staring at her. What guy wouldn’t look at her and think about how much fun it would be to fuck the living daylights out of her? Still, it felt different this time.

  I looked over to Trevor. He gave me a thumbs up. Well it was nice to know that he wasn’t upset about this or anything. Sure there was that whole conspiratorial conversation we had on the bus, but having that conversation when Kirsten wasn’t around and actually staring at the reality were two very different things.

  It was good to know he wasn’t going to try to beat me up or anything like that.

  I didn’t have long to think about that though. There was a click and the door pulled open. Immediately all the sound of people shopping, the theme park music playing in the background, even the thought that Trevor was right there watching this whole thing play out, flew out of my mind as I saw Kirsten in that shirt.

  She wore it pretty damn well. I was right about the plunging neckline. It went down almost to her belly button and I could see the curve of her tits from the side.

  That was nice, but it wasn’t what really got my attention. No, I was transfixed by the fact that Kirsten obviously wasn’t wearing a bra under that shirt. How could I tell? Well that was simple enough. The shirt was even more transparent when it was stretched over her tight body. Forget light streaming through this thing. I could see every inch of her body with just bits of the material covering her here and there.

  My jaw fell open. I couldn’t believe she’d pull something like this. I mean given everything else that went down today I suppose I could see where she would pull something like this, but I still had a hard time believing I was actually staring at her perfect body with so little between me and her.

  Talk about fucking hot!

  “Holy shit,” I heard from off to the side.

  I looked over and saw Trevor staring with his own jaw hanging wide open. It was obvious that whatever he was expecting, this wasn’t it. He stared and in response Kirsten’s nipples seemed to stand out. Almost as though she was getting off as much on Trevor staring at her as she was at showing off for me.

  I wanted to go in there and join her, but then someone came into the back area and Kirsten disappeared back into the changing room. I was disappointed when a worker appeared around a display, but it didn’t seem like the guy had any suspicions about what was going on back here.

  Not that there was anything too bad going on back here. Just a little bit of flirting and Kirsten showing off her tits in a see-through shirt. She came out again a moment later with the shirt thrown over her shoulder. She walked up to me and patted my cheek.

  “Enjoy the show?” she asked.

  “Fuck yeah,” I said.

  “He’s not the only one,” Trevor said, snapping the shirt off of her shoulder. “I think this shirt more than paid for itself.”

  “You’re fucking right it did,” I said.

  Trevor moved to the front of the store, but a hand caught my arm before I could follow him. Not that I minded. I turned to look at Kirsten and raised an eyebrow.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Did you enjoy the show?” she asked.

  “You’d have to be dead or gay not to enjoy that show Kirsten,” I said.

  She took a step forward. Moved a finger out to my chest and ran it down. Down. Down. I went cross-eyed and swallowed as her hand cupped at my cock. Holy fuck did that feel good! Not as good as having her grinding against me, mind you, but it still felt pretty damn good! Then she started moving her hand up and down, basically palming my cock.

  I looked around to make sure no one was within sight. There was just that one guy wandering around the store, a tourist family near the front that was too preoccupied with a screaming toddler throwing a tantrum to have any idea what was going on back here, and of course there was Trevor making his way off to the front.

  Though from the way he turned and stared at us it seemed that he, at least, had some idea of what we were doing back here. Good thing we cleared all this up earlier.

  “So do you want to tell me what the two of you were talking about on the bus?”

  I looked at her. Locked eyes with her. God she had beautiful eyes, and I was already in one hell of a vulnerable state given everything I’d been through. Dealing with her standing there hitting me with every bit of her sexiness and trying to extract information should’ve been way beyond what I had the rational capacity to deal with, but somehow I managed to keep it under control.

  We were playing games here. That much was obvious. Giving up too much information might lead to her getting the upper hand in that game, and I had the strong feeling that as long as I was the one keeping things close to the chest that would keep her interested. I also had a very strong feeling that keeping her interested would also lead to some very interesting things for me before the end of the day.

  “I would’ve thought your husband would have told you all about that?” I asked.

  Her lips thinned and she shook her head, but she didn’t take her hand away from my cock which I figured was one hell of a good fucking sign. Instead she moved her thumb up and traced it around the head of my cock. Motherfucker. I was leaking precum like a fucking fire hydrant with all the attention she was paying me here, and I was going to have a stain I’d have to cover up for a little while until it dried.

  Damn it.

  “You’re good,” she said. “But I’m going to find out what you two were talking about.”

