Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor)

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Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor) Page 29

by Jill Shalvis

  Writing SHADOW RISING, the third installment in the Dark Dynasties series, proved an interesting challenge. The true bad boy takes a special kind of woman to turn him around, and I knew it would take a lot to pierce the substantial (and very stylish) armor that Damien had built up over the centuries. Enter Ariane, a vampire who is formidable in her own right but really remarkable because of her innocence, despite being hundreds of years old. As a member of the reclusive and mysterious Grigori dynasty, Ariane remembers nothing of her life before being turned. All she knows is the hidden desert compound of her kind, a place she has never been allowed to leave. She’s long been restless…but when her closest friend goes missing and she’s forbidden to search for him, Ariane takes matters into her own untried but very capable hands. Little does she know that her dynasty’s leader has hired an outside vampire who specializes in finding those who don’t want to be found—and that once she crosses paths with him, he’ll make very sure that their paths keep crossing, whether she likes it or not.

  All of the couples I write about have their differences, but Damien and Ariane are polar opposites. She’s sheltered, he’s jaded. She longs to feel everything, while Damien’s spent years burying every emotion. And she is, of course, exactly what he needs, which is the first thing to have actually frightened Damien in…well, ever. Damien’s slow and terrifying realization that he’s finally in over his head was both a lot of fun to write, and exactly what he deserved. After all, redemption is satisfying, but it’s not supposed to be easy.

  Between Damien’s sharp tongue and sharper killer instincts, Ariane has her hands full from the get-go. Fortunately, she finds him just as irresistible as I do. Like so many dark and delicious bad boys, there’s more to Damien than meets the eye. If you’re interested in finding out whether this particular assassin has the heart of a hero, I hope you’ll check out SHADOW RISING. I’ll be honest: Damien never really turns into a traditional knight in shining armor. But if you’re anything like me…you won’t want him to anyway.


  Kendra Leigh Castle

  From the desk of Jennifer Haymore

  Dear Reader,

  When Meg Donovan, the heroine of PLEASURES OF A TEMPTED LADY (on sale now), entered my office for the first time, I mistook her for her twin sister, Serena.

  “Serena!” I exclaimed. “How are you? Please, take a seat.”

  She slowly shook her head. “Not Serena,” she said quietly. “Meg.”

  I stared at her. I couldn’t do anything else, because my throat had closed up tight. For, dear reader, Meg was dead! Lost at sea and long gone, and I’d written two complete novels and a novella under that assumption.

  Finally, I found my scrambled wits and gathered them tight around me.

  “Um,” I said hopefully, “Serena…that’s not a funny joke. My income relies on my journalistic credibility. You know that, right?

  She just looked at me. Then she shrugged. “Sorry. I am Meg Donovan. And though the world might like to pretend that I am Serena, I know who I am.”

  “But…but…you’re dead.” Now I sounded like a petulant child. A rather warped and quite possibly disturbed petulant child.

  She finally took the seat I’d offered Serena, and, settling in, she leaned forward. “No, Mrs. Haymore. I’m not dead. I’m very much alive, and I’d like you to write my story.”

  Oh, Lord.

  I looked down to rub the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger, fighting off a sudden headache. If this really was Meg, I was in big, big trouble.

  Finally I looked up at her. “All right,” I said slowly. “So you’re Meg. Back from the dead.”

  “That’s correct,” she said.

  I studied her closely. Her twin Serena and I have become good friends since I wrote her story for her, and now that I really looked at this woman, the subtle differences between her and her twin grew clearer. This woman was about ten pounds thinner than Serena. And though her eyes were the same shade of blue, something about them seemed harder and wary, as though she’d gone through a difficult time and come out of it barely intact.

  “So who was it that rescued you, then? ” I asked. “Pirates? Slavers? ”

  Her expression grew tight. Shuttered. “I’d like to skip that part, if you don’t mind.”

  I raised a brow. This wasn’t going to work out between us if she demanded I skip all the good stuff. But I’d play along. For now. “All right, then. Where would you like to start?

  “With my escape.”

  “Ah, so it was pirates, then.”

  She gave a firm shake of her head. “No. I meant my escape from England.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” I said. “You’ll be wanting to stay in England. Your family is there.” I didn’t say it, but I was pretty sure the man who loved her was there, too.

  “I can’t stay in England. You must help me.”

  I clasped my hands on top of my desk. “Look, Meg. I really like your family, so I’m sitting here listening to what you have to say. But I’m a writer who writes happy, satisfying stories about finding true love and living happily ever after. Is that what you’re looking for? ”


  I sighed. I’d thought not.

