Caddell, Pat, 21, 47, 53, 159, 220, 236, 242, 391, 415, 445, 449, 458, 462, 468, 472–73, 486, 490, 500, 506, 530, 555, 568–69, 571, 576, 610, 611
Calandra, John, 219
Califano, Joe, 580
California: 1976 presidential election and, 16; 1980 presidential election and, 444, 500, 502–3, 579; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 68; Proposition 6 (Briggs Amendment) in, 35; Proposition 13 in, 30–31; winner-take-all primary in, 68
Camelot, 60, 163, 405, 411, 431, 437, 441, 570, 579
campaign finance, 51, 124–25; 1980 presidential election and, 308–9, 317; Anderson and, 205, 270, 461; Baker and, 92; Bush and, 92, 231; Carter and, 92, 231; Connally and, 51, 87–88, 114; Crane and, 51, 90, 205; direct-mail fundraising and, 33; Kennedy and, 106, 116; Reagan and, 51, 66, 67, 69, 76, 89–90, 92, 112, 114–15, 119, 176, 180, 192, 231; Secret Service and, 124–25; spending limits and, 91, 125–26; third-party bids and, 246; two-party system and, 23. See also Federal Election Commission
Campbell, Carroll, 91
Camp David Accords, 34–35, 190
Campo, Terry, 211–12
Cannon, Lou, 108, 188, 274, 293, 333, 459–60, 489, 495, 558, 601; 1976 presidential election and, 16; 1980 presidential election and, 404; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 59; age issue and, 23; Iowa and, 103; Reagan running mate selection and, 285–86, 363; Republican Party and, 13; Sears and, 34, 84
Card, Andy, 183
Carey, Hugh, 286, 446
Carmen, Gerald P. “Jerry,” 52, 93, 106, 115, 116, 120, 123–24, 126, 133, 142, 147, 149, 151, 157, 162, 164–65, 172, 279, 296, 314, 389
Carter, Amy, 456, 525, 547, 553, 576, 611
Carter, Anderson, 292
Carter, Billy, 398, 402, 404, 463–64, 516, 552
Carter, Jack, 145
Carter, Jimmy, 125; 1976 presidential election and, 15, 17; 1978 midterm elections and, 35; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 46–47, 405–16; Alabama and, 201; American people and, 17; Anderson candidacy and, 403, 464, 482, 501, 528–29, 610–11; approval rating of, 47, 61, 103; arms control and, 458–59, 538–39; balanced budgets and, 17; broken promises and, 496, 536; California and, 444; campaign finance and, 92, 231; campaign kickoff and, 455–60; campaign problems of, 445; Camp David Accords and, 34–35; Connecticut and, 190, 223–24, 228–30; criticism of, 402; debates and, 445–46, 451–52, 470, 478–80, 482–83, 487, 506, 509–13, 529–44, 545–48; Democratic Party and, 46, 61, 402, 410–11; dignity of presidency and, 20–21; economy and, 35, 45, 103, 231–32, 402, 452–53, 483–84, 522–24, 527–28, 534–36, 588; Election Day 1980 and, 568–71, 574–77, 583; energy crisis and, 52; failures in office of, xi; Florida and, 201; foreign policy and, 25, 34–35, 46, 115, 190, 215, 310, 481, 527; Georgia and, 201; government and, 20; health care and, 60–61; health of, 140–41; Hoover and, 2; human rights and, 17, 46, 542, 613; Illinois and, 211–12, 217; incompetence of, 45, 492; incumbency and, 5–6, 393, 461; Iowa and, 80, 100, 105–6; Iran and, 114; Iranian hostage crisis and, 63–64, 88, 92, 103, 143, 176, 178, 217, 220, 242, 245, 267–69, 277, 290, 327, 402, 472, 481, 508, 517–18, 537–38, 562–63; Kennedy and, 51, 60; “Killer Rabbit” incident and, 50; labor unions and, 456, 498; leadership and, xii; liberalism and, 49, 116; Maine and, 444; malaise speech of, 52–54; Massachusetts and, 193–94, 392; media and, 17; New