Unwanted Fate

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Unwanted Fate Page 20

by A. Gorman

  “Gorgeous, I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, I love you.”

  “Love you too.” I kiss her cheek and get up to use the restroom and to find the emcee to see if I can get in a birthday wish for Emily.

  The emcee takes her place behind the podium and Patrick hasn’t returned. My palms sweat as anxiety builds in my chest. I hope in the chance that I am honored he’s here to see it. I look around for him and I don’t see him anywhere. This is not like him. I hear hushed gasps and whispers behind me, and I turn to look around again. That’s when I see Patrick coming with a cake, topped with a silver sparkler in the center of it. Oh my.

  Our eyes meet and his smile warms me instantly. When he’s almost to the table, the emcee talks, “We have someone celebrating a birthday today. If everyone could join in and sing Happy Birthday to Emily Janes from Project Hope, I’m sure she’ll be honored. Begin at three. One, two, three…” The lyrics of Happy Birthday belt out around me.

  I feel my face flush with embarrassment as Patrick sets down the cake in front of me. When the song is over, everyone hoots and hollers. I politely nod to the emcee to let her know I appreciate her kindness, and in return, she smiles and waves.

  “Why do I have a feeling you set all of that up?” I whisper in Patrick’s ear.


  “That was kind of embarrassing.”

  “I’m sorry, gorgeous. That wasn’t my intention.”

  “I know. Thank you and the cake is beautiful.”

  “They have a box to put it in if you don’t want to eat it.”

  “Mmm. I think I want to eat it in bed tonight.



  “Ladies and gentlemen, the second portion of our evening is beginning. The time has come to recognize the employees that make our centers thrive.”

  The emcee lists all the employees with years severed at the centers, employees of the month, and the AmeriCorps volunteer’s awards, and followed by awards given to employees by their center’s directors. The last award of the evening should be coming up, and I’m positive I’m not in the running for it so I take a relaxing breath to let the nerves out that I was holding.

  “For our last recognition of the night, the Humanitarian of the Year is the highest honor from the Community Centers of Reno. This individual puts in more hours than what is required of her. She’s often in the center at seven and doesn’t leave until five. In her day at Project Hope…” My ears begin to ring and I feel Patrick squeeze my thigh. Did I actually win this award?

  “…she’s a friend to the youth, teaching them basketball or listening to their problems. Those in need, reach out to her help to keep a roof over their heads or food on their tables. She goes beyond the call of duty to help those who need our help. On the behalf of the Community Centers of Reno, I would like to present Emily Janes, Outreach Coordinator at Project Hope with the Humanitarian of the Year award. Ms. Janes, please come up and accept your award.”

  I’m in shock, because I’m sure someone else is more deserving.

  “Gorgeous, that’s you…” He kisses my cheek. My mind finally gets my legs to work and I stand up, making my way up on stage amid the round of applause.

  The emcee hands me the award after shaking my hand and I know I have to give a speech. I inhale deeply and let it out before I reach the mike.

  “Thank you. To receive this recognition is humbling. When Kelly told me she had nominated me for an award, I didn’t think it would ever be for the Humanitarian of the Year honors. I wish I had prepared a better speech.” The audience chuckles at my admission.

  “First, I would like to thank the staff I have the honor of working with every day at Project Hope. Their compassion and drive to help the community encourages me daily to do the same. I would like to thank our donors also. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to open our doors to those in need.” I pause, collecting my thoughts for before I proceed.

  “Working for Project Hope has opened my eyes up to the suffering we have in our very own community. Children going hungry, without proper shelter, or without the necessities that we take for granted. That needs to change. I’ve made it my mission to serve everyone that comes through our doors; I try to make sure they have what they need when they leave. I love being hands on with the children and with the community. Having that one on one contact allows me to know what’s happening within the community, our community. Because I took the time to listen, I quickly learned there needed to be a change in how those in need of services are assisted, and being at Project Hope has allowed me to be that change. We all are that change, and couldn’t be more honored to be part of the Community Centers of Reno than I am this very moment. Thank you.” I look to Patrick and he stands up clapping along with the rest of the room.

  When I return to my seat, everyone is still clapping and I do a half bow to thank them all again, and the room is still applauding.

  “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. That concludes our honors ceremony. If you bid in our silent auction, please check in to see if you won. Thank you again for coming and supporting the Community Centers of Reno. Enjoy the rest of your evening,” the emcee says before she walks off the stage.

  “Well, that was surprising,” I say to Patrick before I’m tackled behind from Kelly.

  “Emily, I had no doubt you would win,” she says as I turn to face her.

  “Thank you, I’m honored you think that much of me.”

  “Without you, we wouldn’t serve half the people we do. You’re the first person I’ve had in that position that has loved that job.”

  “I do very much.”

  She hugs me again. “Congratulations, both of you.”

  “Thank you,” Patrick says, smiling.

  “I’ll see you around. If I don’t see you before you leave, have a good evening and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Kelly,” I say hugging her again.

  “Let’s go see if we won anything,” Patrick says to me as we pick up our awards.

  “I didn’t bid on anything.”