  She leaned forward again, her palms flat on the desk. “I need you to write me out of England, because I need to protect my family, and…”

  “And…?” I prompted when she looked away, seemingly unwilling to continue.

  “And…Captain Langley. You see, as long as I stay in

  England, they’re all in danger.”

  I fought the twitch that my lips wanted to make to form a smile. So she did know about Captain William Langley…and she obviously cared for him. Whatever danger she was worried about facing meant nothing in the face of the depth of love that might someday belong to William Langley and Meg Donovan.

  “I see.” I looked into her eyes. “I might be able to make an exception this time. I will do whatever I can to help you protect your family.”

  Note that I didn’t tell her I’d help her to escape. Or to get out of England.

  A frantic, wonderful plan was forming rapidly in my mind. Yeah, I’d write her story. I’d “help” her keep Langley and her family safe. But once I did that, once I gained her trust, I’d find a way to make them happy, to boot. Because I’m a romance writer, and that’s what I do.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, glassy tears forming in her eyes. “Thank you so much.”

  I raised a warning finger. “Realize that in order for this to work, you need to tell me everything.”

  She hesitated, her lips pressed hard together. Then she finally nodded.

  I flipped up my laptop and opened a new document. “Tell me your story, Miss Donovan. From the moment of your rescue.”

  And that was how I began to write the love story of Meg Donovan, the long-lost Donovan sister.

  I truly hope you enjoy reading Meg’s story! Please come visit me at my website,, where you can share your thoughts about my books, sign up for some fun freebies and contests, and read more about the characters from PLEASURES OF A TEMPTED LADY.


  Jennifer Haymore

  From the desk of Jill Shalvis

  Dear Reader,

  Ever feel like you’re drowning? In FOREVER AND A DAY, my hero, Dr. Josh Scott, is most definitely drowning. He’s overloaded, overworked, and on the edge of burnout. He’s got his practice, his young son, his wheelchair-bound sister, and a crazy puppy. Not to mention the weight of the world on his shoulders from taking care of everyone in his life. He’s in so deep, saving everyone around him all the time, that he doesn’t even realize that he’s the one in need of saving. It would never occur to him.

  Enter Grace Brooks. She’s a smart smartass and, thanks to some bad luck, pretty much starting her life over from scratch. Losing everything has landed her in Lucky Harbor working as Josh’s dog walker. And then as his nanny. And then before he even realiz
es it, as his everything. In truth, she’s saved him, in more ways than one.

  Oh, how I loved watching the sure, steady rock that is Josh crumble, only to be slowly but surely helped back together again by the sexy yet sweet Grace.

  And don’t forget to pick up the other “Chocaholic” books, Lucky in Love and At Last, both available wherever books and ebooks are sold.

  Happy reading,

  Jill Shalvis

  From the desk of Kristen Callihan

  Dear Reader,

  I’m half Norwegian—on my mother’s side. If there is one thing you need to know about Norwegians, it’s that they are very egalitarian. This sense of equality defines them in a number of ways, but one of the more interesting aspects is that Norwegian men treat women as equal partners.

  Take my grandfather. He was a man’s man in the truest sense of the term. A rugged fisherman and farmer who hung out with the fellas, rebuilt old cars, smoked a pipe, and made furniture on the side. Yet he always picked up his own plate after dinner. He never hesitated to go to the market if my grandmother needed something, nor did he complain if he had to cook his own meals when she was busy. My grandfather was one of the most admirable men I’ve known. Thus when I began to write about heroes, I gravitated toward men who share some of the same qualities as my Norwegian ancestors.

  Ian Ranulf, the hero of MOONGLOW, started out as a bit of an unsavory character in Firelight. All right, he was a total ass, doing everything he could to keep Miranda and Archer apart. So much so that, early on, my editor once asked me if I was sure Ian wasn’t the real villain. While Ian did not act on his best behavior, I always knew that he was not a bad man. In fact, I rather liked him. Why? Because Ian loves and respects women in a way that not many of his peers do. While he feels inclined to protect a woman from physical harm, he’d never patronize her. For that, I could forgive a lot of him.

  In MOONGLOW, Ian is a man living a half-life. He has sunk into apathy because life has not been particularly kind to him. And so he’s done what most people do: He’s retreated into a protective shell. Yet when he meets Daisy, a woman who will not be ignored, he finds himself wanting to live for her. But what I found interesting about Ian is that when he begins to fall for Daisy, he does not think, “No, I’ve been burned before; I’m not going to try again.” Ian does the opposite: He reaches for what he wants, even if it terrifies him, even with a high possibility of failure.

