DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6)

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DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6) Page 1

by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

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  Cover Design by Olivia Design

  Editing by Rachel Mowry and Elizabeth A Lance

  Format: Gina Wynn





  Host - Spirit Directory

  In the beginning…

  Daniel Blurb

  Prologue: Reality

  1. Nightmares And Fears

  2. Stolen Innocence

  3. Disappear And Blind Sighted

  4. Trauma And Unforgiving

  5. Calling And Foresight

  6. I’m Sorry And Broken Ties

  7. Farewell

  8. Star Knights And First Friend

  9. Follow Your Destiny And Loving Our Princess

  10. Hairstyles And Healing Sessions

  11. Heated Kisses From My Princess

  12. Anxiety

  13. Hotsprings Destination

  14. Fear Of Losing It All

  15. Do You Still Love Me?

  16. Healing Temptation

  17. Love And Growth

  18. Acceptance

  19. Freila, My Sister

  20. Loving Brother And Fallen Angel

  21. Fallen Angel, Part One

  22. Fallen Angel, Part Two

  23. Confrontation & Pillow Fight With An Angel

  24. Let The Search Begin

  Coming in July: Forgotten Fairytale

  Reflections of You - Sneak Peek

  Reflections of You

  Reflections of You

  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing DANIEL.

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day.

  Special thanks to Vivian Quinn, Elle Cross, Tamara White, C.M Stunich, and Tate James for being such amazing friends and motivators. I’m so excited for another year of friendship. Thanks for sprinting with me all the time to get stuff done and reach our goals.

  Thank you to my amazing BETA team for so being so epic and lively. You make this journey A LOT easier and I’m grateful to have all of you in my life.

  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



  SOLACE: First six months of the year (Spring to Summer)

  LUNAR: Second six months of the year (Fall to Winter)

  CYCLE: Year


  Separate dimension (planet) within the galaxy, created by the Starlight Gods. Only ways of traveling between realms are through portal access, transportation ships or magical ability of teleportation.

  Realm ONE: Latelia – Starlight God: Deathpre (God of Death)

  Realm TWO: Wintalyn – Starlight Goddess: Kurani (Goddess of Water)

  Realm THREE: Feminara – Starlight God: Amaterasu (God of Fire)

  Realm FOUR: Phentailia – Starlight God: Lucifer (God of Hell)

  Realm FIVE: Minato – Starlight God: Risuki (God of War)

  Realm SIX: Earthala – Starlight God: Jehovah (God of Rebirth/Judgement)

  Realm SEVEN: Distala – Starlight God: Laviathan (God of Lightning)

  Realm EIGHT: Heila – Starlight Goddess: Nightmare (Goddess of Destruction -Daughter of Death)

  Realm NINE: Miolana – Starlight Goddess: Yuikimiru (Goddess of Life/Mother Nature)

  Realm TEN: ArchAilennia – Starlight Goddess: Aphroditeee (Goddess of Prosperity/Beauty)

  Host - Spirit Directory


  Roseline – DEMON

  Hopefilinia – ANGEL

  Lilylusha – PHOENIX

  Lexinalla – DRAGON

  Midnight – DARK FAIRY


  Stryker – DEMON


  Azriel – ANGEL


  EliaseAnne – FAIRY


  Ryuu – DRAGON


  Hinotori – PHOENIX


  ??? – ANGEL

  In the beginning…

  Only the stars provided pinpricks of light throughout the galaxy. Overtime, the stars drifted together and collided, creating ten powerful beings – the Starlight Gods.

  The Gods’ purpose became to create life and light across the vast galaxy. Within the galaxy, they created ten separate realms, but began by creating life in only one realm. Cycles passed and their first creations – humans – blossomed and grew.

  The Gods were pleased; however, they wanted more. So, they created spirits – angels, demons, fairies, animals and more – to bond with the human body, and the shifter race was born. They placed the shifters throughout the other realms.

  Some realms were home to only a specific species of shifters, while other realms held an assortment of species – the shifters learned to coexist with each other in harmony

  The Gods created rules; a set for the human race to follow and a set for the shifter race. One rule was absolute…

  “Thou shall not take upon the role of the gods. We bless you with thy protection, your purpose to defend not destroy. One shall be blessed with the number of spirits we bestow and commend. No creation shall be granted ultimate power over the species. Defy this law and you shall know nothing but catastrophe and everlasting despair.”

