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by Richard Davenport-Hines

  Sissmore, Kathleen ‘Jane’ see Archer, Kathleen ‘Jane’

  Skardon, William ‘Jim’: early career 338; Metropolitan Police officer 338; secondment to MI5 338; investigation of William Joyce 338; interrogation of Alan Nunn May 338; questioning of Ursula Kuczynski 345–6; obtains Klaus Fuchs’ confession 348, 388; questioning of Charles and Gerty Moody 349; investigation of Guy Burgess 251, 320; and Burgess and Maclean defections 405; interviewing and investigation of families and associates following defections 409, 411, 412, 414–15, 464; interrogation of Philby 420; investigation of Philby’s associates 422, 423–4; review of older espionage cases 424–5; interrogation of William Marshall 436–7

  Skeffington-Lodge, Thomas 478

  Škoda works (Czechoslovakia) 125–6, 148

  Slánský, Rudolf 494

  Slater, Humphrey 246, 390, 405, 417; The Conspirator 246, 390

  Slater, Moyra 390, 417

  Slocombe, George: background, character and early life 95–7, 458; military service 96–7; journalist on Daily Herald 95, 96, 97; sub-agent in Ewer–Hayes network 94, 95, 97–8, 102, 105, 111–12, 113, 114; later journalistic career 112; Views on: Sir Austen Chamberlain 119–20; Engelbert Dollfuss 230, 231; Sir Eric Drummond 27; Geneva 122, 126; Soviet Union 13–14; Vienna 229

  Slocombe, Marie (née Karlinsky) 95, 96

  Slocombe, Ralph 96

  Smillie, Robert 51

  Smirnovsky, Mikhail 505

  Smith, Alic 218

  Smith, Stephen A. xxviii, 8, 13, 18

  Smithers, Sir Waldron 368–9, 370, 442

  Smolka, Peter (Peter Smollett): background, character and early life 240, 422; in London under cover as journalist 240–41; and Cambridge spies 240–41, 278, 312–13, 422; changes name and naturalized as British 277; wartime penetration of Ministry of Information 275, 277–8, 312–13, 318, 320, 494; Orwell on 300; post-war life in Vienna 422, 425, 493–4; security services’ interviews of associates 422; interviewed by MI5 in London 494; Forty Thousand against the Arctic 241

  Sochi 484

  social capital, concept of xxvii

  Society for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union 223, 339

  SOE (Special Operations Executive): origins and formation 270, 309; officers 58, 287, 291, 292, 309, 379, 383, 431; training 273, 275, 309–310, 319, 426; secrecy of operations 444; false accusation against Blunt concerning 526–7

  Sofia, cathedral massacre (1925) 14, 22

  Solomon, Flora 373, 494–5, 496

  Solovetsky Islands, penal camp 26

  Somervell, Sir Donald (later Baron Somervell of Harrow): Solicitor General 66, 110; Attorney General 57, 168, 170, 266; George McMahon trial 57, 168; Glading spy ring trial 168–9

  South Africa 361

  South African war (1899–1902) 42–3, 44, 485

  South Sea Company 35

  Southampton 160, 399

  Southwood, Julius Elias, 1st Viscount 112

  Soviet Union, history and development: Bolshevik revolution (1917) 3, 5, 6–8, 10, 16, 48, 49, 88–9, 90, 302; under Lenin 3–4, 8–17, 51; civil war (1917–22) 8–10, 13; famine (1921–2) 13, 15, 23; under Stalin 3–4, 9–10, 17–33, 164, 208, 305; British visitors’ accounts of 19–20, 199–201, 213, 227–8; Five Year Plans, industrialization and collectivization 17, 151, 152, 208, 228; ‘illegals’ espionage system 20–25, 125; expectation of Anglo-Soviet war 26, 32, 150; purges and show-trials 28, 29–33, 137, 165, 167, 208, 266, 299, 306, 330; Lysenkoism 199; invasion of Finland and Poland (1939–40) 9, 211, 214, 267, 270; Nazi invasion (1941) 284, 294–5; Anglo-Soviet treaty (1942) 275, 295–7, 301, 313; wartime pro-Soviet sentiments in Britain 296–300; victory over Nazi Germany 301–4, 306; suppression of Hungarian uprising (1956) 485, 487, 489; Sino-Soviet split 513; space programme 490; 21st Party Congress 491; invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) 491; Cold War espionage operations in London 504–511; see also Nazi–Soviet Pact; Russia, Tsarist

