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Three Alpha Romeo - A Military Reverse Harem Romance

Page 20

by Krista Wolf

  “Be gentle,” I managed to gasp. “Please be—”

  Holden pushed some more, and I felt myself opening up. It was tight! So damned tight. With Randall still buried to the hilt in my pussy, everything below my waist felt just that much tighter.

  I bit down on Marcus’s thumb. Stared up obediently, into his knowing eyes.

  “Don’t worry angel,” Randall said from below. “You got this.”

  Second by second, millimeter by millimeter, Holden filled me from behind. Eventually I felt him pressing against my back. Leaning all the way over, to whisper hotly in my ear.

  “That’s it baby,” he said huskily. “I’m in.”

  I groaned around Marcus’s thumb. Wriggled my ass backward a little, to test things out.

  God, it felt even better than I ever imagined.

  “Fuck her slow,” said Marcus, still looking down at me. “But make her remember it.”

  I would’ve laughed, if I didn’t think it would cause me pain. Remember it? There’s no way in the world I’d ever forget this moment. Not in a thousand years.

  “Feel good?” Randall breathed, brushing his lips over mine.

  “GOD yes.”


  I opened my mouth and bit his lip in response. He jerked back.

  “What do you think?”

  He brought a hand up to rub at his lip. He even used one finger to check for blood.

  “I think you’re going to tap out tonight,” he said smartly. “That’s what I think.”

  I rolled my hips in defiance, creating a giant circle. Fucking both him and his partner on the same sexy rotation.

  “Not a chance.”

  I did it again, and again after that. Each time I relaxed a little more. Each time it felt that much more magnificent.

  “Go on,” I said, finally getting a little daring. “Fuck me already.”

  The guys dug in. Holden’s hands curled into my flesh, holding me steady so he could pump in and out of me. While down below, Randall was almost a prisoner of my writhing body. His only movement was to thrust upward, driving into me from beneath. He started doing it harder, faster…


  It was unbelievably wonderful. The feeling of getting hammered fast and deep by one lover, and slow and deep by the other. Two hard cocks, nestled snugly within my body. Pleasuring me. Double-penetrating me…

  Making me theirs forever.

  I blinked, and suddenly Marcus’s thumb was gone and he was pushing his way into my mouth. His cock was bigger and thicker than I’d ever seen it before. He’d been watching every second. Stroking himself full and hard, in anticipation of this moment.

  I swallowed him eagerly, somehow without breaking rhythm. It was almost deranged. Completely fucking insane.

  But ohhh…. So fucking good, too…

  You’ll never top this.

  My mind, playing tricks on me again. My ego laughed in its face.

  We’ll see about that.

  I kept on fucking them. Kept churning and rolling and pumping Marcus into my mouth. God, it felt so dirty! So unbelievably filthy to be doing all this, and not just doing it, but thriving on it as well.

  “Unfuckingreal,” I heard Holden say. “Baby… you’re just… unbelievable.”

  I couldn’t speak. Couldn’t think. I didn’t have room for either of those things in my brain. All I had was the unstoppable urge to reach my own climax, which was fast becoming less of a need and more of a certainty.

  Randall’s hands were claws, digging into my thighs. I felt him shudder. His ass stopped moving, stopping pumping, and I felt him go utterly rigid beneath me.

  “Awww FUCKKK!”

  He came, and almost instantly I came with him. It could feel us pulsing together. Throb after throb we exploded in an almost violent delirium, our bodies entwined, our eyes staying locked on each other as we remained connected soul to soul.

  Holden came next, and just seconds behind us. He slammed his hips forward, screaming and cursing as he emptied himself deep in my ass. In the end he practically slumped over my naked back. As if my body had somehow drained all the life out of him, leaving him totally unable to move.

  Marcus finished in his own style, ultimately rolling me onto my back and plowing me without mercy. It was wet. Totally fucking wild. I clenched hard at his broad back, my come-filled pussy milking him on every stroke, every thrust.

  “Oh God…” I breathed, gasping for oxygen. “Oh please…”

  The others lay panting on either side of me, just watching us fuck. They saw the tears stream down my cheeks. Heard the roar of the big Ranger as he filled me with his own seed, screaming into the little bungalow as he added himself to our combined pool of dripping, glistening, sex.

  Everything throbbed. My body was numb and tender and happy — all the same time.

  It occurred to me that the bed had finally stopped moving. Everyone was just lying there quietly, clumsily sprawled out, totally spent. Uncharacteristically, for once, without any words.

  Oh. My. God.

  I was staring up at the Christmas lights, watching them intently. Basking naked and sated beneath their spectral glow.

  Of course it was Randall who finally spoke first.

  “Sooo…” he said, dragging the word across the silence of the room. “What are we doing tomorrow?”



  I was up as usual, sometime past midnight. Wandering our little bungalow. Trying to get my whirling mind to stop spinning so fast, so that I might get at least some rest before dawn.

  This time though, my mind was spinning for good reasons only.

