McKinley, William, 336, 584
McKinzie, Ralph, 512
McLaughlin, John, 386
McNamara, Robert, 580
McPherson, Peter, 87, 96
McShane, Michael, 61, 225
Meany, George, 106
media: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 13; 1980 presidential election and, 1; 1980 Republican convention and, 3–4; Anderson and, 92–93, 200, 319; Bush and, 164; Carter and, 17; conservatism and, 24; hostility of, 6; Keene and, 77; Kemp and, 74; Kennedy and, 61, 88; liberal, 24, 131; Nofziger and, 484; power of, 77; Reagan and, 164; Reagan running mate choice and, 3–4; Reagan-Bush and, 403; Sears and, 36, 221
Media Analysis Project, The, 319
Medical World News, 140
Medicare, 414, 499, 540, 556
Meese, Ed, 127, 135, 141, 194, 253, 308, 388, 502, 528, 567, 603; 1980 presidential election and, 28, 390, 447, 453; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 55, 84, 112; Brock and, 279, 314; Casey and, 221; CFTR and, 19; Cleveland debate and, 530; Debategate and, 438; New Hampshire and, 151; Reagan, attacks on by, 491; Reagan running mate selection and, 351, 357, 360; Reagan transition team and, 579; Sears and, 123, 135–37, 137, 166, 167, 169, 180; staffing and, 173
Meet the Press, 155
Mexican-Americans, 475, 518
Miami Herald, 142, 186, 193
Michigan: 1980 presidential election and, 391, 457, 505–6, 556–57, 575
Michigan State Fair, 457
Middle East, 35
military buildup, 5, 392, 534
Miller, William, 305, 337
Milliken, William, 67, 195
Mills, Ada, 198, 229, 262
Milwaukee Journal, 236, 430
Milwaukee Sentinel, 230–31
minimum wage, 115, 399, 536, 537
Minnesota: 1980 presidential election and, 579; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 118
minorities, 10, 22, 144, 179, 182, 461
Mintz, Myron, 495
misery index, 483–84, 523
Mississippi: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 134; 1980 presidential election and, 458, 520–21, 555, 575, 579
Missouri: 1980 presidential election and, 528
Mitchell, John, 65–66, 515, 529
Mitchell, Parren, 458
moderates, 2, 24, 67, 74
Moe, Dick, 512
Mondale, Joan, 444
Mondale, Walter, 52, 53, 60, 146, 224, 236, 240, 264, 276, 286, 394, 606; 1980 Democratic convention and, 414; 1980 Democratic convention and, 407; 1980 presidential election and, 444; Carter malaise speech and, 54; Cleveland debate and, 532; Election Day 1980 and, 570, 579; Iranian hostage crisis and, 528; Jewish Americans and, 219–20; Lucey, resignation of and, 434–35; Reagan, attacks on by, 449, 466, 490
Montana: 1980 presidential election and, 579
Moore, Steve, 386
Moorer, Thomas H., 462
Moral Majority, 255, 340, 407, 449, 473
Morgan, Robert, 575
Mormons, 192
Morrison, Susan, 295
Morton, Bruce, 546
Mosbacher, Bob, 196–97
Moscow State University, 590
Moscow Summer Olympics, 81, 115, 131, 143, 240, 407
Mott, Stewart, 270
Moyers, Bill, 432, 479, 573
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 50, 286, 425
Mudd, Roger, 62–63
Murdoch, Rupert, 549
Murphy, John, 306
Murtha, John, 130, 306
Muskie, Edmund, 394, 448, 472–73, 491, 563, 576
Myers, Lisa, 445, 476, 493, 567
Myers, Michael, 491
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NARAL. See National Abortion Rights Action League
Nashua Four, 153, 154, 157
Nashua Telegraph, 106, 115, 121, 128, 134–35, 135, 142, 157, 172
Nashville Tennessean, 433
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), 201, 205
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 133, 315, 348, 394, 529, 590
National Association of Manufacturers, 467
National Association of Police Organizations, 507
National Christian Action Network, 255
National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC), 308, 341, 515, 613
National Education Association, 320
National Federation of Indpendent Businesses, 467
