Morning After (A Reynolds Security Novel)

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Morning After (A Reynolds Security Novel) Page 8

by Hale, Melissa

Ethan didn't broach the subject of her security until after she had put the lasagna in the oven.

  "I want to install a security system; here and at your shop." He said when she settled beside him.

  "Is this a sales pitch?" She grinned and he felt heat creeping up his neck.

  "Not hardly." He muttered.

  "Ethan I don't need a security system. I know it seems like it at the moment but you've just caught me on a bad er-month."

  "Erica," His voice lowered to a serious growl that made the hair on her arms stand up. "Trust me on this okay. This is what I do. I can install a system for you, state of the art. It won't cost you anything."

  "Ethan, I can pay for it," she said indignantly. "That's not the point."

  "Erica I want you to be safe." He reached out and took her hands looking into her eyes. "Please." The way he was looking at her lit up her whole body. She could feel everything. Every stitch of clothing she had on. The fabric of the couch. Most especially the way his thumbs were stroking the backs of her hands.

  "Why." She had to stop and clear her throat. "Why do you care so much?" He smiled then and released one of her hands so he could stroke the edge of her lower lip with his thumb.

  "Because," he whispered. "I like you. I think this is the beginning of something amazing and I want you to be around so we can experience it." He drew closer and kissed her lower lip. "You have a really beautiful mouth." he whispered, his hot breath mingling with hers. She ached low in her belly and realized she was experiencing something she had never experienced before. Full blown arousal. Now she knew what women meant when they said they were caught up in the moment. She didn't care about anything at the moment except getting closer to him. She leaned into him sealing her mouth fully against his. The flavor of him filled her with a heady rush. He pulled her lower lip into his mouth and sucked it then nipped it gently. She heard a soft moan that sounded remarkably like her but she knew her brain didn't tell her to make that noise. No; her brain had deserted her completely. She felt his hands on her waist as he lifted her into his lap. She felt his arousal pressing against her thigh but even that wasn't enough to make her pull back. His mouth broke from hers moving to her neck. The feel of his tongue on her neck made her quiver. Her normally cool and collected exterior was gone. Replaced by a woman who wanted to be bold and impulsive. A woman who wanted to tear her clothes off and say to hell with the consequences.

  The sound of a key in the lock didn't break through her passion fogged senses but Zoe's voice calling her name did. She jerked away sliding down the couch like a teenager caught making out during a study session.

  "Something smells good." Zoe called out a moment before she appeared in the doorway. She stopped short when she saw them. She looked from Erica's flushed face to Ethan and back then grinned.

  "Hey Joe."

  "Hi, it's Ethan actually." Ethan knew if he showed some manners and stood up she would see his obvious affliction so he remained seated and hoped she didn't think he was a cad.

  "I knew that." She smiled a knowing smile at him then looked at Erica. "I glanced at the timer and saw I have time so I am going to jump in the shower. When I get out I'll make a salad if you want."

  "Sounds good." Erica squeaked. Zoe walked away down the hall and Erica dropped her face to her hands. Ethan chuckled.

  "It's not funny." Erica mumbled into her hands.

  "Don't be embarrassed." He whispered, pulling her close again.

  "I am not this girl. I don't... don't... make out on the sofa." He laughed again and she glared at him.

  "I know that. I also know you're a little freaked out by this thing between us. I am willing to go as slow as you need but I am not going to let you pull back just because you're freaked out. So if you don't want me you're going to have to spell it out for me real clear." Erica looked in his eyes then her gaze dropped to his lips.

  "I want you," she whispered then kissed him softly.

  Chapter 9

  Erica couldn’t stop humming as she started breakfast. Dinner the night before with Ethan and Zoe had been perfect. Zoe was generally cool towards anyone Erica dated but Ethan had managed to get past her frosty exterior. The good night kiss had nearly caused her to melt into a puddle on the floor. She had never met anyone who could coax that kind of response from her.

