Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series

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Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series Page 181

by Laramie Briscoe

  “How was that for cardio?”

  He grasped her in his arms, kissing her forehead. Moving his hands up and down her sides, he tried to console her, because he felt like he needed to. He was as broken and as shattered as she was. A love like theirs was enough to wreck them both. Luckily they both loved the crash. Not many people had this kind of connection with their significant other and they both knew it. They’d keep this for as long as they could. He smiled at her. “You’ll always be my favorite cardio.”

  She opened her mouth to say something else when they heard Caelin on the baby monitor. Both of them grinned ruefully at each other.

  Meredith sighed, pushing back the covers he’d pulled over them only minutes before. She wished with everything she had that they could lounge around a little while longer, basking in the afterglow of one of the best orgasms she’d had in months. She cleared her throat, which was still sore and felt raw from the way she’d abused her vocal chords. She kissed his pec muscle, wrinkling her nose. She loved her kids and would do anything for them, but she wished just this once they’d sleep late and let mom and dad hang out. Instead, she got up, grabbing for the long shirt she’d been wearing.

  He watched as she grabbed up a pair of his boxer shorts, putting them on.

  “You ruined my panties, I expect more for Christmas.”

  He shot her a grin, one that told her she’d get anything she asked for.

  Shaking her head at him, she headed for the door, shaking her ass. “Duty calls.”

  And it did, no matter how much they wanted to spend the next few hours alone together.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Tyler enjoyed the quiet of his home for the full five minutes he would get it today. Mer had just packed up the kids and headed to Jagger’s to hang with B, while Jagger was on his way to their house, so he could help put together toys. Mountains and mountains of toys.


  Something he’d never thought he’d have to deal with in his life. After they’d gotten together, he’d had his five-year or ten-year plans but he’d never believed that he and Meredith would be lucky enough to have children. It still freaked him out slightly. More than slightly. But looking around the living room, he knew he wouldn’t trade them for anything. He’d watched as his family drove down their driveway out onto the road, and then waited a few minutes to make sure they weren’t coming back before he started dragging out boxes of toys that needed to be put together.

  They’d gone overboard and they knew it, but at the same time, they both knew Meredith would be able to take the toys the kids didn’t play with much to CRISIS; that was the only way they could justify the amount of money they’d spent. Opening the door to the closet where they’d shoved everything out of sight, he sighed deeply. This was going to take at least all afternoon, if not another day. He really hoped he and Jagger could get this all done in one day, because he wasn’t sure he had the patience for more than one. While he liked working with his hands, on grown-up sized stuff, his hands were just too big to mess with little kids toys for long. As he dragged the last box out into the living room, he heard Jagger’s familiar knock at the front door. Nobody knocked like him, it was almost as if he were beating a rhythm on a drum.

  “C’mon in,” he yelled as he finished pulling the last box out, breathing a little heavy because that one weighed more than the rest. He glanced around his living room, wondering what this looked like to Jagger.

  Jagger stepped into the living room, shrugging off his jacket and cut, placing them on the couch as he whistled between his teeth. “Holy fuck.”

  “I know,” Tyler shook his head ruefully. “It’s like Toys R Us threw up in here, isn’t it?”

  Jagger pushed his long-sleeve shirt up to his elbows and nodded. “Did you leave anything in the damn store for anyone else?”

  Tyler flipped him a middle finger before he had a seat and opened one of the boxes. Grabbing his tools closer, he raised his eyes to Jagger. “You here to bitch or help?”

  Pushing back and forth between his feet, Jagger grinned. “I was here to help until I saw the sheer amount of stuff.”

  Glaring, Tyler grabbed a pair of scissors to open the package inside the box. “Sit the fuck down and come on.”

  Jagger looked like he wanted to complain, but Tyler knew he was just busting his balls. Jagger wouldn’t be here if he didn’t want to be and secretly Tyler thought his friend enjoyed this kind of stuff. It made him wonder if maybe he was ready to take the next step in his relationship with Bianca.