Hampshire and, 116, 133–34, 142, 145, 155, 159, 163–64, 444; New York and, 190, 223–24, 230; nuclear weapons and, 547; Ohio and, 444; Oregon and, 444; Panama Canal treaties and, 25–27, 29–30; Pennsylvania and, 251–52, 261–62, 263–64; populism and, 17, 20; Reagan, attacks on by, 25, 389–90, 449–50, 461–62, 474–78, 488, 491–93, 500, 611–12; religion and, 255; Rose Garden strategy and, 100, 277, 549; SALT II and, 58, 59, 68; South and, 13; Soviet Union and, 80, 103, 114, 117, 143, 206, 244–45, 310; tax cuts and, 221; Texas and, 274–75; theft of briefing books of, 420, 435, 437–41, 515–16, 529, 552, 607–12; Vermont and, 193–94, 444; Washington State and, 444; Wisconsin and, 236–37, 242, 444
Carter, Lillian, 407, 527
Carter, Rosalynn, 52, 208, 247, 309, 556; 1980 presidential election, last days of and, 559–60; Carter approval rating of and, 47; Cleveland debate and, 532, 545; Election Day 1980 and, 569; policy decisions and, 115; Reagan, Nancy, and, 248; Reagan and, 577; Texas and, 275
Casey, William, 136, 220–21, 223, 251, 308, 372–73, 603, 604; 1980 presidential election and, 331–32, 453; campaign finance and, 176, 192; Carter, Billy, and, 464; Carter briefing books and, 420, 440, 515–16, 529, 607, 609; Council on Foreign Relations and, 177; Election Day 1980 and, 568, 579; Klan controversy and, 457; Reagan running mate selection and, 351, 352, 354, 357, 362; Sears and, 112–13, 137, 166, 168, 169, 170, 180; staffing and, 173
Castellanos, Alex, 386
Castro, Fidel, 200, 249, 338, 398, 482, 511
Catholics, 13, 36, 192, 217, 222, 230, 500, 501
Cato Institute, 596
CBS, 1, 29, 62, 102, 146, 171, 221, 225, 252, 318, 408, 531, 571–74, 579
CBS Reports:Teddy (documentary), 62
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 97–98, 104, 128, 136, 138, 153, 216, 521, 568
CFTR. See Citizens for the Republic
Chancellor, John, 149, 151, 367, 386, 573, 574, 575, 576
Cheney, Richard, 13, 17, 31, 71, 111, 203, 353, 440, 589, 590, 607
Chicago Sun-Times, 207, 216, 366, 498
Chicago Tribune, 52, 149, 190, 210, 216, 529
Chiles, Eddie, 272–73
China, 128, 255, 312–13, 338, 448
Chisholm, Shirley, 446
Christian Right, 35, 340, 473
Christian Science Monitor, 533, 602
Christian Voice, 191–92
Christopher, Warren, 562
Chrysler Corporation, 237, 460, 492
Church, Frank, 206, 581
Church, George, 587
Churchill, Winston, xii, 119, 300
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
cities: decay in, 5, 45; development zones and, 536; plight of, 536
Citizens for Kennedy, 425 Citizens for Reagan, 14, 19, 33, 81, 107, 181, 308, 339
Citizens for the Republic (CFTR), 19, 174
Civiletti, Benjamin, 464, 516
civil rights, 255, 404, 461, 520
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 404, 478, 550
Clamshell Alliance, 149
Clark, Colin, 146, 167, 172–73, 459
Clark, George, 174, 222
Clark, Ramsey, 92
Clark, William, 146
Clements, Frank, 338
Clements, William, 272, 518
Cleveland debate, 45, 529–44, 545–48
Clifford, Clark, 53, 580
Clinton, Bill, 24, 313, 414, 482, 581, 587
Clymer, Adam, 85, 191, 410, 481
CNN, 1, 523, 572
Cohen, Bill, 71
Cold War, xi, 5, 122, 146, 344, 383, 517, 543, 585–86, 588, 602
Coleman, Muriel, 234–35, 580, 594
collectivism, 54, 107
Collins, Dick, 273
Collins, Robert, 87
Commerce Department, U.S., 514
Committee for an Open Convention, 394
Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, 24
