Desk Job (London Menage Book 2)

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Desk Job (London Menage Book 2) Page 16

by Lily Harlem

  Chapter Fifteen

  I left Tristan’s flat after breakfast, although it was nearly midday by that point. I needed to get home and see Lullabelle—who would no doubt be furious at my lack of attention over the weekend—plus I was ready for a change of clothes and some alone time.

  There was a lot going on. I needed space to process it. I was officially in a threesome relationship and whilst that was already feeling like the most natural thing in the world to me, it wasn’t a natural thing for a lot of the world’s population.

  The woman in the club last night had proved that. Her expression had been one of shock to see me with two men. I wasn’t naïve enough to know there wouldn’t be more occasions like that in the future, even if times when all three of us could be together were limited. There’d been the waitress in the French restaurant, too. She’d appeared confused by the obvious affection of both men without any apparent jealousy on their behalf. And what about the future, going forward? Would I introduce them both to my parents or just one, but hell, how would I pick just one of my lovers to present as my boyfriend? Just the thought of that made me feel icky and disloyal.

  There was only one thing for it and that was to pour wine and call Sian for a chat. So with Lullabelle curled up on my lap and a glass of pinot within reach, I picked up the phone.

  “Hey girl, how are you doing?”

  “I’m good, you?” I said, smiling as I heard Sian’s voice.

  “Busy, busy, it’s all go here.”

  “Oh, why’s that? Work?”

  “No, it’s Coben’s friend, Ed. He’s staying.”

  “Staying? Hasn’t he got his own place?”

  “Well yes but…”

  “But what?”

  “Coben and I like him here.”

  “You like him there…” I paused. Was Sian saying what I thought she was? Had she been going through the same thing, with two men, at the same time I had?

  “Yeah, we like him. A lot. He’s pretty damn sexy too so…”

  “Are you sleeping with him?” I hadn’t meant to be so blunt, but in light of the way my life was going I hadn’t been able to help myself.

  She was quiet for a moment, then, “Would you think less of me if I said yes?”

  “No, no of course not.” I paused. “Does Coben know?”

  “Of course Coben knows. He was there.” She sounded shocked at the thought he wouldn’t know.

  “Bloody hell.”

  “See, you are scandalized.” She laughed but there was a small waver of uncertainty in her voice.

  “No, I’m just surprised.”

  “Surprised that I’m a slut and can sleep with two men.”

  “Fuck no. Hardly that … I’m doing the same thing.”

  “No way. With your two bosses? You’re such a dark horse.”

  “We really need to get together.”

  “I agree.”

  “I’ll text you in the week. Perhaps we could go out for a meal, or I could pop over.”

  “Only if there are no men around. Not that I don’t want you to see Coben and meet Ed but…”

  “We need our privacy for chat.”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly. Which I haven’t really got right now. Coben is due in from work any minute. Ed’s coming round too, later.”

  “Yes, I understand.” I paused. “It’s good though, isn’t it?”


  “Having two hot men to play with.”

  She giggled. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  I put the phone down and tickled Lullabelle’s ears. She stretched out, enjoying the adoration.

  I wondered what Andre was doing now. Likely wrapping up a busy day with his customer.

  My mind flitted to Tristan. He’d had a pile of paperwork he wanted to get done before he flew out to Berlin for the week.

  It was crazy how my thoughts were so equally divided between the two. Not just my thoughts but my lust for them, my need for them. My desire to be in their company, see them smile, hear their voices. The balance was so spot on. They were both what I needed.

  Monday morning started out busy. Andre was already in the office, head down in quarterly financial reports, when I arrived. I made him a coffee, then paused at his door.

  I smoothed the red skirt I was wearing and pressed my lips together. I glanced around the office, the other workers were set a fair distance away but still, could they see me hesitating? Did they know what I’d been doing with the two sexy, debonair CEO’s all weekend?

  Of course they didn’t. But still … if they did.

  I pulled in a deep breath and stepped in. “Morning.”

  “Stella.” He looked up and smiled—a soft, gentle smile that lit up his face.

  “Coffee?” I held up the cup.

  “You’re an angel.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” I laughed and set it on his desk.

  He caught my wrist. “I’m sorry I was gone yesterday when you woke.”

  “It’s okay. You had work to do.”

  “Yes, but still, I would have rather been there.”

  “I know.”

  “Did Tristan look after you?”

  “Of course.”

  He tapped his bottom lip with his index finger and studied me for a moment, then, “Good, I’m glad. That was always the plan.”

  I swallowed and touched the strawberry shaped pendent I’d put on that morning. Tristan and I had had fun, but what would we have gotten up to if Andre had been there too?

  Andre took a sip of coffee. “Oh this is just what I need. I’m going to be at this all day, it’s just so damn complicated.”

  “Anything I can do to help?” Not that I didn’t have enough to be getting on with. My to-do list was spread over two pages.

  “No, not at the moment. Well, this helps.” He had another drink of coffee. “It will keep me awake, it’s not the most exciting of jobs.”

  “Well, shout if I can do anything to make it more bearable.”

  He glanced at the door. “Don’t tempt me.” He winked.

