Unwanted Fate

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Unwanted Fate Page 18

by A. Gorman

  The meeting goes longer than I expected, but we go over the profit and lost for the second quarter and the numbers look on track for a record year. All donations and grants are approved for this quarter and that makes me excited to know that we are able to help the center again. I can get the check for the center before I leave today and drop it off when I pick up Emily, this should make her day.

  The rest of the day flies by with calls about adjusted budgets and getting expenditures approved. I think some of the calls were just to talk to me for the hell of it. I turn off my computer a little before four; I’m done looking at numbers and spreadsheets for the day. I want to stop and pick up flowers for Emily on my way to pick her up. The grant check was inter-officed to me so I have that in my inner suit pocket, ready to give to the center.

  I pull into a parking place in front of the center, and I look around a see a few people in cars who look like they might be media people but I’m not sure. Get out of the car, juggling the flowers and my keys in my hand, and shut the door. I walk to the entrance with a vase of cream tulips in hand. When I saw them, they reminded me of Emily, stunning without the fuss.

  The center is full of activity when I walk through the doors. Children are running and yelling in the hallway, parents pulling their children who don’t want to go home, and children quietly sitting along the wall reading. I open the door to the main office, and the chaos from the hallway quiets when the door closes. I see the assistant and wave at her. She waves as I go to Emily’s office. Her door is open when I get there, and she looks in deep thought.

  I knock on the door, startling her. She looks up and smiles a big smile of happiness.

  “Hey, handsome. You’re early.” She stands up, stretching and walks over to me, kissing me on the cheek. “Are these for me?” She eyes the flowers.

  “Yes, they are for you and I have something else for you and the center, so I thought I could come a little early.” Her eyes widen, she takes the flowers and sets them on her desk.

  “We got the grant?”


  “Ahh. Yes. Thank you so much. So when should I expect the check so I can tell Kelly?”

  “How about now?”

  “Fantastic! Let me get Kelly.” She rushes pass me and I can hear her heels quickly clicking on the concrete floor all the way to Kelly’s office, where she stops and I hear a loud, “Yes!” Then two sets of heels rapidly clicking toward me.

  “Mr. Matheson! Great to see you again,” the older woman cheerfully boasts as she enters the room. She takes my hand and shakes it excitedly.

  “Mrs. Lui, likewise,” I say, smiling. “I have something for your center. I’m glad that CUGC could help you.” I pull the check out and hand it to her.

  “Thank you so much, this will allow us to reach out to a lot more people. Thank you, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I appreciate you dropping this off. Oh, I hope you will be joining us at the Gala on Thursday, Mr. Matheson. CUGC will be mentioned as one of our supporters.”

  “I think I saw the invitation on my desk. If Emily is attending, I’m sure I’ll be there.” I look at her, questioning if we are going.

  “Um. Yes, I forgot to say something.” She begins to bite her nails.

  “Perfect! I think you’ll enjoy yourselves, but I’d better let you two get going. See you tomorrow, Emily. Mr. Matheson, stop in anytime.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Lui.” She turns and leaves the office with a little skip in her step.

  “You made her day, Patrick,” Emily says as she snuggles up to me.

  “Good, I hope I made yours too.”

  “Everyday, babe.” She hugs and kisses me quickly on the lips.

  “So what is this Gala?”

  “Basically, all of our donors and other supporters are invited to the event to raise more money for the Greater Centers of Reno via donations or through the auction. Also, they recognize people’s work in the community, companies’ donations, and give a basic run down of where the money raised is used. Most of the time the event is stuffy—I kind of feel out of place.”


  “Because I’m taking their money to do the work I do… I mean I love my job, but wouldn’t you love to be able to take your money and know firsthand where that money is going. Physically hand someone food that you know is going to keep them from going hungry.”

  “I can see your point, but I guess I get to be that person for CUGC. I’ve seen what the grant has purchased and I’ve seen who that money has helped.”

  “Maybe I’m being crazy. Anyways, let me save my work and get everything turned off, and I’ll be set to go,” she says a little frustrated.


  She quickly clicks buttons on the keyboard and then turns off her computer, desk lamp, and unlocking drawers to get things out and locking them. She looks up at me with a smile and I know that she’s ready to get out here.


  “I am,” she answers excitedly.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I walk out behind her and I step out of the way so she can lock the door behind me. “What sounds good for dinner?”

  “Anything. I’m famished.”

  “Chinese?” Sesame chicken sounds good.

  “Yes, please.”

  I get her in the car and look around, trying to see what cars are in the parking lot. I get in the car and take the long way to the restaurant, looking behind me frequently to see if anyone is following us. There’s no one suspicious around, and I hope the calls and emails are as far as these people go.

  Tears run down my face as I write another entry into my letters to Nate journal.

  Thursday, July 21st


  I miss you everyday, but even more today, our birthday. How I wish I could celebrate twenty-four years with you. I’m thankful I got to spend as many years with you as I did. I’m thankful that you were my brother. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to grow up with.

