Dealing in Magic

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Dealing in Magic Page 11

by Martha Carr

  “He shows up when he’s needed.”

  “That’s ominous.” Leira looked back at him and noticed the large photo of the Jersey Willen’s mother with a black ribbon draped across the top.

  Turner looked up at Leira and tipped his hat to her, smiling. “It’s a little like noticing death at your party but better dressed,” she said.

  Jack found his way to the center of the room and signaled to the deejay to stop the music. “Before we start the night’s festivities, I wanted to say a few words about our dear friend, Larry. He was the best definition of a friend. Larry was the guy we all came to depend on to show up when we needed to move furniture or get a ride from the airport and he always seemed grateful that he got the chance to help you.”

  “The best!”

  “Thanked me for letting him help!”

  “Sat with me when my mom was in the hospital!”

  Jack held up his arm to quiet the crowd.

  “That’s what makes a good friend. All the small moments where you need someone to just sit next to you, quietly and be there. He wasn’t the flashiest guy. Everyone in here was made better for knowing him. His greatest magical trick and he didn’t even need a wand. He did it by just showing up and letting you know you mattered to someone. To Larry who gave all.”

  “To Larry!” Another cheer went up from the crowd and several people wiped away tears.

  “Okay, enough of that. Larry would not want this to be a sad affair. In fact, he once told me if he went first I was to say at his funeral, the shell is still here but the nut is gone! Of course, we both thought that would be a long time from now.” Jack waved his hands in front of his chest, blinking back tears as he smiled. “Let’s celebrate Larry tonight by having a good time! Hope you brought your wands and potions, children.”

  “Don’t need ‘em,” yelled a Wood Elf who had let go of his glamour for the night, reverting to the chameleon-like scales across his body. The skin along his arms and neck rippled, matching the pattern of the map of Texas behind him, blending in with the wall. The pupils of his eyes moved in different directions tracking the room.

  “You’ll wish you had ‘em,” a Witch yelled, laughing.

  “It’s the usual trash talking,” said Toni, sidling up next to Leira. “Larry would have loved all of this.” She let out a sigh. “You know what trick you’re going to try tonight? Good luck topping the last time you were here. People still talk about it at Lavender Rock when the normies aren’t there.”

  “No idea. Figured something would come to me in the spur of the moment. What are you gonna do?”

  “Toni! You’re up.” Jack held up his clipboard as Toni made her way to the center of the room, holding up her arms in the air, her long billowing sleeves shimmering in the light.

  She twirled around in a circle, dramatically pulling her wand out of a deep pocket and pointing it toward the ceiling as she continued to twirl. A trail of glowing silver dust was left in its wake, swirling into a whorl on the ceiling as it slowly made a shining portrait of Larry’s smiling face before dissolving into a warm shower of small silver stars, illuminating everyone’s face as they fell to the ground. The stars sparkled underneath everyone’s feet for a moment, eventually melting away.

  “Nicely done.” Correk yelled over the crowd.

  “Next up is Florence!” A moan went up from the crowd as Toni came over to Leira, wiping sweat off her brow with the back of her hand as she put her wand back in her pocket.

  “What’s up with Florence?”

  Toni looked back at the round little witch who was taking center stage, smiling at everyone even as some rolled their eyes. Every inch of her fingers were covered in silver rings of different shapes and several silver necklaces were around her neck. A crescent moon and star shapes hung from the longest ones.

  “Everyone loves Florence but she does the same trick every time. Four years running. It’s a good one but every… time…”

  “She doesn’t seem to notice. Why doesn’t Jack tell her to try something new?”

  “Just watch.”

  Florence was busy waving her wand around the bar, creating a long vine that was weaving in and out of glasses on the bar, curling down on the floor and between people’s legs. Leira watched, fascinated, wondering if the vine was real or just an illusion. She bent down to touch it and felt the firm texture of a healthy young plant.

