DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6)

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DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6) Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "She tried to kill you."

  Marissa and I both glanced at Michael, whose eyes seemed dazed and glowed a light gold. I tilted my head at him, unsure if Michael's spirit, Ezriel was taking over.

  "Ezriel?" I asked.

  "Ezriel isn't in control," Azriel spoke as he entered my mind. I felt a wave a calm pass through me and my gasping breaths began to calm.

  "Foresight? You both took after Isabelle," Marissa whispered.

  I looked into her wide eyes and then at Michael on whom her gaze was focused. He blinked a few times then lifted his hand to pinch his nose.

  "Michael? What did you see?" Marissa questioned.

  "Claire was going to kill Daniel! She used magic and her hands were turning black!" Michael exclaimed looking angry.

  Marissa looked to me. "Daniel, you need to tell me what happened."

  "I...entered the room when I heard Michael shout. Claire was saying something about how she wanted to have a child, but the gods wouldn't give her one. She said she needed one so Father would pay attention to her and give up on us...‘cause we’re useless children. And she's tired of babysitting? She saw Michael's pocket watch and she looked like she was going to break it. I ran to grab it, putting it in my pocket, which made her mad. The room grew stuffy and it was hard to breathe. I wanted to run, but for some reason I couldn't. Claire said she was my mommy and I had to obey her...and she said I used my gift, but I didn't! Then she slapped me and said I should die," I explained and the acknowledgment of her striking me returned my focus to the stinging pain that was still present on my left cheek.

  Marissa's eyes darkened and for the first time in a long time, she looked truly angry. She rose from the bed. "I'll deal with it. Just stay here until I can find out what's going on."

  "Am I in trouble?" I asked with wide eyes.

  Michael came to sit next to me, pulling me into a side hug.

  "You're not in trouble. I won't let your father be upset with you until we figure everything out. Just stay here and try to relax. Michael, watch over your brother," Marissa ordered.

  "Okay," Michael agreed.

  Marissa left the room, locking the door behind her. I began to cry again and Michael pulled me into his lap and let me sob into his shirt.

  "Did I...did I kill her?" I asked in choked voice.

  Michael stroked my hair. "No. Whatever happened, it's her fault. Not yours. Just relax. I'll protect you, even from Father," Michael vowed.

  I nodded and relaxed. It wasn't long before my eyes grew heavy; I felt exhausted.

  "You should sleep, Daniel," Michael suggested.

  "I'm scared to," I admitted quietly. What if I didn't wake up? I deserved to die.

  "Nothing will happen. Remember I'll be here to fight off the nightmares. Just relax," Michael whispered into my ear.

  I suddenly felt extremely calm. I let out a weak moan and closed my eyes, feeling my body go limp. My consciousness began to drift and I felt myself being lifted and placed onto soft warm sheets.

  "Everything will be fine, Daniel. Ezriel and I won't let anyone hurt you. I swear it," I heard Michael declare, but it sounded so far away.

  "Don’t... leave..." I tried to finish, but couldn't stay awake any longer. I'm sorry for being a burden. I'm sorry you always have to protect me. I'm sorry...

  "I'll never leave you, brother. Never."

  "He's a murderer."

  "What a disgrace.”

  "I bet he killed his mother and the King had no choice but to cover it up."

  "Imagine if he becomes a knight?"

  "Him, a knight? He'd only bring despair and calamity like he has to this kingdom."

  "A child with such a gift should be banished."


  "He's lucky the law forbids the killing of royals or those rogues would end him before the day was out."

  I bit my lip and felt Marissa squeeze my hand as the people continued to whisper amongst themselves as we watched the gold casket slowly descend.

  The sky was filled with grey clouds and I knew it wouldn't be long until it began to rain. We stood in front of Claire's grave. Father was standing opposite of us, wearing a blank expression on his face.

  It had been a chaotic week and neither Michael nor I had seen Father, aside from that fateful night when Claire went over the balcony and died.

  Marissa made sure she was in the room when Father asked us what happened. I explained the best I could and Michael described his vision. Marissa supported our claim and confirmed Michael had experienced foresight since she was there to witness it. My father merely nodded and quickly inspected the bruise on my cheek, healing it before I could ask him not to. I felt horrible and I needed the pain to remind me of my bad actions.

  Other than that instance, he'd been ignoring us, focusing instead on the funeral arrangements. I couldn't tell if he was truly hurt by Claire's death.

  Rumors were already beginning to spread and our people were pointing the blame at me. Marissa told me to ignore it all, but it was hard.

  After the funeral ended, the people came in groups to give their condolences to the King. Marissa stood in front of me and Michael protectively; I could see the permanent glare on her face as she stared down each guest that tried to glance our way.

  The stream of people reached the final family and a girl with curly blonde locks walked up to us with a snide smirk on her face.

  "Hey, murderer. How does it feel to be the talk of the realm? Must be nice to be famous." She laughed and I could hear a few chuckles from a group of kids not too far from us.

  "Cecelia! Come back here this instant. Do not insult the royal children!" a woman who looked similar to the girl in front of us called out.

  Father frowned and looked at the little girl.

