A Taste of Cyn (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Taste of Cyn (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Marla Monroe

“Come on, Cyn. You’re riding with me. Roy can take your suitcase,” Aden said with a grin.

  Roy’s creative curse had her grinning widely. At least he’d said her suitcase would be riding up front with him somewhere in all the colorful language. Still, when Aden turned away, the other man winked at her and strode over to his truck where he promptly strapped her luggage in the front seat.

  “Up you go, hon. Put on your seat belt.” Aden closed the door then walked around to the driver’s side and climbed up into the cub. “We’ll get you something to eat as soon as we get settled at the house.”

  As they backed out of her drive, she had the oddest feeling that someone was watching them. When she looked over toward the house, none of the deputies were visible. Still, the tingling feeling she’d had before at the base of her skull continued until they’d turned a curve shielding the house from sight.

  “What is it?” Aden asked with a frown.

  “Nothing. I just felt like someone was watching us. Just being silly,” she said with a shrug.

  “It’s not silly, Cynthia. There’s a good chance whoever is stalking you was watching from somewhere. They tend to do that, spy on the people they are harassing to see what sort of mayhem they’ve caused.”

  She watched as Aden expertly maneuvered them back onto the highway. She turned and watched Roy pull out to follow them. She immediately felt better now that they were all away from the area and the annoying sensation had disappeared. More than likely Aden was right, and the bastard had been watching them all along.

  With a sigh, she turned and forced herself to relax as they drove toward Aden and Roy’s place. She hesitated to say home because it brought up images of things she didn’t dare think about like family cookouts and children racing through the house. It reminded her of what it was like to wake up between two men and have their entire focus on her. No, Cynthia couldn’t afford to let her mind explore the possibilities because her heart was already involved too deeply. Much more and there would be no escaping the devastation losing them would cause. Her only prayer was that she didn’t lose them to the person making her life hell.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aden sighed and rubbed his face as Roy walked into the office after settling Cynthia in the tub to soak. Telling his friend about Nick and what had happened in town wasn’t going to go over well.

  “She’s got her e-reader and bath pillow, so she’s set for the next thirty or forty minutes,” Roy said as he settled in the chair across from Aden. “Now what was going on in town when I called?”

  Aden took a deep breath and let it out slowly before he relayed the events to the other man. By the time he’d finished, Roy was gripping the arms of the chair so tight his knuckles where white. His normally laid-back and easygoing buddy had turned into a paranoid worrier where Cynthia was concerned. Although he didn’t blame the man one bit, Aden needed Roy to maintain and keep him grounded instead of flying off the handle like he was threatening to do now.

  “That fucking asshole! I’ll kill him,” Roy snarled jumping to his feet.

  “Calm down, Roy. Don’t let Cynthia hear you. She’ll just get upset.” Aden watched as the other man visibly reigned himself in.

  “As much as I hate that bastard, I still don’t think he’s the one behind the bomb,” Roy told him.

  “Why not?”

  “Two reasons actually. One, he’s obsessed with her, but not to the point that he would rather kill her than not have her. Two, he doesn’t wear work boots, he wears cowboy boots,” Roy reminded him.

  Aden nodded but wasn’t convinced that the other man wasn’t a threat. Maybe he wasn’t the main one, but Aden was convinced that the other man was still dangerous where Cynthia was concerned. Anyone who was that hung up on a woman who didn’t want him was a threat. They couldn’t afford to let down their guard where Nick was concerned.

  “You’re probably right, but Nick is still a threat as far as I’m concerned. I don’t trust the man. Besides, as a fireman he has access to work boots that he wears on the job. Who’s to say he didn’t wear them to throw off anyone who noticed?” Aden asked.

  “I agree, but he isn’t the one who set up the bomb or the one who has been watching her at the house,” Roy said.

  They went over everything once again, making sure they were covering all the bases. Until the security system was installed and had been thoroughly tested, their Cynthia would be safe there with them. Regardless of her wishes, when it came to her safety, they wouldn’t back down on keeping her there with them. She would have to deal with it.