  “Ugghh. Keep your cheerfulness to yourself; it’s nauseating.” Zoe grumbled when she came in. Erica just laughed. Zoe was not a morning person.

  “Want some pancakes?” Erica said sweetly and Zoe rolled her eyes.

  “So this is you in love, huh? It’s going to take some getting used to.” Zoe grumbled.

  “In love?” Erica squeaked. “I’m not in love. I only just met him.”

  “So?” Zoe said calmly as she poured her coffee. “What is the waiting period?”

  “I am not in love with him.” Erica sputtered, “Besides he’s not… I mean he’s the kinda guy that…” She couldn’t say it. Couldn’t force the words past her lips. Ethan wasn’t the player that Diane said he was she was sure of it.

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you Erica.” Zoe whispered.


  “Like he’s a starving man and you’re a juicy steak, like you’re the only woman in the room. Take your pick. Don’t look so freaked out, this is a good thing.” Erica knew her eyes must be as big as saucers and her throat had suddenly gone dry. Zoe watched her for a moment and then stepped closer and slid her arm around her friend. “You have to let good things happen,” she whispered. “Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from living your life.”

  “How ‘bout some music?” Zoe grinned and grabbed the stereo remote. Soon they were both singing Cat scratch fever at the top of their lungs and dancing though the kitchen. Erica twirled around the kitchen singing into her spatula until she came up short looking at a very angry looking Ethan in the doorway. She flushed wondering just how much singing and dancing he’d seen. She dove for the stereo remote silencing the music.

  “Your door was unlocked.” He nearly growled.

  “I just took the garbage out.” Zoe said somewhat sheepishly.

  “Why didn’t you lock the door behind you?” He leveled those intense blue eyes at Zoe and Erica felt somewhat sorry for her friend. Ethan shook his head and turned away pulling his phone from his pocket. Zoe looked at Erica and mouthed "wow" it was all Erica could do not to giggle.

  Less than fifteen minutes later there were men there running cables and installing sensors. Ethan had left for work after insuring that she would be at the shop to let installers in there as well. She understood that his annoyance was based in concern she just wasn't sure how to appease him.

  Erica's heart was pounding as she rode the elevator to the top floor. She had been here before but now there were a lot of people around. She held her head high and did her best to look like she was supposed to be there. All her confidence fled when she stepped into the outer office before Ethan's and came face to face with the blond cheerleader.

  "May I help you?" The woman's saccharine smile was clearly fake. Erica was too stunned to speak. The idea that this woman was Ethan's assistant creeped her out on a number of levels.

  "I ah... Um... I'm here to see Ethan er Mr. Reynolds." Erica hated how weak her voice sounded.

  "Do you have an appointment?" The smug look on the cheerleader's face brought a surge of annoyance.


  "Well I am afraid Mr. Reynolds is in a meeting right now and can't be disturbed." Erica was certain the woman was lying and made the decision to call her bluff.

  "I'll just drop this off and be on my way." She tried to step around her but the other woman blocked her way once again.

  "Just leave it with me. I'll see that he gets it." Erica was trying to think of a reasonable alternative to slapping that smug smile off Diane’s face when the door to Ethan's office opened. Erica recognized the woman who emerged as another person she had met at the baseball game.

  "Erica, lovely to see y
ou again."

  "Hello Norma, it's nice to see you too." Erica saw the cheerleader tense as the older woman approached.

  "Are you here to see Mr. Reynolds?"

  "I am."

  "Great, I have a feeling that's just what he needs right now. Go right in." Erica resisted the urge to flash a smug smile at the cheerleader as she passed. Before she entered the other office she heard Norma's voice take on a stern tone.

  "Diane, what are you doing in my office?" Erica hid her smile as she slipped into Ethan's office and clicked the door shut behind her.

  Ethan seemed distracted. He didn't look up as she approached.

  "Did you forget something?"

  "No, I brought you some ‘I'm sorry’ coffee." His head snapped up and she held out the cup. He grinned then just as quickly frown lines appeared in his forehead. He stood up and came out from behind the desk taking the offered coffee.