National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), 68–69, 328
national health insurance, 60–61
National Institutes of Health, 419
National Journal, 435
National Organization for Women (NOW), 342, 491
National Press Club, 26, 180, 451
National Religious Broadcasters Association Convention, 489
National Republican Congressional Committee, 319, 590
National Review, 26, 258, 292, 339–40, 341, 584, 599
National Rifle Association (NRA), 134, 178, 548
National Urban League, 394, 398–400
National Women's Political Caucus, 503
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC, 1, 3, 16, 72, 151, 219, 221, 252, 392, 484, 531, 571–74
NCPAC. See National Conservative Political Action Committee
Nelson, Gaylord, 581
Neshoba County Fair, Miss., 394, 398, 403–4, 442, 457, 592
Nevada: 1980 presidential election and, 579
New Deal, 2, 54, 411, 444, 589, 605
New Hampshire: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 15, 52, 131, 156, 160; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 46, 106, 116, 133–34, 142, 155, 159, 163–64; 1980 presidential election and, 444, 568; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 40, 52, 57, 68, 71, 85, 86, 91, 99, 105–8, 110, 115–16, 120–21, 126–28, 132–33, 141–63, 173, 606; Carmen and, 126–28; debating in, 115–16, 127–28, 141–42, 146–55; Iowa and, 68; Nashua debate in, 146–55, 156–58, 172
New Jersey: 1976 presidential election and, 13; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 presidential election and, 447, 575
New Republic, The, 270, 479
New Right, 6, 23–25, 26, 33, 191–92, 251, 304, 323
Newspaper Guild, 326
Newsweek, 13, 196, 253, 291, 316, 404, 428, 462, 463, 511, 546, 610
New York: 1976 presidential election and, 13; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 190, 230; 1980 presidential election and, 391, 397, 581; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 219–24; housing crisis in, 227; Liberal Party in, 464–65
New York City, 45, 72, 219–20, 492, 502
New York Daily News, 399
New York Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, 507
New York Post, 549
New York Stock Exchange, 222, 250, 316
New York Times, 20, 38, 44, 50, 72, 85, 99, 128, 135, 146, 158, 159, 173, 191, 194, 219, 220, 225, 227, 253, 283, 292, 315, 318, 367, 372, 394, 408, 410, 439, 440, 484, 486, 519, 521, 547, 559, 567, 572, 599
New York Times Magazine, 42
NFRW. See National Federation of Republican Women
Nicaragua, 117, 186, 586
Nightline, 293, 550–52
1976 presidential election: debates and, 17; Democratic Party and, 16; Election Day and, 17; Republican convention (Kansas City, Mo.) and, xi–xii, 12, 323, 339; Republican nomination and, xi–xii, 6, 12–15, 26, 52, 81, 86, 90, 97–98, 108, 120, 131, 156, 160, 200, 216; Republican Party and, 16; Rose Garden strategy and, 17. See also Carter, Jimmy; Ford, Gerald; Reagan, Ronald
1978 midterm elections, 36, 97
1980 presidential election: abortion and, 393; Alabama and, 457, 458, 499, 575; Arkansas and, 581; California and, 444, 500, 502–3, 579; Carter briefing books and, 420, 435, 437–41, 515–16, 529, 552, 607–9; Cleveland debate and, 529–44, 545–48, 611;
Connecticut and, 391; conservatism and, xii; “co-presidency” and, 355; debates and, 290, 445–46, 451–52, 463, 470, 478–80, 482–83, 487, 505–6, 509–13; Democratic convention (New York City, N.Y.), 405–16, 442; Democratic presidential nomination and, 46–47, 50, 88, 100, 102–3, 106, 116, 133–34, 142, 155, 159, 163–64, 177–78, 190–91, 193–94, 201, 217, 223–24, 228–30, 242, 243, 251–52, 261–64, 274–75; District of Columbia and, 574; Election Day and, 561, 562, 568–83; final days of, 549–68; Florida and, 458, 499, 555, 574, 575; Georgia and, 564, 574; Hawaii and, 444; Idaho and, 