Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series

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Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series Page 171

by Laramie Briscoe

  “Having dinner and hopefully christening at least one room of the new house,” he grinned, now ready to get this day over with himself. Life had been busy for the two of them and the next three weeks were theirs to do with as they pleased, however they pleased.

  A few months ago he and B had made the biggest purchase of their lives – a home to call their own. The house they’d bought wasn’t the biggest or nicest, but it was new construction and they loved it. It was on a few acres of property less than two miles from the clubhouse. They loved being out in the country after being cooped up in an apartment in town for so long. The problem was they hadn’t had much time together because of the time of year. Halloween had turned to Thanksgiving and now they were a week from Christmas.

  There had been club functions, friends’ functions; he’d done a couple more nights than normal at Wet Wanda’s, and she’d had to make appearances at the school. They were lucky they weren’t running on fumes with the hours they’d been putting in. And working on top of it? He was ready to let loose for a while and just be. He had a feeling his wife was all about that too.

  Layne blew out a breath. “Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come work out in the ring tonight, but I guess that’s a no go?”

  Jagger shook his head, giving him a big thumbs down. “Sorry my man, but that’s a fuck no. B’s been stressed with the way work is going, and tonight I’m planning on making her unstressed – if you get my drift.”

  It hadn’t been long since they’d had sex, but it’d been a long time since they lingered in bed and taken their time. He’d already asked off for the next day, and two days a week for the next three weeks. Saving up his vacation time for when she was off was his favorite thing to do. It allowed them to spend uninterrupted time together and focus on themselves. Since they’d had a huge argument right before they’d gotten engaged, they’d made sure to make time for themselves. Reaching down, he adjusted the erection that was already starting to harden. There was no shame in his game though, everyone knew how much he loved and wanted his wife, and they all knew today was her last day of school.

  Everyone except Layne apparently.

  Layne chuckled. “I’d have to be a dumbass not to pick up what you’re throwing down. I’ll see if anybody else wants to go. Jess is meeting with that agent tonight in Nashville and I’m home alone.”

  Jagger waved his hand in the direction of the other guys. “Any other night, I’d be all for spending some time with you and the guys, but tonight, it’s about me and the wifey.” If he were lucky, Layne would pass along to everyone else what he planned on doing and no one would stop him when it was time to clock out for the day. He planned to be gone as soon as the clock hit five.

  When the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, Bianca could have cried with happiness and relief. Never in her life had an hour taken so long. Normally she waited at the end of the day to see if any of her students had any questions. On more than one occasion she’d given one or two of them a ride home. Today there was none of that. As soon as the clock had turned, she was out of her room with the last body that passed through her doorframe.

  Getting to her Mustang, her cell phone went off in her purse. She’d thought of stopping to see Jagger on her way home, but glancing at the phone and seeing the text was from him, she took a second to read it.

  Go home, take a shower, relax, and get dolled up. We’re going out tonight in celebration of Christmas break.

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. She was anticipating a possible late night with him and if that was the case, she wanted to rest up. Checking the time and doing the math in her head, she knew she had at least a couple of hours before he made it home. Enough time for her to have a power nap and get dolled up. Bianca really didn’t think he’d complain too much if she was still getting dressed when he got home. They’d had plenty of good times together while getting ready for a night out, and there was no reason this couldn’t be another one.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jagger pulled his bike into the driveway of his new-ish home. Sometimes when he walked in, he could smell the fresh paint and the hardwood floors. It still hadn’t stopped giving him a sense of pride; the fact he and Bianca had managed to buy themselves a home. Neither one of them could wait until the weather cleared and they were able to get outside and do some landscaping. When they’d signed the papers, he’d held her while she’d cried and damned if he hadn’t thought about crying himself. It was a purchase neither one of them were sure they would ever be able to make, but they’d saved and lucked up on a piece of land they could afford. Building the house had been a struggle, but in the end they’d gotten the majority of what they wanted. What they didn’t get, they knew they could add as the years went by.

  He spotted her car parked beside the back deck and grinned to himself. He couldn’t wait to get her out of her own head, and get her onboard with all his fun plans.

  Before he’d left the shop, he’d made plans with Tyler, Rooster, and possibly Steele to meet at the local Mexican restaurant. If anything would make Bianca feel better and relax, it would be dinner and margaritas with their friends. With any luck, he’d get her tipsy and they’d be able to have a good time when they got home. It wasn’t a must, but he loved when she could let her inhibitions go. He grinned to himself, feeling like the cat that ate the canary.

  He took the steps two at a time as he came in through the back door off the kitchen. He bent down, taking his boots off. B was very particular about anyone walking on her carpet or hardwood with shoes on. He was pretty sure their house would look brand new in ten years. Levering himself off the bench they’d put there for that purpose, he strolled through the mudroom, and as he entered the kitchen and stopped in his tracks.


  Bianca rolled her eyes, blushing at the adoration on his face. “Stop,” but it was apparent by the look in his eyes, he appreciated the time she’d taken to get ready.