  "I'm sorry for what?"

  "I really appreciate everything you've done. I don't want you to think we aren't taking this seriously because we are."

  Ethan smiled, his earlier annoyance melting away. He reached out and grasped her hand drawing her closer.

  "I know you are. I just... This is what I do. I evaluate where the threats are and right now you're not safe."

  "I'm sorry that you are worried but you have to believe me when I say that this is not the norm for my life. I am usually much less ‘damsel in distress’."

  "I am sure you are," Ethan smiled indulgently. "All the more reason to take this seriously."

  "All right." She sighed.

  Chapter 10

  Something wasn't quite right. Erica opened her eyes and blinked trying to clear away the sleepiness. She was in her room. In her own bed. She was warm but not too warm a glance at the clock told her she'd only been asleep for a couple of hours so why was she awake? Then she heard it. She sat up and looked around trying to locate the source of the sound. It was a scraping sound. High pitched like metal on metal. She focused her brain to follow the sound and determined it was coming from the window. Could it be a tree branch? Were there any trees back there? She couldn't remember. She slipped from the bed and slowly approached the window. She pulled the curtain back and three things seemed to happen in slow motion at the same time. She saw a huge black shadow blocking out the window and gasped. The flimsy lock preventing the window from opening more than a few inches gave way with a final squeak. Her new alarm system screeched to life when the window slid open. Erica's fight or flight instinct kicked in and she opted for flight. She ran from the room slamming the door behind her as if that would help. She ran to the kitchen in search of a weapon and grabbed a knife from the butcher block. Before she could decide what to do next Zoe was there.

  "What happened?"

  "Someone tried to come in my window."

  "What?" Zoe started toward the door but Erica stopped her.

  "No, don't go in there! Call the police."

  "I am pretty sure the alarm took care of that," she said, wincing at the still screeching sound. Zoe silenced the sound but didn't cancel the alarm. The two women stayed in the kitchen staring at the bedroom door waiting to see if it would open. After what felt like an eternity there was a knock at the door. Both women jumped and looked at each other. The knock sounded again this time accompanied by a gruff male voice.

  "Edgepark Police." Zoe huffed out a breath and moved to open the door. The police officer moved in to the room with his hand on the butt of his gun. His eyes swept the room before settling on them. Zoe spoke up pointing at the bedroom and quickly explaining. Erica wasn't listening. She barely heard when he returned and said there was no one there. Zoe led her to the sofa and they sat down. The first officer was joined by a second and they began asking her questions, which she answered on autopilot.

  "Erica!" She looked up to see the huge imposing frame of Ethan bearing down on her. She stood just as he reached her and he pulled her into his arms squeezing her so she could hardly breathe but she didn't care. For the first time since she had woken up she felt safe. The residual fear drained out of her. In its place was coldness and she began to shiver.

  "What happened?" Ethan asked not releasing her.

  "S-someone tried to come through my w-window." She said into his chest through chattering teeth.

  "You're on the second floor."

  "I know."

  "Did you see who it was? What he looked like?" This time he pulled back to look at her. She wanted to cling to him. To pull him back against her and hated the urge.

  "Just a dark shadow." She said shivering again.

  "Sit down. I am going to go have a look." She nodded and then sank back down. She sat there for a moment before deciding that the first time she went back into her room she wanted Ethan to be there. She stood up and made her way there on unsteady legs.

  "There is just no way to the window." She heard the police officer say as she approached. "My partner didn't find any evidence of a ladder or any intruders outside. It's a warm night, I think she probably forgot about the alarm and opened the window. She might not have even been awake." Erica waited outside the door expecting Ethan to tell the man to take it seriously but he didn't instead he sighed and started making excuses for her.

  "She has had a really stressful month." Erica couldn't believe her ears. The last person she expected to doubt her was Ethan. Pain sharp and piercing lanced through her chest.

  "So what? I just made it up? Like some thirteen year old girl looking for attention?" She said angrily. Both men spun around surprised to see her standing there. "Since you're not investigating anyway I think you should go."