  “Seems like a pretty good trick to me.” She stood back up and watched the vine continue to wind its way around the room. As it passed the Jackalope the troll jumped on, standing atop the vine like he was riding a surfboard, circling behind the DJ and hopping off near the food table. Once the vine was everywhere Florence waved her wand again and blossoms appeared along every square inch, filling the room with color.

  “Not bad.” Leira fingered some of the petals, amazed at how real they felt. “Is this thing legit?”

  The flowers all formed faces and sang in a round, the different pitches blending.

  “That’s freaky.”

  “Just wait. She has a big finish.”

  “I think I’ve seen this one before. Curious.” Correk smiled and watched Florence raise her arms, waiting for the crowd to settle down. She was making sure no one missed the finale.

  She tapped the air with her wand, sending out a spray of light that zipped around the room, settling on each of the flowers. One by one, the flowers became light, holding their shape, drifting toward the ceiling and dissolving into mist that rained back down on everyone’s head.

  Suddenly, Leira felt a rush of joy fill her chest and she laughed out loud. She looked around and noticed everyone else was laughing too and some were even hugging each other. An Elven woman standing next to Correk wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight.

  “What was that?”

  “A tiny spark of pure joy. It may be the only trick she knows but it’s a doozy. She missed the party the last time you were here. Jack always puts her on the list early because he thinks one little spark sets the right tone for the rest of the night.”

  “He’s right. Everything seems easier.”

  “All about attitude, isn’t it? How we look at things.”

  Florence moved through the crowd, taking a small curtsy here and there, smiling at everyone.

  “Good one, Florence!” Toni gave her a hug as she passed by.

  “You think she feels like that all the time?” Leira felt the effects of the spell draining off her. A small taste of happiness lingered. Don’t chase it. Just let it be.

  “Probably not.”

  “No one does. Evening Leira.” Turner Underwood was standing at Leira’s elbow, leaning on his cane. Leira couldn’t help wondering who he was here to help tonight.

  Maybe the guy just hangs out sometimes. Put down your spidey senses.

  “It’s the way it’s supposed to be. Light and dark, good and evil. We don’t seem to be able to get shit done without both of them hanging around. One gives you the hope to go forward and the other a reason to rally and fight back. Both have their purpose.”

  “Deep as usual, Turner,” said Toni. “You on the list tonight?”

  “I’m here to observe and pay homage to Larry.”

  Jack was waving his arms at the crowd again to get them to settle down. “Alright, magical beings. Next up on the agenda is Yumfuck Tiberius Troll!” Larry swept his arm up to point at the deejay booth. The troll was standing on an overturned glass behind the microphone wearing his leather jacket and red cowboy boots. The headphones were propped up next to him. “Take it away YTT!”

  The troll started beatboxing, creating a beat and making the sounds with his mouth, getting the crowd to roll their fists in the air. He abruptly stopped and held up his tiny paws. Silence dropped over the party inside the Jackalope. The troll held up his paw to his ear and started beatboxing again, rolling into a rap. The Jackalope exploded in cheers as he leaned into the mic and a tiny voice came booming over their heads.

  “Open up the champagne
, pop! It’s my house, come on in, turn it up. Hear a knock on the door and the night begins…” The troll made a face, an exaggerated and surprised O, shaking his head.

  “He’s doing Flo Rida.” Leira shook her head, smiling and pumped her fist in the air. “Why is it he can never just talk to us?”

  “Probably too boring for him.” Correk bobbed his head in time with the rap.

  The troll chirped out the rap, breaking it up with percussion, spitting and making a rolling drum beat. “Cause we done this before so you come on in. Make yourself at home, tell me where you been. Pour yourself something cold, baby, cheers to this.”

  Correk pressed his palms toward the ceiling in time with the beat getting an impressed nod of the head from Leira as everyone started to rap along with the troll. By the end, everyone was chanting along with the troll who was spreading his arms wide, smiling at the crowd just below him.

  “Welcome to my house. It’s my house!”

  People stomped their feet and cheered as the troll took a tiny bow, waving from the deejay booth and letting out a cackle that could be heard over the PA system. He waved and started spinning another record, turning around and twerking at the crowd.

