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Careless Page 21

by Cheryl Douglas

  “You know I am,” Derek said, shoving his hands in his pocket. “But I’m allowed to sulk a little too.”

  Mike laughed. “No, grown men aren’t allowed to sulk.”

  Ashley slipped her arms around her son’s waist. “I’m so happy for you, for both of you. But I can’t deny I’m gonna miss you, being out on the road for so many months at a stretch.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll have Tori to take care of me.”

  Ashley looked up at him and smiled, her eyes moist with unshed tears. “I’m trusting you two to take care of each other.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tori expected to be mobbed at the airport, but nothing could have prepared her for the scene that unfolded. Between the press, her fans, and friends, it seemed everyone wanted a piece of her. But Mike never left her side, obviously taking his newfound role as her protector seriously.

  She was still apprehensive about the sacrifice he was making, but the thrill of having him by her side overshadowed her uncertainty.

  Trey pulled her into his arms the second he saw her, pushing aside the reporters clamoring for a statement about Joe, her relationship with Mike, and the tour. “I could tear him apart with my bare hands,” he whispered in her ear.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. Trey had been her idol for as long as she could remember and knowing she’d earned his respect and friendship meant everything to her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys,” she whispered, feeling the love of her friends enveloping her as Sierra, Josh, Lexi, Marisa, Luc, Ty, Avery, Nikki, J.T., and Mike moved in to block her from the prying eyes of the hundreds of people trying to catch a glimpse of her.

  “We’re just so glad you’re okay,” Josh said, gripping her chin. “You are okay, aren’t you?”

  She brushed away the tears sliding down her cheeks. “Yes.” She sniffled. “No.” Seeing her friends, feeling the depth of their love and concern for her, opened a floodgate of repressed fear and anguish over the ordeal she’d been through. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to fall apart like this.”

  Mike pulled her against his side. “You’re allowed; you’ve been through hell these past few months.”

  Trey looked at Mike and smiled. “I can’t tell you how glad I am you decided to join our team. I couldn’t have picked a better man for the job.”

  Mike grinned. “Yeah, well, it was pretty tough to refuse the perks.”

  Everyone laughed as the women took turns hugging Tori, demanding reassurance she was on the mend.

  “I know my husband can be a tyrant,” Marisa said, hooking her thumb over her shoulder. “If you’re not ready to do this, just say the word and I’ll get him to back off.”

  “I heard that,” Luc said, coming up behind his wife. “You really think I’d try and force her to do this if she wasn’t ready?” He settled his arm around Nikki’s shoulder. “Hell, Tori’s like a daughter to me. I’d never try to convince her to go back to work unless I thought it was the best thing for her.”

  “Luc’s right,” Tori said, smiling at the group. “I need to put this behind me, and gettin’ back to work seems like the best way to do that. Besides, we’ve been preparin’ for this tour for months. Sold out dates all over the continent. How can we disappoint our fans?”

  J.T. smiled as he reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips. “Our fans love you as much as we do. They’ll understand if you need a little more time.”

  The additional security Mike had hired were doing their job keeping reporters and autograph seekers at a safe distance, giving Tori the privacy she needed to say the things that had been running through her mind when she was planning her escape from the dank shack in the wilderness.

  “When I got into this business, I was scared to death. I was so sure it was gonna chew me up and spit me out inside of a year.” She smiled when Mike threaded his hand through hers, silently offering his love and support. “Hell, it probably would have, had it not been for you guys. You took me in, taught me the ropes, but even more importantly, you taught me to stay true to myself and not get caught up in all the craziness.”

  Trey sighed as he hooked an arm around Ty’s neck. “If only I could’ve kept this guy on the straight and narrow. Look at him now, swelled head, thinks he’s God’s gift.”

  Everyone erupted in laughter as Ty elbowed Trey in the ribs. “Looks who’s talkin’.” Anyone who knew Ty would say he was the most down-to-earth guy they’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. Faith, family, and charity were the principles that guided him through life and Tori had learned so much from his approach.

  “Y’all taught me so much about this business… and life,” she said, looking to each one of them in turn. “Luc taught me I had to toughen up if I expected to survive, Trey taught me not to take myself too seriously, Ty showed me how to handle the fame without lettin’ it go to my head, and Nikki…” Tori took her friend’s hand as she looked her in the eye. “You taught me to stay true to myself. I didn’t conform just ’cause everyone thought I should.” She winked at Avery. “And believe me, that wasn’t always easy.”

  Avery pulled Tori into a hug. “Quit busting my chops. I was just doing what I thought was best for you.”

  “You,” Tori said, smiling at her friend and publicist, “you helped me most of all. You helped me to grow up and realize that I’d been blessed with this incredible opportunity, and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the millions of people who make it possible for me to do what I love every day.” Tori laughed self-consciously. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to get so sappy; it’s just that I had a lot of time to think while I was trapped in his cabin.”

  Sierra reached for her hand. “I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you, sweetheart.”