  "I suggest you listen, Cecelia," Michael warned and his eyes deepened to a dark copper. She frowned and her eyes darkened as well; they glared at one another.

  "Cecelia? It would be wise for you to listen. I will not stop anything that occurs if you tick off either of King Moore's sons. You've been warned," Marissa declared; her voice so cold I bet it would send shivers down anyone’s spine.

  Cecelia's eyes went wide and she huffed before going back to her mother. They both bowed to the King and walked away. We waited for all of the shifters to leave before we finally relaxed.

  I moved away from Marissa and Michael, wanting to get away.

  "Daniel?" Michael called out but I ignored him.

  I didn't want to be near the grave anymore. If it was my choice, I'd listen to everyone's comments and just disappear. If I was gone, I couldn’t hurt anyone anymore.

  It sounded rather tempting and I actually began to consider it. Claire said I should die. Mother left me when I was born. I'm a murderer and only bring disaster to everyone near me. I'm forbidden and should be killed. Maybe it would be for the best?

  "Daniel. You don't deserve to die. We didn't do anything wrong," Azriel whispered. His sadness made my heart sink and I let the tears I had been holding back fall.

  Father doesn't believe me. No one but Michael and Marissa do. I'll never have friends. I'll never find someone to love and marry. Michael will eventually move on and so will Marissa. Then I’ll truly be alone.

  Something tugged at my hand, stopping me in my tracks. I blinked and slowly turned to see Michael's wide eyes.

  "Don't you dare think about it!" he shouted at me.

  I merely stared at him and clenched my jaw. I tugged my arm out of his grasp and pulled away. Father and Marissa were both watching with shocked expressions.

  Michael and I had never fought with one another, but today marked the first time.

  "Why?" I demanded as my hands tightened into fists.

  "You shouldn't be listening to them, Daniel. They don't kno—"


  Michael stared at me speechless, Father and Marissa approa
ched, both looking worried.

  "Daniel, listen to me. You don't deserve to die," Marissa tried to explain, but I shook my head and stomped my foot; rain began to fall.

  "No one believes me. Father won't even look at me. Everyone says I killed Claire. I didn't! I just wanted her to leave me alone. She was gonna hurt me, but no one cares about that. If I die, it’s better for everyone! Everyone will be happier!" I exclaimed.

  I saw Father open his mouth to speak, but I turned away and ran before he had the chance. I knew he would agree. He'd tell me how ashamed he was of me and what a disgrace I was to the family. It was my fault he was working so much. It was my fault Claire was now gone. I should have just run or let her kill me. Maybe then, people would have seen the real her.

  I darted into the woods behind the cemetery; thunder roared through the sky. The rain began to come down quickly, which only made it harder for me to see with my blurry vision.

  I wished I'd brought my glasses with me, but I couldn't afford more ridicule today by turning back so I ran blind. I could hear my name being called from far away, but I didn't care. I'd disappear and eventually everyone would move on.

  Father would finally be happy if I was gone from his life. Maybe that would be a worthy enough punishment for me.

  "DANIEL! STOP!" Azriel shouted and he pushed for control.

  His warning didn’t come fast enough and our body tripped over something hard. Instead of falling straight to the ground, we began to tumble and roll; our head hit something hard.

  Azriel retreated from my mind and I groaned as my head throbbed with pain. I felt something warm begin to drip down the side of my face, so different from the cold rain that hit my skin.

  I tried to get up but everything began to spin and I fell to the ground again. I opened my eyes but everything was a blur; black spots began to appear before me. I began to cry as I got on my hands and knees, trying to crawl through the muddy ground. I stopped when my right hand didn't land on solid ground, which left me confused.

  I opened my eyes again and my blurry vision was no help in figuring out where I was. I looked up and stared in front of me, my vision clearing enough for me to see what looked to be an angel. She had long flowing hair and her white wings were spread, holding her up in the air with ease.

  She reminded me of the woman from my dreams and I reached out to her. "Mom?" I questioned, wishing I could be closer to her. She'd take the pain away and love me. Even if she abandoned me when I was born, maybe she would feel bad that everyone hated me and in return, she’d finally love me?

  All I wanted was to be loved. Was that too much to ask? I reached out to her again, leaning forward to try and touch her glowing form.

  Even as the world spun and the black spots in my vision grew larger, I felt calm. It didn't matter if I disappeared. Everyone would move on.


  Michael? What about my brother? Would he miss me? He said he wouldn't leave me. Does that mean I can't leave him either? He'd be okay without me...right? I hope...he will be. Please Starlight gods...let Michael be okay without me.

  I tried to keep my eyes open, but my eyelids were too heavy from exhaustion. They finally lost the battle and closed as I slowly fell forward. It felt like I was falling in slow motion. I heard a high pitch scream and my name echoed in the air, but the sound faded with each passing second.

  "You're a murderer."


  "Kill him."

  “Don’t you dare touch me! You should just die.”




  Something grasped my hand and I stopped falling. It took everything within me to open my eyes. Even with my blurry vision, I could hear something that sounded like running water below me. I had to squint my eyes to get a clear image of the crashing water and sharp rocks mere inches away from me.