  “That’s a furry little butt,” yelled Jack, his hands around his mouth.

  “Not really a magic trick but I like it. Anyone else need another beer?” Eric took a head count as he went past Leira and Correk. Leira held up her hand as Correk rolled his eyes. “We’ll take a Lyft if we have to, or call Hagan.”

  Jack came out from behind the bar, waving the clipboard and found his way back to the center of the floor. “Okay, that’s going to be a hard act to follow but I have high hopes for this one. Last time she did not disappoint! Leira Berens, you’re up!”

  Leira looked up surprised and gulped down the rest of her beer as Toni gave her a quick hug and whispered in her ear, “You’ll be great!”

  There was a murmur among the crowd as Leira walked to the center of the room. Keep it simple. No strange shit this time.

  She took a deep breath and smiled at Correk, planting her feet as she pulled in energy in a steady, slow amount. The symbols on her arms lit up and her eyes glowed as she looked at Toni. The idea for her trick came to her when she saw Toni’s dress moving around. Leira sent out an intention and let out her breath as the spangles along Toni’s dress swept off the fabric and swooped toward the ceiling, forming the constellations. There were oohs and aaahs from everyone as the stars shifted and reformed to show different parts of the celestial sky.

  Leira felt a warm flow in the pit of her stomach and knew the energy was surging forward, gaining strength. Keep it simple.

  The magic swirled out from her hands and kept rising toward the stars overhead, blending in with the spangles as the roof gradually receded, showing the real stars in the night sky, far, far above. There were gasps in the room but they sounded like echoes inside Leira’s head as she felt a peace come over her and looked up to see the stars shining brighter.

  Correk looked up and realized what she was doing, a look of surprise coming over his face as he grabbed onto Leira’s arm. He was doing his best to ground her and pull her back. The symbols on her arms sped up, spilling out more information faster and faster.

  Leira felt the second wave of Correk’s energy pull in alongside hers but was quickly distracted by the feeling of soaring above the bar and toward the stars. She shut her eyes and let the magic take her higher.

  Correk hurriedly looked around the room and saw the troll up in the deejay booth breathing hard and wailing, gradually turning bluer. Turner Underwood was pushing people out of the way as he rushed toward Leira, his hands outstretched to grab her. Correk looked to the other side of Leira and saw who he was looking for, grabbing Jim by the arm and holding tight. He pushed his magic through Jim and into Leira, knocking her sideways. Her feet slid across the room as she felt the wind rushing through her lungs.

  Leira felt the hard tug from them and was ripped back toward the bar, her eyes snapping open, even as her head swam and it was hard for her to focus clearly. Something inside of her recognized the new element and bonded to it, returning to the Jackalope.

  She grit her teeth and held out her arms, determined not to faint or fall over as she looked up and saw the roof reappear. The spangles quickly returned to Toni’s dress.

  “Leira! Leira! Can you hear me?” Correk was still holding onto Jim as he tapped the side of Leira’s face, making her look at him. “Look at me.”

  Leira’s eyes gradually focused and faces took on more definition. Everyone was staring at her, their mouths open and a few were still pointing toward the ceiling. There was a humming in Leira’s ears and her head was still swimming but she still felt peaceful inside. She looked back and forth at Correk and Toni. “What happened? Why are you holding onto Jim?”

  The symbols on her arms slowed down to a crawl and gradually faded and she felt the floor solidly beneath her feet. The troll came bouncing off the deejay’s booth, and hopscotched from arm to arm till he landed on Leira’s shoulder, sitting down. His fur was ruffled and he was still a slight shade of blue.

  “What the fuck was that?” Jim was ashen and sweating all over.

  “I guess you showed everybody you could top your last trick!” Toni reached up and held Leira’s face in her hands as others backed away. Jack quickly waved his clipboard and read off the next name on the list, doing his best to distract everyone and get the party back on track.

