Campers Dream Part Two

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Campers Dream Part Two Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Don’t worry. There are only five besides me that know about it. Those five never leave this building. We've taken the liberty to install this system in one of our battleships. It will be ready in a month or so."

  ''Perfect and now we'll be on our way. I've the activating chips for my two new arrivals. Let's see how their emotions are affected."


  After a formal account to the council members, EZ said, "I'm pleased to see and hear the results of your profitable visit to the lab. When that energy source is installed in our battleship, let's call a war meeting with our commanders. Meanwhile, proceed with the human colony to another planet."

  "I've a meeting called and I'll report back afterwards. If nothing else, this should be an interesting experience. The truth is humans have the potential and the wherewithal to advance, but they need guidance and steered in the right direction."

  "Meanwhile, we're working on the idea of junior council members positioned where it will work best for us," said EZ.

  The meeting broke up and AZ and BZ went to address a group of humans. Afterwards they would meet with Harry and Ginny and present them with the chips to make their lives more enjoyable. On the way AZ said, "BZ, what do you think about who might want to lead the humans into the next stage of their reincarnation?"

  "There're only two options that I can see. One is an absolute ruler whose word is final. The only one is a collection of council members who have the best interest of all rather than just a few. Maybe just a council of three with one of us as an adviser might be a good idea."

  "Let's see what develops. We've kept them waiting long enough. "However we've had video running to show the planet where they'll be habituating."

  Inside the arena with seating for perhaps three hundred sat the elite of human development. These were the thinkers, creators, doers and more importantly, designers of evolution. The majority of them were male. For many thousands of years women held a back seat to the stronger male. However, recently women had made great strides in human evolution with a quick mind and with the proper emotions needed to please the majority.

  The two council members stood at the bottom and back of the arena. Behind them was the giant screen for showing videos. AZ said, "For this meeting I've chosen to use voice instead of telepathy. This way there shouldn't be any mistakes in hearing what I've to say. You'll actually hear it both ways: hearing and by telepathy. All of you can speak with voice and use telepathy. Please don't interrupt me until I'm finished. We can have a question and answer period after my delivery.

  Now having said that, you all were chosen because of your individual expertise in certain areas. If you persist in arguing or show displeasure at what we propose, you'll be asked to leave. This opportunity we're about to give you should be taken seriously and, as you humans like to say, run like a well oiled machine. Now I'm turning this part of the meeting to BZ who has done the most work on this idea or project."

  AZ stood off the side and looked over the crowd of human cyborgs. He saw Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and many other leading humans of their time. Famous writers like Tolstoy, Swift, More, Huxley, and many more too numerous to mention. Sadly a prominent president, Abe Lincoln wasn't present as his brain suffered too much damage being assassinated.

  Harry whispered to Ginny, "What are they trying to do here. This audience is the who's who of prominent people in Earth's history."

  "I've no idea, but it sounds like it might be interesting to listen to," said Ginny.

  "I just can't help but feel we're being used as subject matter or test subjects," said Harry.

  BZ said, "You watched a video of a planet that is currently only habituated by lower life forms. We thought humans might be interested in starting a new life on a planet free of any past advanced life forms." He let the sink in and a slight murmur went around the room.

  He continued, "What is needed is a governing body to administer the rules or laws that are drawn up by individuals from this present group of humans. If memory serves me correct, the American Constitution was basically James Madison [JM] product and the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson's [TJ] design and with fifty four signatures to make it bona fide. Be that as it may, since that time a lot of water has passed under the bridge to review the documents, and improve, or whatever you decide to do with laws that govern a planet."

  AZ and BZ waited while what was stated was digested into their brains. AZ saw only a few openly discussing something, but the real thinkers were doing just that: thinking. AZ told BZ he would take the next part about what they would be doing on the planet.

  He took center stage and said, "We've given you a lot to think about and let us add some more to the ever growing stack of things to do and discuss. First off let's talk about how many humans will be transferred to your new planet. Which by the way, doesn't have a name as of yet. You'll give it a name in due time. We're thinking about three thousand for the first wave of immigrants. Among the first group will be architects and engineers. Additionally we'll send robots and handlers for the hands on construction work. Most of that construction will be prefab so it won't take long to set up housing. Your power system will be in place before you arrive. Also the computer mainframe will be installed.

  We need or want the planet to sustain it from within. The planet we chose seems to have some rare resources that can be harvested and either sold or traded on the open market. It appears you humans have been lucky to habituate this rich planet. When the exploration begins we'll have scientists from human stock work directly with the operation. I think that will about do it for now. Oh, by the way, we've offered to transport your fellow humans to Mars to set up a colony. We're in the process now of building similar structures that will be constructed on your planet. Eventually we hope, time will tell, transport many millions of Earthlings to habitable planets to relieve the pressure on Earth. The Earthlings embraced us after Harry and Virginia Watersfield convinced them we're real and trustworthy."