  space exploration 490

  Spain 22, 64, 80, 144, 188, 213, 260, 310, 490

  Spanish civil war (1936–9) 59, 136, 173, 212, 253, 256, 261–2, 280, 295

  Sparrow, John 218

  Special Branch (Metropolitan Police): formation 45; administration and operation xxvii, 48, 49, 56, 57, 71; characteristics of officers 49, 56, 92; remit 49; penetrated by Bolshevik agents 49, 70, 92, 107–8; ARCOS informants 86; role in ARCOS raid 103–4; dismissal of penetration agents 110–111; counter-subversion responsibilities transferred to MI5 49, 70; arrest of atomic spies 337, 464; distrusted by post-war Labour government 354; investigation of Donald Maclean 395

  Special Operations Executive see SOE

  Special Relationship (Anglo-American) 363–4, 536

  Spectator (magazine) 265, 440, 490, 526, 529

  Speir, Sir Rupert 293, 416

  Spender, Sir Stephen 218, 397, 491

  Spooner, Reg 337

  Spring Rice, Sir Cecil 42

  Springhall, Douglas 300

  Sputnik (satellite) 490

  Squair, Alec 159

  SS (Nazi Schutzstaffel) 523–4

  Stalin, Joseph: possible Okhrana agent 6; imprisonment 30; Bolshevik revolutionary 6; supreme leader 17–18, 29–33, 40, 64, 208, 298, 317, 383; Five Year Plans 17, 151, 152; establishment of ‘illegals’ espionage system 20–21; purges and show-trials 28, 29–33, 137, 165, 167, 208, 266, 299, 306, 330; Second World War 294, 295, 298–303; and development of nuclear weapons 342, 352; death 349; Concerning Questions of Leninism 29

  Stalin Peace Prize 31

  Stallybrass, William 218

  Starachowice munitions works (Poland) 11

  Starhemberg, Ernst Rüdiger, Prince of 230

  State Department (United States) 28, 466; communist agents in 139, 157, 279, 284, 365–6

  Stead, Christina, The House of All the Nations 152

  Stephens, Robin ‘Tin-Eye’ 290

  Stephenson, Sir William 307–8

  Stern, Moishe 138

  Stern Gang 362–3

  Stewart, Athole 118

  Stewart, Bob 405, 422

  Stewart, Brian 56, 114, 359

  Stewart, Sir Michael 206

  Stewart, Michael (later Baron Stewart of Fulham) 491

  Stockholm 310, 484

  Stolypin, Pyotr, assassination 95

  Stonehaven, John Baird, 1st Viscount 238

  Stonehouse, John 510

  Stonyhurst College 529

  Stott, Kenneth 57

  Straight, Michael 227, 256, 257, 383, 478, 513, 514, 517

  Strang, William Strang, 1st Baron 296–7, 398, 401, 464, 466

  Streicher, Julius 244

  strikes and industrial unrest 204, 216, 500; police strikes (1918–19) 54, 84–6, 91, 109; General Strike (1926) 54, 73, 103

