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A Taste of Cyn (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “Cynthia, I am so sorry that I upset you. I only wanted to be open and honest with you. I was worried that when Roy came by to ask you out for next weekend, you would immediately feel obligated to turn him down since you had gone out with me,” he said.

  “The old don’t go out with the guy’s friend that you’ve already dated code,” she offered.

  “Yeah, something like that. Women don’t normally date a friend’s ex. Guys just check with their friend, and if it’s okay, we’ll ask their ex out.” He shook his head. “Anyway, what I meant was that we both already knew the other wanted to go out with you, so I didn’t want you to think you had to refuse on principle. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I do understand why you told me. I guess I just don’t get how you think you could deal with me going out with him or how he could handle me going out with you in the first place. What if I really hit it off with him and want to keep dating him? Where does that put you, and how will it affect your relationship with him? I just can’t see it working out, no matter what happens. I refuse to have anything to do with causing problems between you and Roy.”

  He had known this was going to happen almost as soon as he’d gotten the confession out of his mouth earlier. What in the hell was he going to do now? Roy would kill him for screwing it all up. If he hadn’t said a thing, would she have gone out with him anyway? She had as much as said she wouldn’t have.

  “Cynthia. Please don’t refuse to go out with him. That’s not fair to him.”

  He could see her fidgeting, but couldn’t see her expression to be able to tell what she was thinking. Damn the lack of light!

  Hell. Face it man. I’ve screwed the pooch on this. Roy is going to kick my ass. I’d kick my own ass if I could.

  “Aden. I don’t feel good about this. Putting me in this position was pretty dirty of you, too.” She leaned her head back against the seat.

  “I know. I’m really sorry. We just weren’t thinking at the time. We were both attracted to you and thought if we both walked up at the same time and asked you out, you’d turn us both down without even giving us a chance. Twenty-twenty hindsight and all.” He let out a whoosh of breath.

  She was silent for several long moments. He was about to speak again when she cleared her throat.

  “I’m probably going to regret this, but I’ll go out with Roy to be fair. It doesn’t change the fact that I can’t date either one of you after this now. If I continue with one of you, the other one will resent the one I’m going out with. I just can’t do it.” Her voice trembled, making him wonder if she was on the verge of tears.

  Aden wanted to curse that he’d made her cry. That hadn’t been his intention at all. All in all, he felt like an all-around heel now.

  “I appreciate you giving Roy a chance, Cynthia. Please don’t count us out yet. I really like you. I don’t want to lose the chance that we could be meant for each other. Maybe you’re meant for Roy, I don’t know, but don’t you think it’s worth taking a chance on?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, Aden. I’m really confused and upset now. I think it’s time I go home.” She fumbled with her seat belt.

  “Wait, let me get the door for you,” he said, unfastening his belt.

  He jumped out of the truck and ran around to the other side, getting there just as she opened her door. She obviously hadn’t planned to wait on him. He helped her down and could now see that her eyes were bright with tears. She hadn’t let them slip yet, but they weren’t far off. He had little doubt she would be mortified if they did manage to slip past her control before she was alone.

  Aden walked her over to her SUV and waited as she opened the door without using the key. He bristled that she hadn’t even bothered to lock her car.

  “You didn’t lock your car?” he asked.

  She climbed into the SUV and, without looking at him, fastened her belt. “It’s a keyless entry. It unlocks for me when I am next to the door with my key fob on me. I just press the button on the handle and it unlocks.”

  “Oh, good.” Now he felt like a complete idiot. “Be careful driving home, Cynthia.” He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out one of the cards for the farm. “Here’s my card with my cell phone number on it. Please call me and let me know you made it home safely. I’m going to worry about you, Cynthia.”

  She took the card without saying anything and started the SUV. Aden stepped back and closed the door for her. She backed out, leaving him standing there watching her drive away. He had no idea if she’d call him or not. Neither did he know how long it would take her to get home since he had no idea where she lived. He cursed and kicked the front tire of his truck in frustration. Then, climbing into the cab of the truck, he slammed the door and sat there wishing he didn’t have to go home. He had no doubt that Roy would be waiting for him to get back to ask a million questions. What the fuck was he going to tell him?

  * * * *

  All the way home, Cynthia fought her tears, not wanting to break down while she was driving. She knew that once she let even one of the tiny little things fall, she wouldn’t be able to stop the rest. A thousand thoughts circled in her head, keeping her heart galloping and her hands shaking. What was she going to do?

  As soon as she made it inside her house, the tears broke free of her stubborn, desperate hold on them and flooded her face. She finally found someone, maybe two some ones, that she could see herself growing close to, and they were best friends who both wanted to date her. How crazy was that? It had been a long, long time, too long, since she’d actually been on an honest-to-God date, only to find out that it was all doomed from the start.

  What happened if she really liked Roy? How could she like both men though? It didn’t seem possible. And why did it even matter? Regardless of if she did like both men, she couldn’t date either of them now. They were friends and lived together. She wouldn’t come between them. It wasn’t that she thought she was that important or special, but if by some crazy chance she hit it off with one of them, the other would get his feelings hurt. He would resent his friend, even if he wasn’t all that into her. It was how egos and all that testosterone worked.

