DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6)

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DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6) Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  My body froze and I watched her begin to put lotion all over her luscious body. She turned around, giving me a full view of her naked beauty; the sight caused my cock to harden.

  Her hair was still wet, making her normally dark brown locks look almost black, clinging to her pale skin with tan lines from her outing yesterday. Slowly I trailed my gaze down to her plump small breasts that bounced slightly with her movement as she knelt down to put lotion on her legs.

  When she rose back up, I got to continue my visual exploration, taking in her flat stomach that showed hints of her ab definition, thanks to her strenuous workouts with Marcus. Her curves were more prominent now and her small waist, wide hips and thighs fit her perfectly, giving her an hourglass shape. She turned around again as if she'd forgotten something on the bed, possibly her robe, but she grabbed something else instead— a hair tie.

  She was humming quietly as she began to pull up her drenched hair. She began to sway her hips from side to side, giving me a show of her sexy ass.

  I couldn't distract myself from the way my cock twitched; my free hand slowly lowered to it and I moaned quietly as I began to stroke myself.

  I had to keep a tight leash on my gift, not wanting Makoto to realize I was watching her. Or reveal the incredibly powerful urge I had to fuck her right there.

  She finished putting her hair up in a ponytail and sauntered over to grab something else from the PINK duffle bag on the floor. She bent down and I began stroking faster at the sight, trying to hold back another moan that threatened to escape. If I continued to watch her like this, I'd lose what little restraint I had left.

  She straightened and turned around with her hair dryer and comb in one hand. I took one final glance before silently closing the door.

  I paused in my stroking to turn the shower on. The sound of the water was helpful in blocking out my moans and grunts as I returned to pleasing myself.

  I imagined Mako sitting on the large counter, her legs spread open and my cock sliding inside her. She'd moan at how my cock fit perfectly, filling her completely. I'd kiss her passionately, loving how deep I was and the way her pussy clenched around me.

  I'd release her lips only so I could hear the gorgeous hymns of her moaning as I began to move in and out of her while my mouth latched onto the nape of her neck, sucking at her feverish skin.

  Our breaths would increase and our moans would echo against the walls like a symphony of pleasure and lust. She'd beg me to go faster and I'd obey all-too willingly, letting my hands run down and caress her curves, moving to hold her hips as I rammed myself into her.

  She'd moan and exclaim how close to release she was; I would be just as ready, eager to shoot my hot cum inside her. My head would rest back against the door as my body grew rigid, a few strokes away from my climax.

  My imagination was incredibly detailed, almost like the real thing. I made sure not to leave out the usage of my gift as I slid balls deep inside her. I would hit the perfect spot and press my lips against her neck once more. Then, the build-up of my arousal would course through her with my gift, sending her straight to the most intense climax she'd ever experienced.


  The soft sound of Mako's voice echoed in my mind and that was all I needed to explode with an intense climax. I squeezed my eyes shut and let my load free, spilling every last drop of it as I imagined emptying myself into Mako, whose back arched and body trembled from the second orgasm that hit her.

  I fought to catch my breath as the vivid fantasy faded, returning once again to reality. I looked down to my cock, the tip still wet with traces of my load. I noticed the white creamy juices making a slow descent down the cabinet door under the sink.

  "Fuck," I grumbled, wishing my imagination was true. Guess I should clean up.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I slowly walked into the steamy warm water, hoping I didn't melt. The transition from the extremely cold shower I had just taken made my skin tingle. I remained still until my body adapted to the hot temperature before trying to relax against the stone edge of the hot spring.

  When I'd finished, Makoto had returned from her walk, stating Nightmare was off playing somewhere. I glanced up at Mako, relaxing on the other side of the spring, looking extremely comfortable with her eyes closed and a smile on her enticing lips.

  She opened her eyes and they landed on me; she grinned, "See. It's not that bad." She sighed in relief, sinking deeper into the steaming hot water.