  “Why don’t you go up and get her out of the tub. I’ll be up in a minute,” Roy said.

  Aden studied his friend for a few seconds then nodded and stood up. Roy probably needed some time to cool off. His normally relaxed attitude had been sorely tested today.

  “Don’t be too long. She’s exhausted and I don’t want her falling asleep without us both there with her,” Aden told him.

  Roy nodded and stretched his legs out in front of him. Aden sighed and walked out of the room. When he opened the door to the bathroom, Cynthia didn’t even look up from her e-reader. Whatever she was reading had to be good. He grinned and pulled it from her hands, eliciting a squeal from her.

  “Give that back!” she yelled.

  “Time to get out of the tub before you catch a cold and shrivel up into a Cynthia-raisin.” Aden quickly skimmed over what she was reading and nearly dropped it in the tub. Their woman was reading naughty books hot enough to singe his eyelids. Damn!

  “I added hot water so I’m not cold. Give it back, Aden.”

  He chuckled and turned it off before setting it on the counter and snagging the towel of the towel warmer. Then he held it open for her.

  “Come on out, honey. Time for bed. You can pick up reading where you left off tomorrow,” Aden teased her.

  “I was right in the middle of a good part,” she whined.

  “Yeah, something about Colby feeding his cock to Lisa while Dawson fucked her ass. Sounded hot to me, too.”

  “Oh, you!” she sputtered as she stood up.

  He got side tracked watching the water slide down her slick skin. The sight tightened his balls and weakened his knees. Instead of drying her with the towel, Aden wanted to personally lick every drop of water from her body. Hell, he didn’t need the water as an excuse. He’d lick every inch of silky skin just to taste her.

  “Aden? Did you hear anything I just said?” Cynthia’s voice finally snapped him out of the fantasy he’d been developing of her tied to the bed with chocolate syrup and whipped cream dabbed in strategic places all over her body.

  “Sorry.” He gave her a sheepish grin as she stepped out of the tub.

  “What were you thinking about anyway?” she asked.

  “About how sexy you look in nothing but water droplets.”

  The blush that crept over her skin gave her an even healthier glow. He wanted to remove the towel to see if it was everywhere. Instead he finished drying her off and tossed the now wet towel toward the laundry basket. He didn’t bother checking to see if it actually made it inside. He was much more interested in following behind Cynthia as she walked into the bedroom, her sassy round ass twitching with each step.

  “Where’s Roy?” she asked, turning around.

  “He was finishing up something in the office. He’ll be here in a few minutes.” Aden hugged her then stepped back to help her climb into bed. “Let’s get you settled so you don’t get chilled.”

  “I’d get warm faster if you’d get in with me,” she said with a smile.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be right there. I want to shower off first.” He covered her all the way to her chin before kissing her lightly and hurrying to the bathroom.

  Aden didn’t plan on keeping her waiting any longer than was necessary. He just hoped Roy would hurry up as well. If they were going to make the relationship between the three of them work and convince her to give it a try, they all three needed to spend time
together as a threesome as well as individually with her.

  As soon as he finished washing off, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. He heard a giggle coming from the bedroom and smiled. Roy had settled down and come on to the bedroom. He felt a sense of relief.

  When he opened the door a few seconds later, Aden nearly burst out laughing at the sight of his best friend wearing a pair of Cynthia’s purple panties on his head. What in the hell was going on?

  “Um, something you need to tell me, Roy?” Aden asked, trying to keep his face serious.

  “Oh, shut up. She said if I’d wear them instead, she would sleep naked,” Roy told him.

  “She’s already naked,” Aden sputtered just before he burst out laughing.

  “You lied to me!” Roy pulled the panties off of his head and dove onto the bed with Cynthia. “I’ll get my revenge.”