  “Ya know, it wasn’t all bad.” She laughed at the look of surprise on their faces. “It forced me to put things into perspective. For years, I’ve been all about my career, and I realize it’s not enough for me anymore.” She looked up at Mike and smiled. “I’ve been afraid to put myself out there because I didn’t want to risk makin’ a fool of myself or gettin’ rejected, but I realized some things are worth the risk.”

  “Can’t argue with you there,” Mike said quietly.

  “Excuse me,” Tori said, stepping away from the crowd. She realized she’d been allowing fear to dictate her actions for too long. It was time for her to take the ultimate risk with the hope of gaining the ultimate reward. She’d never been one to tip her hat to convention; why should she start now?

  With her hand still in Mike’s, she led him to the crowd of reporters hoping for a statement. Her heart was pounding harder than the first time she’d appeared on live TV or faced a crowd of tens of thousands, hoping they wouldn’t heckle her off the stage. More than her pride was at stake this time. Her heart was on the line.

  “Good afternoon, y’all,” she said, smiling brightly. “I want to thank you for bein’ so patient. I know there have been a lot of rumors circulatin’ about me over the past couple of days and I just want to set the record straight.” She took a deep breath as she said a silent prayer that she wasn’t about to make the biggest mistake of her life. “As you probably know by now, I had a little trouble with one of my security personnel. It was a difficult situation, but I got through it just fine, and I’m lookin’ forward to gettin’ back to work.”

  “Can you tell us more about your relationship with your accused stalker, Tori?” one of the reporters asked.

  Tori knew she had to let go of any bitterness or animosity toward Joe before she could move on with her life. “He was a good man, albeit a little misguided. He had feelings for me, which obviously I didn’t share. He was someone I considered a friend at one time, and I hope he can get the help he needs to work through his own issues while he’s incarcerated.”

  “Does that mean you forgiven him for what he did to you?” another reporter asked, shoving a digital voice recorder in her face.

  “I have to.”

  The same reporter turned to
Mike. “How about you, Lieutenant Cooper? Are you able to forgive and forget as easily?”

  Mike clenched his jaw before smiling through gritted teeth. “I just wanna help Tori get past this.”

  “What can you tell us about your relationship with Tori, Mike?”

  Mike looked her in the eye and Tori felt his love like a physical embrace. He’d already put so much on the line for her, it was past time for her to return the favor. “I think I’d like to answer that, if you don’t mind?”

  Every reporter’s attention was fixed on her as they positioned their recorders, cameras, and video cameras to capture her.

  Tori turned toward Mike and took his hands in hers. “If someone had told me it was possible to fall in love the first time you laid eyes on someone, I’d have told them they were crazy. But when you stepped out of your father’s pool that day, you made me a believer.”

  Mike smiled as he cupped her face in his palm.

  She instinctively turned into his touch, absorbing his heat. “I spent so many hours over the past four years wondering what our lives would be like if you shared my feelings.”

  “Baby,” Mike whispered, drawing her in close, “you don’t have to do this here.”

  “Yes, I do.” She bit her bottom lip as she tried to find the elusive words. “When you find the person you were meant to spend your life with, you’re a coward if you’re not willin’ to lay it all on the line to be with them.”

  Mike winced, and Tori knew they were both guilty of running from their fears when they should have been brave enough to face them together. She couldn’t undo the past, for either of them, but she did have this one precious moment and she intended to make the most of it. “I ran away when I should have stayed and fought.” She reached up to brush her hand across his cheek. “I won’t make that mistake again, ever. I’ll fight for us with my dyin’ breath, ’cause you’re my everything.”

  “Jesus,” Mike whispered, bowing his head.

  Tori knew he hated getting emotional, especially in the midst of their friends, family, and strangers, but she didn’t want to wait another day to say what she should have said four years ago. “I love that you challenge me. You make me laugh…” She fought back the tears as she said, “But I can’t deny you’ve made me cry a time or two as well.”

  He raised his head. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s part of life, Mike. I know we’ll argue, I may even get angry enough to walk out—”

  “Not gonna happen,” he said, smiling. “I won’t let you go.”

  Their past flashed through her mind. Scenes that included teasing, laughter, anger, sadness, passion, and regret. “You are the only thing I’ve ever wanted more than my music. You inspired me to pour my heart out in my lyrics…” Her voice broke, and she cleared her throat through a watery smile. “You were the voice whispering in my ear when I wrote a song, the image that appeared in my head when I sang about loss and heartbreak. I’ve always known you were the one, the only one for me.”


  She pressed her fingertips to his lips. Tori knew given the chance, he would save her from the embarrassment of having to be the one to pose the question, but she couldn’t allow him to rescue her, not this time. “You’re the only man I want, today, tomorrow, forever. Say you’ll marry me.”

  A collective gasp rose through the crowd and Tori knew everyone was as shocked as Mike that she’d had the courage to ask him, in this very public venue, and risk the kind of embarrassment she would never live down if he said no.

