Enemies Within

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by Richard Davenport-Hines

  Couve de Murville, Jacqueline 452

  Coward, Sir Noël 341

  Cowgill, Felix 144, 311, 314

  Cowley, Henry Wellesley, 1st Baron 37

  Cowley, Malcolm 139, 145

  Cowley, Oxford: car plant 216; steel works 212, 216

  CPGB see Communist Party of Great Britain

  CPUSA see Communist Party of the USA

  Crabb, Lionel ‘Buster’ 483

  Crankshaw, Edward 485, 488–9

  Cranston, Maurice 204

  Crawford, David Lindsay, 27th Earl of 56, 104, 119

  Crawford, Joan 183

  Cremet, Jean 149, 157

  Crewe, Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of 238

  Crimean war (1853–6) 38

  Cripps, Sir Stafford 294, 296, 298, 362–3

  Croatia 206

  Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of 202, 388

  Crompton, Jimmy 539, 543

  Cromwell, Oliver 35; New Model Army 298

  Cronin, A.J., The Citadel 259

  Crossman, Richard: Oxford don 215; Oxford city councillor 217; Member of Parliament 445; newspaper columnist 445, 454; Views on: Burgess and Maclean 445–6; the Establishment 445, 454; the Foreign Office 446, 548; Oxford and Cambridge universities 215

  Crowborough, Sussex 491, 492

  Crowe, Sir Eyre 13, 60, 62, 78, 82, 100

  Crowther, Geoffrey Crowther, Baron 507–8

  Cruttwell, C.R.M.F. 218

  cryptography: American 346; British 46, 60–62, 118–19, 121, 245, 314, 328, 346, 444, 514; Soviet 25, 61–2, 245, 346, 430; see also Bletchley Park; GC&CS; VENONA project

  Cuba 490

  Cudlipp, Hugh (later Baron Cudlipp) 471

  Culford Park, Suffolk 428–9

  Culme-Seymour, Mark 390, 392, 393, 417

  Cumming, Malcolm 254

  Cumming, Sir Mansfield 46, 55, 103, 255

  Cumming-Bruce, Francis (later 8th Baron Thurlow) 220–21

  Cumming-Bruce, Sir Roualeyn ‘Spider’ 220–21, 226–7

  Curran, Charles 431

  Currie, Lauchlin 285

  Curry, John ‘Jack’ 319–20

  Curzon of Kedleston, George Curzon, 1st Marquess 53, 61, 119, 120–21, 297; ‘Curzon Note’ (1923) 62

  Cuxhaven raid (1914) 52

  Czechoslovakia 125–6, 266; Sudeten Germans 238, 253; communist era 300, 302, 363, 484, 504; execution of Rudolf Slánský 494; Soviet invasion (1968) 491; intelligence informants in London 175–6, 484, 510–511; see also Prague

  D-Day landings (Normandy; 1944) 324

  D-notice (press censorship system) 430, 442

  D’Abernon, Edgar Vincent, 1st Viscount 12–13, 25, 51, 62

  Daily Express 211, 286, 308, 430, 468, 471, 472, 541; and Burgess and Maclean defections and aftermath 399, 406–8, 416–17, 431, 433, 484; Sefton Delmer’s stories for 416–17, 431–4, 438, 483; Chapman Pincher’s stories for 441, 452, 508; serialization of From Russia with Love 499; and exposure of Anthony Blunt 527

  Daily Herald 87, 88, 94, 96, 97, 101, 124, 270, 426, 439, 491, 498; Soviet subsidy 61, 89–90; publication of Pravda forgery 90–91; bought by Odhams Press 112

  Daily Mail 44, 112, 161, 408, 462, 471, 543; ‘Zinoviev letter’ forgery 98–101, 110, 220, 354, 355, 505; reporting on Cambridge spies 190, 412, 485, 527