  Figuring he’d phrase it as more a statement than a question, Tyler went for it. “You just wait until you and B decide to have kids. You’ll do stupid shit, like buy the whole damn store out in the hopes it’ll make them happy.”

  Jagger situated himself on the floor and reached for his own box. He was thoughtful as he opened it, and went about looking at the directions. “I don’t know about that.”

  Tyler was quiet for a few moments because he wasn’t sure what Jagger meant by the words. Instead of assuming, he asked this time. “Buying out the whole store, or having the kids?”

  “No,” Jagger glanced up, looking the older man in the eye. “Having the kids. B and I have talked about it a few times, but we’ve never come to any sort of agreement. I kind of get the feeling neither one of us thinks it’s a must have in our relationship. You know she’s with kids all day, almost every day, and I get my fix with all the procreation going on around the clubhouse.”

  “Well, is it a must have for you?” Tyler asked, stopping what he was doing as he watched his friend. This seemed to be heavy stuff, perhaps a conversation Jagger had needed to have for a while, and everyone had been too wrapped up in their own shit to see it.

  Jagger seemed to struggle with what he wanted to say for a few seconds, but then his voice was strong as he answered.

  “B and I are solid, as solid as we’ve ever been,” he was careful with the way he phrased the next part. “A kid doesn’t seem like it would make that much of a difference, and I honestly couldn’t see us having a child just for the sake of having a child. If she wants one, then I would love to give her one, but it’s not the all-consuming need I thought it would be once I got a ring on her finger. If that makes sense.”

  “It does,” Tyler got up on his knees as he continued putting together the kitchen that would be for Addie. Both he and Meredith hoped it would keep the little girl out of the real kitchen and satisfy her imagination. Twice they’d found her trying to get eggs out of the fridge and crack them. Once she’d somehow managed to worm her way up onto the counter and turn the oven on. “I think you and B have a relationship where it’s not going to matter either way. She loves you, you love her. Kids don’t make or break either one of you and it’s not like you got together just to have kids. You were solid as hell to start out with, and those are the best kind of relationships to have. You’re friends and lovers, you have a good time regardless. If it’s not something you feel as if you need to have, then don’t do it just because others think you have to have it. That’s fuckin’ stupid.”

  Jagger laughed, not able to keep the smile from his face. Times had gotten busier at the club and they all weren’t able to hang out like this very often. He wasn’t too much of an alpha male to say he missed it. There were times he needed these older guys to give him advice to help his marriage, help his life. It didn’t matter that he’d had to come to Tyler today. He’d go to any of them if they ever needed help. No questions asked – just like Tyler hadn’t balked on giving him the answers he sought. “The wise words of Tyler Blackfoot.”

  “Damn straight,” he grinned over at the younger man. Out of all the other guys in the club, he thought Jagger had it together. He’d had a rough childhood, and maybe he didn’t want to put that on a child of his own. Tyler wasn’t sure if Jagger was seeking someone to give him affirmation that his decisions were okay or not, but Tyler would never fault the guy for wanting to make the best choice for his family. “And if
you don’t have kids, I can always count on your help with birthdays and Christmas. Because fuck, if every birthday and Christmas is like this for the next ten years or more, I’m gonna need you, man. Possibly more than just you – hell, anyone who wants to come help.”

  Jagger laughed loudly. He didn’t bother to tell Tyler he’d help him whether he had kids or not. That was the kind of man Tyler was, he encouraged the guys when they needed it and he let them know that it was okay to go their own way, too. It was one of the reasons none of them questioned the big man when he asked for help with something. If Tyler Blackfoot asked for help, it meant he trusted you, and it meant he would be there for you the minute you called.

  All of them wanted to be that friend with him, and not for the first time, Jagger was damn proud to realize he was.

