Gateway To The Universe: In Bad Company

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Gateway To The Universe: In Bad Company Page 17

by Craig Martelle

  The War Axe should have blasted that ship from space, but they never had the chance. The ship would always be vulnerable, but they could lock out the doors to prevent them from being remotely opened. And the fire control systems could be on standby, returned to full power more quickly.

  The ideas raced through Micky’s mind.

  “So much to do,” he mumbled. He tapped his control panel. “Terry Henry Walton, are you there?” he asked over the ship-wide intercom.

  There was no answer.

  “Smedley, where’s the colonel and the other senior leaders of the FDG?”

  “Sir, they are aboard the Yollin raider.”

  “Alive and well? How many did we lose?”

  “They are alive and well. It appears that they have eleven prisoners, ten in the bay and the colonel and his entourage are currently escorting one from the ship.”

  “Get me all the information you can on that ship, and find out how they opened that door!” Micky ordered before getting up and hurrying from the bridge. “I’ll be in the hangar bay,” he yelled over his shoulder.


  Terry was working his way from person to person as they lay in rows of the injured, telling each one something to buoy their spirits as they started the healing process. Most would be recovered before the day was done. Others would need time in the Pod Doc. Those who had been shot had gotten help from Cory and were on the fast track to health.

  Cory was lying at the end of the row, with Ramses hovering over her. There had been more injured than she could deal with and she was dangerously depleted.

  Two warriors had already been taken to the Pod Doc. Char had told Smedley that the door had best be open and Ted ready to receive the injured. Smedley played nice on Ted’s behalf. Char didn’t care as long as the warriors were taken care of as soon as they arrived.

  The captain appeared and joined Terry Henry in thanking each of the injured for the role they played in securing the War Axe.

  Terry stopped and stood. He turned to the captain. “If we hadn’t been aboard, what would you have done?” Terry asked.

  “We would have lost a great deal before flooding the passageways with firefighting foam, and that still might not have stopped them.”

  “This great ship and you would not have been able to stop a platoon of pirates?”

  “Not once they got on board. We have already removed that vulnerability and will notify General Reynolds and Nathan Lowell regarding the incident. We have been ordered to Onyx Station immediately,” Micky explained.

  “What are we waiting for?” Terry asked.

  “It takes a bit for the gate drives to recharge and I want to give your people time to heal. We’ll leave in a day.”

  Terry continued down the line of injured, stopping with Cory and putting a hand on her cheek. She was sleeping with her head in Ramses’s lap.

  “I’m glad you found each other,” Terry told his son-in-law. “Your only job is to be here when she wakes up.”

  “I know,” Ramses replied. “There’s no other place I’d rather be.”

  Terry gripped the man’s shoulder. He waved the rest of his closest people to him. The Were, the Vampires, and his family.

  “Welcome to the other side of the galaxy, where there are plenty of fuckers who need to be killed. You’ve seen them. You’ve seen what they can do. They hurt us, but now you know. We can kick their fucking asses. Kae and Marcie, take a good look at our load out. We were useless against them except with swords. Look at body armor and weapons.

  “We got a lot of our people hurt because we had to get too close to the enemy. Auburn and Kimber, get with the skipper’s engineers and dig out any weaponry and technology our new infiltration ship carries. Hang on.”

  Terry walked to where the Yollin prisoners were on their knees. “Hey, ass monkey, what’s the name of my new ship?”

  “The Singlaxian Grandeur,” he replied after clicking his disdain.

  “The Grandeur. I’m good with that.” He looked at his inner circle. “Find its secrets, including the technology that allowed it to access our hangar bay. Gather all the weapons and add them to our own. We can use a good low-penetration gun, just in case we’re boarding spaceships. And find that fucking bomb they used. I want some of those in our inventory. Joseph, Petricia, Valerie, and Robin, put together a security detail to move these goofy bastards to the brig. You do have a brig, don’t you?” Terry asked Captain San Marino.

  “We do, but it’ll be kind of cramped. It was never intended to house enemy prisoners of war.”

