“I think you’re amazing,” she told him.
“No. I just met an amazing woman,” he said.
They kissed, and Sophie put her head on his chest and threaded her fingers through his.
“You were loved, Lucas. Your mother, Dorothy. No one gave you up,” she said, in case he hadn’t made the connection himself.
“I know.”
“And I love you so much. Maybe too much, considering how much the past four weeks have sucked. I’m yours, all yours.”
He looked deep into her eyes and for the first time she saw nothing but openness and love and hope there.
“And I’m all yours,” he said. “Thank you for saving me, Sophie.”
She smiled tenderly. “It was my pleasure.”
ISBN: 978-1-4268-1228-6
Copyright © 2008 by Small Cow Productions PTY Ltd.
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