579; Illinois and, 499, 564, 575; incumbency and, 393, 405, 461; Iowa and, 579; Iranian hostage crisis and, 280, 290, 310, 472, 481, 508, 517–18, 521–22, 528, 537–38, 562–63, 610; Kentucky and, 574; Louisiana and, 458; Maine and, 444, 575; Massachusetts and, 391–92, 575, 581; meaning of, 565–66; Michigan and, 391, 457, 505–6, 556–57, 575; Minnesota and, 579; Mississippi and, 458, 520–21, 555, 575, 579; Missouri and, 528; Montana and, 579; Nevada and, 579; New Hampshire and, 444, 568; New Jersey and, 447, 575; New York and, 391, 397, 581; North Carolina and, 575; October Surprise and, 280, 449, 496, 508, 610; Ohio and, 391, 444, 499, 564, 574, 575; Oklahoma and, 575; Oregon and, 444, 564, 579; Pennsylvania and, 391, 575; racism and, 403–4, 457–59, 474–78, 529; South and, 391, 392, 559, 569, 574; South Carolina and, 392; staffing and, 307–8, 331–32; Tennessee and, 458, 575; Texas and, 392, 448–49, 458, 575; Vermont and, 444; Virginia and, 574; Washington State and, 444, 564, 579; West Virginia and, 574; Wisconsin and, 444, 556, 575. See also 1980 Republican convention; 1980 Republican presidential nomination; Anderson, John B.; Baker, Howard; Brown, Jerry; Carter, Jimmy; Kennedy, Edward; Mondale, Walter; Reagan, Ronald
1980 Republican convention: opening of, 332, 340–41; preparation for, 282, 320–21; Reagan acceptance speech at, 10–11, 332–33, 375–84, 385–88; Republican Party platform and, 323, 327–29, 344; running mate selection and, 3, 6–7, 7, 349–69; speakers at, 345–48
1980 Republican presidential nomination: age issue and, 33, 37, 58, 72, 74, 76–77, 94, 108, 111–12, 114, 118, 119, 189; Alabama and, 160; Arkansas and, 117; California and, 68; Christian Right and, 35; Connecticut and, 121, 133, 134–35, 221–22, 230; debates and, 75, 86, 89, 465; Florida and, 85, 100, 118, 121, 160, 176–77, 186–87, 194–95, 200; Ford and, 49, 56, 71, 75, 128, 173, 194–97; Georgia and, 160; Illinois and, 200–201, 203–4, 205–11, 213–17; Indiana and, 68–69; Iowa and, 6, 38, 40, 51, 68, 69–71, 77–80, 85, 86–88, 91, 95–105, 107–9, 111; “keep Reagan under wraps” strategy and, 37–38, 51; Louisiana and, 243; Maine and, 71–72, 133; Maryland and, 191; Massachusetts and, 121, 133, 183–84, 188–89, 192–93; Minnesota and, 118; New Hampshire and, 40, 52, 57, 71, 85, 86, 91, 99, 105–8, 110, 115–16, 120–21, 126–28, 132–33, 141–63, 173, 606; New York and, 219–24; North Carolina and, 212–13; Pennsylvania and, 249, 260–63, 262–63; Puerto Rico and, 86, 89–90, 138; South Carolina and, 92, 100, 115, 160, 178–79, 189–90, 197–99; staffing and, 38–39; Tennessee and, 269–70; Texas and, 271–74; Vermont and, 121, 133, 175–76, 183–84, 188–89, 192–93; Vietnam War and, 183–84; Wisconsin and, 201, 228, 233–36, 236–37, 241–42. See also Anderson, John B.; Baker, Howard; Bush, George H.W.; Connally, John; Crane, Philip M.; Dole, Robert J.; Reagan, Ronald
Nixon, Pat, 247
Nixon, Richard, 6, 7, 19, 24, 28, 37, 38, 56, 60, 61, 65, 81, 86, 97, 125, 133, 141, 142, 164, 170, 191, 234, 321, 333, 391, 466, 484
Nofziger, Lyn, 35, 113, 306, 332, 388, 450, 588, 604, 609, 612; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 13; 1980 presidential election and, 28, 390, 392, 393, 396, 453, 471; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 55, 67, 81; Baker and, 605; Brock and, 27, 279, 314; CFTR and, 19; conservative movement and, 174; fundraising and, 55; Iowa and, 111; Keene and, 39; Klan controversy and, 457; media and, 484; Reagan, Nancy, and, 113; Reagan health of and, 140; Reagan running mate selection and, 350–51, 357, 372; Reagan staff and, 49; RNC and, 296; Sears and, 40, 55, 108, 111, 169, 174, 180–81
Norquist, Grover, 386, 589
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 5