  She held her breath as she waited for him to respond.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” he said, quietly.

  She didn’t know it was possible for a heart to ache, but hers was in the moment it became clear that she’d made the biggest mistake of her life. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like this.”

  He nodded. “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  Tori tried to push through the crowd, but he wouldn’t release her hand. When she turned around, he was on one knee, a velvet ring box opened to reveal a breathtaking diamond solitaire. “You’re a tough act to follow, Tori Warner, but since we seem to be all about the public declarations today, I’m gonna give this a try.”

  She covered her mouth as she watched him trying to collect himself.

  “I’d never met anyone like you. You tore through my life like a cyclone, makin’ me question everything I thought I knew about my type of woman.” He chuckled. “Turns out I didn’t have a clue until I met you. I thought I wanted sweet, soft, and submissive. Instead I got sassy, opinionated, and strong, and there’s not a single thing I’d change about you.” He kissed her trembling hand, letting his lips linger on her skin. “Many people might say I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be with Tori Warner, the superstar, but I happen to think I’m the luckiest guy in the world ’cause the Tori I love doesn’t even realize she is a superstar. She’s the girl who gives a hard-working waitress free concert tickets or donates her time and money to a charity that’s close to her heart. She’s the girl who burns her daddy’s favorite dinner every year on his birthday, but is still too stubborn to order in.”

  Everyone, including Tori, laughed.

  “She’s the girl who makes me laugh and makes me willin’ to give up the life I loved ’cause I know my life with her is gonna exceed my wildest dreams. So yes, baby, yes, I’ll marry you, and in front of the millions of people who are gonna inevitably see this, I promise to spend the rest of my life tryin’ to make you as happy as you’ve made me.” He slipped the ring on her finger before standing up to pull her into his arms.

  Buried in his strong arms, Tori barely heard the laughter or the applause, the tears, or the “awws” from the crowd. The only thing she heard was the echo of Mike’s words as he promised to love her forever.

  About the Author

  To learn more about this author or the rest of the books in the Nashville Nights series, visit

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  Coming Soon

  October 2012

  High Stakes

  Book One in the Nashville Nights Next Generation Series

  Other Books in the Nashville Nights Series

  Shameless – Book One

  Trey Turner may be topping the country music charts, but his life has been going downhill since his wife left him five years ago. He’s desperate to make amends for the mistakes he’s made and convince Sierra that their love deserves a second chance.

  Sierra Brooks is happy for the first time since her divorce. She has a career she loves and a man who loves her. Unfortunately, her fiancé isn’t the only man professing his love. He may be able to offer her safety and security, but will she decide to risk everything for another chance with the man who broke her heart?

  Fearless – Book Two

  Lexi Brooks has overcome adversity to build a successful real estate business that will enable her to live life on her terms. The life she envisions includes travel, fun and excitement, not marriage, kids or commitment. But will Trey’s sexy bodyguard throw a wrench into her plans?

  Being a cop has taught Josh Cooper to take calculated risks, but he’s tired of living with the daily threat of danger. He’s ready to settle down with someone who wants to be a step-mother to his two teenage sons. Too bad Lexi isn’t that woman. She’s sexy, smart, head-strong, and they’re totally in sync in the bedroom , but she isn’t willing to settle for a life of domestic bliss. Or is she?

  Ruthless �
�� Book Three

  Marisa Turner has wanted Luc Spencer forever, but she also wants a baby and it seems Luc isn’t up to the challenge. She has to choose between the man she loves and the family she hopes to have. Fortunately, there’s another man waiting in the wings who would love to make her baby fantasy a reality.

  Luc Spencer is tired of hearing about marriage and babies. He loves Marisa, but he’s not a forever kind of guy. After two years together, she tells him it’s over. He’s not worried, he believes she’ll be back. But what will happen when he finds out there’s another man waiting to take his place?

  Reckless – Book Four

  As a publicist, Avery Collins knows that mixing business with pleasure is a recipe for disaster so she has one rule. Her bedroom is off limits to clients, no matter how enticing and persistent they may be.

  Ty McCall is country music’s newest rising star, but he needs the best team in the business of help him make it to the top. That team includes Avery, who gave him the most unforgettable night of his life only to disappear the next morning.

  Avery agrees to work with him, but Ty isn’t willing to settle for a professional relationship with the woman of his dreams. Can this sexy cowboy convince her that rules were made to be broken?

  Relentless – Book Five

  Nikki Spencer is all grown up, but the world still sees her as the cute little girl she used to be. She’s ready to prove to her adoring public and a certain rough riding rodeo champion that sweet little Nikki isn’t as innocent as everyone thinks.

  J.T. McCall has a reputation as a rough rider, both on the bull riding circuit and with the ladies. So, what’s he to do when an innocent, like country crooner, Nikki Spencer, sets her sights on him? He plans to do what any good old country boy would do, save the lady from herself. But who will save J.T. when this little firecracker sets his world on fire?


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