  Strong, Sir Kenneth 43–4, 355

  Stuart, Charles Edward 35–6

  student protests (1968–72) 456

  Student’s Vanguard, The (magazine) 205, 242

  subversive rumours, development and use of 309–310, 426

  Sudeten Germans 238, 253

  Suez Canal 434, 448

  Suez crisis (1956) 81–2, 448, 500

  suffrage, women’s 54, 63–4, 110

  Suicide Act (1961) 480

  Sun (newspaper) 543

  Sunday Dispatch 462, 463

  Sunday Express 112, 407, 432, 433, 471, 483, 527

  Sunday Mirror 454, 455

  Sunday Pictorial 441, 477; ‘EVIL MEN’ issue 471, 472, 474

  Sunday Telegraph 526–7

  Sunday Times 501, 502, 518, 532; Insight Team’s book on Philby 175, 499, 501–2

  Supply, Ministry of 270, 325; John Cairncross works for 421

  Sûreté nationale (French national police) 149, 399, 401, 406

  Suschitzky, Edith see Tudor-Hart, Edith

  Sutton Courtenay, Berkshire 214

  Swanson, Gloria 183

  Swinton, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl of 289, 294–5

  Switzerland 249, 341, 345, 400; see also Geneva

  Sword of
Stalingrad 299

  Sykes, Christopher 316

  Syme, John 83–4

  Tag, Der (Austrian newspaper) 240

  Talbot de Malahide, Milo Talbot, 7th Baron 356, 410, 430, 442, 447, 467

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de 120

  Tallinn 11

  Tangier 385, 386

  Taplow Court, Buckinghamshire 214

  TASS (Soviet press agency) 508

  Tatsfield, Kent, Beacon Shaw (Donald Maclean’s house) 393, 395, 406, 409, 417

  Tavistock Clinic, London 475

  taxation 353, 500

  Taylor, A.J.P. 99, 440–41

  Taylor, Dame Elizabeth 390

  Tehran 330, 413, 461–2, 521, 522

  Tehran conference (1943) 299, 300, 302

  television: advent of commercial television 429; Burgess and Maclean first discussed on 440–41

  Teller, Edward 348

  Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 298

  Templewood, Samuel Hoare, 1st Viscount 80–81, 160

  Teruel, battle of (1937–8) 262

  Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness: at Oxford 215; leader of the opposition 540; Prime Minister 66, 460, 511, 533, 540, 541; and Blunt’s exposure 526, 528, 531; and Maurice Oldfield 540, 541, 542, 543

  Third Man, The (film; 1949) 493–4

  Third Section (Imperial Russian secret police department) 4

  Thirkell, Angela, Love among the Ruins 353–4

  Thistlewood, Arthur 36

  Thomas, Hugh (later Baron Thomas of Swynnerton) 440

  Thomas, Sir Keith 472

  Thompson, Downing 362

  Thompson, E.P. 441

  Thomson, Sir Basil 48, 54, 91

  Thomson, Sir George Paget 333, 336

  Thomson, Sir Joseph John 205

  Thurlow, Charles Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, 6th Baron 220

  Tiflis, Georgia 13

  Time (magazine) 527

  Times, The: Peter Smolka’s travel articles 241; review of David Footman’s short stories 253; Kim Philby as war correspondent 261–2, 308, 309; E.H. Carr’s wartime articles 296; obituary of Philip Jordan 409; and Burgess and Maclean defections 417, 440; Stuart Hampshire’s letter to 525; and public exposure of Anthony Blunt 527–8

  Timokhin, Anatoli 86

  Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (television series) 525–6, 531

  Titanic, RMS 89

  Tobin, Oscar 46–7

  Tomlinson, Sir Frank ‘Tommy’ 428

  Totnes (parliamentary constituency) 510

  Tottenham County School, London 121

  Toynbee, Arnold 266

  Toynbee, Philip 211, 213, 410, 458; at Oxford 202, 210; and Donald Maclean 390–91, 417, 487; placed on watch-list 410; ‘Alger Hiss and his Friends’ 394

  trade unions 56, 57, 84–6, 91–2, 94, 196, 199, 204–5, 288, 482; see also strikes and industrial unrest

