Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  And that would suck for him. He finally got with my wife, and his first experience might not even get to finish because he was getting performance anxiety!

  Then again I also couldn’t help but feel a little sense of glee at that. I thought back to all the times I found myself under the gun because he thought it would be fucking hilarious to come back to our dorm room a little earlier than he’d said he would. Usually because he knew I was in the middle of having fun with a girl, usually Kirsten, and he wanted to make sure I was embarrassed as hell. Though I’d quickly gotten over the embarrassment after the first couple of times.

  They continued bouncing. Her tits moved up and down hypnotically. I would never get tired of staring at her tits bouncing like that. Especially with another man’s hands roaming all over them. I always loved it when we were fucking, and I particularly loved it now that it was another man causing that hypnotic bounce.

  The boat rounded a bend. The sound from the water started to echo as we got closer to the loading chamber. I thought I could even see people in there, though hopefully it was dark enough in here that nobody would figure out what was going on with us. Still, if they didn’t finish up soon then we were going to have a very awkward situation. There wasn’t a chance they would be able to finish up and get their clothes back on in time if they didn’t seal the deal in the next minute or so.

  “Come on man,” I said. “Fuck her. Fill her with your cock. Blow a load inside my wife!”

  That seemed to send Kirsten over the edge again. She leaned forward, her body shuddering, and started yelling. This time I wasn’t fast enough to clamp my hand over her mouth before she could cause too much of a scene, though. A little screaming got out before my hand covered her lips. If there really were people up there to hear this then given the sound she was making and the way her screams echoed off the chamber they might think the FairyLand Forest ride had and finally added something new. Maybe some sort of hellbeast at the end that was wailing with the souls of the damned and chasing after the happy animatronic elves.

  Devin continued pounding into her. We were getting closer and closer to the end. It was going to be too close. He was going to have to stop. And yet I was still willing him to come in my wife. To fill her with his load. I needed to see this. I needed to have another man’s come inside my wife. I needed it in the worst way.

  Finally with a roar of his own, one I could do nothing about since I was busy covering Kirsten’s mouth and trying to keep her from giving away what was going on, he pulled her down one final time and held her there.

  And there we had it. The moment I’d been waiting for. The moment I’d been fantasizing about for so very long. They were a sexy jumble of shadows. The moaning had finally stopped on Kirsten’s end, but she was still panting. Still leaning down and squeezing her eyes shut. Meanwhile Devin grunted as he pumped his seed deep inside my wife.

  No condom separating them. No nothing. It was just his cock, her pussy, and his come bathing her insides.

  My only regret was that I didn’t have any way of coming myself. I wasn’t about to whip my dick out and start jerking it now, even though I desperately needed to. No, I couldn’t do that and run the risk of a group seeing me. That was a good way to get a one-way trip to the sex offender registry.

  Then again I suppose Kirsten and Devin were running the same risk. As soon as he finished Kirsten hopped off of him. I grimaced, wondering if some of his come was going to leak out of her pussy and onto the boat. That would be an unpleasant surprise for someone, but I didn’t have much time to think about it.

  There was a scrambled frenzied rustling of clothes behind me as they tried to get their clothes on before we reached the loading area. The exit was getting bigger and bigger. I could definitely see people loading onto the boats up ahead of us now. It wasn’t just my imagination. Any moment now we were going to come into the light, and they would see what was happening.

  A couple of FairyLand creatures waved goodbye at us. Staring down with their unblinking doll eyed stares. They seemed almost judgmental. As though they knew what we’d done in their happy domain, even though that was impossible. They were just shitty animatronics from five decades ago, after all.

  Finally the rustling came to an end just as we moved into the light. The operator stood there with his arms crossed tapping his foot as he stared at us with a knowing smirk. Well then. He could suspect all he wanted, but I knew they didn’t have cameras in there and he hadn’t caught us red-handed. They managed to get their clothes in time to prevent that from happening, at least.

  I glanced over to Devin and Kirsten. Both of them were breathing hard. I also noticed that Kirsten’s bra was on slightly lopsided. She’d pulled it down in such a hurry that a cup hadn’t gone over one of her tits, and it was now pressing out against her tank top with one nipple showing under her shirt. Oops.

  I shook my head, but there was nothing to be done for it. I couldn’t very well reach out and adjust her bra without drawing attention, though from the way the guy was staring at her tits he’d already noticed and he was enjoying the fuck out of the view.

  Oh well.

  The loading area was blessedly empty. There was a family disappearing into the tunnel up ahead, but they seemed to be oblivious to anything that had gone on behind them. None of them were turning around and looking at us with judgmental stares, at least. This was the Midwest, after all. If there was even a hint of sexytimes happening in a pure place like the FairyLand Forest boat ride then you can bet your ass those people would be staring at us with as much politely silent judgment as they could muster.

  “Did you all have fun in there?” the guardian of the boats asked with a knowing tone that matched the smirk on his face.

  “Yes we did, thank you,” Kirsten said, her voice tight.