  The Starlight Gods reside in the stars, having power and authority upon all beings. They can take any shape or form, whether human, shifter, animal or familiar. The shifter race looks to the Starlight Gods for power, strength, stability and hope

  As long as the shifter believes, the Gods will always be there.

  ~In Stars We Trust~

  Daniel Blurb

  My name is Daniel Moore— healer, star knight, and lover.

  I never had any ambition to become a stronger healer. I'd rather sleep all day than train like my fellow knights, using the excuse of being an angel shifter and having no problem healing a few cuts and bruises should the need arise. I couldn't imagine a time when advancing my skills would be worth the time and effort...until now.

  When I saw the woman I loved in a pool of blood, I realized I'd been a fool for all these cycles. Now, as her star knight and lover, I must do everything in my power to heal her. To help bring back that smile we all love and adore.

  That starts with me. I must learn to face my darkest fears and family problems. I also need to move past a death that has haunted me for cycles, one that I didn't cause, but blame myself for anyway.

  I'm tired of running, exhausted from the continu
ous struggle of fighting my internal battles alone and pushing away the ones I love.

  It's time I face my fears, so eventually, I'll be strong enough to face my Princess once more.

  ~In Stars We Trust~


  "Any news?"

  I closed the door behind me and looked down at the floor in shame, shaking my head in response to the authoritative voice before me. I heard a deep sigh and the squeak of a chair.

  My body tensed at the sound of footsteps that got louder with each step until they were in my line of vision. I gulped and waited for my punishment.

  We deserved it. Again and again, we kept failing and this time, I wasn't sure our luck would win out.

  "Raise your head, Daniel Moore, Heir Candidate of ArchAilennia."

  "I cannot." My voice cracked. I took a shaky breath as I held back the tears that threatened to escape.


  Tears began to roll down my cheeks and I slowly lifted my head to face the King of Heila, Arthur Heart.

  "We failed you and your family. Not just once, but multiple times. As knights, we've done nothing but fall into traps that have led to our Princess, your precious daughter, suffering. How can I look into your eyes and try to say we’ll find her? I don't even have confidence in myself anymore!" I cried, a fresh wave of tears falling.

  It was taking everything in me to resist the urge to use my gift, but I struggled with that control. The pool of sadness only grew deeper with the thoughts of Mako, my love and savior, missing once again with no clues as to her location.

  A sob escaped me; my shoulders shook and I bowed my head once more. "Our team is a mess and I have no idea how to fix it. Ryder's recovering from sensory overload, Marcus is with Elias in the psychiatric ward, and Kai's on strict bed rest after using his gift too many times. Kade won't even look at Xavier and is drowning himself in work to try and locate Mako. Xavier is a depressed mess. I'm the only functioning person on our team and even that is debatable because every second when I’m alone, all I can do is cry." I lifted my hands to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

  "Pathetic, right? Star knights who were brought together to retrieve our Princess and save our realms from the darkness. The same darkness that has sent challenge after challenge and we've failed each one. I'm a healer, yet I can't fix this situation. I should be able to snap my fingers and fix everything. Yet, here we are with no news of Mako's whereabouts and it’s killing everyone, including me. None of us can afford to lose her again."

  The only thing that could be heard in the room were my sobs as I continued to cry in shame. I fell to my knees before the King.

  "I love Makoto, our Princess and future Queen of Heila. I once vowed to you that we'd never lose sight of our shining light and that I would never give up. But what am I supposed to do when our shining light is gone? I'm on the verge of losing hope, Arthur. So close...because what kind of knight am I if I can't protect one individual? If I can't protect our Princess, how am I supposed to protect the realms from this darkness?"

  I heard him sigh again and I was pulled into a warm hug. King Arthur allowed me to cry into his shoulder while rubbing my back soothingly. I knew my gift was affecting him based on the way his shoulders trembled as he attempted to hold back his own tears. I couldn't continue to hold in my agony.