  I hope you’re looking down on us, keeping us safe. Everything is a little crazy since the media is finding out that Dad had us and no one knew about it until recently. I don’t understand why they think our personal lives are any of their business anyways.

  Mom is doing great and she’s so happy. I know she was happy when you were here, but Dad makes her radiate. I honestly believe love can heal a broken heart.

  I’m sure you know Patrick is amazing. I love him so much, and I honestly believe you two would have been the best of friends. He loves me, takes very good care of me, and makes sure I’m protected, safe, and sound. We are going to the Gala for the center tonight. You remember how I begged you to go with me last year since you were home? Thank you so much for making me laugh and have fun that night. I’ll never forget the feather lady… I hope I don’t run into her tonight. Ahh.

  I better let you go so you can party it up wherever you choose to.

  I love you always,


  Closing the leather bound journal, I hold it to my chest, and let the tears flow down my face, dripping on the top of the pages. The days that tears fall for my brother’s loss are less and less as each day goes by, but there is still a crack in my heart that I don’t know if it will ever heal. I place the journal on top of the nightstand next to the bed and get out of bed to get dressed for work.

  Wonder what Patrick is up to since I haven’t seen or heard him since he got out of bed almost an hour ago. Walking into the bathroom, I stop in place when I get in there. White rose petals lie on the surface of the double sink, the garden tub, and all over the floor. Candles placed sporadically throughout the room, on the counter, ledge of the tub, in the shower, and in the window, twinkling in the semi-darkness. How did he prepare all of this without me noticing?

  I turn around to go find him and almost run right into him.

  “Happy birthday, gorgeous,” he says, kissing me on the lips with a huge bouquet of white roses.

�Thank you, babe. This,” I sweep my arms around, “is amazing and beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome. Where would you like your flowers? They’re in a vase.”

  “On the table in front of the window?”

  “Okay.” He kisses me again and walks into our bedroom, placing the flowers on the table, and comes into the bathroom pulling something out of his pocket.

  “This is a little something I picked up. You have another gift coming later.”

  “Um, okay.” He slides open the dark blue square Alex and Ani box and in the box lies a silver Queen’s Crown Charm bangle bracelet. “For my gorgeous queen, this reminds me of your kindness, your compassing, and your grace when helping those around you. I love you, Emily Kenae. Happy birthday.” Tears of happiness run down my face as I jump into his arms, hugging and kissing him.

  “I love it so much. I’ll wear it today! Too bad I can’t thank you properly.”

  “You wearing it is all the thanks I need, gorgeous.”

  “I love you,” I say kissing him again.

  “I love you too, birthday girl. We probably should get going since we are leaving early today to prepare for the gala.” He hesitantly stands me up.

  “True. I don’t want to ruin everything you’ve done,” I say looking at everything covered by the petals.

  “I can redo it later. I have more petals.” He winks as he walks over to the shower, turning it on so it gets hot and steamy.

  “Outstanding. You spoil me,” I say as I grab our towels and lay them on the ledge next to the shower.

  “I love spoiling you. Ready? The water’s hot,” he says, holding the door slightly ajar.

  “Yes.” He holds the door open for me and when I walk in, he swats my ass.

  “One of twenty-four. This could be fun,” he says, pulling me into his chest and grabbing my bottom with both hands.


  “There’s eighteen hours left in this day. I might have to do them when we get home,” he says kneading my cheeks.

  “Is that a threat?” I look at him curiously.

  “No, it’s a promise.” He releases me, but swats my backside again.

  “Two of twenty-four.”


  “Sorry, gorgeous. I’ll stop.” He kisses my forehead, then showers while I try to tame my raging hormones. When we get home tonight, it’s so on.

  I quickly shower and get dressed for work and I opt for semi casual today. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time with the kids in the summer program today, and I get thinking if Patrick has time to stop by the grocery to pick up a fun snack for the kids. “Do we have time to stop by the grocery and get mini cupcakes and ice cream cups?” I look over to Patrick as he adjusts his tie in the mirror.

  “Of course. So we need to go to the grocery store?” He looks at me in the mirror’s reflection.

  “Yes. Is the cooler in the garage?”

  “Um. Yeah, I’ll get it and meet you in the car.”

  “Alright, I love you.”

  “I love you too, gorgeous.” He kisses me softly, not messing up my lipstick.

  He walks out of our room and down the stairs, and I know I need to hurry because he’ll be ready to leave in less than ten minutes. I hope he has coffee on because I need a dose of caffeine. I hurry downstairs and grab a travel mug to fill with coffee and cream. I give it a quick taste and I would gulp the mixture if it weren’t so hot. I grab my purse and briefcase off the table next to the garage door and head to the car. Patrick is waiting for me and we are quickly off as he gets my door shut and gets in.

  Patrick decides to go to the grocery close to the center so we don’t have to worry too much about the ice cream melting. I bought all the mini cupcakes and ice cream they had in stock. I hope this will be a nice surprise for the kids at the center.