  “Girl, you are something special,” said Toni. “Almost quite literally out of this world.”

  “What did I do?”

  “What did you do?” Spit was dribbling down Jim’s chin into his neat beard.

  Leira looked around surprised, still unconcerned. She saw the look of concern on Correk’s face and wrinkled her forehead trying to figure out why.

  Turner Underwood stood just beyond the small group and watched Correk assess the situation. Correk peeled his hand off Jim’s arm when he was sure Leira’s energy was still once more. “You left your body and floated out there,” he said, quietly.

  “You even took us on some of the ride.” Jim squeaked out the words, his voice breaking as he ran his hands through his hair. “Never been on a ride like that! Why’d you grab me like that?” He looked down at his arm and could still see the red handprint from where Correk had held on tight.

  The troll grabbed onto Leira’s collar and stood up. His fur was gradually changing back to pale white, tinged with green.

  “You were the closest human element to me. I took a chance based on something I read in the Gnomes’ library. The human element in nature bonds together and grounds everything. That’s its natural state. You were slipping too far away.” Breaking the bond with the troll.

  Turner Underwood nodded his head and gave a sly smile, making his way closer to Correk. “Well done. You and I should talk.”

  “What? What about?” Correk was still trying to process what he saw Leira do. He didn’t take his eyes off her.

  “The light energy was pulling her away and you knew what to do.”

  “What if I wasn’t here? That was like the dark mist but she didn’t seem to know it. She didn’t resist.”

  Turner put his arm on Correk’s shoulder. “Take a deep breath. You were here. The rest can be taught. Right now, Leira’s magic is like a runaway freight train on some really good weed. Somewhere inside of her she has an idea that it’s going too far but it feels so good, so why not?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve sensed this in her before but I wasn’t sure of the origins till tonight. We should talk. I’m getting on, even in fucking Elven years. It’s time for a new Fixer.” He tapped the side of his head. “You know I wondered how I would find the next candidate, but I should have known that the magic would do its own choosing. Come by my estate tomorrow in the morning. Don’t be late. There’s much to discuss and not a lot of time. Bring the Grateful Dead girl with you.” He let out a chuckle and grasped Correk’s arm. “The da
nger has passed. Learn to let it go as soon as it does. Easier to live your life that way. Elven 101.”

  “Leira was not in control of the magic.”

  “No, she wasn’t.” Turner Underwood gave a grave shake to his head. “That’s good and bad.”

  “The good part?” Correk glanced over at him, frustrated.

  “Leira’s paid attention to her lessons and trusted the energy enough to let it go on ahead of her. The bad, of course, is that she has the ability to access a large amount.” He held his arms open wide.

  “Bit of an understatement.”

  “Well, yes, but there is a limit. It doesn’t go on forever. Which takes us to the bad part. It ends with Leira slipping over and becoming one with the light. Fused, you might say. Never actually seen it happen before. Only heard stories. Lots of them. Ever heard of the Jasper Elves?”

  Correk gave Turner a meaningful look.

  “Ah, so you have heard of them. I thought as much. That’s what you were reading about in the Gnomes’ library. The Jasper Elves were said to be amazing. Their powers knew no limits but there was a price to be paid. Give in to the power and use it to its full extent and eventually be absorbed by it. Did them in, in the end.”

  “How did they last as long as they did? They were around for thousands of years.”

  “For a very long time there was a force of darkness that existed on both planets as well. I think you call it the dark mist but thousands and thousands of years ago it was much larger and was constantly seeking out others to infect and absorb. The dark mist kept the light of the Jasper Elves in check. Gave them something to push against. The Jasper Elves’ magic kept the dark mist in check. Constant battles and skirmishes, back and forth.”

  Someone brought Leira a chair as the magic tricks continued in the center of the room. She took a seat as the troll jumped down into her lap and sat down, resting his head against her belly, watching the magic. Someone was making the silverware square dance in mid-air as everyone clapped along. The Wizard making them dance was acting as the caller yelling out “Dosey-do your partner!”


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