  “What are you over there smiling about?” Tyler growled as he tried to put a small screw in a piece of plastic, cursing when his big fingers didn’t allow it to be an easy execution.


  “Fuck,” he breathed through his nose. “If I’m gonna be doing this, I’m gonna need a cigarette and a drink,” Tyler shoved his hair back from his face. “And a motherfuckin’ hair tie.”

  Jagger watched as he got up from his spot on the floor, grumbling as he went in search of all the things he’d said he needed. Grinning, Jagger laughed. There was no one else in the world like Tyler Blackfoot.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Meredith rubbed herself up against his side, pushing onto her tiptoes to speak in his ear. He was so tall that she had to grip his shoulders and hold herself up there long enough so she could speak. “We’ve gotta get them to bed, otherwise we won’t have enough time to set out the Santa gifts.”

  Tyler glanced at the clock just over Meredith’s head and was surprised at the time. She was right, it was much later than he’d thought it was. “When did it get to be almost ten o’clock?”

  She laughed affectionately, wondering the same thing. “I have no idea! Between making cookies for Santa, Addie dragging you outside to put out reindeer food, and Caelin coloring a picture for the elves, it’s been a busy night.”

  She felt every one of those activities tonight, too. Her eyes were dry and she wanted nothing more than to go lay in bed and take a power nap. She knew they wouldn’t be able too, though, because as soon as her head hit the pillow… without a doubt, she’d be fast asleep. Being a parent was hard work, but she hadn’t realized how much until she’d become a parent herself. “I’ll go ahead and get them in bed if you want to start everything else?”

  She felt Tyler allow his hand to slip over her hip, down to the curve of her ass. He squeezed it gently before he dipped his head, brushing a kiss along her jaw. “You get Caelin in the bed, I’ll get Addie settin’ out cookies and by the time he’s gone down, she’ll be ready to go.”

  Divide and conquer? Her man was smart as hell. “Sounds like a great idea. Meet you back here in fifteen?” She’d have to remind herself not to make a stop off at their bedroom and take a small laydown in their bed.

  He smacked his hand against her ass, giving her that bad boy grin of his. “Don’t be late.”

  “Daddy, will Santa weally eat these cookies?”

  He gave his daughter an indulgent smile. Addie was the apple of his eye, he’d kill any motherfucker that hurt her or made her cry. He was worried though, about her pronunciation. She had a hard time with her r’s and he knew at some point they’d have to work on that, but right now the way she said them made his heart skip a beat. Reaching down, Tyler picked her up and put her on his knee.

  “He will, but he has to eat everybody’s cookies, so that’s why we’re only leaving two.”

  “Won’t he be full?” She asked, pushing her lips out.

  Tyler almost groaned. He was stuffed from the dinner they’d had. As it was, he’d have to convince Meredith to eat one of the two cookies they’d set out for Santa. “I’m sure he will be, but he’s got a sweet tooth.”

  “Is it made out of chocolate?” she wrinkled her nose and forehead as she looked up at her dad.

  He tilted his head forward so their foreheads touched, chuckling at her innocent question, out of the mouths of babes. “Yes,” he laughed softly again. “It’s one of his special powers.”

  She widened her eyes, gazing up at him with wonder in her expression. “Another special power is to know when you’re up past your bedtime. Which you are, because it’s ten o’clock,” he whispered to her in an urgent tone.

  Addie scrambled from his lap, and hit the floor running. She grabbed his hand, pulling him along. “C’mon Daddy, I didn’t mean to.”

  “He knows that, too,” Tyler assured her. They met Meredith in the hallway, and he caught his wife’s eye. “Addie’s gotta go to bed because Santa knows she’s been up past her bedtime.”

  He gave her a wink as he passed his daughter off to her mom. Still laughing at her innocent words, he watched as they hurried down the hallway. God, but he loved her. She’d made his life even more complete than he’d ever thought it could be. Caelin, too. But Addie had proven to him he could be a dad, proven to him he had the ability to love a child and could be a man that could be gentle enough for a kid. She’d always hold a soft spot in his heart. Same as her mom.