  “I did.” He winks at me as he grabs my hand and we walk out to the hallway.

  Tables flank both sides of the hallway with assorted gifts spread out evenly among them. I hesitate, looking at the baskets and items sitting on the tables, and Patrick gently tugs me to catch up with him. He knows exactly where he wants to go. At the end of the table, I notice there’s a large framed piece of art. As we get closer, I notice it’s a picture of Petah Coyne’s Untitled #1205, (Virgil). He looks down at the sheet and smiles.

  “Looks like I need to pay.”

  “You won this?”


  “I didn’t know you liked Petah Coyne.”

  “Oh, is that who created it?”

  “Yes, why did you bid on it if you didn’t know anything about it?”

  “It’s where I found you.” I look at him. “The day I came to the museum, this is the piece of art I found you in front of. It’s my reminder to keep looking and I’ll find exactly what I need. That day was the day I realized I needed you.” I’m shocked he remembered. Love fills my heart.

  “I love you, Patrick.”

  “I love you too, Emily.” I place my award in front of him, putting my arms around his waist, and hug him. His arms close around me, enclosing me in his warm hug.

  “I’m going to get this paid for and we can get out of here if you’re ready.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He gets the attention of the attendant behind the table and fills out the paperwork that has to be completed in order to pay for the artwork. While he finishes up, I look at the other items that were available and the few pieces of art that are on display, and I get a chill down my spine. I slowly turn around and see Victor staring at me, How did I not notice him before?

  I stand still and he stalks over toward me. “Emily, congratulations on your honor. You’re very deserving of it.”

  “Thank you, Victor.
I didn’t know you were here. I thought you would have been sitting at our table.”

  “I came in late and set with a few other people I knew from the center on the Southside of the city.”

  “Oh. I see. Well, it was good seeing you, but I need to get going.”

  “See you tomorrow,” he says and walks off.

  I look up and notice Patrick walking toward me. I shake off the odd encounter with Victor and smile at Patrick’s sexiness as he gets closer to me, and I’m glad that we decided to head home because I can’t wait to eat my cake in bed with him.

  I wonder what cake on Patrick’s abs would taste like? I think I’m going to find out.

  Cake ala Patrick was fantastic and very sticky last night, leading to hyper sex from all the sugar. As I get out of bed, I find crumbs of cake I missed cleaning. Before I head to the shower, I grab my phone and text my mom, letting her know about my award from last night and checking to see if we are still on for dinner tonight. I know I won’t get a reply until later in the morning.

  Patrick and I go through our morning routines a little draggy this morning. Being out late then cake tasting lasting until one, only gave us four hours of sleep. I hope that today isn’t a long day. After we finish upstairs, I make sure to grab a thermos of coffee to take with me. I know I’ll need several cups to make it through the day.

  When we arrive at the center, everything is normal and prepared to begin a new day. Patrick helps me out of the car and walks me to the entrance, kissing me on the cheek before I go in.

  “Have a great day, gorgeous.”

  “You too, sexy.”

  He winks at me before I walk into the building. I hope this day goes smoothly.

  Emily’s birthday celebration take two is a go. Emily’s parents had planned to take her out on her actual birthday, but since the gala was the same day, they decided to do it the next day. With Friday being the kick off to the weekend, Cassie and Kenneth went a little crazy with planning. Well, Kenneth did. I think he’s trying to make up for all the years lost.

  What makes all of the plans so great is that she’s in the dark. She knows that we are going to dinner with her parents, but she doesn’t know that my sister coming too. I guess she will when she walks out to the car in five, four, three, two, one...the door in the front of the center and Emily’s beautiful smiling face greets me as I get out of the car to open the door.

  She squints her eyes, trying to figure out who is in the backseat of the car. As she gets in, she turns around and smiles even bigger.

  “Addison. How are you?” she asks excitedly.

  “I’m well, you?” Addison smiles, largely.

  “Great! Thank you. Are you going to dinner with us?” Emily asks, confused.

  “I am. Patrick invited me. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. It’s nice to see you.” Emily gives her a big smile.

  “Ready to go,” I ask Emily.

  “Yes, are we going straight to the restaurant?”

  “We are meeting your parents first.”

  “Oh, okay. Mom said you know the plans and they’ll see me when we arrive.”

  “Yes, Kenneth texted me this morning.”

  “Why do I have a feeling that this isn’t going to be a quiet dinner?”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be a quiet dinner.” I wink at her.

  I turn the car to head southeast to the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. When I take the exit for the airport instead of staying on 580 to go to our house, she looks at me trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “Babe, where are we going?”

  “Meeting your parents.”

  “At the airport? I thought they were at their country home.”

  “I’m not sure. I was told this is where I need to go.”

  “Okay.” She looks around outside of the car, trying to figure out what’s going on.

  I drive around to the Atlantic Aviation building and park in front of the building.

  “Patrick. I don’t see my parents.”

  “Hmm. I wonder if they’re inside.”

  “I’ll call my mom.” She pulls her phone out of her purse and calls. “Hi, Mom. We’re where you told Patrick to meet… Alright. We’ll be in. Love you.” She hangs up. “She said they are inside.”