  “I don’t give a goat fuck if they are miserable. Secure them. I expect once we’re on Onyx, we’ll be able to turn them over to the intelligence branch of the Bad Company. You four go with them. Don’t put up with any bullshit from them. Get them into the cells and lock them away.

  “We’ve arrived in a new part of the universe and we’re already blooded. Space is a dangerous place, but we are not someone to be tangled with. Let the reputation of the FDG and the Bad Company’s Direct Action Branch start here. The first battle streamer will fly proudly on our flag.”

  “We don’t have a flag,” Char said, already knowing how TH would answer.

  “Not yet.”

  Terry gave the aliens the finger before he walked back toward the ship with Kaeden and Marcie in tow. Char watched them go. “I’ll make the funeral arrangements,” she said softly.

  He heard her, as he always did. He looked over his shoulder. “Thank you,” he said just as softly.

  The captain watched the purple-eyed Werewolf. “We’ll set it for tomorrow. Before we gate, we can launch their bodies into the event horizon where their atoms will be scattered across the universe.”

  “Make it so,” Char replied.

  Terry disappeared into the raider’s ship. Injured warriors were being moved from the hangar bay. Joseph and the pack were pushing the Yollin prisoners toward the hatch to the interior of the ship and the nearby brig.

  The battle was over.

  The first battle was won, not because of superior weapons, but because of the tenacity of the human spirit. A month earlier, Yollins would have been considered monsters.

  Now? The enemy was no longer big and scary. They died just as readily as any other living creature, as long as you knew where to hit them.


  The hangar door was open, but the forcefield was in place. The bodies of the two fallen warriors and the Yollin raiders had been loaded into a forward launch tube. The Force de Guerre stood in formation, looking at the swirling pool that was the gate. They’d already said their good-byes.

  “Hand, salute!” Terry ordered. All the warriors saluted. “Fire.”

  The bodies were launched from the tube toward the edge of the gate. They disappeared in a flash.

  “Ready, Two!” The unit dropped their salutes. Even Valerie and Robin had saluted.

  Terry liked what he saw from the new additions.

  “Company, when I give the command to fall out, you will fall out and fall in your drop ships. Secure yourselves. We jump in one minute. FALL OUT!”

  The warriors scrambled as they ran for their ships. Terry lingered as he looked at the beauty of the gate. The hangar bay was clear. He gave a thumbs up to where he knew the camera was that projected the image from the hangar bay to the bridge.

  Terry ran to his pod, the rear deck closing as he made it inside. He assumed his seat and activated the comm link to the other pods. “Hoods,” he said. “Smedley?”

  “Three-point-nine seconds. A new record, Colonel.”

  “Thanks, General. Give the captain the green light for us.”

  “He already has it. Jumping in three, two, one…”

  Terry’s body tingled with the sensation. Char looked to be more comfortable, smiling at him, but he saw the goosebumps on her arms. “You’re trying to out-tough me?” he accused her.

  “I’ve been out-toughing you for the past one hundred and thirty years,” she stated. Terry
started to laugh as he watched the screen. The hangar doors remained closed and he breathed a sigh of relief. The unit wasn’t fully recovered from the previous day’s jump.

  The ship systems came back to life, one by one. The ship-wide broadcast crackled. “All normal. We are on an inbound vector to Onyx Station and will arrive in two hours. Colonel Walton to the bridge, please. All hands, stand down from emergency procedures.”

  Terry spoke to the other pods. “Prepare for movement from the War Axe to Onyx Station. Once there, we’ll receive our orders.”

  The drop ship ramps opened and the warriors pulled their hoods back. Most ran for their quarters, thinking back to liberty in San Francisco. It seemed like forever ago.

  It had only been a few weeks.

  Docking Bay 17. Deck 25. Onyx Station, Paladin System

  Nathan Lowell stood in the docking bay and waited. Ecaterina was there as well as Christina. She didn’t want to come, but he wanted her to meet the newcomers, Bethany Anne’s handpicked group that would represent Bad Company interests when direct action was called for.