North Carolina: 1976 presidential election and, 16; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 12, 81, 90; 1980 presidential election and, 575; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 212–13
Novak, Robert, 31, 57, 58, 69, 112, 159, 189, 196, 286, 322, 345, 346, 388, 391, 447, 458, 550
NOW. See National Organization for Women
NRA. See National Rifle Association
nuclear weapons, 68, 534, 539, 547, 556, 611
O'Brien, Larry, 432
October Surprise, 280, 449, 496, 508, 521–22, 528, 610
O'Donnell, Kenneth, 428, 431–32, 432
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 136, 527
Ohio: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 presidential election and, 391, 444, 499, 564, 574, 575
oil companies, 20, 46
oil prices, 45, 94, 405
Oklahoma: 1980 presidential election and, 575
O'Leary, Brad, 308
Oliphant, Pat, 306, 504
Olympics. See Lake Placid Winter Olympics; Moscow Summer Olympics
Onassis, Jacqueline. See Kennedy, Jacqueline
O'Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 88, 179–80, 269, 412, 413, 456, 577, 591
OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Oregon: 1980 presidential election and, 444, 564, 579; Carter and, 444
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 51, 535
organized crime, 567
organized labor. See labor unions
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 38, 409
Pacific Palisades, Cali., 15, 55, 98, 110
Paine, Thomas, 9, 10, 11, 119, 383–84, 596
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 460
Panama Canal treaties, 25–27, 29–30, 32, 33, 59, 227, 229, 251, 328, 344, 570
Park, H. N., 280
Parker, Carey, 412
PATCO. See Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization
patriotism, 234, 426, 497
Patterson, Alfred L., 455
Pauken, Tom, 273
PBS. See Public Broadcasting Service
Pearson, Drew, 346, 429
Peden, Neal, 150, 168–69, 353
Pence, Mike, 386
Pennsylvania: 1976 presidential election and, 13; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 251–52, 261–62, 263–64; 1980 presidential election and, 391, 575; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 249, 260–63, 262–63;
Pennsylvania Farm Association, 250
Pentagon, 93
Percy, Chuck, 33, 36
Perot, Ross, 270
Perry, Jim, 353, 505
Peters, Mike, 504
Philadelphia Inquirer, 254, 262, 529
Phillips, Howard, 24
Pickens, T. Boone, 273
Plante, Bill, 252, 350, 546, 573
Plissner, Marty, 104, 573
PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization
Poland, 447–48
Polish-Americans, 529
Popkin, Sam, 525
populism, 2, 3, 17, 20, 31, 78, 387, 411
Powell, Emily, 570
Powell, Jody, 50, 175, 245, 285, 413, 438, 462, 475, 478, 480, 496, 512, 525, 528, 530, 533, 548, 568–70, 575, 576
Powell, Nan, 570
presidential elections: election of 1800, 4; election of 1860, 4; election of 1900, 6; election of 1912, 6; election of 1932, 4, 6, 580; election of 1948, 553; election of 1960, 237, 425; election of 1964, 8, 24, 580; election of 1968, 6, 7, 120, 171, 432–33, 561; election of 2000, 596–97
Presser, Jackie, 495
Pressler, Larry, 55–56, 130
privacy, 35, 94, 234, 592
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), 521
Proposition 6 (Cali.) (Briggs Amendment), 35, 36
Proposition 13
(Cali.), 30–31
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 98, 182, 531
Puerto Rico: 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 86, 89–90; Bush and, 138; Reagan and, 89–90
Quayle, Dan, 574, 589
Queen, Richard, 277
Quinn, Jane Bryant, 479
Quinn, Sally, 201
racism, 403–4, 457–59, 529
Radio Free Europe, 220
Rafshoon, Gerald, 52, 226, 437, 445, 465, 476, 499, 524, 530, 545, 546, 611
Raines, Howell, 283, 567
Rancho del Cielo, 14, 397, 442, 560
Rather, Dan, 171, 546, 573
Ray, Robert, 87, 126, 195