  While Ian certainly faces his share of physical battles in MOONGLOW, it is his dogged pursuit of happiness and his willingness to love Daisy as an equal that made him one of my favorite characters to write.

  Happy reading,

  Kristen Callihan

  Also by Jill Shalvis

  Simply Irresistible

  The Sweetest Thing

  Heating Up the Kitchen (cookbook)

  Small Town Christmas (anthology)

  Christmas in Lucky Harbor (omnibus)

  Head Over Heels

  Lucky in Love

  At Last

  Praise for Jill Shalvis and Her Novels

  Head Over Heels

  “[A] winning roller-coaster ride…[a] touching, character-​rich, laughter-laced, knockout sizzler.”

  —Library Journal (starred review)

  “Healthy doses of humor, lust, and love work their magic as Shalvis tells Chloe’s story…Wit, smoking-hot passion, and endearing tenderness…a big winner.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “The Lucky Harbor series has become one of my favorite contemporary series, and Head Over Heels didn’t disappoint…such a fun, sexy book…I think this one can be read as a stand-alone book, but I encourage you to try the first two in the series, where you meet all the characters of this really fun town.”


  “The writing is, as always, very good. Shalvis makes her characters seem like reflections of ourselves, or at least our relatives. She also makes the scenarios real, not too sweet or too violent. Definitely a good choice for a rainy afternoon.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “A Perfect 10. A truly fun and engaging tale from beginning to end…readers will not be disappointed…Be sure to put this one on your book buying list and get ready to snuggle down for some hot reading.”


  “Chloe and Sawyer are my favorite couple of the series…These two set the pages on fire!…It’s entertaining, sweet, steamy, and one of my favorite contemporary romances of the year!”


  “5 stars! A truly delightful read that had me chuckling while reading it…a nice blend of romance, humor, and drama. Definitely going on my keeper shelf. I highly recommend this one.”


  The Sweetest Thing

  “A wonderful romance of reunited lovers in a small town. A lot of hot sex, some delightful humor, and plenty of heartwarming emotion make this a book readers will love.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “A Perfect 10! Once again Jill Shalvis provides readers with a sexy, funny, hot tale…The ending is as sweet as it is funny. Tara and Ford have some seriously hot chemistry going on and they make the most of it in The Sweetest Thing. Trust me: You’ll need an ice-cold drink nearby.”


  “Witty, fun, and the characters are fabulous.”


  “It is fabulous revisiting Lucky Harbor! I have been on tenterhooks waiting for Tara and Ford’s story and yet again, Jill Shalvis does not disappoint…A rollicking good time…If you have not read the first book yet, this one will certainly compel you to do so…The Sweetest Thing is shiny and wonderful book goodness.”


  “This is a fun and flirty story of past loves, secrets, and three sisters whose lives draw the reader in. For a good-time romance, check this one out.”

  —Parkersburg News and Sentinel (WV)

  “A fun-filled, sexy, entertaining story…[satisfies] one’s romantic sweet tooth.”


  Simply Irresistible

  “Hot, sweet, fun, and romantic! Pure pleasure!”

  —Robyn Carr, New York Times bestselling author

  “4 stars!…Introduces some wonderful characters with humor, heartwarming interaction, and an abundance of hot sex. Readers will be eager for the next story.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “This often hilarious novel has a few serious surprises, resulting in a delightfully satisfying story.”


  “Heartwarming and sexy…an abundance of chemistry, smoldering romance, and hilarious sisterly antics.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Shalvis’s writing is a perfect trifecta of win: hilarious dialogue, evocative and real characters, and settings that are as much a part of the story as the hero and heroine. I’ve never been disappointed by a Shalvis book.”


  “One of those books that totally and absolutely encapsulates its title…utterly irresistible. The romance instantly jumps off the page…Jill Shalvis seems to have a golden touch with her books. Each one is better than the previous story.”


  “A beautiful start to this new series. The characters are as charming as the town itself. A pleasure to read.”


  “A Jill Shalvis hero is the stuff naughty dreams are made of.”

  —Vicki Lewis Thompson, New York Times bestselling author of Chick with a Charm

  “Jill Shalvis has the incredible talent for creating characters who are intelligent, quick-witted, and gorgeously sexy, all the while giving them just the right amount of weakness to keep them from being unrealistically perfect.”



  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3 />
  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  The Chocoholics’ Cupcakes-Worth-the-Fat-Grams

  A Preview of Simply Irresistible

  The Dish

  Also by Jill Shalvis


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