  When we pull up to the center, there is a huge banner in the doorway that says, Happy birthday, Ms. Emily! Tears spring to my eyes because I didn’t expect the kids and staff to do anything like this. Patrick pops the trunk, opens the door for me, and gets the cooler out of the trunk to take into the center. I shut the door and trunk so we can lock the doors.

  “I think they are happy to celebrate your birthday with you.” Patrick smiles as I open the door for him to let him in the center.

  “I never thought they would do anything like this. I’m kind of embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. You know how kids love birthdays.”


  “Where am I taking this?” He holds up the cooler.

  “The kitchen, follow me.” I guide him through the hallway, around kids running up to me and giving me hugs and saying, “Happy birthday, Ms. E.!” Not one time did Patrick get aggravated with the kids that were holding up our progress to the kitchen.

  “We’ll set the whole cooler in the walk-in freezer,” I say as I open the door for him.

  “Okay,” he says placing the cooler on the floor.

  “Thank you so much. Sorry I’ve made you late.”

  “I’m not late, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you. I’ll walk you out.”

  Children who didn’t hug me or give me birthday wishes yet, greeted me on the way back through and Patrick was smiling and laughing with the kids. We finally make it to the front door.

  “I’ll see you around two, gorgeous. Have a great day.”

  “Will do. You too, babe.”

  I kiss him quickly on the cheek and watch him walk out to the car, get in, and drive away. I turn around and go straight to the office. When I open the door, the room is full of balloons and handmade Happy birthday! signs, and on my office door are pictures and birthday wishes from the children. I love my job. I unlock my door carefully, trying not to rip down any of the decorations.

  “Happy birthday, Emily,” the voice says behind me. I turn around and glad to be in the main office and not mine.

  “Thank you, Victor.”

  “I got you a little something. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, but thank you very much. Is it okay that I open it later?”

  “Yeah. Well, I need to get to the gym. I’ll see you later. Have a good one.”

  “Thank you. You too. Oh, Victor?”

  “Yeah? I brought in cupcakes and ice cream for the kids later. Thought we could do that around twelve thirty?”

  “That should work. I’ll let the rest of the staff know and plan for then.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.” I hold up the gift so he knows I was thanking him for that too.

  I make sure he’s gone and get my door unlocked. Walking around my desk, fall into my office chair, letting my purse and briefcase fall on the floor. Even though it’s only seven thirty, I feel like I’ve been here hours. I unlock my drawers with the keys that are still in my hand, and pick everything off the floor and put it all in the drawer and lock it. Then I remember my cellphone is in my purse, so I have to get back in the drawer.

  I place my phone and keys on my desk and get to my usual morning routine, but stop to look at the envelope that Victor gave me. Deciding to open the slightly thick envelope, I gently rip open, and pull the card out. On the front of the card is a cute little dog with a party hat on with a Happy birthday sign hanging from his mouth. I open the card and on the inside is a gift card for Starbucks. I remove the card and see that Victor had the children sign the inside of the card all around the simple statement of Have a great birthday. The card has me smiling and I’m elated that Victor took the time to have the children do this for me. I smile and place the gift card in my drawer and set the card on my desk.

  Since I’ve put off my work, I pick up my phone to listen to voicemails, some media people are still trying to get an inside scoop, but I’m old news. Dad and Mom, on the other hand, not so much. I move on to my emails and there are a few Happy birthday’s from co-workers and acquaintances I’ve met along the way, and even Kristin sent me a birthday wish via an e-card. She�
�s such a sweet lady.

  I’m so enthralled in my emails I don’t notice a knock on my office door.

  “Emily?” I look up and Kelly is standing at the threshold of my office.

  “Good morning, Kelly. How are you?

  “I’m good. Happy birthday.”

  “Thank you. So, are you prepared for tonight?”

  “Yes, they are projecting a larger than normal turnout since the economy has started to bounce back.”


  “Besides wishing you a happy birthday, I wanted to give you a heads up you might want to prepare a speech.”

  “Um. Why?”

  “I nominated you for an award. I hope you get it, kiddo. You’re pretty special to me and this community.”

  “I don’t know what to say…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I don’t know how else to tell you I value all your hard work. The Community Centers of Reno value your hard work. You’re a phenomenal person, I hope you know that.” Tears pool in my eyes.

  “Thank you, Kelly. You don’t know how much that means to me. I do what I do because I love it. I love helping people.”

  “It shows. Thank you for being part of the team here.” I get up and walk over to Kelly, hugging her.

  “Thank you.”

  “Now that I’ve made both of us an emotional mess, I guess I better get some work done. You’re leaving at two today?”

  “Yes, and I brought in cupcakes and ice cream for the kids. Victor and I talked about serving it around twelve thirty.”

  “The kids will love that. If I don’t see you before then, I’ll see you in the cafeteria.”

  “Alright.” She waves as she leaves my office.

  Shortly after she left, my first client of the morning arrived, and I hope that the other three show up as prepared as her.

  “Happy Birthday, Ms. Emily…” the children sing out before they eat their cupcakes and ice cream. The kids are going to be hyper after all this sugar, but I thought about it because they have gym time after they eat. I hope they don’t eat too much and get sick from getting excessively hot.


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