Sarah's Playmates

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Sarah's Playmates Page 8

by Virginia Wade

  Oh, my goodness! That look all but singed my nerve endings, stealing my will to argue. For some reason, I could not resist this man, and that didn’t seem to bother me at all.

  “My bedroll is mighty comfy.” His grin brought out the lines around his eyes. “I’ve never had any complaints before.”

  A smile stole across my face. “You take the bed, Millie. I’m fine. I won’t let him touch me.”

  Her stare burned holes in my back. “You’ve lost your senses. He’s a villain of the worst sort, and you’re going to sleep with him?”

  “We’re all in the same room. Nothing’s going to happen.” I muttered, “I’m too tired.”

  Brack brought his hand down on the table, rattling the whisky bottle. “It’s settled then. Let’s make ourselves a little more comfortable, shall we?” His grin was hot sex personified, mixed with a dangerous, raw quality that appealed to me on nearly every level. “I’ll get the bedroll out.”

  I was nearly dizzy with exhaustion, and the whisky had relaxed my inhibitions. “Do you have a pillow?” My voice was breathy soft and barely above a whisper.

  “Honey, that’s what my arm’s for.”

  Millie snorted. “How I’m going to explain this to your mother, I’ll never know.” She lifted the covers on the bed. “If there are bugs in here, I’ll scream.”

  “That bed’s fine. No bedbugs. Honest,” said Jimmy. “Slept in it last night, and I’ve got no bites on me anywhere.” He grasped his crotch. “Although this is larger than it should be. Anybody wanna help me out?” Brack and Buck snorted with laughter.

  “Ha!” said Isabelle. “You boys might be gun slinging train robbers, but that doesn’t mean you have any skill whatsoever below the waist.”

  “Whoa…that sounds like a challenge, boys,” said Brack. “Your virility is being called into question. You gonna stand for that?”

  Jimmy undid his belt. “That’s fine. I’ll be happy to prove her wrong. I bet she’s never been with a real man before. I’ll show her what for.”

  “You’re welcome to try, train robber.” She got on the bed, grinning. “This little disaster might not be such a bad time after all.”

  “Shush now,” admonished Millie. “Don’t encourage them.”

  “Come here.” Brack held out a hand.

  “My back will ache tomorrow.”

  “What happened to your arm? It’s all blue.”

  “Train crash. I landed on it.”

  “You got lucky, honey. I bet a lotta folks died.”

  Images of smoke, charred bodies, and blood filled my vision. “They did.” I scooted closer, and he grabbed me, dragging me to him. “It was horrible.”

  He sighed. “You go to sleep. It’ll all look better in the morning.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Merry Christmas to me,” he murmured.

  He smelled of leather, horse, whiskey, and perspiration. He was all man and then some. The arms around me felt strong. He vibrated with masculine energy, heady and seductive. I closed my eyes, blotting out the horrors of the night, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I wasn’t even going to pretend to be asleep, as the touch of a man’s hand skimmed over my hip. At some point during the night, I had turned from him, and the bottom portion of my nightgown had worked its way up my thigh. He’d divested himself of clothing; his shirt was off, and his pants were missing. Not one word of complaint came from my lips regarding this change in circumstance. Fingers skimmed over my thigh to my hip and back again, leaving a path of little flutters that had me clamping my lips together, preventing a moan from escaping.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” he whispered, huskily.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  His soft laughter teased my ear. “You and me both want it. Don’t even try to pretend.”

  I opened an eye to take a peek around the room. Isabelle and Millie were fast asleep, and the other bandits were unconscious on the floor. Feeling slightly less conspicuous now, I wiggled closer to Brack. He responded by kissing my neck, which sent shivers down my spine.



  His roaming hand had slid between my thighs, a finger rubbing my heated core. The fact that he slid inside easily gave away the extent of my desire, highlighting my arousal, and all but giving him permission to do as he pleased. A finger opened me, and a second finger filled me, working in deeper.

  “Kiss me,” he murmured.