Common Cause, 135
Commoner, Barry, 519
Communism, 5, 225–26, 234, 255, 304, 373, 574; China and, 312–13; containment and, 590; Corbin and, 422–23, 426–27, 430, 435–36; in Hollywood, 595; HUAC and, 328, 422, 430–31, 435–36; Reagan and, 271, 312–13, 381–82, 585–86, 595, 604; Soviet Union and, 585
Communist Party USA, 422, 426, 430, 436
Conconi, Chuck, 418–19
Concord Monitor, 131
Congressional Club, 212
Connally, John, 125, 212, 221, 229, 243, 390, 391; 1980 Republican convention and, 344; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 36, 38, 72; abortion and, 58; age issue and, 72; announcement of candidacy of, 38; Arkansas and, 117–18; Bush and, 56–59, 92; campaign financ
e and, 51, 87–88, 114; conservatism and, 58; ERA and, 58; fundraising and, 87–88; health of, 140; HUAC and, 435–36; Indiana and, 69; Iowa and, 70, 91, 98, 102; military service of, 57; Mississippi and, 134; New Hampshire and, 57, 91, 110, 126, 147, 148, 157; party-switching of, 38, 58, 86; Reagan, attacks on by, 58, 72, 86; Reagan, endorsement of by, 271; Republican Party and, 18; SALT II and, 58; South Carolina and, 92, 100, 111, 178–79, 189–90, 197–99; strategy of, 91; withdrawal of, 198–99
Connally, John, III, 178, 189
Connecticut: 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 190, 223–24, 228–30; 1980 presidential election and, 391; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 121, 134–35, 221–22, 230
conservatism: 1980 presidential election and, xii; Buckley and, 339–40; Bush and, 48–49, 58, 261; change and, 2; Cold War, 58; compassionate, 596; Connally and, 58; Dole and, 49; Goldwater and, 18; grassroots, 36, 68; liberalism vs., 21; media and, 24; National Review and, 339–40; neo-, 597, 602; Panama Canal treaties and, 26; Reagan and, 2, 8–9, 13, 15, 18, 21–23, 54, 92, 94, 107, 119, 128, 138, 173, 191, 194, 261, 336, 403, 450, 595–97, 602; religious, 254–56; Republican Party and, 19, 21–23, 339; rise of, 4, 339–40, 602; Roosevelt and, 2; social, 21, 52; South and, 392; Sun Belt, 18. See also conservative movement
Conservative Digest, 329
conservative movement: Christian Right and, 340; Cold Warriors and, 68; growth of, 22–23, 32; importance of, 25; New Right and, 23–25; Nofziger and, 174; Reagan and, 2, 9; Republican Party and, 25. See also conservatism
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 8, 21–23, 151, 585
Constitution, U.S., 185, 291, 327, 354, 542; Bill of Rights, 597; First Amendment, 450; Tenth Amendment, 403; Twelfth Amendment, 291, 351
Conte, Silvio, 352
Coolidge, Calvin, 215
“co-presidency,” 3, 349–69, 371, 373, 376, 393, 591
Corbin, Darlene, 424, 609
Corbin, Gertrude, 429
Corbin, Paul, 429; 1960 presidential election and, 237; 1980 presidential election and, 416; background of, 420–21; Carter, undermining of and, 413, 416; Carter briefing books and, 420, 435, 437–41, 516, 529, 607–9; Catholic conversion of, 429–30; Communist affiliations of, 422–23, 426–27, 430, 435–36; death of, 419; DNC and, 428–29, 430, 431, 432; FBI and, 419, 421, 423, 426, 428, 430–31, 432; FBI file on, 418; HUAC and, 422, 430–31; Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” and, 429; Kennedy, John F., and, 428–29; Kennedy, Robert F., and, 103, 418, 424–30, 431, 432, 433; labor unions and, 419, 421–22, 436; Lucey and, 425, 433, 434–35, 436–37, 446; marriages of, 421, 426