  “Mr. Bramon, I have no idea what you’re suggesting.” I feigned horror and pressed my hand to my chest.

  He chuckled. “Get out of here before I make you pay for being a tease, and we both know that would be highly inappropriate in the office.”

  I smiled then walked from the room, the heat of his gaze hot on my ass. Working at Wainwright and Bramon was fun and the best thing that had happened to me in a very long time. There was no way I could deny that.

  The day passed in a whirlwind of activity. When seven-thirty came, Andre was still hard at the same task.

  “Are you going to call it a day?” I asked after I’d shut down my laptop.

  “Not yet.” He sighed and glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a few more hours on this.”

  “Can’t it wait until morning?”

  “No, I’ve got a meeting first thing and finances need it done by lunchtime so they can get the tax reports processed on time.”

  I frowned. It really shouldn’t have been left so last minute. I made a note to myself to make sure that wasn’t the case next time the task came around.

  He stood, and after rolling his shoulders, walked up to me. “Has everyone gone home?”

  “Jenny is just finishing up. Apart from that, yes.”

  He nodded. “And it’s time for you to go, too, you’ve had a long day.”

  “Yes.” But not as long as his.

  “Go get some dinner and have an early night.” He hooked his finger beneath my chin, then brushed his lips over mine. “And tomorrow evening, when we’re done here. We’ll go out, perhaps that nice Italian again. You liked it there.”

  I smiled. “I did, and that sounds like a lovely plan.”

  “Stella, have you got the … oh.”

  Jenny appeared in the doorway.

  Andre stepped back, away from me.

  “Sorry,” Jenny said. “I … er … just wanted to know if Jenny had the Gent file
. I’ve got some work to do on it tomorrow.”

  “Yes.” I straightened my shoulders. “I’ll get it for you.” She hadn’t seen anything other than us standing close, and so what. We were an item. We were having a fabulous romance, a sexy time together…

  But he was my boss.

  And I was also having that same fun with Tristan.


  I nodded at Andre. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  He sat back down and shuffled his papers, didn’t catch my eye. “Yep. Goodnight.”

  I headed out of the office and reached into my filing cabinet.

  “Are you and Andre … you know?” Jenny asked.

  I paused and looked at her. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “The best,” she said. “Everyone around here adores him. So … are you?”

  “We’re getting on well.” I shrugged, going for nonchalance. “But boss, secretary relationships are always complicated.”

  “You don’t need to tell me about complicated relationships,” Jenny rolled her eyes.

  “Still having trouble with your boyfriend?”

  “Not so much trouble as just … bored of the whole thing, the drama of it. I’d like someone who enjoys the quiet life, you know, less of the mood swings.”

  “Yes, that does sound hard to cope with.”

  “But I’m sure it will work out. Billy will calm down when this next fight is over.”


  “Yeah, you know, at the boxing club he runs. It stresses him out.” She gave a little shudder. “He’s not fun when he’s stressed.”

  I put my hand on her arm. “Have you ever thought about leaving him?” I winced at my own words. It was beyond the boundaries of our friendship.

  Jenny didn’t appear to think so. “Yeah, I have a couple of times. He always tracks me down, gets me with his puppy dog eyes.” She huffed. “Pathetic really. I guess I love him.”

  “Love is never pathetic.” I smiled. “But if ever I can help, just say.”

  “Well, we did mention a shopping trip.” She rubbed her hands together. “Are you still up for that?”

  “Yes. Can’t wait. Shopping is a very serious hobby of mine.” Especially now I had a wage coming in again.

  She grinned and took the file I offered forward. “Maybe at the weekend.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  She wandered off. I was pleased she hadn’t asked more about Andre and me, but she seemed so wrapped up in her own romantic strife that mine was of little interest to her.

  I glanced at Andre’s office door again and decided to leave him to it. He had enough on his plate without me disturbing him again.

  The next morning was particularly windy and a gray drizzle hung in the air. By the time I reached the office, my hairstyle—an elaborate up-do—was in pieces. I had to go into the bathroom and redo the whole thing.

  I’d decided to wear trousers as the weather had turned, and matched pale blue slacks with a peachy colored blouse that had pretty billowing sleeves. Over it I’d added a soft-grey woolen waistcoat that hung down over my ass and stopped me being conscious of it in the light pants.

  Once I’d reconstructed my hair, I set to work. Andre’s office was in darkness, as was Tristan’s. It was strange to have neither of them around.

  My morning flew by in a bluster of coffee, phone calls and emails. There was also a pile of proof reading Tristan had asked me to do. I was glad he was entrusting me with such tasks.

  Just after twelve, I braved the outdoors and hit a Subway a few doors down from the office. I bought myself a salad and picked up a pastrami and chili sub for Andre, knowing those would be his flavors.

  I smiled as I rode the elevator back up to the office, enjoying the fact that I had a man to collect lunch for.

  I had a sudden pang for Tristan. I wondered what he’d be doing in Berlin. What he’d be eating for lunch. Nothing spicy that was for sure, that wasn’t his thing so he’d said.