  Oh yeah. She was still having trouble maintaining control. Not that I could blame her after that incredible experience. If I’d just had a fucking like that then I’d have trouble forming a coherent thought too. Devin, for his part, seemed to have completely lost the ability to speak for the moment. Not that I could blame him either.

  Either that or Kirsten was just annoyed by the guy. That was also entirely possible. Either way, she didn’t sound happy to be talking to him.

  “Come on,” the guy said. “We all know what you were doing in there. I promise I won’t tell anyone baby.”

  “What the hell are you going on about?” Kirsten asked.

  “You know,” he said. “How about you and me go for a quick ride while your buddies wait out here? I could forget about a few things if we did that. I figure there’s no need to call security.”

  I blinked. Was this guy fucking serious? Was he really propositioning my wife with the two of us standing here watching him? Did he really think he was going to get away with pulling something like that and still manage to avoid getting the crap kicked out of him?

  That turned out to be an academic question, either way. In a flash Devin was on him. I moved up to the other side.

  “What the fuck did you just say about my wife?” I asked in what I hoped was my lowest and most menacing voice.

  Hey, what can I say? I might be into the idea of watching her with another guy, but I certainly wasn’t into the idea of having her threatened by some asshole who was trying to get into her pants via blackmail. We could go ahead and get kicked out of the park if he was going to try something like that. Sure we were going to get kicked out of the park for beating the crap out of him rather than what we did on that ride, but I figured that was totally worth it.

  The guy held up his hands and smiled at us as though we were all suddenly best friends. Devin took his hands off the guy and dusted him off. The guy let out a little nervous laugh as though this had all been some sort of stupid joke, but he was the only one laughing.

  “Come on guys,” he said. “I was just joking around. We were all just joking around, right?”

  “I suppose so,” Devin said. “Just make sure nobody he
ars about anything that might have happened in there and we won’t have a problem, sound good?”

  “Yeah, fine,” the guy said. Then he muttered something under his breath about freaks or something like that, but I wasn’t really paying attention. We’d gotten the point across. He could sit there and mutter about us all he wanted, but I didn’t give a fuck as long as it was obvious what he just pulled wasn’t anywhere near acceptable.

  We walked back over to Kirsten and the guy retreated back to his control panel. I saw him trying to adjust his shirt where Devin had grabbed him. He was lucky Devin didn’t rip the thing. Hell, I’d been on the verge of punching the weaselly asshole. What kind of guy thinks it’s acceptable to try and pull that kind of shit with a girl? Particularly when she has two muscular guys with her ready to defend her honor? That guy was a fucking idiot!

  “Everything okay here?” Kirsten asked when we got back to her.

  “Just fine baby,” I said.

  I linked my arm with hers and we headed out of the ride. I felt on top of the world. We’d just had that fucking hot experience with Devin, and we had two nights and three days in the park where we could get up to even more fun. Yeah, everything seemed to be coming up great for us. I was on top of the world as we stepped out of the ride and into the warm evening.


  I sighed. Immediately I came crashing down from that brief moment on top of the world. I turned and looked in disbelief right along with Devin and Kirsten.

  None other than Teresa was walking towards us with a worried look on her face. What the fuck was she doing here?

  10: Enter Teresa

  I turned and stared in disbelief. What else could I do? That was the last voice I expected to hear out here this weekend.

  “Teresa? What the fuck are you doing here?”

  She paused for a moment as she came up to us just outside the exit to the FairyLand Forest ride. She looked between the three of us and for a terrified moment I worried that she might have some inkling of what had just happened between me and Kirsten. It still seemed impossible that I’d fucked my best friend’s wife, a woman I’d wanted to get with ever since the first time I saw her, and yet it had happened.

  I felt like the guilt of what I’d just done had to be written plainly on my face. There was no way she could look at me standing there with my best friends and not know what had just happened. It seemed impossible.

  Yet at the same time I felt like an idiot for even feeling that way. After all, Teresa hadn’t felt the least bit guilty when she was stepping out on me. No, she’d cheated on me without a moment’s hesitation. Why was I feeling sorry for that bitch? I should feel triumphant I’d just gotten with another woman. It’s not like we were even in a relationship anymore. I had just given her a bit of payback, even if she didn’t know it.

  Hell, I was tempted to tell her what I’d just done. The only thing that held me back was we’d already just barely avoided being kicked out of the park thanks to that smarmy asshole running the ride. I figured if Teresa and Kirsten got into a fist fight it would definitely be the end of our weekend before it had even started.

  Or maybe not. We did have the hotel, after all. Plenty of fun to be had there, and we wouldn’t even have to worry about sneaking around.

  First I had to worry about Teresa though. More specifically, I had to worry about what the hell she was even doing here in the first place. As far as I was concerned she should be back at her boyfriend’s apartment to sucking his dick, or whatever the fuck it was they did after I kicked her out of our apartment.

  “Devin? Are you even here with me?”