Corbin, Seena, 421
Corcoran, Tommy “The Cork,” 8
Cotten, Ben, 296, 314
Council on Foreign Relations, 177, 215
Coyne, Jim, 249
CPAC. See Conservative Political Action Conference
Crane, Arlene, 47, 90
Crane, Philip M., 58, 125, 376, 596; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 32–33, 47, 560–61; campaign finance and, 51, 90, 205; Illinois and, 206; Iowa and, 40, 111; New Hampshire and, 68, 126, 147, 153, 154; Reagan and, 47–48; withdrawal of, 227
Criscom, Tommy, 147
Crisp, Mary Dent, 296, 314, 327–28, 413
Cronkite, Walter, 149, 171–72, 270, 357, 359, 361, 367, 531, 546, 570, 573
C-SPAN, 572
Cuba, 114, 117, 186, 265, 338, 398, 586
Culture of Narcissism, The (Lasch), 47
Culver, John, 581
Curson, Elliott, 139, 213
Cutler, Lloyd, 550
Dailey, Peter, 308, 315, 331, 377, 390, 465, 524
Daley, Richard, 211
Dalton, John, 203
D'Amato, Alfonse, 464–65
Dart, Justin, 308
Davis, Dr. and Mrs. Loyal, 36
Davis, Michele, 339, 350, 391, 492, 554, 558, 593
Davis, Patti, 318, 343, 363, 581–82
Dawson, Robert, 184
Dear, Ron, 65
Deardourff, John, 196
Deaver, Carolyn, 83
Deaver, Michael, 23, 113, 308, 313, 332, 390; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 presidential election and, 55, 72, 81–84, 453; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 34; CFTR and, 19; Cleveland debate and, 532; Election Day 1980 and, 579; Iowa and, 111; Keene and, 39; Reagan running mate choice and, 360; Reagan-Ford relationship and, 17; Sears and, 36, 40, 65, 66, 136–37, 166, 169, 180
Debategate, 420, 435, 437–41, 515–16, 529, 607–12
defense, 32, 114, 396, 397, 458–59, 479, 592
Dellums, Ron, 403
Democratic National Committee (DNC), 224; Anderson and, 316; Corbin and, 428–29, 430, 431, 432; Reagan running mate choice and, 372
Democratic Party: 1976 presidential election and, 16; Carter and, 46, 61, 402, 410–11; crossover voting and, 199–200; government, shrinking and, 20; Kennedy and, 51, 133; Reagan and, 8, 10, 13, 21, 54, 84, 198, 199–200, 233–36, 239, 403, 548, 581, 587; reforms of, 61; scandals of, 221; tax cuts and, 15
Deng Xiaoping, 448
Dent, Harry, 179, 189
deregulation, 50, 495, 542
Des Moines Register, 51, 78–79, 86, 98–99, 286
détente, 2, 25, 117, 122, 196, 344
Detroit, Mich.: 1980 Republican convention and, 1–5, 282, 324–27; auto industry in, 45, 324; decay in, 5; history of, 324–25
Detroit Free Press, 326
Devine, Don, 174, 287, 335–36, 603, 606
Dewey, Thomas, 24, 144, 338, 464
Dickenson, James, 68, 167, 264, 372
Diggins, John Patrick, 587, 596
Dionne, E. J., 159
direct mail, 24, 33
Dirksen, Everett, 338
District of Columbia, 278, 285, 317, 574
Dixville Notch, N.H., 160, 161, 162, 568
DNC. See Democratic National Committee
Doherty, Eileen, 132
Dolan, Anthony, 291–92, 439
Dolan, Terry, 341, 371–72, 530
Dole, Robert J., 98, 143, 154, 195, 330, 487–88, 493, 556–57; 1976 presidential election and, 16; 1980 Republican convention and, 3, 340; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 40; announcement of candidacy of, 49–50; Bush and, 57; Connecticut and, 135; conservatism and, 49; as Ford running mate, 59, 97, 336; health of, 140; Iowa and, 40, 70, 111; New Hampshire and, 40, 68, 141–42, 147–48, 153, 157, 163, 173; Reagan, endorsement of by, 241; Reagan running mate selection and, 352, 357, 363; as RNC chairman, 142; South Carolina and, 163; staffing and, 40; withdrawal of, 213–14