  Harry saw AZ raise his hands and like the preachers of old, say, "We welcome all to our family." A silent group of cyborgs watched the two council members walk out of the arena with their maroon robes flowing behind and heads held high.

  Harry wondered what would happen now. All he wanted to do was leave and let the rest fight or argue their way to the top of the heap of the short list of rulers. Just as he was about to rise and walk out, a male voice was heard saying, "I'm John Madison and sitting beside me is Thomas Jefferson. We are statesmen from the 18th and 19th centuries. We'd like to speak to the attendees for a few minutes if you will allow us. If so give a yea or nay."

  A resounding yea was heard. Harry watched the two men walk down to the center stage slightly raised platform. Behind them walked two other men unknown to Harry, but he was soon to find out who they were. When they reached the stage Madison said:

  "Let me introduce you to my friends and colleagues. On my right is Thomas Jefferson or TJ to our handlers. On my right are first, David Hume, or DH and to his right is Adam Smith or AS. We're going to presume you know who we are and what parts we've played in history mostly concerning government and the economic system that results from development. We would like, with your approval or a committee that will be formed to elect or assign some notables to the task of forming a government on this new planet. In our case we've watched the world unfold for the last two hundred plus years. We've seen what works and what doesn't work. However, that was there and we are here under very different circumstances. Be that as it may, we have to live by certain laws or rules enforced by some means."

  A voice was heard saying, "I'm sorry to interrupt but I can see a lengthy debate that would tire any person. What we don't need is any petty jealousy arising from this proposition. I'm suggesting we let these four men begin the process and if they need help, they can call upon any of us for support. Let's not forget America and its beginnings. By the time of the revolution, America consisted of a melting pot of immigrates. What took place
after the revolution went down in history with TJ writing the Declaration of Independence. We also know it took more than one person to write and implement the document. However along with JM writing the American Constitution, we've a head start on the building a new organized planet with habitation by former humans."

  Another round of 'Yea, yea' was heard. After the agreement was heard, JM said, "We thank you for your confidence. We'll begin the process immediately. I'm speaking mostly for myself here, but I think we need some subcommittees for reading and debating what we propose. From the past we know some of us lean either to the right or left. In this case I feel we need a down the middle approach. The next point I'd like to make is the female side of things. We've seen by the recent past that women have risen to top like cream in milk factory. I highly recommend we have on every committee at least half are female. It might be that not all females are interested so let's do two things, one is submit your names for being available both female and male. The other one is we need designers and construction experts who are familiar with the available materials and laborers. Put your names forward on that list also. I'm sure we're forgetting some very valuable people to this project. Make it known to someone and or present a list to a committee."

  Another voice was heard, "I think we're in for a real treat fellow inmates. We've a chance to put all of our ideas to the test here. For those who don't recognize me I'm Ayn Rand, or AR. The nice thing is we'll be around to see how it comes out."

  Harry was impressed and so was Ginny, who later said she was a little scared by Rand's presence. "She's so powerful and confident Harry."

  "I'll tell you the one that scares me is the quiet one. From what history tells us and what we know about her, Eleanor Roosevelt was a powerful sleeper behind the president; who was no slouch at being a leader of nations. I expect her to slide in when the process gets moving."

  "I see the meeting is over and let's go to our room and relax for awhile," said Harry.

  They had no sooner entered their room when a soft knocking sound went off in their heads. Harry opened the door to AZ and BZ. "Come in please," said HW.

  "We won't stay long but have come to give you a gift if you will accept it. I'll explain it first and if you accept it, I'll insert it for you. What we have here is a computer chip that sends a message to your brain. That message is – how do you say it – an emotional message of love that lead to love making." He paused letting it sink before continuing. "What the chip does is triggers your act of reproduction. I realize you only have a robotic body, but this body you have is specially designed to replicate your past human biological bodies.

  Anyway, we place the chip into where your belly button would be. There's a flap of fabric that once lifted and the chip inserted, closes and grows over sealing the chip. I can't tell you what it might feel like because I'm not human. However, they tell me it makes it entirely possible to enjoy the act of sexual relations like in your past lives. For the women a vagina is fabricated and for the man a penis is or when excited, comes forth for entry. I'm sure looking forward to a report on the outcome of this experience."

  Harry could not believe what he was hearing. They had not made love in years. What a wonderful thought that he and his wife could make love like the young kids they once were. Ginny said later she was astounded and never given a thought to ever having sex again. She felt both scared and exited about the idea. She in fact was all for it.

  They both accepted and before long the chips were implanted and in a short time thereafter, two humans made love on an alien planet without biological bodies. Harry could not keep from grinning and Ginny scolded him for being so obvious, but secretly she was just as thrilled. AI's, Jan and Andy, kept their mouths shut.


  The human cyborgs went to work with zeal and the belief they could produce a workable system of laws that would benefit the whole rather than the few. On the black side Martin Luther King Jr. made sure his race was treated equally. It was true that the human race was top heavy with white people including European stock. However some Egyptians made contributions in the mathematics and design work. Asians were also represented by Mother Teresa and Idria Ghandi.