  “Seeing as how it’s Christmas Day now,” Tyler looked at the clock on the wall, seeing it read five minutes after midnight. “I think we can exchange gifts.”

  Meredith stood, admiring their handiwork. They’d worked hard and she was proud of herself, proud of him, proud of the life they’d built together. She pulled her phone out of her pajama pants pocket and took a picture of the scene in front of her. She’d started it the year they’d gotten Addie, but this year truly warmed her heart. Last year, Caelin hadn’t really been able to appreciate his gifts, he’d been too young. She couldn’t wait to see what he did when he saw the tree in a few hours. But right now she wanted to spend some time with her husband.

  “Sounds like a really good idea to me,” she gave him a small smile. “Do you mind if I grab a drink? It’s been a long day.”

  “No, we’re two adults,” he walked over and rubbed his nose along her neck, moving her hair and giving her a lingering kiss there. “I think we can do anything we want.”

  “Including go at it in front of the Christmas tree?” she questioned, her eyes bright, teasing him.

  He encircled his arms around her waist. “If that’s what you wanna do, I’m all for it, but I gotta be honest – I’m tired as fuck, and it might not be that great.”

  Her laugh pushed his hair back with the force of her breath. “I think you’re probably right about that. The cookies kinda pushed me to the limit.”

  He groaned, remembering the sweetness of the sugar. Santa might have a sweet tooth, but Tyler Blackfoot did not.

  “Be right back,” she told him as she turned and went to the kitchen.

  As he heard her rifling around in their kitchen, he went to grab her gift. They weren’t big on gifts, the two of them, so he really hoped she liked what he’d picked out. Either way, there was absolutely no way he could back out now.

  “Here ya go,” she came back into the room, carrying a lowball glass of bourbon for him and a glass of wine for her.

  “I didn’t even ask for it.”

  “What can I say? I could tell you needed it.”

  Their relationship summed up in six words. She always knew exactly what he needed. Sitting the two glasses down, she held her finger up. “Now let me go get your gift,” her eyes twinkled as she saw the two boxes he’d sat on the coffee table. “Those are mine, right?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he played along.

  “Oh, I’ll find out soon enough,” she shook her ass as she turned and walked out of the room.

  Once she was out of sight, Tyler shook the nerves out of his hands and rubbed them together in front of him. He hoped like hell she liked what he’d gotten her.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

/>   Meredith grabbed her own two boxes, and brought them with her into the living room and set them down on the coffee table next to Tyler’s.

  “You go first,” she pushed them towards him. “I wanna see your face when you open it.”

  “If you insist,” he gave her an indulgent smile as he reached for the smaller of the two.

  “You sure you wanna open the smaller one first? I think I’d go for the bigger one. More stuff,” she teased.

  “It’s not about the size,” his voice was confident as he pushed his fingers through the wrapping paper. He was still hesitant to open gifts since he’d never really gotten any before he and Meredith were together. “It’s about what’s on the inside.”

  She held her breath as he opened it, his eyes widening as he saw what lay inside.

  “Mer…” he started to speak, but nothing came out.

  “Jessica took it when she was messing around with the camera Layne got her over the summer. Do you remember? She was metering light or whatever?”

  He did remember. Turning it around so she could see it. “I’ve never had a family picture before,” his voice was hoarse as he turned the picture back around, taking it in again. He and Meredith sat close together, his arm around her. Caelin sat in his lap, Addie sat in hers, and they were all grinning up at the camera. It was a real family photo. Another thing he’d never thought he’d have.

  “I don’t know how you can top this,” he kept looking at the gift. For once he didn’t try to tamp down his emotions, he let her see how much he was affected by the thoughtful gesture. “Can we put it on the mantel?”

  “We can put it wherever you want,” she reached over, grasping his hand.


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