  I sighed. Only another few days and he’d be back. As well as a bit of shopping with Jenny at the weekend, I was hoping to spend time with one or both of my new men. Not the entire weekend of course, but certainly some of it.

  Lullabelle needed me too.

  Andre’s office was lit up when I returned to my desk. He’d arrived back while I’d been out.

  I set my salad on the desk then patted my hair, hoping the wind hadn’t wrecked it for the second time that day. No, all seemed to be in order.

  With a smile, I wandered in. Andre was just hanging his jacket up.


  He turned. “Stella. How has the morning been?”

  “Busy. I suspect yours has been, too.” I held up the sub. “I got you lunch.”

  He pressed his hand over his stomach, flattening his white shirt to his lean torso.

  A ripple of desire went through me, just at that simple action.

  “You’re a star,” he said. “I’m famished.”

  “Good.” I put the sub on the table.

  “Yesterday?” he said, glancing at the door. “Was Jenny okay?”

  “Yes, fine. Well, fine as she can be with a beef head boyfriend.”

  “Did she see me kiss you?”

  “No, I’m pretty sure she didn’t. I just told her we were getting on well when she commented.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “Nothing. Her head is too full of her own love life to be worried about ours.” I touched his hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I just would rather … you know. Keep our private life private. For now, at least. It has all happened rather quick.”

  “I know. I feel the same. And if they knew … Tristan too.”

  “Exactly. We need to stay below the radar. For the time being.” He creased his face into a frown. “Not that I’m for one minute not proud to have you on my arm.”

  “I know.” He looked so worried. “Really I know. Are we still going out for Italian later?” I hoped so, that was why I’d opted for a salad lunch.

  “Yes. Of course. I’m counting on it.” He stepped away and sat at his desk. “I have a feeling I’ve got a stack of things waiting for my attention.”

  Including me.

  I licked my lips. “The things you need to look at today are to your right, in that brown folder.”

  “Great. I’ll get to it.” He opened up his laptop.

  “I’ll be, you know, out there.” I pointed at the door. “If you need me.”

  He looked up and gave me a truly filthy smile. “I always need you, don’t forget that.”

  I walked from the room, excitement bubbling inside me at what the night would hold. Unlike the last time we’d had Italian and he’d left me at my door, I suspected tonight he’d be coming in.

  God, I was insatiable. It was like a tap had been turned on and was filling my system with lust. I’d had more sex in the last few weeks than in the last year yet here I was, planning more.

  I sat at my desk with a lovely warm feeling in my belly and my nipples tingling. I hit open on my emails.

  There was a new one, just arrived, from Andre. I glanced at the door. I couldn’t quite see him from where I sat. I hit open.

  Subject: Need.

  And I need you in every room in the house, every day of the week, in every position.

  Heat rose on my cheeks.

  I decided to reply.

  It sounds as though your needs are rampant!

  I smiled and hit send.

  They are when it comes to you, but although they’re rampant, they’re also quite specific.

  Opening my salad pot, I smiled. What should I answer that with?

  I started typing as I chewed on a slice of cucumber.

  Would you care to elaborate on the specific details?

  Waiting for him to reply, but not being sure if he would, I tipped a light dressing over the leaves.

  The details are as follows. Bed, you, me, my cock sinking deep and you gasping my name as you c

  I pressed my finger over my lips and paused mid-way through eating a tomato. Dirty bugger.

  And how would you like me positioned on this bed?

  Again I hit send, not sure if he’d answer that one.

  He did.

  Hands and knees. I want to see your sexy naked ass.

  I shifted on the seat. Hands and knees would work for me just fine. As for him seeing my ass, hell yes, if that’s what he wanted.

  That could be arranged.

  Again I sent the message.

  As far as I’m concerned, it is arranged. Now stop propositioning the boss. I have work to do!!!!!!

  “Ha.” I shook my head and stood. Me, propositioning him? How dare he.

  Walking to his doorway, I put my hand on the jamb and looked in. He couldn’t have appeared more innocent and studious, sitting at his laptop with his blond hair flopped forward and concentration etched on his face. But of course I knew what he’d been typing. I also would bet good money that he had a hard on right now.

  He looked up at me.

  The right side of his mouth twitched.

  I raised my eyebrows and put my hand on my sternum.

  He tipped his head, studying me closely.

  I turned, paused for a moment, then walked back to my desk with an extra roll to my hips.

  How the hell was I going to concentrate now? All I could think of was getting Andre into my bed and having him sinking deep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Would you like dessert? Andre asked.

  We were sat at the same table in the bustling Italian restaurant as we’d been seated at the week before.

  “No, I’m fine, thanks.” I shook my head. “Do you?”

  He leaned forward. “I want you for dessert. Nothing on the menu compares.”

  “Well, it seems you have it all figured out.” I pressed my thighs together. If I could wave a magic wand and be naked in bed with Andre right now I would. I’d been simmering with need ever since our saucy emails earlier, and now I was sure my panties were quite damp. The sooner they were off the better.

  “I’ll just get the bill then, shall I?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and knotted my fingers on my lap. Fuck, how were we going to make it back to my place? I just wanted to rip his smart suit off and get my hands on his skin, his cock, get him between my legs.


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