  Trades Union Congress 160, 226

  Transjordan 178

  Transport & General Workers’ Union 482

  Travellers Club 251, 276, 292, 393, 409, 421

  Treasury: financing of War Office Intelligence Division 41; supervision of Post Office and Stationery Office 258; John Cairncross works for 258, 331, 385, 421

  Treasury Department (United States) 139, 279, 285

  Trenchard, Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount 204–5

  Trend, Burke Trend, Baron 508, 516, 524, 532

  Trevelyan, Sir Charles 100, 298

  Trevelyan, George Macaulay 205, 252

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh (later Baron Dacre of Glanton): at Oxford 202; wartime intelligence work 56, 314, 523; Zionist death threat against 363; gathers information on security services 272, 273, 320, 520; exchanges with Dick White 271, 292, 312, 492–3, 499, 520–21, 530, 536; passed over as contributor to Sunday Times book on Philby 501–2; review of Boyle’s The Climate of Treason 529; Views on: aims and achievements of Cambridge five 544; Anthony Cave Brown 537; Felix Cowgill 314; former communists 309; Marxist history 202; Montagu of Beaulieu trial 469; Maurice Oldfield 540; Oxford and Cambridge universities 203–4; Kim Philby 309, 311–12, 314; Russian historians 32–3; SIS 311, 314; Wright’s Spycatcher 533

  Trinity College, Cambridge 173, 199, 203, 204, 205–7, 210, 215, 218–27, 256, 518

  Trinity Hall, Cambridge 207, 219–20, 225, 406

  Tripartite Gold Commission 358

  Trotsky, Leon 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 52, 90; Whither England? 10

  Troup, Sir James 59

  Truman, Harry S. 336, 365, 393, 432; Truman Doctrine 361

  Trump, Donald xxv

  trust, concept of xxvi–xxvii, 32–3, 47, 74–5, 77, 310, 338, 356, 367–8, 370, 411, 468

  Tsankov, Alexander 14–15

  Tsarev, Oleg 178, 243

  TUBE ALLOYS (atomic weapons project) 333–4, 340–41

  Tudor-Hart, Alexander 235

  Tudor-Hart, Edith (née Suschitsky): background, early life and marriage 235, 422; NKVD talent scout in England 162, 210, 235, 422, 423; and Glading network 162, 163, 165, 170, 235, 422; and Cambridge spy ring 210, 221–2, 235–6, 240, 306, 386, 422–3; MI5 surveillance and questioning 422–4, 425

  Tudor-Hart, Tommy 423

  Turck, James 396, 398

  Turing, Alan 225, 444, 528

  Turkey 373–4; see also Ankara; Istanbul; Ottoman Empire

  Turner, Anthony 480

  Tweedsmuir, John Buchan, 1st Baron 214

  Tweedsmuir, Priscilla, Baroness 479

  Tyrrell, Sir William (later 1st Baron Tyrrell) 62, 106, 121

  Ukraine 9, 13, 23, 29; see also Odessa

  Ullmann, Walter 203

  Ullmann, William 285, 365

  ULTRA (Second World War decrypts) 514, 537

  Ulyanov, Alexander 4

  Umansky, Fedia 24

  Union of Democratic Control 152, 167

  United Nations 363, 382, 411, 524

  United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency 505

  United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 366

  United Nations Security Council 429

  United Press (press agency) 241, 262

  United Services Club 415

  Universal Barter Company 134

  University College, Oxford 524

  University Research Group (MI5) 517

  Uren, Ormond 300

  Uris, Leon, Topaz 499

  Urquhart, Sir Brian 180–81

  US Service and Shipping Corporation 283

  Ustinov, Jona ‘Klop’ 180

  Ustinov, Sir Peter 180–81

  Uxbridge, Middlesex 105

  Valéry, Paul 197

  vanity (character trait), as security risk 458

  Vansittart, Sir Robert (later 1st Baron Vansittart): PUS of Foreign Office 27, 62, 74, 131, 135–6; character and characteristics 73, 121, 426; Views on: Lord Bertie of Thame 73; British identity 117, 549; Christianity 182; diplomatic relations with Soviets 56; electoral reform 63–4; French intelligence 102; homosexuality 459, 470; Sir Donald Maclean 185; Donald Maclean 246; masculinity xxi, 165; supra-nationalism 82; Whitehall culture 40, 66, 119