  I turned to glance at him, noting a sleepy looking man with bleary eyes and messy hair. I’d never seen anything sexier in my whole life, and as his fingers drove through the silken confines of my pussy, my lips met his. The memory of the kiss on the train came crashing through my consciousness, hot, quick, and demanding. His lips were soft, yet persistent; his tongue devouring me and mine invading his. I held nothing back in that heated instant, enjoying the taste and feel of him.

  His thumb grazed my nub, triggering a flood of pleasure that fanned out to every part of my body. I felt wetness on my thighs, which should have embarrassed me; instead, I wiggled closer to him, hoping he would enter me. Answering the silent request, he prodded me with a thick shaft, the tip rounded and broad. A little push and he was buried, producing a slight stinging sensation. I was sore from when Laughing Hawk had taken my virginity.

  “Honey,” he breathed. “It’s so tight.”

  “If my mother knew I was letting a filthy train robber touch me, she would disown me.”

  His laughter filled my ears. “You ain’t exactly fighting me, darlin’.”

  “I should…”

  Soft lips kissed the skin on my throat, his teeth nipping gently. “Why fight? It’s what we both want. I knew it the first time I saw you. That’s why I kissed you. If I didn’t take what I wanted, it would be gone. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again. Now what I don’t understand is how fate brought you to my doorstep. That’s got me puzzled as hell.”

  “I don’t know either…ooohh…don’t stop.”

  He grasped my hip, thrusting deeper. “Like that?” His voice was low and rich.

  “Yes.” My hand slid to my pussy, where I rubbed myself, producing a distracting tingling. “A little more.”

  “Does this fiancé of yours know you ain’t a virgin?”


  “You be sure to tell him that a good for nothin’ gunslinger had his cock in you. You tell him how you screamed when I fucke—”

  “Oh! You…horrible…man…ooohhhh…” I wasn’t able to say anything else because the orgasm stole the breath from my lungs. I shuddered, thrashing against him, my pussy contracting sharply.

  “Good Lord,” he murmured. “You’re a hot one.”

  My forehead was on my arm. “Oh, shut up.”

  He continued to drive deep, pounding me soundly. Then he pulled free. “Wrap your lips around me,” he rasped.

  That suggestion was wickedness personified, but…being utterly curious about what his instrument looked like and never having seen one before up close and personal, my inquisitiveness won out by a mile, leaving my morals and my sense of decency on the front doorstep. I wrapped a hand around him, feeling hot, sticky wetness.

  “What do I do?”

  “Don’t bite…at least not hard. Suck on it.”

  I had caught a glimpse of the Indian’s cock, and it looked as if skin covered it, like a snug blanket. This one was free of skin, surprisingly long, and wondrously hard. I smelled myself on him, which reminded me of having sex with Millie. As streams of sunlight filtered in through the cracks in the walls, I set about licking the tip of a magnificent looking penis. The bandit fell onto his back, closing his eyes. I laved attention to the leaking tip, wiping away clear fluid with my tongue.

  “Oh, honey.”

  “Am I doing this right?” I whispered.



  He grasped his balls, pulling them away from his body. “L
ick these too.”

  The soft looking sacs were coated in sparse wisps of hair. A musky aroma teased my nose. I sucked a ball and prodded it with my tongue, feeling the heat of him and wondering how good something like this would feel, if I were a man. The same amount of attention was bestowed upon its mate. When both had been thoroughly attended to, I ran my tongue up the length of his shaft, while he fingered his crown.

  “Ooohh…honey…Oh! Shit!”

  I was going to suck him again, but the tip suddenly erupted in a spritz of whitish fluid. “Oh, my.”

  “Oh my’s right,” quipped Jimmy, who eyed us from across the room. “I wouldn’t mind being woken up like that.”

  I buried my face in Brack’s chest out of embarrassment. “Ugh.”

  “There are other women,” he chuckled. “This one’s mine.”

  “Those bitches ain’t nearly as friendly.”

  “How do you know?” Isabelle sat up. Her hair was a riot of tangles around her shoulders. “Maybe if you were better at seduction like Mr. Corbett here, you might find women more receptive.”