  Daily Mirror 308, 409, 439, 497–8; Buck Ryan cartoon 121; Cassandra column 297

  Daily Star 539

  Daily Telegraph 233, 537, 542, 543

  Daily Worker 112, 154, 164, 168, 208, 216; closed by government 294

  Daladier, Édouard 260

  Dale, Walter 86, 92, 101, 105, 107–8, 114

  Dalton, Ernest 135

  Dalton, Hugh (later Baron Dalton) 111, 152, 292, 426–7

  Dansey, Sir Claude 41, 60, 141

  Danube River conference (1948) 479

  D’Arcy, Martin 202

  Dartington Hall School 256

  Dartmouth Naval College 190

  Darwen, Lancashire 479, 480

  Darwin, Charles xxi, 182

  Dashwood, Sir John 142, 356, 460

  Daube, David 203

  David, Villiers 74

  Davies, Joseph 28; Mission to Moscow 298

  Davison, Boris 370

  Dawes, Harry 206, 207

  Dawson, Geoffrey 265, 266

  Dawson, Sir Trevor 147

  de Forest, Baron Maurice 87

  Deacon, Richard see McCormick, Donald

  Deakin, Sir F.W. 474

  debriefing and interrogation techniques: American 138–9, 142; British 107, 142–3, 290, 338, 348

  Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) 529

  decolonization 359, 360, 361–2, 500, 507, 545

  decryption see cryptography

  Defence of the Realm Act (1914) 49, 392

  Defence Regulation 18B (1939) 288–9

  Deighton, Len 500; The Ipcress File 498–9

  Dekanozov, Vladimir 294

  Delmer, Sefton ‘Tom’ 416–17, 431–4, 438, 462–3, 483

  denial, as human characteristic 420

  Denniston, Alastair 61

  Denny, Dorothy 141

  Desborough, Ethel ‘Ettie’, Baroness 214

  Deutsch, Arnold: background, character and early life 162, 163; ‘Great Illegal’ in London 162–3, 213; and Glading network 162, 164, 165, 166; and Cambridge spy ring 176–7, 236–7, 240, 241–3, 245, 247–8, 256–7, 258, 514; identified by Krivitsky 162

  Deutsch, Julius 233

  Devonport 189

  Dewey Decimal system 39

  Dewhurst, Claude 462

  dialectical materialism 202, 209, 221

  Diana, Princess of Wales 526

  Dictionary of National Biography 444

  Dies, Martin 142; Dies Committee see HUAC

  Dinshaw, Minoo, Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life of Steven Runciman 222

  Diplomatic Wireless Service 434

  Dobb, Maurice 19–20, 196–7, 199–201, 227, 232, 235; his communist cell at Cambridge 19, 199, 201, 202, 208, 210–211, 221–2, 224, 250

  Dobbs, Frank 189, 190

  Dodd, Martha 153

  Dodd, William 153

  Dodd, William Jr 153

  Dollfuss, Engelbert 230–32, 233, 234; assassination 155, 238

  Dolmatova (Soviet freighter) 496

  domestic staff, reduction in numbers of 429

  Donlan, Yolande 479–80

  Donovan, William ‘Bill’ 280–83

  Double-Cross System (XX) 273, 354, 503, 504

  Douglas, Norman 198

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (later Baron Home of the Hirsel) 215, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 514

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, ‘The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans’ 147

  Dr No (film; 1962) 499

  Drake, Reginald 67

  Drax, Sir Reginald 267

  Dresden 350

  Driberg, Tom (later Baron Bradwell): character 215, 541; MI5 agent 215, 323; expulsion from CPGB 323; Member of Parliament 354, 360, 510; journalism 452–3, 483–4; and Guy Burgess 452–3, 483–6, 498; KGB and Czech informant 484, 510, 541; Guy Burgess: A Portrait with Background 484–6

  drink and drunkenness 121, 458–9, 478; Anthony Blunt 378, 458; Guy Burgess 251, 321, 378, 384, 387, 388, 458; Wilfred Macartney 150; Donald Maclean 317, 378, 388, 389, 390, 392–3, 458; Theodore Maly 128, 163; Ernest Oldham 124, 127, 128, 129, 458; Kim Philby 374, 378, 379–80, 381, 458, 491, 514–15; Goronwy Rees 458, 472

