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Tudor Page 53

by Leanda de Lisle

  Boleyn, George, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206

  Boleyn, Lady, 198

  Boleyn, Mary, 162, 392

  Boleyn, Sir Thomas, 162, 176

  Bond of Association, 365

  Bosworth, Battle of (1485), 68–73

  Bothwell, Earl of, 341, 350–1

  Boulogne, 94, 231

  Brackenbury, Richard, 52

  Brandon, Lady Eleanor, 184, 230–1, 260, 419

  Brandon, Lady Frances, Marchioness of Dorset: birth, 154; Anne Boleyn accuses father of sleeping with, 181; mother’s death, 184; at Jane Seymour’s funeral, 217; marriage and family, 217; absence from succession, 230–1; lady-in-waiting to Katherine Parr, 231; passed over in Henry VIII’s will, 237; visits Mary I, 251; at reception for Mary of Guise, 255; Edward VI gives heirs place in succession, 259–60, 263; accompanies daughter to take possession of Tower, 270–1; reaction to Mary’s determination to win throne, 273; marriage to commoner, 288–9; and child abuse, 417–18; death, 418

  Brandon, Sir William, 70

  Brecon Castle, 57

  Brereton, William, 204, 205, 206

  Brittany, Duke of see Francis II, Duke of Brittany

  Bruyn, Barthel, 221

  Buchanan, George, 366

  Buck, Sir George, 129

  Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of, 21, 23

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of: marriage to Katherine Woodville, 32; helps Richard III seize control of Edward V, 44–5; urges Richard III to take throne, 47; Margaret Beaufort unsuccessfully petitions him re Henry VII, 48–9; and princes in the Tower, 52, 55; turns against Richard, 52–3; failure of plot and death, 57–8

  Buckingham, Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of, 78, 104, 110, 156–8

  Bullinger, Heinrich, 415

  Burghley, Lord see Cecil, William, Lord Burghley

  Burgundy, Duchess of see Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy

  Burgundy, Duke of see Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy; Philip the Fair, Duke of Burgundy

  Byrd, William, 356

  Cadwaladr, King, 64, 72, 78, 115

  Calais, 13, 18, 296–7, 299, 329

  Cambridge University, 128

  Camden, William, 264

  Campeggio, Lorenzo, 172, 174–5

  Carey, Sir Robert, 393–4, 395

  Carey, William, 162

  Carmarthen, 115

  Carthusians, 191–2, 215

  Carver, Robert, 137

  Castillon, Battle of (1453), 18

  Catherine of Valois, 7–10, 65, 409

  Cavendish, Elizabeth, 349–50, 351, 363–4

  Cavendish, George, 163, 173

  Cavendish, Sir William, 348–9

  Caxton, William, 65, 81

  Cecil, Elizabeth, 333

  Cecil, Mildred, 261, 340

  Cecil, Robert, 379–80, 385–6, 389–90, 392, 396

  Cecil, William, Lord Burghley: background, 262, 299; on Grey–Dudley marriage, 260; plans for Elizabeth I’s succession, 299–300; and her coronation, 305; and her religious settlement, 309; backs Scots rebelling against Mary of Guise, 311–12; opposition to Elizabeth marrying Leicester, 313, 314, 315–16; spies on Margaret Douglas, 317; persecution of Catholics, 317, 327, 361; and Katherine Grey’s marriage, 321; case against Lennoxes, 326, 328; reconciliation with Margaret Douglas, 333; reaction to Darnley’s marriage, 336; dissuades Elizabeth from sending army against Scots rebels, 341; attitude to Katherine Grey, 342, 418; opposition to Mary, Queen of Scots as heir, 344; allows Lennox to become James VI’s regent, 347; and Ridolfi plot, 347; declines to become Charles Stuart’s guardian, 348; Margaret Douglas’ legacy to, 352; use of Dee, 361; and Mary, Queen of Scots, 364, 365, 371; security of position on Privy Council, 379; son groomed to replace, 379–80; and succession issue, 380; at de Maisse’s meeting with Elizabeth, 382; lack of common popularity, 383; death, 384