  "It's only because your feet touch the ground," I mumbled, not wanting to admit that I was enjoying the way the heat worked to soothe my tight muscles.

  I'd been training a lot since we almost lost Makoto after the practical exam and it felt amazing to release the lingering aches in my body.

  "Stop complaining and admit you’re enjoying yourself," she teased, splashing water at me.

  I groaned, "I'm gonna die." I watched her give me a playful smile before she relaxed once more, looking up at the twinkling sky.

  My eyes lingered on her, appreciating the way the moonlight shone on her delicate skin. My perfect Mako who just wanted me to open up to her.

  Did she take me here to help me relax? I knew without a doubt she felt the tension between us and my nerves regarding Midnight. Was this her way to tell me not to stress about it? Michael's words from earlier, and the warnings from the other star knights, ran through my mind and I wished I could silence them.

  Only one thing could stop them from ruining this moment: my Princess before me. My Makoto.


  Her eyes met mine and I watched her glance down to my bare chest. I loved when she checked me out; it gave me a boost of confidence to know that she enjoyed what she saw.

  I knew I'd gained some definition and muscle because of my increased training. I guess it paid off now that I was rewarded with Mako's obvious attraction and the glint of lust that shone in those turquoise eyes. She bit her bottom lip and I didn't think she even realized it as her eyes lowered to my lower half that disappeared into the water, pausing for a moment at my V-lines, which I knew she loved.

  I pushed myself off the stone wall, making my way to her slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. Her eyes grew wide, probably at the fact I was willing to move through the water to her; something I wouldn't do for anyone else. Only she could push me to go above and beyond, ignoring my fears for as long as I needed to in order to be by her side.

  "Dani—" she began, but I didn't let her finish before I embraced her. I mentally groaned at her scent, the steam of the springs carrying it to my nose, mixed with the cherry blossom aroma of her shampoo.

  "Daniel?" Her soft voice was doing wicked things to my body and I prayed I wouldn't grow hard again. At that moment, her hands slid along my back, returning the embrace.

  I relaxed, letting the tension, anxiety, and regret go, so I could truly enjoy this moment with my beautiful Princess. I wished that time could pause and I could ignore the invisible barrier I'd somehow created between us.

  I heard the sound of night creatures humming through the air and a cold breeze passed us.

  "Daniel…if you don’t…want this..." she began, but then she choked on her words.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, pained by the agony in her voice that was also laced with fear. "Mako. Stop," I whispered, hoping she wouldn't continue; I tightened my hold on her. Please don't tell me you don't love me anymore...

  "But… I'm confused. I don't know what you want, Daniel. I get the whole Midnight situation and I understand… I'm trying to be patient and see everything from your perspective, but I'm failing. I've never dealt with this before and I feel like I'm on a seesaw. One half is telling me you love me while the other…makes me wonder if you hate me..."

  Her voice was nothing but a whisper as she tightened her arms around me, crying into my shoulder. I rubbed her back as she cried, wishing I could do more.

  "Mako, shh. Baby don't cry," I whispered over and over. I felt horrible for making her cry and to realize she
'd been harboring all these thoughts in her mind for so long.

  Michael, Azriel, the others, they were all right. I should have just communicated with her from the beginning. If we just talked it out and I had enough courage to share my fears with her, we never would have ended up like this.

  She wouldn't be shedding tears because of me.

  "Makoto, if only you could see a glimpse of how much I care about you," I whispered. Even I was shocked by my trembling voice. I let instinct take over, not questioning my next actions as I pressed my lips firmly against her neck.

  I pulled back to stare into her tear-filled eyes and flushed cheeks, realizing I too, was on the verge of tears.

  "I… I just need a bit more time. I love you, Makoto, never doubt that. But…I just need a bit more time before I can reveal myself. Not just the one you see before you. All of me. I know you'll accept me. I just need to gain the courage to accept myself," I admitted.