  I couldn’t believe we were finally free. Free to do what we wanted. Go where we wanted…

  Not have to hide ourselves from the people that might have us destroyed.

  And I still had my men at my side. Men that were now my boyfriends. We’d gone well beyond calling ourselves a team, and were on the verge of labeling ourselves as something with much more significance.

  Something like a family.

  I padded slowly over to our little Christmas tree. Randall had insisted upon it. We were only staying a few days, but what was Christmas without a tree? Even a little one. Even—

  I stopped abruptly. There was something in the tree. It was small, but there was definitely something there. Slowly I reached in… and pulled out a long, rectangular box decorated with a red ribbon.

  It was a present.

  I looked under the tree, and saw it was still empty. It was still a few days before Christmas. We hadn’t even decided whether or not we’d be exchanging gifts, or—

  “You’ll probably want to open that.”

  I whirled… and saw all three of them standing behind me. My two sexy SEALs and my strapping Army Ranger. They wore boxers. T-shirts. Randall was even dressed in some shredded, threadbare robe.

  “I… I want to open this?”

  Holden yawned and smiled. “Sure. After all, it is for you.”

  My eyes glassed over. Grinning happily I pulled on the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a delicate gold chain, with a jeweled charm dangling from one end.

  I pulled it out and immediately started to choke up. I glanced back at them all, just seconds from crying.

  “Look at it.”

  I did, and this time I noticed the details. The charm was a teardrop shape. In its center were three matching diamonds, arranged in a triangle. And in the center of that… a rose-colored diamond, glimmering brightly in the flickering lights of the Christmas tree.

  The three diamonds were beautiful. Flawless. They surrounded the pink diamond completely, enveloping it. Each of them touching it…

  “It’s amazing…” I breathed, and now the tears did flow. I let them go. There was no reason to hold them in.

  Marcus approached me first. He took my chin, as he so often did, and tilted it upward.

  “I love you,” he said, bending to kiss me. A tear came between us. I laughed as his lips ca
me back wet.

  “We love you,” he added, as the others stepped forward. “All of us. And we want to be with you, Andrea. Together. The four of us.”

  Holden nodded. He took my hand and added the words: “Wherever we go.”

  Randall took the box from my hand. He unclasped the chain, and draped it around my neck.

  “If you’ll have us, that is,” the SEAL smiled. “I mean, we can sort of be a pain in the ass sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” Holden countered.

  “Alright, most times. But we’re also kinda handy to have around.” He finished clasping the chain and turned me around by the shoulders. “There. See?”

  From the direction he turned me, I could see myself in the room’s mirror. The four jewels symbolizing our relationship sparkled with life and light. And the golden teardrop…

  … represents those we lost along the way.

  I started crying all over again, tears of happiness and joy. Crying and smiling at the same time. The guys looked adorable, their hair standing up, all rumpled from sleep. They looked exhausted, too. And that was because, once again, I’d refused to tap out.

  I held my arms out and they came to me, taking me into the middle. Surrounding me in a little triangle. Hugging me like the pink diamond in the center of my beautiful pendant.

  “I love you too,” I said, turning to each of them. “With all my heart. With everything.”

  The room went blissfully silent. I swore I could hear their hearts, beating around me. That I could feel the warmth of their blood, coursing through their veins.

  “What happens now?” I asked.

  “Now comes the fun part,” said Holden. “We go home.”

  I almost dared not even believe it. It just hadn’t been a possibility in so long.

  “I’ve had enough of Europe for a while,” Randall agreed. “I’m looking forward to the States. I could definitely eat a hot dog. See a baseball game.”

  “Football,” Marcus interjected. “Baseball’s boring.”

  “Bite your tongue, big guy.”

  “They cancel the game when it rains, don’t they?”


  “Not football,” he shot back. “In football, they play in the snow, the rain, the fog…”

  Holden dragged me over to him as the other two continued their argument. His strong arms went around me as I stared upward, into his eyes.

  “I want us to get a place,” he said. “Something big. Somewhere we can build something. Establish a future together.”

  “A place we can’t be bothered,” I nodded happily.

  “Exactly,” Holden said excitedly. I could see an all-new light in his eyes now. One that, at least for now, out-shined the pain. “Someplace we can just be us.”

  “With nobody around,” I agreed. “Miles and miles of absolute nothingness.”

  My lover chuckled. “Acres might be more reasonable,” he countered.

  “Maybe…” I shrugged. “But you never know…” I nodded at the nearby counter, where my father’s envelope rested. “We haven’t been to Zurich yet.”

  He looked at the envelope. Silently, he raised an eyebrow.

  “—and what about hockey?” Randall was saying. “Hockey’s cool.”

  “Yeah, maybe if you live near Canada,” replied Marcus. “Down south, hockey is NASCAR.”

  “No, NASCAR is football,” argued Randall. “Basketball is hockey, and soccer is…”


  They all turned to look at me, all three of them at once. They were hot. Sexy. Adorable.

  And they were all mine.

  “You guys promised me an early breakfast tomorrow, remember?”