  Cecily of York, 62, 85

  Chapuys, Eustace, 198–9, 200, 204, 207, 211

  Charles I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 408

  Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 122–3

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor: betrothal to Mary Tudor, 117; betrothal cancelled, 139; conquers French at Pavia, 159; possible betrothal to Mary I, 159; signs treaty with France, 159–60; sacks Rome, 168–9; promises help to Katherine of Aragon, 170; rapprochement with Clement VII, 175; Wolsey seeks support from, 175; attitude to Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn, 194; Paul III wishes him to invade England, 219; leaves Henry VIII to fight alone in France, 231; support for Mary I, 265; advised to accept Lady Jane Grey, 272; wants Philip II to marry Mary I, 290; retirement, 295; death, 300

  Charles VI, King of France, 7, 18, 19

  Charles VIII, King of France, 61, 94

  Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 34, 36, 139

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 208

  Cheke, John, 244

  Chertsey Abbey, 42

  Cheyne, Sir John, 71

  chivalry, 30; see also Bath, Knights of the; Garter, Order of the

  Christina of Denmark, 297, 298

  Churchyard, Thomas, 358–9

  churching, 151

  Clarence, George, Duke of, 34–5, 42–3

  Claude, Madame, 143

  Clement VII, Pope, 166, 168–9, 172, 174–5, 190

  Clifford, Margaret, Countess of Derby, 260, 261, 360–1, 419–21

  cloth of gold, 99

  Cobham, Lady Anne, 205

  Cockfield Hall, 342

  Collyweston, 113–14, 118

  Commynes, Philippe de, 52

  Company of Merchant Adventurers, 262–3

  A Conference About the Next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland, 381–2

  Cornish rebellion (1497), 98

  Courtenay, Edward, 279, 280, 283, 296

  Counter-Reformation, 232

  Coverdale, Miles, 219

  Cranmer, Thomas: made Archbishop of Canterbury, 183; annuls Henry VIII’s marriage to Katherine of Aragon, 184; annuls Henry marriage to Anne Boleyn, 206; reassures Henry about Anne Boleyn’s adulteries, 207; issues dispensation for Henry to marry Jane Seymour, 209; reveals Katherine Howard’s past to Henry, 223–4; at Henry’s funeral, 241; and Edward VI’s grasp of Latin, 243; reads coronation oath to Edward, 244; religious changes made under Edward, 249; falls out with Northumberland, 257; signs Edward’s will, 264

  Cromwell, Thomas: appearance, background and character, 182–3; and England’s break with Rome, 183, 191; Anne Boleyn’s opposition to, 198–200; his part in her fall, 202, 204, 205; advises Margaret Douglas, 212; and Pilgrimage of Grace, 213–14; arranges Cleves marriage, 220, 221; death, 222

  Cuellar (Spanish captain), 375, 378

  Culpepper, Thomas, 224, 225–6

  Cumberland, Henry Clifford, Earl of, 231, 261, 419

  Dacre, Lord, 150, 151, 152

  Darnley, Henry, Lord: appearance and character, 316, 333; birth, 231; woos Mary, Queen of Scots, 316–17; brought to Elizabeth I’s court to be watched over, 325; imprisoned at Sheen, 326; prophecy re, 327; invited back to court, 332–3; marriage to Mary, 333–4, 336–7; marriage breakdown and murder of Riccio, 338–9; death, 340–1, 350–1; image on Lennox Jewel, 346

  Davey, Richard, 270

  David, King, 166, 222

  Davies, Cliff, 424

  Dee, John, 294, 304, 361

  Delft, François van der, 241

  Derby, Countess of see Clifford, Margaret, Countess of Derby

  Derby, Earl of, 419, 420

  Dereham, Francis, 224, 226

  Devonshire Manuscript, 193

  divorce, 164–5

  Doleman, R., 381–2

  Dorset, Frances Brandon, Marchioness of see Brandon, Lady Frances

  Dorset, Harry Grey, Marquess of: background, marriage and family, 217; character, 252; appointed to Privy Council, 252; at court, 253; made Duke of Suffolk, 255; agrees to daughter’s marriage to Dudley, 261; deserts her, 276; pardoned, 281; leads parliamentary opposition to Mary I’s religious reforms, 282; plots again, 283–4; Jane’s last
letter to, 286; death, 288

