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Careless Page 13

by Cheryl Douglas

  He grinned at her. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Hey, Joe, sorry to drag you out of bed so early.” She reached up to brush a kiss across his cheek and smiled when he blushed. He’d been with her since the beginning, every tour, every interview, rehearsal, autograph signing, and studio session. He was the eyes in the back of her head whenever Luc insisted she needed them.

  “It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

  “As long as I’ve got this monkey on my back, Luc’s determined to ramp up security. I guess he told you, huh?”

  “He sure did. Can’t be too careful, Tori.” He made sure she was tucked safely in the backseat before he slammed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  “How’s your daughter?” she asked when he started the engine. “She must be startin’ high school in the fall, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His jaw tightened as he pulled out onto the quiet residential street. “It sure would be nice to see her more, but you know how it is with girls her age. They don’t have time for their old man anymore.”

  Tori knew Joe had been involved in a messy divorce before he started working for her, but she didn’t ask the details. She believed in being friendly with her crew, but Luc warned her that she needed to know where to draw the line.

  “Yeah, I seem to remember my life was all about boys, boys…” She pressed her finger to her lips, pretending to be deep in thought. “Oh, and boys, at her age.”

  “That’s not somethin’ a daddy wants to hear about his little girl.”

  The tension in his deep voice skitted up Tori’s spine. They’d always engaged in playful banter before, but obviously she’d hit a sore spot where his daughter was concerned. “I’m sorry, I was just teasin’. I’m sure your Lisa isn’t nearly as boy crazy as I was at her age.”

  He looked at her in the rear-view mirror before he slipped his dark glasses into place. “You were boy crazy, huh?”

  She laughed, hoping to ease the sudden friction between them. “I still am.”

  “Really?” He took a corner a little too sharply, and Tori slid across the leather seat.

  “Easy…” she said, gripping the door handle. “I don’t want to hit the stage with a bruised rib or two.”

  He muttered an apology before asking, “Any leads on this clown who’s after you?”

  “I’m afraid not. Luc’s put someone on it full-time; hopefully that’ll help.”

  “Yeah, Mike Cooper, right? I never worked with him, but we’ve met him a few times. Seems like a decent guy.”

  Tori knew Joe had retired from law enforcement ten years ago, and he’d been working security ever since. “He is.”

  “So, what’s the plan for today? You gonna be stuck in rehearsals all day?”

  “More or less. If you wanna slip out for a while, there will be plenty of people there to keep an eye on me. No worries.”

  “I was just thinkin’ maybe we could grab some lunch, if you have time for a break.”

  It wasn’t uncommon for them to grab a bite to eat together when she had some down time. “Yeah maybe, let’s see how the day goes, okay?”

  He smiled. “You got it.”

  Mike beat Tori to the studio. He hated waking up in his cold, empty bed wondering whether she’d been missing him as much as he missed her.

  “Hey, buddy,” Ty McCall said, extending his hand. “I heard Luc recruited you. How’s it goin’?”

  “Not bad.” He’d been trained not to talk about ongoing investigations, and even though the city wasn’t picking up the bill this time and he considered Ty a friend, some habits died hard. “It’s still too early to tell.” Mike looked around. “Is Tori here yet? I need to see her before y’all get started.”

  He needed to kiss her… hold her. Leaving her standing in his mother’s foyer last night without taking the kiss he’d so desperately wanted left him irritable and frustrated. He was getting tired of Tori letting some guy who was clearly out of touch with reality dictate when and if he could touch her.

  “No, but she should be here soon. Luc said he sent Joe to pick her up.” Ty glanced at his watch. “Huh, that was an hour ago. She should be here by now.”

  He’d stared down the barrel of a gun, had a bullet graze his shoulder, been involved in a high-speed chase a time or two, but nothing got his heart pounding faster than learning the woman he loved wasn’t where she was supposed to be. Especially when he knew there was someone out to get her. Just as he was about to launch into full-on cop mode, she sauntered through the door looking like she didn’t have a care in the world. Damn her.

  She stopped in mid-step when she saw him. “Hey, I wasn’t expectin’ to see you until tonight, Lieutenant.”

  Her paid goon was standing behind her looking at Mike like he was the gum he’d just scraped off his shoe.

  “Do you mind?” Mike said. “I need to have a word with the lady… in private.”

  Joe folded his arms across his chest and planted his feet firmly in place. “No can do, man. The boss gave me strict orders not to leave her side all day.”

  Mike took a step closer. His patience was wearing thin. Another sleepless night coupled with his concern about Tori was driving him over the edge. “Those orders came from me, so when I tell you I want time with her, I expect you to back the hell off.”

  “Is that so?” Joe took a step forward, effectively sandwiching Tori between them. “Well, I don’t take orders from you, Lieutenant.”

  “I’m gonna wipe the smug smirk right off your face, you—”

  Tori pressed her hands into Mike’s chest, trying to force him to take a step back. “Stop! What’s gotten into you this mornin’?”

  “What’s gotten into me?” he asked, glaring down at her. “Where the hell have you been for the past hour?”