  Nathan needed a private conflict solution enterprise sooner rather than later.

  The War Axe was too large to fit in the docking bay, but the shuttle pods were more than welcome, with room for all six and plenty more, even the Grandeur could fit, but Nathan preferred to send a team to assist with the technical intelligence in addition to ensuring that the thing wasn’t rigged to blow if anyone tried to fly it. It was parked a few kilometers from the station, just in case.

  “The pods are on their way,” Nathan said unnecessarily as the lights picked up the inbound ships. The pods slowed as they entered through the forcefield, the EI communicating with the station’s landing control to bring them in for a landing, side by side, in a tight formation. The rear ramps dropped and Terry Henry Walton and Charumati were the first ones off.

  Colonel Marcie Walton barked commands and all the rest formed up, nearly eighty souls standing at attention. The line of Weres at the back stood loosely.

  “Pricolici?” Ecaterina asked.

  “An issue with renegade nanos and a runaway Pod Doc,” Nathan explained. “There is a Werewolf on board that is some kind of genius. I look forward to talking with him, maybe ship him over to R2D2 to join Team BMW. We can use some fresh minds.”

  Terry marched to Nathan Lowell with Char walking purposefully by his side. Her purple eyes were clear even at some distance. Cory’s blue eyes glowed behind the formation.

  “What an odd bunch,” Ecaterina continued. “Weretigers, Vampires, Werewolves, glowing eyes. I’m surprised they don’t have a Werebear with them.”

  “They did, but he chose to stay behind,” Nathan replied before greeting their guests. Terry saluted and Nathan laughed. Christina snorted.

  “You must be the famous Terry Henry Walton,” Nathan said as he offered his hand. First Terry shook it, then Char.

  “Not sure about all that,” Terry replied. “We were in the galaxy for five seconds and a pack of Yollin raiders gives us a bloody nose. I have to admit that I’m a bit embarrassed by that.”

  “Micky said you saved his ship, that’s worth a bloody nose, and you picked up some door-cracking software for us. The captain of the Grandeur? Just an added bonus. I look forward to taking him off your hands. He and I are going to have a little chat.”

  Terry smiled. “I think I’m going to like it here. What’s the plan of the day, sir?”

  “Nathan, please. I have my private conference room ready for us with some fresh food and other delicacies from the sector. You might as well start getting a taste of what’s before you. I’ve tasked some people to show your folks around. Would you like anyone to join us?”

  “Maybe twenty? Too many?” Terry asked.

  “How about six?”

  Terry pursed his lips briefly and then nodded. “Marcie, Kae, Kim, Cory, Timmons, and Joseph, with us.”

  Petricia looked crushed.

  “His partner?” Nathan asked.

  “They are very close,” Terry admitted.

  “Tell her to come, too.”

  Terry waved and gave the thumbs up. Petricia hurried to Joseph’s side and took his hand.

  “If you’ll follow me.” Nathan walked away. Ecaterina watched with mild interest before hurrying to catch her husband. Christina glared at Char. The Werewolf shook her head, wondering what the issue was.

  Christina bared a fang.

  “Fuck you too, bitch,” Char said under her breath. Christina slashed with a claw, but Char ducked, spun, and back-kicked. Christina easily dodged Char’s best attack.

  “ENOUGH!” Nathan roared, storming back to stand between his daughter and Char. “These are good people, on our side. This isn’t a fight you want to pick. Go and take those two shopping.”

  Nathan pointed to Valerie and Robin. Christina looked upset.

  “I don’t care if they’re Vampires. Show them a good time and if you get arrested, I’m not coming to help you.”

  “No one has the balls to arrest me, or is tough enough.”

  “Of course, dear. If you hurt someone because you picked a fight, I’ll lock you up with the Yollin prisoners. Do not try my patience, Christina Bethany Anne Lowell!”

  “Ooh,” Char whispered. “The full name treatment.”

  “That never worked out well for me when I was growing up. That’s why I prefer TH.”