  One by one they started filing back down the hallway. Toward pillows and blankets. Toward tomorrow… and our future together.

  I giggled as they grumbled a little, along the way.

  “Hey…” Holden whispered, bringing up the rear. He reached out and pulled me into one of the side bedrooms. “You tired?”

  I thought about it for a moment, then shook my head. “No, not really. Why?”

  “Because it just occurred to me again… you haven’t tapped out.”

  Holden’s arms snaked their way around me. I shivered a little, as his two big hands slid down to my ass.

  Just down the hall, I could hear the sound of the others already dropping into bed. If I knew them, they’d be asleep within seconds.

  “I’m still your white knight,” he whispered, sifting my hair. “Remember?”

  He kissed me in the midnight darkness. Softly at first, but then with growing intensity and promise. I found my body melting into him, as his lips crushed a sigh from my mouth.

  “And the knight always gets the princess…”

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  Need more Reverse Harem?

  Thanks for checking out Three Alpha Romeo — A Military Reverse Harem Romance. Here’s hoping you totally LOVED it!

  And for even more sweltering reverse harem heat? Check out: The Arrangement - A Reverse Harem Romance. Below you’ll find a preview of the sexy, sizzling cover, plus the first several chapters so you can see for yourself:

  Chapter One


  “No, hold it like this. And don’t cut all the way through. Only three-quarters.”

  I closed my hand over Chase’s, helping my would-be student work the knife. It was more an excuse than anything, just to mold my body against his.

  I hope he knew it, too.

  “There... exactly like that.”

  Chase sliced the onion carefully, his strong hand rolling beneath my own. I could feel the warmth of his body. The smell of his skin was driving me wild…

  “Now turn it sideways and dice it.”

  The muscles in his big arms flexed in tantalizing fashion. I watched them almost hypnotically, as if in a trance.

  My God, he’s gorgeous.

  “Like this?”

  I’d completely forgotten the onion. He was making a mess of it again.

  “Sort of,” I said. “Look, you want to keep the point of the knife down...” I jumped on the opportunity to reverse positions, with me ducking beneath his outstretched arms. I melted backward, into his body.

  “Here,” I said. “Let me show you…”

  This time I took his hand and laid it over mine. His touch was electric. I could feel the heat rising as he inched forward, the distance between us slowly closing.

  “So what you want to do…”

  He was above me now. Behind me. So achingly close his chin was practically resting on my shoulder. His hot breath was standing every hair up on the back of my neck…

  “Is grab it firmly…”

  Oh, fuck this.

  I dropped the knife and spun around… just as his hands went to my waist. Chase bent down as our faces came together, and then suddenly he was crushing his lips against mine.


  Our mouths churned hungrily, rolling against one another’s with a pent-up frustration finally defeated by unrestrained heat and passion. At long last, after all this time, we were finally kissing.

  Oh FUCK yes.

  I melted into him, parting my lips as his tongue swirled its way into my mouth. It was sweet and wonderful. Tasting of man and masculinity and the bottle of beer he’d set down on the counter when I offered to show him how to properly chop an onion.


  I put one hand on his chest, feeling the raw strength and power there. As my fingers teased their way between the buttons of his perfectly-tailored shirt, my other hand came up to caress the scruff of his chiseled, angular jaw.

  God, he was perfect! So perfect I almost couldn’t believe it. And I was actually kissing him. Standing in his kitchen, making out with him savagely
while his hands — which were only moments ago on my hips — slid their way downward over the smooth curve of my ass.

  I’d wanted him for so long. Hell, I’d wanted them all really, they were all so incredibly good-looking! I’d been cooking for them for half a year now; six torturous months of prepping weekly meals while they walked casually in and out of the kitchen…

  And they’ve been teasing you, Kayleen. You know that, right?

  It sure seemed that way. Sometimes they’d emerge from their home gym, all tank-tops and sweat and grins. Other times they’d come shirtless, straight out of the shower. They’d strike up pleasant conversations here and there, while pretending to look for food, or snacks, or water.

  Still, no one made an actual move on me, and that part didn’t make sense at all. Three gorgeous men, sharing the same secluded Spanish-style villa. Three men who were almost always at home and around each other, making it difficult to be alone with any single one of them.

  It was Chase who’d eventually begun flirting with me outright. It started off small, a few smiles and compliments here and there. He’d appear often, his green eyes flashing dangerously as I stared at his broad shoulders, his massive arms. He started hanging around the kitchen every Monday, on the regular. Taking more and more interest in what I was doing.

  And now…

  Well, now it would be Chase, getting the prize.

  We were making out like teenagers at the moment, our hands roaming freely over each other’s bodies. It almost felt forbidden, after all this time. To be finally touching something that had been so close, yet so mouthwateringly out of reach, for so many months.

  And the best part…

  The best part was that right now, no one else was home. The others were gone. Out. See ya later.

  Right now it was all Chase… and me.

  “Took you long enough,” I teased, when our lips finally broke apart.

  He stared down at me and chuckled. “What’s that they say about good things coming to those who wait?”


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