  “Christ! These women are smart. I don’t even understand half of them words.”

  Brack held me close. “Merry Christmas to me.”

  “Stop saying that,” I giggled. “I’m not a present.”

  “Oh, yes you are. You’re the answer to my prayers. Too bad I won’t live long enough to enjoy it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m headin’ for a hangin’, honey. A nice, tight noose is in my future. Sooner than later. Maybe today.”


  “Yes. Make no mistake about it. I’m livin’ on borrowed time. That being said, I’m gonna speak my mind. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I could love you so easy. I could marry you and have babies with you. I could grow old with you.” He gazed at me. “I’m seein’ us on rocking chairs, sipping ice tea with grandbabies all around.” He moved a strand of hair away from my face. “Thank you for a lifetime of happiness.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Oh, Brack.” The immediacy of the situation hit home like a perfectly aimed rock. The meanings of his words were bittersweet, tinged with the tragic undertones of impending doom. These few hours together would be the only ones we had.

  “I need to use the facilities,” muttered Millie. Her unhappy glare was directed towards me. “Don’t think I didn’t hear everything.”

  “I’m sorry.” I turned, staring at her. “I wanted to resist him. I…really did.”

  She snorted in reply, flinging a shapely leg over the side of the bed. “Try not to get into trouble while I’m gone.” She glared at me. “I wasn’t speaking to you. You’ve already gone and done it.”

  “He’s gonna hang soon, Millie, and he’s…adorable.” I glanced at Brack. “What a shame.”

  “The sooner we get to California, the better.” She padded to the door. “Which way to the privy?”

  “Open your lungs, and take a whiff,” said Jimmy. “You can’t miss it.”


  “So, Jimmy,” said Isabelle. “What do you have to offer a girl?” She had woken up on the saucy side of the street this morning.

  He stood, dropping his pants, and exposing an impressive looking cock. “This here is eight inches of prime cut meat, Miss Isabelle. It’s all yours for the very low price of a wink and a smile.”

  Isabelle scratched her chin. “Hum…how many ladies have had the pleasure of this…eight inch blessing?”

  “Not that many. It’s hard to get…er…pleasure on the run. It’s not everyday the Lord sends us three beautiful women dressed in nothin’ but night clothes.”

  “Indeed.” Her smile was sassy, as she lifted the garment over her head, tossing it to the floor. “Why don’t you bring that blessing over here and let me get a better look at it.”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brack’s chuckling was contagious. My soon to be sister-in-law was playing the part of the floosy, but one had to wonder how much of her behavior was acting and how much of it was the real Isabelle.

  “You’re an impressive stud, big boy.” She wrapped her hand around his cock. “Oh, the games we could play.”

  “Ahem. It’s hardly fair to leave me out now, is it?” asked Buck. “I’ve got my own God given gifts, and I wouldn’t mind lending a hand. Looks like that’s a lotta woman for one man.”

  “Is that so?” Isabelle stroked Jimmy’s cock, the object appearing even larger than before. “What exactly do you bring to the table?”

  Buck was on his feet in a flash. “Nine inches, ma’am. Why mess with the boy, when you can have the man.”

  “Nine inches? My goodness.”

  “Hard and ready, ma’am.”

  Brack pulled me to him, whispering, “I’ve been praying for a miracle, Ms. Collins. God was listening for once.”

  I stared into his eyes; flecks of grey tinged the irises to smoky brown. “I can’t get involved with a criminal,” I whispered, mostly to myself.

  “I think I need to have a better look, Buck,” said Isabelle. “You’re so far away.”

  His tall, lanky form bounded towards the bed. “Is this close enough?”

  “I do believe it is.” Her hand closed around the twitching shaft. “Nine inches, huh? Isn’t that…stretching the truth a little?”

  “No, ma’am, it isn’t. You’re more than welcome to keep touching it, Miss Isabelle. That feels really nice.”

  The door opened, bringing a gust of hot air. “What in the Dickens is happening here?” Millie’s hands rested on her hips. “Have you all taken leave of your senses?”