  Aden watched as the other man whipped the covers off of Cynthia then crawled over her before she could pull them back up. The big man buried his face in her belly and blew raspberries until she was screaming for him to stop. The sight had Aden’s heart swelling in his chest. He’d never thought anything would replace the horror he’d witnessed overseas, but this did just that. Seeing his best friend and the woman they loved acting like two teenagers filled him with so much happiness he thought he would burst into song.

  Loved. Well hell. Where had that come from? When had he actually fallen in love with her? He’d known it would happen, but he hadn’t expected it to happen this fast. He could already see how much Roy loved her. Was it as obvious on him as it was on his friend? Shaking his head, Aden waded in to settle them down. Cynthia needed some rest.

  “Okay, you two. Settle down. It’s time for bed.” Aden climbed on the bed and settled next to Cynthia.

  “I’m going to run grab a shower. I’ll be right back,” Roy said. He gave Cynthia one last kiss before sliding off the bed.

  “Mmmm, you smell good,” Cynthia said as she snuggled up next to him.

  “Must be the soap.” He slipped an arm behind her head and rolled her even closer.

  She settled her head on his shoulder and draped one arm over his chest. God she felt good like that.

  “Doesn’t smell like soap. It’s just you,” she said. She kissed his neck and sighed.

  “Go to sleep, sweet Cyn. It’s been a long day for you.”

  He held her close as she slowly relaxed into sleep. Aden wasn’t sure he’d ever felt this content in his life. Before he could think too hard about it, Roy walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

  “She asleep already?” he asked in a soft whisper.

  “Yeah. She was exhausted. Your little wrestling match was the final straw that sent her to sleep,” Aden said.

  Roy grunted and slipped carefully between the sheets. “Wasn’t any wrestling involved that I remember.”

  Aden stifled a yawn. “No, I guess not. You tired her out by making her laugh herself silly.”

  “Sounded damn good, too,” Roy said.

  “Yeah. It did. It sounded like heaven.”

  * * * *

  Cynthia’s nose itched, or rather something was tickling it. She blew at it, but it didn’t go away. When she lifted a hand to swat at it, she connected with a solid mass that grunted against her ear.

  Huh? My bed doesn’t grunt.

  She opened one eye and remembered that she was at Aden and Roy’s place, in their bed, with them. In fact, she was currently on top of Roy with her head on his chest and her legs draped across his. That wouldn’t be nearly so bad except that neither of them had on a stitch of clothing. Well how in the hell was she going to manage to slip off of him without waking him up? She needed to get up and dress for work.

  “I can hear you thinking all the way down here, baby girl,” Roy whispered.

  Even though he’d spoken quietly, his voice rumbled in her ear that was pressed to his chest. She lifted her head and slowly started to slide off of him. He let her slip to one side, but didn’t let her go any farther.

  “I need to get up and get ready for work, Roy.”

  “It’s still early yet.”

  “What time is it?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Not quite five.”

  She sighed and relaxed into the mattress. She could nap for another hour or so. They’d actually gone to bed quite early the night before so it wasn’t any wonder that she was up at the crack of dawn.

  She dozed for a while but quickly snapped wide awake when she felt hands on her thighs, spreading her legs. She squealed and wiggled, but she couldn’t get away from them. Roy’s grinning face appeared in her sight.

  “Morning, baby girl. I do believe that Aden is hungry.”

  “No kidding! Oh my God!” she shrieked when Aden licked her pussy lips.

  Roy chuckled and threw the covers off of all of them. Cool air slid over her exposed skin, but she soon forgot all about it as Roy ran his tongue all around her nipples, one at a time. Then he drew one into his mouth to tease and torture with his teeth and tongue while he pulled and pinched on the other one with his fingers. Instantly her body responded, turning her blood into a hot molten river coursing through her veins.

  “God, you taste amazing. Our own sweet Cyn,” Aden said from his spot between her legs. “Give me your hand, honey.”

  “My hand?” she asked.

  “Roy needs to taste how good you are.” He reached for her hand.

  Cynthia moaned as Aden directed her fingers through her juices before urging her to offer them to Roy. When the other man sucked her fingers into his mouth, she thought she’d explode right there. He wrapped his tongue around them and sucked them clean, making a smacking noise as he released them from his mouth.