Donaldson, Sam, 361, 548, 559, 573
Donatelli, Frank, 34, 173–74, 239, 260, 336, 366, 515, 613
Donovan, Ray, 69, 262, 489
Dornan, Bob, 165
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 86, 288
Dow Jones News Service, 462
Draft Ford Committee, 195, 201, 203
Draft Kennedy organizations, 46
Dream Ticket, 3, 6, 291, 349–63
Dudley, Dudley, 163
Dunn, Angela Fox, 463
Dunn, Bob, 433, 435, 608
Durkin, John, 581
Eagleton, Thomas, 322, 337
East, John, 575
Eberle, Bruce, 292, 329
Eckert, Fred, 223
Economist, The, 257, 599
economy, 94; Carter and, 35, 45, 103, 231–32, 402, 452–53, 522–24, 527–28, 534–36, 588; negative growth in, 4–5; Reagan and, 231–32, 395, 452–53, 466–67, 522–24, 534–36, 602; supply-side economics, 25, 69
Editor & Publisher (magazine), 507, 549
Education Department, U.S., 50, 306, 395, 493, 557–58
Edwards, Jim, 91, 179, 241
Edwards, Mickey, 165
Eisenhower, Dwight, 24, 40, 170, 320, 333, 338
Eizenstat, Stuart, 530, 571
Election Day 1976, 17
Election Day 1980:Anderson and, 575, 578; Kissinger and, 575; network coverage of, 571–74; Reagan, Nancy, and, 576, 579; Reagan and, 569, 571,
elections. See presidential elections
Electoral College, 561–62
Ellis, Harry, 533, 534, 535
Ellis, Tom, 212
Energy Department, U.S., 50, 241, 306, 395, 493, 557–58
energy policy, 54, 99, 180, 479, 539
environmentalism, 132, 225, 479, 489, 495–96, 500, 503, 539, 588
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 489, 495
EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 32, 48, 58, 135, 149, 194, 256, 282, 323, 327, 328, 342, 450, 491, 503, 541–42
ERA. See Equal Rights Amendment
Erthein, John, 82
ethnic voters, 234, 257, 283, 289, 326, 460, 487, 508, 587, 588
Eureka College, 485–86, 533
evangelicals, 255, 322–23, 473, 489, 580
Evans, Diana, 386
Evans, Rowland, 31, 57, 58, 159, 189, 196, 286, 322, 345, 391, 429, 447, 458, 550
Evans, Tom, 123
Evans and Novak Political Report, 207
Evers, Charles, 521
evolution, 450, 466
Fabrizio, Tony, 386
Face the Nation, 102, 350, 405, 528
Fallows, Jim, 50
FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation), 208
Falwell, Jerry, 340, 407, 448–49, 489
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC. See Federal Communications Commission
FCM. See Fund for a Conservative Majority
FEC. See Federal Election Commission
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):Abscam scandal and, 130, 306; Carter briefing books and, 420, 438–40; Corbin and, 418, 419, 421, 423, 426, 428, 430–31, 432
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 132, 142, 273, 460–61
Federal Election Commission (FEC), 19, 40, 87–88, 91, 92, 114, 125, 142, 173, 176, 205, 229, 246, 270, 309, 437, 453, 461, 578, 603; Carter briefing books and, 608–9
Federal Reserve, U.S., 535
feminism, 24, 407, 413, 529
Fielding, Fred, 439
Finchem, Tim, 445
Finkelstein, Arthur, 87, 90
Firestone, Leonard, 195
Fischer, David, 167, 175
Fitzgerald, Jennifer, 258
Fitzsimmons, Frank “Frankie,” 495
Florida: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 200; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 201; 1980 presidential election and, 458, 499, 555, 574, 575; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 85, 100, 118, 121, 160, 176–77, 186–87, 194–95, 200
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