  I hoped that would be enough for her for now. I didn't think I had it in me to say any more. We stared into each other’s eyes and I lifted my hand to rest on her cheek. A tear escaped down her face, meeting my thumb as I brushed it away.

  "Okay," she replied.

  The relief at the single word was music to my ears as I pulled her into my arms and claimed her lips. My tongue slid into her mouth while my hands roamed down her back.

  Our breathing increased as we both moaned, enjoying the taste of one another. If it wasn't for the burning sensation of my lungs begging for oxygen, I would have never let go. We broke the kiss to catch our breaths and we pressed our foreheads together.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered.

  Her eyes met mine and I saw her confusion. "For what?"

  "For lying. I…know that it upset you, and I shouldn't have. I just freaked out, and I try and deny how I'm feeling when I'm put on the spot," I admitted, lowering my head in shame. I shouldn't have done that to her and I knew right away I should have been a man and apologized for my dishonesty. She pressed herself against me to my surprise and bit her lip.

  I knew she hated seeing me in pain and her lips moved to lay on my neck, trailing over to my chin. My eyes fluttered closed and she pushed me slightly backward. I realized she wanted me to move back so I stepped backward until my back pressed against the smooth surface of the wall. I opened my eyes to stare at her.

  "Daniel, I'll be patient. Midnight’s asleep right now, but when we get back to Minato, I'll talk with her. She’s...very defensive when it comes to my well-being. We've been through things…that are hard to discuss. She just doesn't want me to get hurt. I know you wouldn't hurt me intentionally, I get it. I'll try to wait until you’re ready."

  She gave me a small smile and hooked her arms around my neck. She leaned on her tiptoes and kissed me. I let my arms wrap around her lower waist, resting my hands on her ass, wishing the white towel around her body was non-existent so I could feel her smooth skin.

  Kiss after kiss, we enjoyed each other's lips before taking turns leaving love bites on our necks.

  "I think we should get out. The heat’s making me dizzy," Mako admitted finally.

  I pressed my hand against her cheek, immediately calling for my healing power to ease her discomfort. She was experiencing dizziness and I had to agree, kissing in a steamy hot area would only lead to both of us getting winded faster.

  She sighed in relief, opening her eyes to meet mine. "Thank you," she whispered.

  "You’re welcome, Firefly." I smiled, letting go of her.

  I moved out of the water, reaching out to help Makoto out as well. I noticed her unsteadiness and immediately lifted her up. She hooked her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.

  "You okay?" I asked, feeling a little worried.

  She nodded, leaning upward and shifting slightly to press her lips lightly to my shoulder blade.

  I had to contain the moan that was on the verge of escaping from the soft touch against my sensitive markings.

  "Ya. I'm really tired," she whispered.

  "You haven't gotten a good rest since we got here," I pointed out, putting on my slippers before beginning the walk back to our room. She'd been pushing herself to get as much done as possible during this vacation and I was concerned it would take a toll on her.

  "I'm scared to rest. I don't want to waste time that could be spent with you," she confessed.

  "There's always time for us, Makoto. I'll always make time for you. Even if things get chaotic when we reach Heila, I'll make sure that we see each other whenever I can. But, you need to sleep. I like to sleep, so we can count it as quality time. What do you say?" I asked.

  Sleeping in the same bed as her was one of the most relaxing things for me and I loved waking up to her in my arms. She opened her eyes and I smiled to give her a sense of reassurance.

  "Okay. Just…this time," she whispered and relaxed, closing her eyes once more as she nestled against me. Before we even reached our room she was fast asleep, her slow inhales and exhales made me sigh in relief.

  Maybe I'll be able to work this out. I noticed Nightmare relaxing in front of the door with a familiar black cat curled next to her. I raised my eyebrow at both of them as they noticed our arrival, standing up to greet us.



  "You brought a friend, Nightmare?" I grinned, using magic to open the door. They both ran inside, jumping onto the end of the bed and curling up with one another.