  “Okay. Well, let’s go in.”

  I get out of the car and get the doors for Addison and Emily, and I take Emily’s hand as we walk to the building. As we enter, I see her parents sitting in chairs waiting for our arrival.

  “Emily, darling. It’s so good to see you. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday yesterday.” Her mom stands and hugs her tightly.

  “I did, missed you though.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “Happy birthday, Emily,” Kenneth says as he hugs her after.

  “Thank you so much. All ready?”

  Her parents laugh at her question. “I think we should be asking you that.” Her mom smiles.

  “Um, why?”

  “Patrick, you didn’t tell her?”

  “No, ma’am. You told me to keep it a secret so I did.”

  “Wise man,” Mom says, patting me on the arm.

  She places her arm around Emily’s shoulders. “Darling, we are taking you and everyone here to Vegas for the weekend. Our plane leaves in thirty minutes.”

  “Holy cow! I haven’t packed. I only have the clothes that I’m wear—”

  “I packed for you. Our luggage is in the trunk.” I smile at her.

  “I can’t believe this. Is this really happening?” She looks at all of us in disbelief.

  “Yes, Emily. You have a busy weekend ahead. Ready to celebrate your birthday?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “I’ll get the luggage.”

  “Wait, I’ll help you. Let’s get a trolley,” Kenneth offers.

  “Thank you,” I say, smiling at him.

  We head out to my car and get the suitcases that I had packed in the trunk. I hope I included everything that she’ll need, but it’s not like we can’t pick up something I missed. We meet up with the ladies inside and take our luggage to the baggage service.

  Kenneth and Cassandra lead everyone to the private plane that will be taking us to Vegas. Emily looks overwhelmed with everything but once the shock wears off, she will enjoy herself. Once we are on the plane, Emily asks to sit next to the window and I let her, remembering she loves to look at everything we fly over.

  After the captain’s instructions, the plane goes down the runway and lifts into the sky. Emily’s enamored with the view out the window, unable to pull herself away from all the twinkling lights below. I can’t wait to see her reaction when we fly over Vegas with all the twinkling and flashing lights.

  The plane hits a pocket of turbulence, and she grabs my leg, trying to steady herself.

  “It’s okay, gorgeous. Just a little turbulence.”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting it because I was so engrossed in the earth below.”

  “I’m right here. Squeeze me all you need.”

  She runs her hand up my thigh and grazes my cock through my pants.

  “Except there. Your parents and my sister are sitting around us,” I whisper in her ear.

  “You said…”

  “My leg and my hand are both fine.”

  “Oh.” She giggles.

  The rest of the flight is smooth and we’re landing before I realize how long we’ve been in the air. Emily oohs and aahs as we fly over the heart of Las Vegas before landing at Atlantic Aviation in Las Vegas.

  “Vegas looks so different up in the air than on the ground.”

  “That it does.”

  We exit the plane and I see a black SUV waiting close at the tarmac for us to get into. Our luggage is loaded into the rear as we get into the front of the vehicle.

  “Are you telling me where you’re taking me or do I have to wait until we get there?”

  “Darling, you’ll find out in fifteen or so minutes,
” her mom says as she places her hand on Emily’s.

  “You’re killing me with the secrecy.”

  “It’s all part of the surprise.”

  “If you say,” Emily says, trying to act mad but you can tell that she barely able to contain her excitement.

  The SUV pulls in front of the Caesar’s Palace and comes to a stop, and Emily freaks out from all the unknowns, from the lack her not planning everything.

  “We are staying here?” Kenneth nods at her. “Oh my God. Thank you.”

  “I notice some cameras around, just be polite and smile,” he reminds everyone.

  The valet opens the doors for everyone and Kenneth helps Cassandra exit the SUV, and I walk around to help Emily and Addison, letting the ladies walk in front of me as we enter the white stone ancient Roman architecture style building.

  As we make our way in the glass doors, Kenneth speaks with the concierge and comes back to hand us our room key and Addison one as well. We walk to the elevators to take us to our rooms.

  “This is way too much,” Emily murmurs to herself as the doors close to the elevator.

  “Gorgeous, nothing is too much for you.”

  “I’m still trying to come to terms with everything you gave me and did in my name, but all of this… I don’t know if I’m ever going to get used to being Kenneth’s daughter.”

  “That is what makes you different from all the other rich and famous’ children. You don’t expect this every single day. You’re humble. Just say thank you and be yourself.”

  “Easier said than done,” she says as we get off the elevator and make our way to the room. Addison’s room is in the opposite direction, which is good. I don’t have to worry about Addison hearing Emily moan out my name when I have her tangled up in the sheets later on.

  “I know. You like to work for what you have and I’m sure you’re feeling like it’s a handout.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel. I felt that way with you at first, but you squelched that feeling when you told me you loved me.”

  “I do love you, very much. I understand where you’re coming from. I felt the same when the Carlino’s helped me, but I realized they weren’t doing it to just because they felt bad for me, they did it because they loved me and wanted me to better myself.”


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