  “Joe and I stopped for a coffee. Trey texted me and said he was runnin’ a bit late and we were plannin’ to start with our duet this mornin’.” She reached up to stroke his face. “I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  “I need to talk to you, now.” He reached for her hand and practically dragged her into the nearest empty office. He slammed the door and backed her against it before thrusting his hands into her hair. “Don’t ever do that to me again. You made me crazy wonderin’ where the hell you were.”

  She smiled as she tipped her head back to look at him. “Awww, that’s sweet. You were worried about me.”

  “Worried? Damn it, Tori, there’s some guy breakin’ into your house, writin’ you twisted letters, takin’ pictures of you havin’ sex…” He forced himself to take a much-needed breath. “How am I supposed to react when I don’t know where the hell you are?”

  Tori slipped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know you’d be here.” She frowned. “Hey, why are you here?”

  “Because I couldn’t start my day without doin’ this.” His mouth came down on hers fast and hard. He intended to remind her of what she’d missed out on when she denied him last night. It went on and on and yet, he still wasn’t ready for it to end. “God, I needed that.”

  “I know,” she whispered, running her hands up his back, under his T-shirt. “Me too. I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you last night.”

  “Me neither.” He kissed her softly, tenderly, as he drew her closer. “But you need your sleep. You’ve got a brutal few months comin’ up, and I don’t want you to get run down.” He brushed his thumb across her lower lip and smiled when her eyes drifted closed and her body swayed even closer to his. “If you refuse to take care of yourself, I’m gonna have to do it for you.”

  Her eyes opened slowly as she tipped her head to one side. “I think I might like havin’ you look after me.”

  He knew Tori too well to think she’d made that comment in jest. She’d told him countless times over the years that she didn’t need a man to take care of her; she could take care of herself. He bit his tongue to prevent those words from slipping past his lips again. He’d managed to make it
through his entire life without professing his love to a woman, yet now, he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  “I told your mom about us. I hope you don’t mind?”

  Mind? Was she serious? He’d gladly tell anyone who’d listen that she was his. “Why would I mind?”

  “I know you don’t like to get her hopes up when it comes to you and relationships.”

  “There’s never been reason to get her hopes up before.” He kissed her before smiling. “There is now.”

  Before she could respond, someone pounded on the door at her back. “Tori, Trey’s here. He says he’s ready to get started when you are.”

  Joe. That guy was really starting to get on Mike’s nerves.

  “Thanks, Joe. Tell him I’ll be out in just a minute.” She wrapped her arms around Mike’s neck and pulled him down for one more kiss. “I have to get out there. I’ll see you tonight?”

  For the first time in his life, he’d be counting the hours until a date. “Can’t come soon enough. You want me to pick you up?”

  “No, I think it would be best if I just went with your mom and Derek.”

  “Fine, but if you expect me to keep my hands off you tonight, I won’t.”

  She grinned. “It’s my hands you should be worried about, Lieutenant.”

  Tori was still riding a high as she watched Mike slip out the door. She had no reason to be this happy. There was a madman out to get her, she couldn’t stay in her own home, she was facing the prospect of months on a crowded, noisy tour bus or stowed away in one hotel room after another, yet knowing Mike would be by her side to help her get through it reassured her.

  She’d never felt like this before. Happy, giddy, in love. There was no other explanation for the way she was feeling. This had to be love.

  Trey came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her neck as he drew her into his side. “What’s this I hear about some loser givin’ you a hard time, sugar?”

  Trey was like any one of her brothers: big, tough, mean, and overprotective. It was a miracle she’d dated at all in high school.

  She patted his chest as she smiled up at him. “Relax, Mike’s on it.”

  “Yeah, Luc and Josh told me. I’m glad to hear it. He’s a good man, and a hell of a good cop.” Trey smiled. “But I don’t have to tell you that, now do I?”

  Talking to Trey about her love life was like talking to one of her brothers about it. Awkward. “Don’t you start givin’ me a hard time about him.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. I knew it was only a matter of time before you guys got your act together.”

  She slipped her arm around Trey’s waist as they walked toward the stage. “What makes you say that?”

  “Honey, anyone can see you guys have been fightin’ this thing between you for four long years. Y’all had to give into it sooner or later.”

  “How did you know—?”

  Trey threw his head back and laughed. “Everyone who’s ever been in the same room with you two knows.”


  “I’m tellin’ ya, some of the looks you two fire back and forth could burn the buildin’ down.”

  Heat flooded Tori’s cheeks. She thought Ashley was attuned to what was going on between them because she was his mother. She had no idea that everyone in their inner circle knew she had a thing for the gorgeous lieutenant. “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything about this before.”

  “I was afraid you’d bite my head off. You’ve always been so defensive where he’s concerned.”

  Not always. Just for the past two years. “Well, I don’t want y’all to assume that we’re a couple. We’re not. We’re just gettin’ to know each other, tryin’ to figure out whether this is somethin’ we may want to pursue.”

  Trey sat on the edge of the stage and looked her in the eye. “Why’re you still runnin’ scared?”