  "Mew!" she replied from where she relaxed with Scarlet's familiar who I remembered was Moonlight.

  I walked over to the bed, using a wind spell to cast a warm breeze to dry Mako and I off. Then, I laid her down onto the white sheets.

  I found one of my shirts and put it on her, knowing she hated sleeping in a bra. I got a pair of her underwear and slid them on, doing it more for myself. Maybe the extra layer would be enough to keep me from thinking of how much I wanted to have her.

  She mumbled something and turned to her side, patting at the empty half of the bed which made me smirk. I grabbed a pair of white boxers, put both towels into the laundry bin, then went to dim the lights.

  I walked over to the other half of the bed and climbed in, making sure Nightmare and Moonlight had enough space before grabbing the light blanket, pulling it up to cover Mako and me.

  The moment I relaxed, Mako's hand patted my waist and she moved to snuggle against me. She mumbled something incoherent with the cutest smile on her face before she relaxed.

  I pressed my lips to her forehead and watched her sleep for a long time, wondering if I could reveal my past to her. She'd proven to be different from all the people in my past. She wouldn't judge me or ridicule me like they had.

  Maybe it was time for me to reveal everything to her. Just as she has to me. In time, Midnight will come around. I told myself those words over and over again until my eyes grew too heavy to keep them open any longer.

  It wasn't long till I fell asleep, dreaming of my Princess and the lovemaking we'd share if I had my way.

  "This information will stay with you alone. No one else shall know how you are to cure Makoto or where you retrieved your information. If disclosed, I will not hesitate to rid the world of your existence. Do you understand, Daniel and Azriel Moore?" Winterlya presented.

  "I, Daniel Moore, host of Azriel Moore, vow not to share the information disclosed within these walls to any human or shifter. I will live with this secret or die if I reveal its contents, in an effort to heal my Princess, Rosalina Mackenzie Heart. May the Starlight gods be our witness. In stars we trust," I vowed.

  She nodded, taking a deep breath before sighing. "There will be one more thing."

  "What is it?" I questioned.

  "In order for this to work, your gift will have to be involved. In my situation, I had someone else who has the same gift as yours accomplish this, but because there's only one of you, you’re going to be extremely weak afterward. Healing her will be hard on your body and will make it difficult to use
your gift for at least a few rotations. Are you willing to endure that?"

  "Anything for my Princess," I replied confidently.

  "Excellent. The night is still young. Let's start from the beginning."

  I groaned, placing my head on the desk, thinking about my session with Winterlya Frost. It was early in the afternoon and I was in the private library, trying to figure out the exact energy level I needed to try and heal the nerves in Mako’s legs.

  Winterlya explained to me how she was able to regain her leg function, after losing it once before. She didn't go into extreme detail of the events that occurred, but emphasized if she had to do it again, she would. It had made her stronger and taught her to not take life for granted.

  Now that I had all the information I needed, I'd spent the last four days trying to figure out the right magic level needed to apply my gift. But that was the easiest part. The hard part would be the delivery of the healing and how my gift would have a major role in the execution.

  My gift's strength was based off of my emotions. The stronger the emotion was, the more powerful my gift got. If I wanted to heal Mako, the only way I could make it painless would be to have sex with her.

  "WHAT? No, wait. That can't be right!" I exclaimed to Winterlya, who swirled her glass of wine in her hand, having poured herself another glass.

  "You heard correctly," she replied, sounding completely calm and unaffected by her words. I blinked at her like she'd completely lost it, thinking about her statement over and over again.

  "That sounds like a booty call," I grumbled.

  Winterlya rolled her eyes. "Earthala slang is rubbing off on you," she said dryly.

  "You can't tell me you didn't even have the slightest doubt when the idea was presented to you that it was just a way to get you in between the sheets," I argued.

  Winterlya grinned. "Been there, done that," she hummed and I blushed, looking away.

  "Well I haven't," I huffed.


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