Reader's Digest, 105, 253, 416, 435
Readout, Sheryl, 109
Reagan, John Edward “Jack” (father), 9, 284
Reagan, Maureen (daughter), 317–18, 342–43, 363, 376, 397, 581–82
Reagan, Michael (son), 317–18, 342–43, 363, 376, 581–82
Reagan, Nancy (wife), 133, 148, 151, 240, 274, 403, 553; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 presidential election and, 28, 563; 1980 Republican convention and, 3, 363; age issue and, 74; Carter attacks and, 519–20; Carter, Rosalynn, and, 248; Cleveland debate and, 545; Election Day 1980 and, 575, 576, 579; Fords and, 13; influence of, 246–48; Keene and, 316; Laxalt and, 74, 251; New York and, 219; Nofziger and, 113; pet causes and, 247–48, 555; Sears and, 36, 40, 65, 69, 83, 136, 165, 167, 168, 181, 247
Reagan, Neil (brother), 9, 582
Reagan, Nellie Wilson (mother), 9–10
Reagan, Patti (daughter). See Davis, Patti
Reagan, Ron (son), 318, 581–82
Reagan, Ronald, 20, 112, 343, 462; 1964 gubernatorial campaign of, 15; 1968 Republican presidential nomination and, 6, 120, 561; 1976 presidential election and, 15; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 6, 12–14, 52, 108, 120, 156, 160; abortion and, 107, 108, 135, 194; age issue and, 6, 13, 23, 33, 37, 58; American Conservative Union and, 94; American people and, 204, 535–36; announcement of candidacy of, 3, 69, 72–74; appeal of, 2, 3, 254, 289; arms control and, 395, 458–59, 538–39; balanced budgets and, 2, 107, 397, 466–67; as California governor, 35, 142, 304, 399; campaign finance and, 89–90, 92, 112, 114–15, 119, 176, 180, 192, 231; character of, xii; Cold War and, xi, 585–86, 588, 602; Communism and, 225–26, 271, 304, 312–13, 381–82, 585–86, 595, 604; conservatism and, 2, 8–9, 13, 15, 18, 21–23, 54, 92, 94, 107, 119, 128, 138, 173, 191, 194, 261, 336, 403, 450, 595–97, 602; CPAC speech (February 1977) of, 21–23; death of, 588, 589, 598–99; defense and, 114, 396, 397, 458–59, 592; as Democrat, 8, 54, 84; Democratic Party and, 13, 21, 198, 233–36, 239, 403, 548, 581, 587; economy and, 2, 231–32, 238–39, 395, 452–53, 466–67, 522–24, 534–36, 586–87, 602; Election Day 1980 and, 569, 571, 575–83; ERA and, 135, 194, 256; fitness of, 129, 138; foreign policy and, 114, 117, 119, 122, 215, 273, 310, 312–13, 381–82; as frontrunner, 65–75, 72, 75, 81, 105; funeral of, 598–99; “gaffe issue” and, 237–38, 252–54; government and, 2, 15, 73, 185–86, 238–39, 395; gun control and, 135, 145; health of, 23, 76–77, 94, 140; as Hollywood veteran, 10, 118, 120, 450; Kitchen Cabinet of, 15, 72, 83, 113, 308; Klan controversy and, 457–59; labor unions and, 235, 284–85, 456, 493–94, 521; liberalism and, 590, 595; as lifeguard, 11, 118; military buildup and, 392, 534; “mirrors speech” of, 466–67; myths about, 591–93; Neshoba County Fair, Miss., and, 398, 403–4, 442, 592; “noble cause” speech and, 447–48; nomination acceptance speech of, 375–84, 385–88; populism and, 2, 3, 17, 387; radio commentaries of, 15, 19–20, 25, 40, 70, 83, 86–87, 397; reaction to election of, 584–86, 593–95; Republican Party and, 2–3, 13, 18, 21–23, 118–19, 584, 590, 597–98; running mate selection and, 3, 7, 74–75, 217–18, 227, 250–51, 285–86, 291, 301, 306, 319, 321–22, 329–31, 335–37, 344–46, 348, 349–69, 370–75; SALT II and, 68, 490, 491; speaking engagements of, 19–20, 25, 40, 83, 397; stamina of, 6, 94, 96–97, 101, 108, 173; suggestions of rascism against, 403–4, 457–59, 474–78, 529, 536–37; syndicated column of, 14, 15, 19–20, 40, 83, 397; tax cuts and, 2, 25, 135, 142, 238–39, 259, 274, 380–81, 390, 392, 395, 466–67, 522; tax returns of, 396–97; transition team and, 579, 593; “two-China policy” of, 448; as “warmonger,” 395, 449, 475, 480–81, 500
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