  I decided to get a little bold. Fortune favors the brave and all that good stuff. Besides, all this teasing was starting to get to me. She might’ve had a chance to get off on the bus, but I was still walking around with one hell of a case of blue balls.

  Maybe that had something to do with the combination of irritated and horny that made me open my big mouth.

  “Y’know did you ever think of maybe dropping the bullshit and just going for what you want?”

  Kirsten blinked. Okay then. She was a little thrown off by tha
t. That’s good. It had been awhile since I played the dating game, I’d thought Teresa was going to take me out of that game permanently, but I figured the game was like riding a bike.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  I moved in closer. So close that my body was almost pressing against hers. So close that I felt the distracting hardness of her nipples brushing against my body. So close that I could feel her breath against my neck as she looked up at me, incidentally showing me a nice amount of her cleavage in the process.

  Now there was a sight I could get used to!

  “You’ve been teasing me all day long. Why don’t you drop the games and go for what you want?” I asked, barely above a whisper. We were the only two who’d hear what I was saying.

  “What makes you think you’re what I want?”

  I got even more bold. I wrapped my arm around her and pressed a hand against the small of her back. That had the added benefit of pulling her against me, body and all, and I was treated to feeling her body rubbing against mine for the second time that day. If anything it was even better than earlier on the bus when she was grinding her ass against my cock, and I hadn’t thought anything would top that experience.

  It was a pity Trevor wasn’t here to see this. I glanced to the front of the store, but he was up there paying for that distracting top. A damn shame. If he really got off on Kirsten being naughty then this would’ve been one hell of a sight.

  “I don’t think I’m what you want. I know it,” I said.

  And with that I dropped the mic. I let go and Kirsten went stumbling back a couple of steps, a look of pure surprise stuck on her face. I didn’t wait around to see how long that would last, though. No, I’d planted the seeds and I was going to have to sit back and see if they grew.

  Kirsten and Trevor weren’t the only two who could play games. I smiled as I headed out the door and waited for them to join me.

  8: Dark Ride

  I stepped out into the sunlight and took in a deep breath. I needed that after everything that went down in that shop. I was never going to be able to look at the main drag of the amusement park the same again.

  Yeah, I needed to stop and take stock of what was going on here. Up until about five minutes ago I felt like the temptress. I felt like the seductress. I felt like I was having a little bit of sort-of-innocent fun to take Devin’s mind off of his recently ended relationship.

  Only that moment in the store. That had almost been too much. That made me want to pull him into the changing room with me so we could see how far we could get before the moaning drew security and we ended up kicked out of the park for good. The way he’d acted in there gave me the sort of feelings that had my body screaming there were some things that were worth a permanent ban.

  “So where do you want to go next?” Trevor asked as he stepped out of the store, a bag in hand where he had my skimpy shirt that I’d used in my seductive tease.

  “How about a roller coaster?” Devin asked. “I know how much the two of you like wild rides.”

  “Actually I was thinking we should go to the FairyLand Forest Boats,” I said.

  I don’t know why I said it exactly. I was more of a roller coaster kind of girl myself. A trip wasn’t worth it if I didn’t enjoy a few thrills and have a little bit of a headache from getting jerked around by a good coaster.

  Only there was something else on my mind now. Something that could only be satisfied by a little bit of privacy. And the most private place I could think of were the FairyLand Forest boats. A completely dark ride that ran boats along a track where animatronic characters who were cutting edge forty years ago sang happy songs at us.

  It was a dark ride. Perfect for privacy. Hardly anyone ever went on the thing anymore and there was plenty of space between boats. The ride was notorious for being the perfect tunnel of love substitute. I was also pretty sure the ride was old enough that they didn’t have the greatest security in there considering the ride’s reputation as a surrogate tunnel of love in a park that didn’t have any rides like that. I was more than willing to risk finding out how good that security was.

  Because Devin was right. I needed this. In the worst way. And I wasn’t willing to wait until we got back to the hotel.

  “The FairyLand Forest boats?” Devin asked. “Are you serious? You usually can’t wait to get on roller coasters!”

  I fixed him with what I hoped was my best deadpan stare. A stare that was meant to communicate a whole hell of a lot. He took a step back. Yeah, he got the point.

  “I think it might be fun if we went on that ride.” I turned to Trevor. “Don’t you agree honey?”