  "Erica..." Ethan started but she stopped him with a raised hand.

  "You too Ethan." She turned on her heel and walked away.

  "What's going on?" Zoe asked when she reentered the living room.

  "They think I made it up."


  "That's not what we said." Ethan defended.

  "If Erica said she saw someone she did! Erica doesn't make things up!" Zoe was as angry as she was now. Erica was extremely grateful for the support.

  "All he was saying is that the whole back of the building is brick, your window is on the second floor. There is just no way for someone to reach it." Ethan said calmly. Erica felt tears sting the back of her eyes. Ethan's lack of faith in her was more disturbing than waking up to a strange person trying to get in her window.

  "I am tired; I'd like to go to bed now." Her voice was rough but she held her head high as she opened the door and waited for the men to leave. The police officers left first promising to call if they had any more questions. When Ethan remained where he was Erica lifted her chin stubbornly but didn't close the door.

  "Erica." Ethan sighed. "I was not implying that you made anything up."

  "Please leave Ethan."

  "Erica." Each time he said her name it was filled with a little more exasperation.

  "Ethan, you're right. You don't know me. There is no reason for you to trust me. No reason for us to trust each other. Good night." Ethan sighed and reluctantly let her push him out the door. At this point he had no idea what to say. He'd screwed up, that was clear. The fact that Zoe had staunchly defended her friend only made him look worse. Resolving to determine what exactly Erica had seen he headed to the office instead of going back home.

  As soon as Ethan was out the door Erica let the tears fall. "Jerk." she said to the door and Zoe slid her arm around her. Zoe led her to the couch and they sat down.

  "I'm sorry sweetheart. Don't be too hard on him. He's a guy. As a general rule they are clueless." Erica giggled despite the pain and wiped her eyes.

  "I thought he was different; that maybe he actually had a clue."

  "I know sweetheart."

  "I feel so stupid."

  "You're not stupid."

  "You warned me. You told me to be careful with my heart." They were both quiet for a few minutes.

  "I think... I think this one
might be worth the risk." Zoe said softly.

  Erica couldn't get her head back into working. She couldn't bring herself to be friendly with the customers. She just wanted to go sink into a hot bath and yet she was afraid to be home alone. That just pissed her off. Zoe finally sent her in the back to do paperwork but that only gave her more time to brood. She wouldn't let herself be anything other than angry at Ethan. Anger was easier to deal with than hurt. He should have believed her. He had said they had something special if that was true he wouldn't think she was making things up just to be dramatic. That was what hurt the most. That he thought she was like some reality show drama queen.

  Deciding to leave before he showed up for his afternoon coffee, she went to tell Zoe just in time to see a delivery man leave with a giant bouquet of red roses.

  "Damn. I was hoping you wouldn't see that." Zoe said softly. Disappointment rushed through her piercing her broken heart.

  "Is he taking them back?"

  "I tipped him to toss them in the dumpster."

  "Thanks. Are you okay if I leave for a while?"


  Ethan spent his day pouring over tape from every surveillance camera anywhere in the vicinity of Erica's apartment. He couldn't stop kicking himself for his actions. He knew better. When that cop had suggested that it might just be an attention ploy. He had considered it. But he never should have. He might not have known Erica for long but he knew her well enough to know that wasn't her. He couldn't stop thinking about the way she felt in his arms. She had been shaking. Her fear was real. The installer that had put in the systems at Erica's shop and apartment came to see him. He'd given him a check from Erica; the full retail price of both systems. It didn't take a genius to see the message in that. But it didn't matter. He didn't intend to listen. He knew this particular way of thinking made him no better than the stalkers he protected people from but he couldn't give her up. She was the one for him.

  He dialed her number but it went straight to voicemail. He stared at the check wondering how she had known the exact retail price of the systems they had installed. That's when he noticed the check was written against an investment account. He stared at it for a long time weighing the new information against various motives for all the trouble she had been having. Finally he composed a short email to a friend. Someone who could get the information he was looking for.


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