  December in Kentucky was normally a little chilly, but they’d had a warm front go through a few days ago and highs were in the fifties and sixties. Everybody yelled global warming, but he’d lived in the area his whole life and temperatures (no matter the season) were never going to be predictable. Looking at the dress his wife wore tonight though, he was thankful as fuck for the warm up.

  A little black dress covered her body and a pair of neon yellow heels showcased her feet. He’d never been one to think of shoes as sexy, but these were. With a delicate strap that went around her ankle and her toenails that were a dark color, bordering black, they matched the color on her nails. He loved dark polish on her. It made her look mysterious, and added to her sex appeal. Her blonde hair darkened a little now that it was winter time, the darker color making her eyes sparkle in the low light of the kitchen. The eye makeup she wore was dark and whatever she wore on her lips made them look like strawberries ripe for the picking. He shook his head, whistling, as he walked over to her.

  “No, you’re a knockout. I’m a lucky man,” he leaned down slightly to sweep his lips against hers, burying his hand in her curls to tilt her head back.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she smiled against his lips, gripping her hands in his cut.

  “I need to take like a five-minute shower, and then we need to leave. We’re meeting a couple people at El Maz. Is that good with you?”

  “Like you have to ask me twice. Go get dressed and let’s get out of here. There’s a pitcher of margaritas calling my name.”

  That’s what he liked to hear. Giving her a wink, he made a beeline for their bedroom.

  “How was your last day?” he asked as they drove to the restaurant. He lazily ran his fingertip along her bare thigh, right where the hem of her dress ended. She didn’t stop him, just settled deeper in the seat, spreading her legs slightly.

  Jagger knew his wife’s clues better than he knew his own. He took hints like a fucking champ.

  “School was okay,” she answered, pushing her head back agains
t the seat and looking over at him. Stretching her arm along his back, she played with the edges of his hair.

  He slipped his hand further up her thigh, cupping the flesh on the inside as he ventured towards the warmth he felt beckoning him. “Just okay?”

  She inhaled deeply when his finger made room under the cloth of her panties. “Long,” she squirmed when his finger entered her warmth. “A long, hard day.”

  “Hmmmm,” Jagger hummed in his throat. “Long and hard, huh? Lots of tension build up?” As he said those words his thumb made contact with her clit.

  “Fuck,” she whispered, gripping his wrist with her fingers, spreading her legs wider. “So much damn tension.”

  “Maybe it’s time to let some of that tension go, babe. We’re about five miles from El Maz. Think you can do it?”

  She cut a lazy gaze over at him. “Try and stop me.”

  He chuckled, holding the wheel strong with his left hand while he went after her hard with the right one.

  Bianca relaxed against the seat, letting her husband work his magic over her. Her hand over his, she orchestrated the way he worked against her, directing him in the pressure and speed she needed in order to get off. Her eyes closed, she used her senses of smell and feel to get her there.

  She inhaled deeply, curling against his hand at her core. Smelling his cologne never failed to make her nipples hard. He wore it at his neck and it was what she responded to every time she buried her nose there.

  And feel? Fuck, she felt everything. The rasp of his arm hair against her thigh, the invasion of his fingers in between her flesh, the coolness of the watch he wore on his right wrist. As she lifted her hips to meet his thrust and withdrawal, he surprised her by inserting another finger, causing her to take an unsteady breath.

  “Two miles.”

  She pulled her lip between her teeth, biting hard. It caused goosebumps to break out along her flesh. Removing her hand from his wrist, she used her palms to push the skirt of her dress up, exposing her skin to the air. Even though it was dark outside and no one could see, it felt forbidden and the corresponding rush of moisture told her how much she loved it.

  Bringing her palms to her breasts, she cupped them in her hands, imagining they were Jagger’s.

  “That’s it baby, c’mon. We’re almost to the stop light,” he encouraged her. “If you’re not there yet, I’ll stop.”

  The stoplight was right in front of El Maz and she’d kill him if he stopped. “You stop and I’ll finish myself.”

  “The fuck you will.”

  She thrashed her head against the seat, feeling her body tighten against his ministrations. “Don’t stop Jagger,” she begged. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Don’t hold back, B. You know what you like, you know it’s dark, and I want you to go for it.”

  His voice was quiet in the car, and it had a dark edge to it. She did know what she liked, and she wasn’t sure why she wasn’t going for it. Opening her eyes, she could see the stoplight in the distance, but she had time. So fucking close. Slipping her hands into the top of her dress, she exposed her tits.

  “Yeah baby,” Jagger growled, taking his eyes off the road for a quick glance. “C’mon.”

  Taking two fingers, she stuck them in Jagger’s mouth, moaning when she felt the swirl of his tongue around them. Pulling them from his mouth, she used them to circle her nipple, pulling against the taut flesh.

  “Jagger,” she moaned as her body tightened and she felt the orgasm to her fucking toes.

  The car came to a stop and she blinked slowly, clearing her thoughts. They were in the El Maz parking lot.

  “You made it,” he congratulated, grabbing her hand, pulling it over to his crotch. “And I’m hard as a fucking rock.”

  She rolled her head lazily against the seat. “We’ll take care of that later; just give me a few minutes.”