  Cynthia stripped out of her outfit and ran a nice, hot bath, complete with her favorite bath oil. The scent wafting up from the churning water reminded her of Aden and how much he’d liked the way she smelled. She wiped at her eyes then stepped into the tub and lowered herself into the heated water. A slideshow of the night out with Aden played over and over in her head, each thoughtful gesture another slap to her resolve to walk away.

  Aden’s short, almost spikey hair with his narrow face and that dimple at the corner of his mouth turned her on almost as much as thinking about all that hard muscle that hid beneath his clothes. She might not have seen any of it, but she could feel it when he had touched her or helped her out of the truck. She’d sensed it in the way he moved, saw it in how his clothes fit. The way his eyes lit up and the dimple flashed when he smiled almost took her breath. Perhaps it was because his normal expression seemed to be a sort of quiet brooding or guarded contemplation, but she couldn’t deny that when he smiled or laughed it was as if the world stood still while she enjoyed the view.

  What would Roy be like? She hadn’t seen much of him, only those brief few seconds when he’d helped Aden catch her. Then again, she remembered the quick glimpse of his delectable ass as he walked out of her shop. He’d moved with a purpose, much as Aden did. He’d appeared slightly more muscular than Aden, but she didn’t think he was bulky like a body builder. More than likely, both men had honed their bodies more through hard work and their military training than pumping weights in some gym.

  She shook her head, chastising herself for even thinking about them when she was about to tell them she couldn’t see them anymore after her date with Roy. Yet no matter how hard she tried to steer her thoughts elsewhere, they kept circling back to them.

  With a snort, Cynthia quickly washed up and climbed out of the tub. The water had long cooled dow
n enough that she was uncomfortable. She didn’t need to catch a cold. The shop wouldn’t run itself, and her helper could only work certain days due to school. As much as she needed to hire a second person to help, she hadn’t really found anyone she liked well enough to trust her pride and joy to.

  Once she’d dried off, Cynthia chose one of her favorite nightgowns in a pretty pink with matching panties and brushed out her hair. Not for the first time, she thought about coloring her hair so it didn’t have so many different shades in it but hated the idea of putting all those chemicals in her hair. She paused with her brush in midstroke and wondered if either Aden or Roy cared if her hair was all one color or not. Realizing that her mind had once again slipped back to its new favorite subject, she set the brush back on the dresser and all but stomped over to the bed. This was getting her nowhere. She couldn’t keep obsessing over them. There would be no relationship with either of them. End of story.

  Yet her mind wouldn’t let go of them no matter how hard she tried to blank it so she could sleep. All that happened was that they followed her into her dreams.

  Here, she found herself sandwiched between them as they slowly seduced her into their arms. Aden kissed her with an aching tenderness that belied all of that pent-up tension she sensed lurked just below the surface. His tongue teased her lips until she opened then taunted hers until she slid hers alongside his. When he nibbled at her lower lip, it took all of her determination to resist moaning.

  Roy blanketed her back, the heat from his body seeping into her skin. She couldn’t recall much about him, so she was sure she made a lot of what she sensed and felt in her dream, but it seemed so real to her. The way his hands splayed across her abdomen, holding tightly to his body. She could feel the hard line of what had to be an enormous erection against her lower back. Even more arousing were the wickedly sexy words he whispered in her ear as Aden made love to her with his mouth.

  They were nasty, taunting words that had her nipples beading and her pussy soaked in no time. The deep, raspy sound of his voice that she had yet to hear sent shivers down her spine while her clit tightened with need.

  Between the two of them, Cynthia had nowhere to go, and no intentions of looking for a way to escape. She was right where she wanted to be, in the middle of hot, sensual sin and wild, wicked desire, the likes of which she’d never known and probably never would again. Their combined presence in her dream threatened to ruin her for any other man. She would never be able to find satisfaction outside of these two phantoms of her dreams now that she’d had a taste of them in her sleep. There would be no going back. The sad part of it all was that even if she could partake of them in reality, they would never live up to the expectations of her dreams. Nor would she ever have the chance to have two such delicious men at one time be a part of her life.

  Chapter Five

  Monday afternoon seemed to drag on forever as Cynthia finished entering her online orders for the next week. While the last part of the week was always crazy busy, the first few days tended to be boringly slow. Despite it being her slowest day, Angie always came in on Monday afternoons so she could do paperwork. Between keeping up with sales, the normal bookkeeping hassle, and placing her orders, she rarely made an appearance in the front of the store on Monday afternoons.

  Angie had been in and out of the back for items to stock and cleaning supplies or just to exchange local gossip. All in all, Cynthia had a wonderful life. She didn’t lack for any of the necessities in life or many of the luxuries. She had good friends and family, as well as plenty to keep her busy. The only thing missing in her life was a partner, a soul mate to share the little things as well as the great big things.

  “Cynthia. You’ve got a visitor.” Angie interrupted her musings, popping her head into her office with a bright smile on her face.