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 408

  Vassall, John: background, character and sexuality 475–6, 542; espionage activities 476–7; trial and imprisonment 70, 477–8, 546; aftermath of case 454, 477–8, 495, 542

  Vaughan, Sir Tudor 60

  Veltheim, Erkki 52

  VENONA project (US decryption of Soviet security messages) 346–7, 377–8, 386, 394, 410, 430, 530, 546

  Verduynen, Jonkheer Michiels van 428

  Vermehren, Erich 375–6, 432

  Vernon, Wilfrid: background, character and early life 154–5, 345, 458; aviation spy 79, 154–7, 277, 546; vetoed from wartime employment by MI5 275, 277; Member of Parliament 79, 157, 344–5, 354–5, 359–60, 424; interviewed by MI5 424–5; Camberwell borough councillor 424

  Versailles, treaty of (1919) 133, 220; see also Paris Peace Conference (1919)

  vetting, of security services and civil service staff 69, 286, 368–71, 416, 458, 547
; negative vetting 69, 369–70; positive vetting 69, 271, 356, 368, 370–71, 416, 465, 467–8

  Vichy France 71

  Vickers (armaments company) 11, 41, 42, 57, 67, 147, 225, 499; and industrial espionage 148, 150

  Victoria, Queen, French press abuse of 41–2

  Victoria & Albert Museum, London 299

  Vienna: ‘Red Vienna’ (1918–34) 14, 22, 155, 229–31; civil war and rise of fascism 230–34, 238; Philby in 232–4; Anschluss (1938) 213, 238–9, 260; post-war zones of occupation 239, 493; bombing of British military headquarters (1946) 362; Smolka in 422, 425, 493–4

  Vienna, British Embassy 37

  Vientiane, Laos 467

  Vigilance Detective Agency 86, 91–5, 101; see also Ewer–Hayes spy network

  Villiers, Gerald 459–60

  Vilnius 333

  Vinarov, Ivan Zolov 14, 22

  Vivian, Valentine: appearance and character 254; background and education 255; SIS officer 27, 311; reports on Rome and Berlin embassy security 27; head of counter-espionage section 135; enlistment of Guy Burgess as freelance 254, 255; investigation of FO

  Communications Department 132, 135–6, 140–41; and Krivitsky defection 144; and recruitment of Kim Philby to SIS 177, 308–9; and Gouzenko defection 331; security report on Burgess 386; and Philby’s divorce and second marriage 373; Views on: Guy Burgess 467; St John Philby 177; Patrick Reilly 313

  Volkov, Konstantin 371–3, 374, 376, 381, 418, 521, 523

  Volodarsky, Iosif (Armand Feldman) 158

  Voroshilov, Kliment 295

  Vyshinsky, Andrei 30, 31, 114, 167, 382, 479

  Wadham College, Oxford 218

  Wakefield prison 350

  Waldegrave, William (later Baron Waldegrave of North Hill) 274–5, 381

  Walker-Smith, Derek (later Baron Broxbourne) 174

  Wall Street crash (1929) 201

  Wallace, Henry 307

  Wallisch, Koloman 230, 233, 234

  Walsingham, Sir Francis 34

  Walton, Calder 361

  Wansbrough-Jones, Sir Owen 219, 315

  War Department (United States) 284–5

  War Office: Intelligence Department/Division (ID) 37–44, 147, 151; Intelligence Corps 44, 276, 287, 293, 321–2, 461, 493, 519; MI1B cryptography department 61; intelligence gathering during First World War 48, 61, 147; and inter-war industrial mobilization 148; and Second World War intelligence operations 321–2; regulations on homosexuality 470


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