  He leaned over, kissing her soundly on the lips. “Oh trust me, I’m gonna cash in.”

  He got out of the car, coming around to open her door. As she stood, trying to adjust her dress so that it covered everything, his palm landed heavily against her ass. “And that IOU? It’s owed soon.”

  She hoped like hell they could make it through dinner.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You wanna split a pitcher?” Christine asked Meredith and Bianca as they were seated at their table.

  Two enthusiastic yesses made her laugh as she ordered.

  “If we make it through that one, I got the next,” B raised her hand. “It’s been a rough few weeks.”

  Meredith gave an unladylike snort. “Tell me about it. This close to Christmas, people get insane and unfortunately, CRISIS starts filling up,” she sank into the side of the man in her life, Tyler Blackfoot, leaning in as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “I had to shut off my phone,” Christine sighed as she leaned forward and snagged a tortilla chip, dipping it in the salsa every table was given.

  “What the fuck for?” Jagger asked as he reached forward and grabbed his own chip. “Who cares about their hair this close to Christmas? We haven’t even got our shopping done yet.”

  Three sets of eyes drilled their laser focus into him as all three women shot him a look. “What?”

  “Sometimes I wonder how we’re related,” Christine blew out a breath, trying to exercise patience with her brother. “Everybody knows they’re gonna be in pictures because it’s Christmastime. A lot of my clients want touch ups and then you have the women who get their hair done once a year and their significant others pay for it. They cause me the most stress,” she shuddered. “The shit they call hair is a nightmare and takes twice as long because they haven’t kept up with it.” She stopped and took a long swallow of her margarita. “It’s money and it’s nice to have at this time of the year, but hell.”

  Jagger glanced at his wife. “I already know you’re excited school’s out for a few weeks.”

  B nodded as she chugged her first margarita, going back for seconds. Jagger couldn’t help the smirk that lifted the side of his mouth. This was going to be a good night for him, he could tell already.

  “You’re not working tomorrow, right?” Tyler took a pull off his Corona, sitting it down softly on the table as he looked at Jagger.

  Jagger mimicked his friend. “Right. I’m taking some time off over the next few weeks too, so I can spend it with her.”

  Tyler moved his head on his shoulders, rolling his neck. “I’m hopin’ like hell we can cut out early over the next few weeks. I know people got cars that need fixed, but fuck I need a few hours to put together these damn toys.”

  Meredith snickered as she heard her husband. “That’s all he’s been bitchin’ about for the past week.”

  He held up a hand. “No, no, hear my whole story.”

  When Christine wrinkled her nose, he gave her a look with a raised eyebrow.

  “I heard about hair, now you can hear about kids.”

  Everyone waited as he took another drink from his bottle. “We were slow in getting the Christmas shopping done. And when I say we were slow, I do mean we were slow. This shit shoulda been done a month ago, but we were busy. So I get to lookin’ at this shit the other night, and fuck me, but everything has to be put together,” he growled.

  “And it’s not like I know how to do anything like that,” Meredith laughed.

  Steele chuckled. “I’m sure they don’t share anything,” he added.

  The Blackfoots had one of each, a son and a daughter. With their age difference, sharing was out of the question.

  “No, they don’t,” Tyler reached over and grabbed a chip, biting down on it harshly. “So at some point I have to figure out when to do this. We’re always there, together, as a family.”

  B took another drink from what appeared to be her third margarita. Her words slurred slightly, but the point came across. “Mer, sometime this weekend, why don’t you bring them over and Jagger can go help Tyler.”

  Caelin and Addie l
oved going to B’s house. “That would be perfect.”

  B beamed, smiling at the two of them. “See, I’m a teacher. I solve problems and shit.”

  Jagger put his arm around Bianca’s waist as they waved bye to their friends. He held her up as he walked her over to the Mustang. “You have a good time?” he asked, dropping his chin to give her a kiss on the top of the head.

  She giggled as she stumbled slightly. He flexed his arm to keep her upright.

  “Your arm is so damn strong,” she ran her fingers along the veins on his forearm.

  He smirked, pushing her softly against the car as he clicked the key fob to unlock the door. “You’re lucky it is babe, otherwise you would have taken a header across the parking lot. Can you see it now?” He put one hand at her shoulder, and another at her hip, boxing her in. “High School Teacher drunk at El Maz.”

  She leaned up slightly and grabbed his lips in a steamy kiss, grinding her lower body into his. Pulling back, she gave him a sultry smile. “I think I’d rather be arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior.”

  Jagger groaned, burying his mouth in her neck. “You’re bound and determined to keep me hard all night aren’t you?”

  She turned, opening the door to the Mustang, before bending down and making a production of sitting her purse on the floor. Purposely, she stuck her ass out at him and wiggled it. “No,” she looked over her shoulder. “I totally plan on takin’ care of your little problem on the way home.”

  If there was any way he could, he got harder. “I’ll show you little problem.” Jagger grabbed her hips and thrust his own at her, letting her feel the length of him beneath his jeans. Thank God they’d parked away from the busiest part of the restaurant.


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