  I had enough strength to lift my head and my tired eyes glanced upwards. Father's eyes were fearful as he tried to catch his breath. His large white wings held us both in the air and his gold eyes glowed with power, Father’s spirit in control.

  He pulled me high enough so he could hold me against his chest, squeezing me tightly.

  "Father? But Mommy’s there," I resisted.

  "You can't go there, Daniel," Father whispered; his voice trembled and I knew from the tone his spirit had retreated.

  "But...you hate me."

  "I don't hate you, Daniel. I'm sorry. Your father is so very sorry," he confessed and I thought I was hearing things.

  "I'm sorry, Father."

  "Don't ever think you deserve to die. Promise me, Daniel," Father requested urgently.

  "Okay... I promise," I whispered. Father squeezed me harder and I could hear the beat of his heart that was racing like he'd been running.

  "I'm sorry," Father apologized over and over again as he began to cry.

  I wanted to comfort him and tell him I didn't mean to make him cry, but I couldn't fight off sleep anymore.

  I relaxed; it was the first time I'd been hugged by Father in a long time. It made me realize how much I missed his affection. How much I felt his absence in my life. If only things could always be like this, with him hugging me.

  I'm sorry, Mommy. I guess I can't keep you company after all. I love you.

  That was the last thought I had before the world went black.



  "Do you have your pocket watch, Daniel?"

  "Oh! One sec," I whispered, leaving Michael in the hall with our suitcases as I rushed upstairs without making a sound. Father was sleeping upstairs and I didn't want to alert him of our plans.

  I slipped into my room, closing the door quietly and went straight to my bed. I knelt down and reached underneath to retrieve the special box that held our family heirloom.

  A smile formed on my lips when I felt the velvet texture of its case and pulled it out. I dusted it off and opened the box to ensure my watch was safely inside.

  I rose to my feet and stared at the gold pocket watch. I lifted it up and pressed my lips against the cool surface, closing my eyes and praying to the Starlight gods that Mother was safe in the stars above.

  I closed the box and slid it into my pocket before taking a final glance around my room. I never thought this day would come and now that Michael and I were about to put the plan into motion, I was feeling excited and nervous.

  It had been two cycles since Claire's death and my own near-death experience. I hardly remembered any of it, other than the fear in my father's eyes.

  Since that event, Father had focused only on work. He was there during the psychiatric evaluations for Michael and me, making sure we got the best therapy for the last two cycles.

  Aside from that, we barely talked. He continued to go on trips for longer periods of time and it got to the point where Marissa seemed to be more of a guardian than our own father was.

  Michael decided he wanted to train at home instead of dealing with the bullying at school any longer. Since Father had notified everyone that Marissa could make decisions for us, she approved of the change and Michael and I were able to train and got lessons inside the comforting walls of the castle.

  We'd learned many things, but I focused on healing skills while Michael focused on combat. We'd been used to the daily routine, and without Father nagging at us, it wasn't difficult to live in the castle. Marissa had the final say around the castle and the maids and guards respected that.

  But for the last two rotations, I'd been having weird dreams and even visions. It got to the point that I’d been zoning out during conversations. I kept seeing myself, but in a different castle.

  From the scenery and the descriptions I gave to Michael, we figured out it was Heila, but I didn't understand why it had been happening.

  We'd been informed that the Princess of Heila had been stolen from the kingdom two rotations ago and a search and rescue mission had been initiated, but we'd y
et to hear anything come of it. Only the royal families were aware of the situation and we were sworn to secrecy.

  Michael had found a picture of the Heart family and I had to admit, the Princess was beautiful. She was everything you'd imagine a Princess to be and more. Aside from her huge turquoise eyes that matched the Queen's, her smile was what brightened the entire family portrait. Michael said I thought that because I had a crush on her. I wouldn't deny that either.

  I didn't know if she was the reason for my dreams and visions, but something told me we had to go to Heila. We were planning to wait a few more weeks, but then Father returned yesterday with interesting news.

  "I'm getting remarried."

  Michael and I both froze midway through eating and Marissa dropped the plate in the sink before slowly turning to Father who stood in the doorway. He'd just arrived, still holding his suitcase and wearing his royal garments.

  "What!" All three of us said in unison as we gawked at him.

  He sighed. "I want to marry someone. I've already decided who. She and her daughter will be moving in next week. I want you guys to get along," he announced, looking directly at me before shifting his gaze to Michael. I opened my mouth to speak, but then an image flashed before me.

  A girl with long blonde locks. She had her arms crossed over her chest and a smug smile on her face as she looked at the castle in front of her. A familiar woman stood behind her, but I didn't focus on her. It was the girl who mocked me at Claire's funeral that caught my full attention.

  "CECELIA!" I exclaimed and realized Michael had spoken the same thing. We both glanced at one another in shock and I knew from the way his eyes slowly returned to their normal color we'd experienced the same vision.

  "That foresight of yours seems to be getting stronger," Father commented, but looked displeased by our response.

  "Your Highness! You can't be serious right now. That widowed woman is greedy and her child is even worse! It’s partly because of her daughter that Daniel almost died!" Marissa snapped.


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