  It couldn’t be anyone Angie knew, or she would have just had them come on back. Her first thought was that it might be Aden, but she quickly smothered that notion before it had a chance to take root and pave the way for a letdown.

  “I’ll be right out, Angie,” she said, giving the young woman what she hoped was a pleasant smile.

  Angie’s head disappeared from the doorway though she left the door cracked. Cynthia drew in a few deep breaths to settle her nerves before standing up and brushing nonexistent creases from her navy blue skirt. The crisp white blouse she wore today made her look more formal than usual, but what she wore beneath the classic outfit reminded her that she was all woman and quite happy in the fact.

  As she walked out into the front of the store, her eyes found Roy standing near the cash register. She hesitated in her stride but quickly recovered and continued across the floor. She felt it the moment he saw her. Warmth like a late summer wind settled over her in a soft rush. She could feel her blood heat up even as her barely there panties lost the battle to absorb her juices.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Most definitely,” he seemed to breathe out.

  She watched as he blatantly cruised her body from top to bottom and back up again. With most men she would have found it insulting, but Roy made it almost provocative, even intoxicating in how he brought her body alive with just the caress of his eyes.

  “And how would that be?” she asked after few seconds’ pause.

  He smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Roy Simpson. We sort of met last week. I’m sure Aden has mentioned me.”

  She watched for any trace of anger or annoyance but didn’t find any in his words, expression, or the sound of his voice. She relaxed as his hand engulfed hers in his. He didn’t immediately let go, and the lingering touch sparked tiny pricks of awareness across her skin. This wasn’t good.

  “It’s a pleasure to officially meet you. Aden did mention you when we talked about the farm. Were you looking for something in particular?” she asked.

  She had no intentions of making this easy on him. They’d put her in a very delicate and uncomfortable position.

  “Um, actually, do you have somewhere we could sit and talk for a few minutes?” he asked, looking around.

  Cynthia looked over to where Angie was helping a customer and decided it wouldn’t hurt to take him in the back to talk. She wasn’t officially working in the front anyway. Looking up, she realized he was a tall man like Aden. They were both over six feet. Even though she was five foot six inches, they both managed to make her feel short.

  “Why don’t you come back to my office, and we can talk there.” Without waiting for him to answer, Cynthia turned and walked back across the floor to the door leading to the storage area that held her small office.

  She closed the door behind him, not wanting Angie to overhear anything they might discuss, and motioned for him to the only other chair in the room other than her office chair. He folded his tall frame into the chair and leaned back as if to study her. It did nothing for her nerves now that they were alone and enclosed in her office away from prying eyes. Instead, she felt a little like a doll on display with how he seemed to watch her.

  “What did you want to talk about, Roy?” she finally asked.

  “Aden said he came clean with you about our both wanting to take you out. I know it sounds juvenile and immature to have flipped a coin, but we weren’t making bets or making a game out of it. We honestly both like you and knew if we’d both approached you at once you would have balked at giving either of us a fair chance.”

  “Chance at what, Roy?”

  “To get to know you, become friends, maybe even lovers. Who knows where any relationship will lead, but we both wanted to find out,” he said.

  “The problem is that even if I hit it off with one of you, I would still feel guilty about the other. It would be awkward since you’re best friends and live together. I just don’t see any way it could work, and more than likely, it would end badly for all of us.” She hated that it had to be that way, but what other choice did she have?

  “And maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe it would all work out if
you let nature run its course. Surely you aren’t considering passing a chance at happiness by, are you?”

  Cynthia gnawed on her lower lip then stopped herself. She couldn’t let him get to her like this. She’d made up her mind already that she’d go out with him once to keep things even, but there would be no second dates for any of them.

  “You are. You’re actually planning on walking away from what might be your future.” Roy shook his head. “I didn’t take you for a quitter.”

  “You don’t know me at all, Roy. How can you make that statement?” she asked, frowning.

  “Because someone who would start a store on her own, not to mention one that sells the type of things you do, wouldn’t be a quitter.” Roy stood up. “She’d be strong and independent, happy with herself and who she was.”

  He walked the two steps between them and slowly bent over, placing his hands on the arms of her chair, effectively caging her in. She could smell the subtle hint of his cologne and a slightly musky scent that would be all Roy. It toyed with her concentration so that she missed it when he closed the short distance between them and spoke with his lips almost touching hers.

  “The woman behind this place has balls and is sensual, at home in her body. That’s the woman I see, Cyn. Not the skittish girl who is afraid to take a chance on something that could be truly amazing.” He seemed to breathe her in because when he took a breath, she felt drawn and found her lips against his in a sweet kiss that seemed more wistful than real.

  Roy slowly pulled back but didn’t remove his hands from the arms of the chair. Instead, he gazed into her eyes until she thought she would disappear in the warm swirls of chocolate that promised all sorts of decadent delights. All she had to do was give them both a chance.

  She blinked. The world swam back into focus, and she leaned back in the chair to give herself some space. The man was dangerous with a capital D. Where Aden was all polished and suave, Roy was the epitome of all things sinful and irresistible. Cynthia could easily see herself falling under both men’s spell. Together, they were nothing short of cataclysmic to someone like her.


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