  I shook my head and stared at her. I couldn’t help but feel pissed off. First I find out that she cheated on me, and then she dares to come out and try to interrupt my fun here? Particularly when it looked like I was going to have a weekend of finally getting depraved sex with Kirsten? The sort of fucking I’d been lusting after for a good chunk of my college career and the years after? How dare she?

  It was like she was finding all sorts of new and interesting ways to run my life.

  “How did you even find me?” I asked.

  Teresa blushed and looked away. Now that was interesting. What the hell was she hiding that she had to look away? Sure it’s possible she was just wandering the park looking for us, but it seemed odd that she would come straight to us. It was a big park, after all. People could wander around the place for days and not run into each other in the crowds.

  No, something else was going on here.

  “Teresa? What the hell did you do?”

  “The phone account is still in both our names, and so I figured…”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh my. That is sneaky, you bitch,” Kirsten said.

  Teresa shot her an irritated look. As though she had a pot to piss in. It was suddenly dawning on me exactly what she’d done, and Kirsten was absolutely right.

  “You used the track function on our account, didn’t you?”

  “Told you it was a bitchy move,” Kirsten said.

  Teresa glared daggers at Kirsten. I figured there was probably no love lost between these two women considering how they’d been sparring with each other online most of the day. Even if I was inclined to take her back, which I wasn’t, that would be a rift that wasn’t healing anytime soon.

  Not that I intended to give it any time to heal. The bitch had cheated on me, after all. She could go fuck herself. Or go fuck the guy she thought was so much better than me. Either way, she wasn’t going to be fucking me!

  “Look, could we just maybe go someplace where we can talk? Alone? I’d rather not have an audience while we discuss our future,” Teresa said.

  She glanced at Kirsten with such hatred that it left no doubt in my mind who she meant when she said she’d rather not have an audience. Which was tough shit. I wasn’t having any of this. Considering what we’d just done I was feeling a hell of a lot closer to Kirsten anyways.

  “No way. There’s nothing to talk about. We have no future to discuss,” I said.

  I glanced over my shoulder to Kirsten and Trevor. Both of them looked uncomfortable. Though they couldn’t possibly be as uncomfortable as I felt. Damn. I needed to get rid of her, and I needed to get rid of her fast.

  I leaned in close. Took her by the arm and walked a little ways away from the exit to the FairyLand Forest ride. Leaned in close enough that only she could hear what I was saying.

  “Are you fucking crazy? You cheated on me with another guy, and now you’re out here stalking me, and you expect me to just take you back like that? What are you on?”

  She looked down and then back up. She wasn’t crying or anything. No, she looked more pissed off than anything else. “I just don’t want to leave it where we left things. I hate to think that our last interaction with each other would be a shouting match.”

  I stared at her for a long moment. The set of her jaw. The slight pout on her face. The way she looked angry rather than sad. If she was really upset about the way we left things I figured she would be more upset than angry. And yet here she was with that pissed off look.

  Suddenly I was reminded of something that happened early in our relationship. A story that probably should have warned me about just how crazy she was, but I’d been too enthralled by her. I’d been too captivated by her body. I’d been in that zone that a lot of guys got into from time to time where they’re willing to overlook a little bit of bitchiness or craziness if the girl is hot enough.

  Hey, what can I say? I’m a red-blooded American guy as much as the next dude. I could be hypnotized by a nice rack and a pretty smile.

  I’m getting away from the point, though. The story. The one I was suddenly reminded of.

  We were out shopping for a dress for some formal dance her sorority was putting on. We went out with one of her sorority sisters and the girl’s date. I’d never been into the whole Greek system myself, but again there was a lot I’d put up with for a nice se
t of tits and a low-cut top.

  The girls ended up getting in a little bit of a spat. Teresa looked at some dress then tossed it back to the rack. Only she’d zeroed in on the dress again as soon as she saw her friend looking at it. The other girl obviously wanted it, but that didn’t stop Teresa from doubling down on the crazy.

  Cue the angry waterworks. It was a look I hadn’t seen since. Until today, that is. She acted upset. She acted like it was the end of the world that she wasn’t going to get at that dress. Finally her friend relented and handed it over. Probably as much to get Teresa to shut up as because she actually felt sorry for her.

  Teresa had proceeded to continue shopping. Looking at other dresses, but keeping that one over her arm the entire time. She waited until her friend picked out another dress that looked a lot like the one she had over her arm, and then at the last minute she grabbed a different one and went on her merry way. After her friend had already bought the other nonrefundable dress. I thought it was pretty stupid to buy from a place with no refunds, but it was pretty genius too. Convincing gullible sorority girls that their dresses were made by Jesus himself and were non-refundable was a nice business model.

  The point is she’d never been interested in that dress after she put it down the first time. She was only interested in keeping her friend from getting it. Once she saw her friend going after something that she saw as hers, once she felt personally slighted for whatever fucked up reason by her friend daring to check out her dress, well she wasn’t going to rest until she got her revenge.

  And I figured that was the same thing she was doing here. I’d broken up with her, not the other way around. I’m sure that rankled her. I’m sure she was good and pissed off that she was the one who’d been dumped.


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