  “What’re you talkin’ about? You know me, I’m no coward.”

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you for one, but now I have to wonder.”

  Trey’s opinion was important to her, not just as a mentor, but as a close friend. She crossed her arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He rubbed his hands up and down her arms, obviously trying to soften the blow of his harsh words. “Listen to me, I know it’s not easy to put yourself out there. It can be scary as hell, but if you don’t take a risk, you’re never gonna reap the reward. You know that, same goes for music. You put yourself out there knowin’ people might hate you or they might love you.” He smiled. “It’s the same with Mike. He might love you, or he might break your heart, but if you’re not willin’ to put yourself out there, you’ll never know.”

  Tori was reluctant to take advice from a man who was married to his soul mate. What did he know about heartbreak? “Are you spewin’ this stuff just to hear the sound of your own sweet voice or have you been there?”

  Trey threw his head back and laughed. “Trust me, I’ve been where you are, sweetheart. You’re probably too young to remember this, but Sierra and I went through a pretty messy divorce quite a few years back.”

  “Really?” They’d known each other four years, and no one, including Trey, had ever told her the couple divorced. “What happened?” His eyes darkened with sadness, something she rarely saw in him. She touched his arm. “I’m sorry I asked. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind talkin’ about it. It reminds me how lucky we are.” He drew a deep breath. “Sierra and I met back in college.” He grinned. “I still thought I was gonna be a big-shot football player back then, but obviously it wasn’t in the cards. Music was, and Sierra helped me figure that out. She stood by my side through it all and I repaid her by leavin’ her alone during the toughest time of our lives. I still hate myself when I think about it.”

  “But you guys are one of the happiest couples I know.”

  “We are now, but we went through hell to get where we are.” He tugged on the end of Tori’s hair and grinned. “Some of us need a good kick in the ass from someone who loves us before we realize everything we’ve ever wanted is right there for the takin’, but we need to have the courage to reach out and grab it.”

  “Is that how you and Sierra found your way back to each other?”

  “Yeah, my sister could see bein’ apart was makin’ us both miserable and she decided to step in and do somethin’ about it.” Trey looked serious when he said, “I owe her my life. I was drinkin’ myself into an early grave, just tryin’ to deal with the mess I’d made of my life. Don’t make the same mistake I did, sugar. Don’t let the right man get away just ’cause you’re afraid you might get hurt.”

  Tori moved to his side and hoisted herself up on the stage to sit beside him. She swung her legs, feeling as carefree as she did when she was a little girl and her daddy used to push her on the old tire swung. Her future was finally starting to come into focus and she liked what she saw. A lot. “How can you be so sure he’s the right man for me?”

  “I’ve seen you with quite a few men over the years, but there’s always been somethin’ special between you and Mike.” Trey put his arm around her. “The look I saw in your eyes just now, when you were watchin’ him leave…” He laughed. “You thought no one was lookin’, but I was, and I saw somethin’ I’d never seen before.”

  Tori tipped her head back to look at him. His eyes were shielded by the brim of his black cowboy hat, but she could still see the sincerity on his face. He was someone who cared about her, and she knew he only wanted what was best for her. “What do you think you saw, cowboy?”

  “You’re in love with them.”

  His simple statement sent her reeling. She’d just acknowledged it to herself; she didn’t expect it to be so obvious to the casual observer. “How did you know?”

  “You looked at him the same way I look at Sierra when she’s not lookin’. My world begins and ends with that little lady, Tori. Without her and our daughter, my life ain’t w
orth a damn. Take the money, take the fame, hell, take my voice, and I’d be okay, but take them, and it’d be all over for me.”

  Tori swiped at the tear she didn’t realize was sliding down her cheek until it landed on her leg. “I want someone to feel the same way about me.” She sniffled. “I didn’t realize how much I wanted it until I heard you say that.”

  “You already have it, honey. Trust me, Mike’s feelin’ it too, you just have to be willin’ to let him in.”

  “How can you be so sure he feels the same way?”

  Trey chuckled. “I’ve known him since he was a kid. He was a little hell-raiser, a lot like me when I was growin’ up. That’s why I liked him so much. Over the years, I’ve watched him rein it in some, and when he found his passion, he focused all of his energy on bein’ the best at what he does, and he is. We’re all proud of him.”

  Tori smiled. Mike was the kind of man who wasn’t afraid to stare down danger to protect a stranger. He’d lay down his own life for someone he loved, and he wouldn’t rest until he made sure victims got the justice they deserved. She was proud of the man he was, the husband and father she knew he would one day be.

  “I knew it would be the same for him once he found the right woman.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mike’s a lot like me, an all-or-nothin’ kind of guy. There’s no gray area for him. Either he’s all in or he’s out. Trust me when I tell you with you, he’s all in. I see it in the way he looks at you, the way he’s always looked at you.”

  Tori wanted to believe it was true, but they had their chance two years ago and he sent her packing before his sheets were even cold. “If that’s true, why do you think he’s waited so long to make his move?”


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