  Drozdov, Vladimir 505

  Drummond, Sir Eric (later 16th Earl of Perth) 27

  Drury, John 78

  du Maurier, George, Trilby 87

  Duff, William 128

  Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of 39, 42

  Duggan, Laurence 365–7, 457

  Dulles, Allen 283

  Dunderdale, Wilfred ‘Biffy’ 123, 137, 331–2

  Dunkirk evacuation (1940) 288, 291, 298, 315

  Dunlop, Teddy 386

  Durbin, Evan 325
  Durham, John Lambton, 3rd Earl of 51

  Dutt, Clemens Palme 202

  Dutt, Rajani Palme 18, 111, 202, 293, 294

  DYNAMO, Operation (Dunkirk evacuation; 1940) 288, 291, 298, 315

  Dzerzhinsky, Felix 90

  Eade, Charles 463

  Eagle Grove, Iowa 317

  Earle, George 231

  East Asia News Service 355

  East Germany 350, 375, 448, 504

  East Woodhay, Berkshire 191

  Easton, Sir James ‘Jack’ 380–81, 418, 492

  Eastwood, Harold 120, 129, 146

  Eccles, David Eccles, 1st Viscount 316

  Eccles, James 186, 187

  Economist (newspaper) 492

  EDC see European Defence Community

  Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon): at Oxford 215; pre-war Foreign Secretary 27; ‘The German Danger’ memorandum 27; wartime Foreign Secretary 295, 298; shadow Foreign Secretary 363; post-war Foreign Secretary 434, 438, 441; Prime Minister 438, 442, 482; and Cambridge spies 77, 442, 443, 444, 482; Suez crisis 82, 448

  Eden, Clarissa (later Countess of Avon) 442

  Edinburgh University 340

  Edward VIII, King (later Duke of Windsor) 57, 168; abdication 169

  Edwardes, Rose 92, 101, 105, 108

  Edwards, George 36

  EEC see European Economic Community

  Egypt 41, 361; see also Cairo; Ismailia

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 302, 355

  elections see by-elections; general elections

  electoral reform 54, 63–4, 110, 370

  Elgar, Sir Edward 194

  Eliav, Yaacov 363

  Eliot, T.S. 406

  Elizabeth I, Queen 34, 47

  Elizabeth II, Queen 482, 514

  Elland, Percy 407

  Ellen Hunt employment agency 323

  Elliott, Nicholas 414, 444, 492, 495–6

  Elsfield, Oxfordshire 214

  embassies, British, characteristics of 122; see also embassies under Ankara; Berlin; Buenos Aires; Cairo; Moscow; Paris; Rome; Vienna; Washington

  encryption and decryption see cryptography

  Encyclopedia Britannica 414

  English civil wars (1642–51) 35, 214, 298

  Enigma decrypts 328

  Ernst, Karl 46

  Erroll, Victor Hay, 21st Earl of 133

  Essex, George Capell, 7th Earl of 449

  ‘Establishment, the’, coinage and popularization of term 440

  Estonia 9–10, 267; naval yards 11; Soviet takeover 302

  Eton College 116, 173, 179, 186, 189–90, 190–91, 247, 254

  European Defence Community (EDC) 432, 434

  European Economic Community (EEC) 432, 507–8; British admission 507–8, 511

  European Union (EU), British exit xxv, 426, 548

  Evans-Pritchard, Sir Edward xxiii, xxiv

  Evening Standard 407, 431, 528

  Ewart, Gavin 256

  Ewer, Denis ‘Jakes’ 207

  Ewer, (William) Norman: background, character and early life 87–8, 458; family 207; career at Daily Herald 87, 88, 89, 112; membership of CPGB 88, 111, 198; Labour Monthly articles 18–19, 111, 426; formation of espionage network 91–8, 108–9, 111–12; and Zinoviev letter 98, 99, 101; surveillance by MI5 101–2; ending of spy network 105; disillusionment with Marxism and expulsion from CPGB 111, 112–13; later career 112–13; questioned by Maxwell Knight 91, 113–14; awarded CBE and special pass to FO 114; on Burgess and Maclean 439, 498; see also Ewer–Hayes spy network