  I reached out and took his hand. Interlaced my fingers with his. Crowds streamed by us, people shouting and laughing and enjoying themselves, but we were in our own little bubble. There was a hell of a lot going down here in unspoken communication.

  Devin wanted me to be more direct? Well I’d show him what it meant when I decided to be more direct!

  “I think that sounds like a fine idea,” Trevor said, picking up on things immediately. He was such a smart boy. One of the things I loved about him.

  After that we were all on the same page. We all turned and made our way to the FairyLand Forest area as quickly as our legs would carry us. I hadn’t been this excited about going to that part of the park since I was a little kid.

  As we walked I took in the sights and sounds around us. It was all the same as it had ever been, and yet it felt different this time around. People pulling along their kids. Some behaving, some not. The smells of ice cream and fried sugary concoctions wafting through the air. The smell of oil and grease from the rides.

  All of that came together to hit me with one hell of a nostalgia bomb.

  Finally we came in sight of the FairyLand Forest boat ride. The exterior was more or less the same as it had been since I was a little kid. Hell, for all I knew it was probably the same as it had been since my parents were kids. The math almost worked out. It looked like they hadn’t updated the thing in at least a few decades.

  Happy little elves stuck out of trees, but they were all faded from years out in the sunlight. The paint was flaking away on the trees making them look like a cross between a real Christmas tree and those aluminum varieties you sometimes saw in old movies.

  In short, the whole thing looked pretty dilapidated. It was a miracle they even kept the thing in service after all these years.

  Not that I cared. No, all I cared about was getting some time alone in a nice quiet dark area away from prying eyes. Away from prying security cameras.

  I took Trevor’s hand in one of my own and then I reached out and took Devin’s in the other. Looked to both of them and grinned.

  “Ready boys?” I asked.

  Both of them nodded.

  I grinned. I couldn’t help myself. Both of them looked so unsure of themselves all of a sudden. Devin because he knew what he’d just prompted me to do. Trevor because I’m sure he had an inkling that we were about to take this a hell of a lot farther than we had up to this point.

  Both of them seemed suddenly hesitant just a little, but also eager. Both of them were full of anticipation.

  And once more I was the one holding all the cards. I was the one in charge. Running the show. It was a good feeling. Especially after both of them had tried their best to take control back from me. Well I’d show them who was running the show!

  We stepped into the ride and I was hit with a refreshing blast of cool air. That was one of the convenient things about these indoor rides. The park air-conditioned all of them. I suppose otherwise the heat would be too damn oppressive. Especially during their peak operating hours in the summer. No, this wasn’t like roller coaster lines where they put people out in the beating hot sunlight.

  And thank God for that!

  Inside didn’t look much better than outside. Some of the animatronics that were meant to entertain guests waiting in line were in a little better shape because they didn’t ha
ve the sun beating down on them like the ones outside, but the place still looked like it hadn’t been updated in the better part of at least three decades. As though the park had dropped everything in here and then forgotten about it.

  I breezed past the familiar old displays. Happy little elves that moved in jerky mechanical motion, not at all lifelike, shouting out happy phrases and singing a sickly sweet song that I used to love as a kid but now it just washed over me like background noise. I’d put away childish things long ago. I was a woman on a mission now.

  Not surprisingly there was absolutely no line at all. In my experience this thing only reached peak occupancy when it was ridiculously hot outside and people were looking to get away from the hot sun. It was late enough in the day that the sun was going down outside. This thing wasn’t nearly as busy as it would be around noon.

  Good. Fewer people in line meant fewer people waiting to go on the ride. Fewer people waiting to go on the ride meant we had more privacy.

  The good luck continued as we approached the loading area and there was absolutely no one waiting there. A kid in the park uniform leaned against the control panel looking bored. He actually had his phone out and was tapping away on it.

  That was something of a relief. The workers usually didn’t tap on their phones in areas where they knew they were under surveillance. Either this guy had a friend in security, or my guess that they didn’t have very tight security on this ride was absolutely correct. I was willing to bet it was the latter.

  The guy looked up and blinked in surprise as he saw us. Apparently they weren’t getting that many people through here.

  He quickly tried to put his phone away and the thing went flying into the air. He did a little dance and the phone almost fell into the river where empty boats waited, but he managed to catch it at the last minute.

  “Can I help you?” he asked.

  I glanced at the boat and then back to him. He shook his head.

  “Oh, right,” he said. “Welcome to the FairyLand Forest boat ride. I’m here to set you on your journey into the magical wonders of imagination.”


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