  "Daniel, look at me," Arthur whispered. I took a step out of his embrace and lifted my head to meet his gaze. His vibrant turquoise eyes were filled with tears, but I also saw his driven aspiration.

  "Everything in this galaxy has a purpose. Whether someone lives or dies is determined by the gods, but even more so by the one above us all, Mother Galaxy. I don't know what her plans are or what role my daughter plays in all of this, but I know without a doubt that Rosalina is still alive. She couldn’t have survived everything she's been through just to die now. You may feel broken and that your vision is clouded with doubt, but I know your true potential. The same is true for the other knights. You may stumble and fall, but you will never be conquered," Arthur proclaimed with absolute conviction in his voice.

  "How...can you still have hope?" I was astonished by his words.

  He smiled and a tear trailed down his cheek. "I waited for sixteen cycles to see my precious daughter return, alive. I got to watch her bond with her mother and Kade, battle her inner demons, and fight for her rightful place in our kingdom. I also got to witness her love for all of you. After all of that, I won't let the darkness shatter the hope I have in Rosalina. Wherever she currently is, I know she'll fight to stay alive long enough for her star knights to come to her aid."

  He placed his hands on my shoulders. "I believe in all of you. Now, I need you, Daniel Moore, to be your team's strength and help mend them and bring them back together so you can set out to find my daughter once more. Can you do that for me?" I heard the vulnerability in his voice. A man of his position, status, and honor, asking someone like me to bring his daughter home made me realize how much trust he had in us.

  He was the King of one of the strongest realms in our galaxy and had retained his throne because of his immense power. If he could search to find Makoto himself, he'd do it in a heartbeat. But he had a responsibility and duty to protect his people and needed us to take on the search and ease the fear that must have radiated in his heart.

  I slowly nodded as I stood, staring directly into his turquoise, glassy eyes. "I, Daniel Moore, Heir Candidate of ArchAilennia, vow to help find Rosalina Mackenzie Heart with my team of knights and bring her home safely. No matter what obstacles befall us, I won't give up. Please trust me to complete this task, King Arthur of Heila. The Starlight gods as my witness. In stars we trust."

  I didn't know if I imagined it, but I thought I felt the back of my left hand grow warm. A flicker of gold light caught my attention for a split second, but I returned my eyes back to Arthur who grinned and nodded in agreement.

  "In stars we trust," he confirmed. He gave me another hug and reassured me that he'd keep our team informed if any leads were discovered by the search team.

  "Go get some rest. If you see Kade along the way, tell him to come see me," Arthur instructed.

  I nodded, giving him a deep bow in thanks before I exited his private office.

  I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes that I knew would be red from my tears. It was times like these where I wished Makoto was at my side, giving me gentle kisses and holding me in her arms.

  I could already envision her sweet low voice whispering in my ear and her gentle vanilla perfume that cloaked her body combined with the cherry blossom scent of her long hair that I adored.

  A simple kiss from her could make me forget my troubles and pull me into a perfect moment where there was only her. Now it was up to me to reclaim what was ours and find her.

  I strode down the hall and into one of the rooms, spotting Kade leaning against the window frame. His arms were crossed and his right index finger was tapping his arm impatiently as he stared blankly out at the night sky.

  I frowned at the purplish red bruise that lingered on his right fist, the result of Kade losing his shit with Xavier for his part in everything, punching him repeatedly to the point where Marcus and I ended up pulling them apart. It would take an estimated two weeks to fix the damage and recover the books in there after Kade's tantrum when he lost his shit with Xavier while they were in the library. Kade punched him repeatedly until Marcus and I were able to pull them apart. I didn't blame Kade and was surprised Marcus hadn't shifted after hearing what occurred which led to Makoto going out to the garden alone in the first place.

  I entered the room, closing the door behind me. Kade stopped tapping his finger, but otherwise didn’t budge.

  "Your father wants to see you," I announced.

  Kade's eyes met mine and I almost regretted telling him after I felt the wave of anger that radiated from them. They were darker than their usual gold, more like copper and the intensity of rage that continued to hit me made me gulp.

  "Tell hi
m not now," Kade seethed.

  "Kade," I whispered and Azriel nudged into my mind.

  “Let me take over.”

  I sighed but nodded, giving Azriel control while I stayed back to listen in.


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