  “What fine looking cocks,” said Isabelle. “These gentlemen are on the run. They’re going to be hung soon. What’s the harm in a little…fun?” She glanced at Brack. “Have you killed anyone?”

  “I haven’t, but Buck has.”

  This seemed to please her. “They’re thieves and murderers. They’ll be captured soon. They won’t be around for much longer. It would be the Christian…ah…the charitable thing to give them something to remember us by.” She gasped, “Oohh…you boys are getting harder by the second. You could probably hammer a spike through a trestle with one of these.”

  Jimmy grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I do believe I could.”

  Millie let out a long sigh. “Isabelle, if I didn’t know you as a lady of excellent breeding and character, I’d seriously be questioning things right now.”

  “That’s not fair, Millie,” I said. “I heard you in the cornfield last night with that Indian. You might’ve been waiting for the opportunity to hit him in the head, but you enjoyed yourself while you were waiting.”

  “I think we all enjoyed those Indians last night,” said Isabelle. “Let’s quit pretending. Whatever is said and done here will follow these men to the grave. Our reputations are quite safe.” She squeezed the end of Jimmy’s cock, producing a fat drop of pre-cum. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m having a taste.” She wrapped her lips around him, sucking noisily.

  “You’re more than welcome to a helping of Buck,” offered the outlaw, who spoke to Millie. “I’ve a fondness for redheads.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You remind me of my husband.”

  “That’s a mighty kind thing of you to say.”

  “Not really. He was a cheat and a scoundrel and a drunkard. The happiest day of my life was when he died.”

  I gasped. I had never heard her speak so ill of her husband. “Millie!”

  She held up a hand. “Since we’re being honest and since none of this will ever be spoken of outside this shack, I’ll say that I prefer to have sex with women. I never did feel lust for a man. I’ll join you scoundrels and that brazen hussy,” she pointed at Isabelle, “but don’t think I’ll enjoy it. Not for one second.”

  “Oh, Millie,” I laughed. “You’re in rare form this morning.”

  She harrumphe
d, and sat on the bed, while Isabelle sucked vigorously on Jimmy’s cock. She spread her legs, exposing a pink slit, surrounded by dark blonde hair. “Who wants a taste of Ireland?”

  “Well, Goddamn, but I will,” said Buck. “I don’t care if you’re a lesbian. I get my pussy any way I can.”

  “That feels so nice,” groaned Jimmy. “I wanna fuck you, Miss Isabelle. I’d be obliged, if you could bend over the table.”

  She grinned saucily. “Well, there’s an idea.” She slid from the bed and leaned over the piece of furniture, her rounded bottom in the air. “I’m ready, Jimmy.”

  “Hot damn!” He was on her in a flash, prodding her with a rigid cock. “Oh, thank you…”

  “Jimmy!” she gasped. “You filthy bandit.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I glanced at Brack. His expression was wistful, yet slightly sad. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothin’ a kiss won’t fix.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close. “Like this?” I touched his lips, tasting him.

  “Yes, honey. Just like that.”

  “Oh, Lord, that’s a talented tongue,” murmured Millie. “You keep that up, Buck. Don’t…stop…”

  Isabelle was pounded against the table, the wood creaking under the assault. “Oh-you-dirty-boys!” Jimmy’s cock plunged with each punishing thrust. “You sure are well-equipped! You weren’t joking about that.”

  “This here is a mighty fine pussy,” said Jimmy. “Nice and tight.”

  “Ooohh…thanks…” she groaned. “Don’t stop, you dirty train robber.”

  I sat on Brack’s lap, feeling his cock prodding my bottom. His hands grasped my waist, the palms running up the sides of my body to cup my breasts. His teeth grazed my neck, sending pinpricks of pleasure through me, which centered in my lower anatomy.

  “Oh, fuck me, you dirty outlaw!”

  “You rich, white bitch!”

  “Ooohh…God…I…can’t stand it!” Isabelle shuddered, dropping her face to the table. “Ooohhh…that was so good.”

  “I’m still rarin’ to go. I’m harder than oak.”

  “You sure are.” She sounded breathless. “You worked me good.”


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