  Char nodded in understanding. Christina huffed and stormed away. Valerie cocked her head slightly and rolled her eyes. Terry gave her the thumbs up.

  It’ll be great, he mouthed. She gave him the finger.

  “While we’re on a roll, Nathan,” Terry said.

  “Do you have kids?” Nathan asked. Of course he knew. Terry wondered what kind of test he was being given.

  Terry pointed to the group with them. “My tribe.”

  Nathan looked from one face to the next. “I’m going to have to hear the story about why your eyes glow blue all the time. I’ve never heard of such a thing before. And you.” Nathan tipped his chin toward Joseph. “You are much older than these young pups.”

  “I am,” Joseph admitted without giving more. Nathan waited for a few seconds, then turned and headed toward the elevator.


  “What the hell is this all about?” Robin demanded. Valerie raised one eyebrow, unhappy with being left out of the powwow with Nathan Lowell.

  “I’m under orders to show you a good time. It’s like double secret probation, all because that purple-eyed freak glared at me,” Christina complained.

  “Char? She’s a pussycat,” Valerie said with a chuckle. Aaron and Yanmei were standing next to them.

  “Almost exactly that, except completely different,” Aaron said, before joining another group as they walked toward a door leading from the docking bay.

  “What’s up his ass?” Christina asked.

  “He’s a Weretiger and you’re not,” Valerie said. She had no idea, but was already tiring of the young-looking Pricolici. “Where can we get a drink around here?”

  Christina looked around quickly. “There’s a seedy place called Wash It Down that I’ve heard is the best on the station. But aren’t you Vampires and you can’t get drunk?”

  “That’s right, but we can still enjoy the burn on the way down, if you know what I mean!” Valerie exclaimed with a grin. “Lead on, young one.”

  “I’m not that young,” Christina said defensively.

  “Like fuck. We can argue about that when we get to Wash It Down. You have money, don’t you?”

  “A little,” Christina replied, not sure she liked where the conversation was going.

  “We just got here and don’t have any. So your treat and we thank you.”

  Christina started to rethink trying to pick a fight with Char. Then again, she was going to a bar with a couple randy Vampires looking for trouble. Maybe a good time was to be had.

  Her mood improved significantly.


Terry took small amounts from each dish as he wasn’t sure what he would like. Char piled a mound of what looked like raw meat on her plate.

  His lip curled as he looked away.

  “Still can’t handle watching Werewolves eat, Terry Henry?” Nathan asked.

  “Not so much. My friends call me TH, by the way,” Terry said. Nathan nodded.

  He held the chair so Ecaterina could sit down and then sat next. Char sat, followed by the others. Terry was the last to sit down after asking if anyone wanted anything else.

  He ate sparingly as he wanted to focus his full attention on Nathan Lowell, President of the Bad Company, Pricolici, and personal and long-term friend of Empress Bethany Anne.

  “General Reynolds sends his regrets that he couldn’t make it for your arrival.”

  Terry waited. He had only questions, but wouldn’t ask them until Nathan filled in some of the blanks in Terry and Char’s future.

  “I have to admit that we executed a little subterfuge when you first boarded the War Axe.”

  “How so?” Terry asked, eyes narrowed at the revelation.

  “We took some of the nanocytes from everyone in your group and had them analyzed.”

  Terry leaned back and crossed his arms in a defensive posture. He felt like he had been attacked, and he didn’t even know there’d been a fight.

  “It’s nothing nefarious. We always look to improve. We also need to know everyone’s particulars in case something happens so we can put you back together. Do you know what we found?”

  Terry shook his head while Char leaned against him, keeping one hand on his shoulder.

  “We found that you two have created a hybrid nanocyte, impervious to the usual programming changes. You passed those on to your daughter--” Nathan nodded to Cory. “--who passed on certain attributes to everyone she’s healed. It really is fascinating. Because you two got together, you and all your people are better.”

  “Tell us something we don’t know,” Terry quipped.

  “We can’t replicate it,” Nathan admitted.


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