  “Mmmm, delicious, baby girl. I could make a meal off of you and come back for more,” Roy said.

  She couldn’t say anything to that. They were seducing her with every touch and every word from their mouths. How could any woman resist them when they treated them like this? She was already so deep into them that when they walked away she had no doubt it would be with pieces of her heart as well.

  Aden’s mouth devoured her as he licked all around her clit and stroked the bundle of nerves with his tongue as if it were an all-day sucker he wanted to make last. Every nerve ending in her body was on full alert as he licked her higher and higher on the road to climax. Already her ears were ringing as the two men worked to ramp her pleasure up a notch. Aden seemed to have a one-track mind when it came to devouring her pussy.

  When he slipped one finger inside of her cunt, Cynthia nearly screamed at the wonderful sensation of being filled. It wasn’t long though until it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. When had she gotten so greedy?

  Probably just about the time they gave me that first orgasm. I’m totally hooked on them.

  And wasn’t that going to be hard to get over once they gave up on the whole relationship thing. Cynthia shoved that thought to the back of her mind and let Roy and Aden take her to heaven. There would plenty of time later to worry about the huge void they’d leave in her heart and her life.

  Roy sucked hard on one nipple, sending a jolt of electricity straight to her clit. Aden added a second finger to her drenched pussy and Cynthia couldn’t help but buck closer to his amazing mouth. His chuckle only added to the stimulation as it vibrated over her clit.

  “Someone is getting greedy,” Aden said.

  “Maybe we should punish her,” Roy suggested.

  “No! It’s all your fault! I wasn’t like this until the two of you made me like this.” Cynthia knew her voice was whiney, but she couldn’t help it. They had her so close that she was aching to come.

  They both chuckled this time, making her want to pull on their hair to get them back in the game. Frustration had her growling under her breath as they teased her instead of giving her what she wanted, no, needed so desperately.

  “Please. I can’t stand it,” she finally begged.r />
  “Please, what, sweet Cyn?” Aden asked in a rough voice.

  “I need to come. I’m so close.”

  “She begged so sweetly,” Roy said.

  Aden sucked hard on her clit as he thrust two fingers deep in her cunt and curled them to stroke over her sweet spot. Roy tugged on one nipple with his fingers while sucking and nipping on her other. Fire raced through her body, consuming her as it set off a series of small explosions. She flew, fighting for control and knowing she had none.

  Even before she settled and the last aftershock had calmed, Roy was pulling her on top of him, his sheathed cock hard and thick, waiting for her to mount him.

  “I’ve got to have you, baby girl. Ride my dick.” Roy helped her center her pussy over his throbbing shaft and lower her down it.

  “Oh, God! So much!” she managed to gurgle out.

  “Fuck, you’re tight! Easy, baby. I don’t want to hurt you,” he said.

  Inch by delectable inch, Cynthia’s cunt swallowed Roy’s hard cock. When she finally reached the end where their bodies were joined, he bottomed out at the mouth of her cervix, adding a tantalizing bite of pain. He lifted her almost all the way off of him then thrust upward as she sank down. The crown of his dick bumped her cervix again, giving her the deep thrill that added so much to her pleasure.

  “Yes!” she hissed out with each stroke of his cock.

  “Lay down over Roy’s chest, Cyn. I can’t wait to feel your hot ass around my cock.” Aden’s voice had grown even huskier if possible.

  She shivered at the knowledge of what was to come. She would have them both inside of her, making them all three as close as they could get to each other. Somehow Cynthia knew it would change things. Would it be for the better or would it be the beginning of the end for them?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aden felt as if his entire life had been preparing him for this moment. This was it for him. He was pledging his life and loyalty to these two people. It wasn’t a marriage, but if they did this, it was as good as one for him. There was no way to get any closer than to make love like this, the three of them. He loved Cynthia. Roy was closer than a brother to him. They’d gone through hell together and together, they’d take care of Cynthia.


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