  Ewer–Hayes spy network 86, 91–8, 105, 108–9, 111–12, 150, 250, 354, 545, 546; security services’ surveillance and investigations 98, 101–2, 105–115, 151

  exceptionalism, English, concept of 42, 79–82, 117, 188, 296, 353, 392, 448, 490, 507–8, 549; see also racism and condescension to foreigners

  expulsion of Soviet agents from London (Operation FOOT; 1971) 508–511, 545

  Fagg, Gordon 212

  Fairhaven, Urban Broughton, 1st Baron 214

  Fairlie, Henry 440

  Falaise (ship) 399

  Farnborough, Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) 154, 155–7, 344

  Farnell, Lewis 198

  Farnham, Surrey 154–5

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): intelligence role xxv–xxvi, 138, 139–40, 279, 285–6; harassment and entrapment programmes 56; and Krivitsky defection 138–9, 142; and Whittaker Chambers 139, 279, 364, 365–6; and Peter Rhodes 280; and Lee and Bentley spy rings 139, 282, 283, 284, 285, 307–8, 364–6; and VENONA project 346; rivalry with other security agencies 346; and atomic spies 351; London liaison office 363–4; and Laurence Duggan 365–6; vetting of government staff 370; and Cambridge spies 396, 398, 444, 468–9, 517; purging of homosexuals 468–9, 478

  Featherstone Typewriting Bureau 108

  Federal Employee Loyalty Program (United States) 370

  Federated Press Agency of America (FPA) 94, 101, 103, 105, 108, 113

  Feklissov, Alexander 343, 344

  Feldman, Armand (Iosif Volodarsky) 158

  Fetterlein, Ernst 61

  fiction, spy 44, 103, 152, 246, 311, 390, 475, 480, 498–500, 525–6

  Finland 14; Soviet invasion and takeover 9, 211, 214, 302

  First World War: predicted 44; outbreak 45, 46; internment of British subjects in Germany 460; detention of German agents in Britain 46; intelligence operations 46, 48; code-breaking 60–61; air warfare 52, 263; trench warfare 121; armaments supply 147; mobilization of civilian populations 49; conscientious objectors 87; and Bolshevik revolution 7, 49, 88; and Church of England 182; Armistice and demobilization 46, 54

  ‘Flapper Vote’ 63–4, 110

  Fleming, Ian 499–500; James Bond novels 475, 498, 499, 500

  Fletcher, Reginald ‘Rex’ (later 1st Baron Winster) 59, 354

  Fletcher-Cooke, Sir Charles 320, 383, 416, 445, 478–81, 494

  Floud, Bernard 211, 213, 519–20

  FLUENCY (joint SIS–MI5 working party; 1964–5) 516

  Foot, Michael 440–41

  Foot, M.R.D. 543

  FOOT, Operation (expulsion of Soviet agents; 1971) 508–511, 545

  Foote, Alexander 249, 375; defection 345, 375

  Footman, David: family background 252; character and opinions 250, 252, 253, 330, 474; schooling 174, 184, 192, 193; early life and marriage 252–3; fiction and travel writing 184, 252, 253; SIS officer 253, 306, 471; and Guy Burgess 253–4, 255, 263, 382, 385, 386, 416, 473; and Burgess and Maclean defections 400–401, 405, 453; investigated by security services 410; suspicions and accusations against 413, 414