  From Israel came Golda Meir who ran the country with an iron hand. Her no nonsense type of leadership is highly touted as of the 21st century.

  After the first ten hour stint, things were, according to JM looking good. They borrowed from here and there, but finally decided that a three person council would run the planet. Under them would be Prime Ministers representing various portions of the planet. For example, the economy regards production, manufacturing, distribution; marketing and other facets would fall under the leadership of one PM. Another PM would administer the regulation of resources. Another would be PM of the environment regards sustainable resources, such as wild animals and water safety. What was paramount was that nothing was overlooked or was not regulated for the benefit of the population and the planet as a while.

  The drafters of this constitution realized that more than likely biological humans would eventually migrate to this new planet. Consequently they would need food, water and shelter to live and develop. It truly was an exciting time for all humans.

  It was about a week later when AZ and BZ came into the conference room where the final touches were being applied to the New Constitution of Planet Spero. The Latin word for spero means hope in English. As Latin was the language of choice for hundreds of years. There were other reasons Latin was used, such as scientific names used in research and the language was required to learn in colleges and universities into the 20th century.

  It was evident now that JM, James Madison, was the primary spokesperson for the humans. He said, "We're as ready as we'll ever be AZ and BZ. Would you like to read and or hear about it?"

  "Let's take it before the full council JM. They're waiting for us know. We'd prefer only three of you attend the meeting for recording purposes. Now if you gentlemen are ready………."

  Following AZ were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Ayn Rand. Those were the elected council members for the Planet Spero.

  EZ said, as they all sat down, "This is an historic time for us Virtuians. Your former planet had over six billion people on it. It was slowly being depleted of its natural resources. Be that as it may, we've decided, along with your former rulers, to transport a substantial amount of people from the planet to Mars. Also, we plan on moving others to your new planet, which I'm informed is named Spero. We know the meaning of the word in Latin. It's a good choice and we accept it in our system. As Spero has four seasons and is currently in a late summer mode, we feel construction can being immediately. Your engineers and our robots, with handlers, will accompany the first leg of the project. We need to get the infrastructure in place before winter time. Do you have any questions of us?"

  "We're wondering if you'll have an overseer while we are in the construction portion of our project," asked TJ

  "I guess in a way yes we will. Our robot overseer will be our eyes and ears. You needn't worry about us interfering with your project. What we don't want to see or hear about is squabbling or altercations of any sort. Any infraction of the laws or our policies will be harshly dealt with. Any more questions?"

  "None of us here have any delusions of grandeur, but that might not be said of the future humans who arrive. We've a three judge panel to handle any grievances that might arise. Most of us don't believe in capital punishment, but time spent at hard labor, such as in a mine, will suffice as a deterrent," said AR.

  It was after this council meeting that the group had a full meeting of the members in the large auditorium. Harry and Ginny were on hand along with her friend Dot. Ginny said to Harry, "You know I've heard some harsh words by some of senior statesmen. Words like, inmates, handlers, overseers and that to me seems like some of the veterans here feel like they are in prison?"

  "I too caught those words Ginny," said Harry. It does kind of feel like a first class hotel, but like the Eagles h
it song: 'Hotel California,' 'you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.'"

  Dot said, "But now we have or will have a new home on our own planet. Won't that take some of the pressure off of us?"

  "It remains to be seen Dot. But will handlers with robots working closely with our people, they can report back anything they want to," said Harry.

  "I for one feel we've been given a life line with our new bodies and old brains. When we are working we're doing what we like to do. It's not work for me. I'm happy with life here, but would love to take a stroll up a hiking trail. Let's wait and see how it develops. Maybe there're new opportunities just for the asking," said Harry.

  "What I wonder is when we produce a product, it's sold and or traded, who benefits from the transaction," asked Ginny.

  "If a cost was involved in us moving and all other cost factors to establish a home base, it would probably take a long time to repay a debt to the Virtuians. If we're happy doing what we like, then who cares where the profit goes," said Harry.


  "Let me see if I've got this correct AZ. You're saying that we've a spy somewhere and that spy has leaked our cloaking device to the Breccia," said EZ.

  "We don't know for sure, but there's been some or a lot of military activity going on in there system. As you know we're not on a war footing with them. I'm in favor of sending a representative from here to there asking why the large military activity," said AZ.

  "A fishing trip, as the humans are so likely to say. Send a message asking first and then let's see what their answer is to a visit by one of us. If it sounds good, then go. If you see or feel it might be a trap, then let's move as soon as your weapon is ready."

  "I'll go to our communication facility and report back shortly," said BZ.

  While he was gone, the council reviewed the displaced labor group. DZ said, "All appears well and things should be back to normal in a short while."

  CZ said, "I took the liberty or alerting our military to go on yellow alert status. I don't want a big surprise sneaking up on us from Breccia. We're evenly matched but an attack could do a lot of damage. If BZ finds a snake somewhere, let's move all the humans to our underground facilities."


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