  Footman, Jane (Joan Clement-Scott) 252

  Forbes, Alastair, ‘Whitehall in Queer Street’ 463

  Ford, Thomas 155–7

  Foreign Affairs (journal) 139

  Foreign Office: 19th-century intelligence information supply 39; 20th-century organizational culture xxiii, 77–9, 116–21, 243–4, 255, 392, 426–8; and establishment of MI5 and SIS 43; intelligence gathering during First World War 48; supervision of GC&CS 62; responses to Ernest Oldham and John King cases 130–31, 133, 141–2; blamed for failure to avert war 426–7; formation of Security Department 28, 356–7; attacks on following Burgess and Maclean defections 426, 430–31, 438–43, 446, 452, 453–7, 474, 503–4, 547–8; Cadogan report on security arrangements 464–8, 478

  Foreign Office American Department 257, 258, 393, 398

  Foreign Office Central Department, leakages to Berlin 28, 141

  Foreign Office Communications Department 77, 116–21, 141; Room 22 (cryptography) 118–21, 130–1; Soviet spies in see King, John; Oake, Raymond; Oldham, Ernest

  Foreign Office Economic Relations Section 64

  Foreign Office Far Eastern Department 384, 428, 530

  Foreign Office General Department 315–16

  Foreign Office Information Research Department (IRD) 112–13, 383–4

  Foreign Office News Department 313, 320–21, 428, 438–9

  Foreign Office Personnel Department 356�
�7, 382, 389, 411

  Foreign Office Security Department 28, 356–7, 386

  Foreign Office Western Department 244–6

  Forestier-Walker, Sir George 42

  Forster, E.M. 137, 538–9

  Foster, Sir John 319

  Fourth Department (Soviet military intelligence) 14–15, 21

  FPA see Federated Press Agency

  Franco, Francesco 59, 64, 144, 253, 261–2, 309, 490

  Franco-Soviet treaty of mutual assistance (1935) 153

  Frank, Leonhard 208

  Franks, Sir Oliver (later Baron Franks) 325, 396, 410, 419

  Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 181

  Frederick II ‘the Great’, King of Prussia 37

  Free Oxford (magazine) 198

  Freedom of Information Act (United States; 1967) 529

  French revolutionary wars 36, 529

  Freud, Sigmund 198; Thomas Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study 28

  Freudianism 162, 174–5, 197, 542

  Friedmann, Alice ‘Litzi’ 232, 234, 235, 240, 262–3, 308, 373, 386, 423

  Friends of the Soviet Union 155, 161, 164, 339

  Frisch, Otto 340–41

  front organizations see American Refrigerator Company; Anglo-Russian Three Ply and Veneer Company; ARCOS; Cambridge Anti-War Council; China Campaign Committee; Featherstone Typewriting Bureau; Federated Press Agency of America; London Continental News; Russian Oil Products Ltd; Society for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union; Universal Barter Company; US Service and Shipping Corporation; World Tourists

  Fuchs, Klaus: appearance and character 339, 340, 343–4, 348; background, education and early life 339–40; atomic spy 73, 263, 299–300, 340–44, 347, 349, 386, 421; identification 347; MI5 investigation and questioning 343–4, 347–8; confession 348, 368, 388, 394; arrest and trial 347, 348–9, 465, 546; imprisonment 350; later life 350; aftermath of case 351, 370, 378, 394, 395, 410, 411

  Fulford, Sir Roger 278

  Furnival Jones, Sir Martin 444, 506, 520

  Furse, Aileen see Philby, Aileen

  Gagarin, Yuri 490

  Gaitskell, Dora (later Baroness Gaitskell) 325

  Gaitskell, Hugh 234, 325, 451

  Gallacher, Willie 84, 112, 282, 294, 319, 422

  Gallarati Scotti, Duca Tommaso 428

  Gardiner, Gerald (later Baron Gardiner) 338

  Gardner, Meredith 346

  Gargoyle Club, Soho 320, 390, 392–3, 394, 417

  Garrick Club 292

  Gascoigne, Sir Alvary 436

  Gathorne-Hardy, Edward 391

  Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri 95

  Gaulle, Charles de 32, 149

  GC&CS (Government Code & Cypher School) 61–2, 89, 104–5, 245, 310, 328, 514; see also Bletchley Park


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