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, Marquess of, 59, 62

  Douglas, Lady Margaret: birth, 151; visits England, 152–5; godfather, 154; comes to English court, 177–8; becomes lady-in-waiting to Mary I, 182, 184; ordered to join Anne Boleyn’s household, 189, 196; affair with Thomas Howard, 193, 198, 200–1; at Jane Seymour’s wedding, 209; place in succession, 209; imprisoned for her betrothal, 210–12; Cromwell rumoured to covet, 214; lover’s death, 217; lady-in-waiting to Katherine Howard, 223; new love, 223; warned off, 225; at Katherine Parr’s wedding, 228; at Katherine Parr’s court, 229; marriage to Lennox, 229–30; absence from succession, 230–1; returns to court after Darnley’s birth, 231; did she quarrel with Henry VIII?, 236, 326, 411–14; ignored in Henry’s will, 236–7, relations with Edward VI, 255; leaves court to avoid illness, 256; ignored in Edward’s will, 259; at Mary I’s court, 279, 280; Mary wants to name as heir, 280; at Mary’s funeral, 302–3; Elizabeth I’s and Cecil’s suspicions of, 315, 317–18; encourages Darnley to woo Mary, Queen of Scots, 316, 317, 324; brought to court to be watched over, 325; imprisoned at Sheen, 326–8, 329; invited back to court, 332–3, 335; imprisoned because of Darnley’s marriage, 336–8, 339–40; reaction to James VI’s birth, 339; reaction to Darnley’s death, 340; released from Tower, 340; marital happiness celebrated in Lennox Jewel, 346; husband’s death, 347; arranges other son’s marriage, 348–50; rapprochement with Mary, Queen of Scots, 350–1; Arbella Stuart comes to live with, 351; last days and death, 352–3; assessment, 403–4, 424–5

  Dudley, Ambrose, 420

  Dudley, Anne, 420

  Dudley, Sir Andrew, 419

  Dudley, Edmund (under Henry VII), 116, 119, 271

  Dudley, Lord Guildford: marriage sought with Margaret Clifford, 419; marriage to Lady Jane Grey, 260–1, 263; accompanies her to take possession of Tower, 269, 270; popular opposition to as king, 271; relationship with wife, 275, 281, 415–16; imprisoned in Tower, 276; and Jane’s trial, 282; death, 285–6, 405–6

  Dudley, John see Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of

  Dudley, Robert see Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of

  Durham, 344

  Easebourne Priory, 212–13, 215

  East Stoke, Battle of (1487), 90

  Edgecote Moor, Battle of (1469), 33

  Edinburgh: Holyrood Palace, 366

  Edmund, Prince (son of Henry VII), 86

  education, aristocratic, 27–8, 29

  Edward III, King of England, 18, 30

  Edward IV, King of England: appearance, background and character, 24, 30; at Wakefield, 24–5; proclaims himself king, 26; at Towton, 26; orders Jasper Tudor’s estates seized, 28; atmosphere of his court, 30, 42–3; propaganda, 30–1, 34; marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, 31–2, 34, 164; entertained by Margaret Beaufort, 32; betrayal by Warwick leads to exile in Burgundy, 33–5; recaptures throne, 36–8; orders capture of Henry VII and Jasper Tudor, 38–9; death, 43; Henry VIII’s likeness to, 125

  Edward V, King of England: accedes to throne, 43; taken into care of Richard III, 44–6; Richard III takes throne for himself, 46–9; declared illegitimate, 47; in the Tower, 48; rescue attempt fails, 51; death, 51–6, 57, 76–7, 91–2, 121–3, 129, 400, 401–2, 405–6

  Edward VI, King of England: appearance, 44, 253; birth, 216; reasons for name, 218; health as baby, 220; proposed marriage to Mary, Queen of Scots, 229–30; Holbein portrait, 232; closeness to Katherine Parr and Mary I, 232; Henry VIII appoints regents for, 235–6; proclaimed king, 239; his self-appointed Privy Council, 239–40; and religion, 243, 244–5, 249, 252, 253, 256, 257; formal entry into London, 243–4; reaction to Katherine Parr’s remarriage, 246; and coup against Somerset, 250; tries to make Mary I Protestant, 253, 254; majority, 254; ill health, 254; destroys Somerset while elevating his rival, 255; reception for Mary of Guise, 255–6; weapons training, 256; becomes involved in matters of state, 256; brief illness, 256–7; more ill health, 258–9; succession issue, 259–60, 263–4; last days and death, 261–6; assessment, 404–5

  Edward, Prince of Lancaster (Henry VI’s son), 19, 27, 31, 35, 38, 215

  Edward the Confessor, 115

  Elizabeth (film), 408

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland: appearance, 280, 299, 332, 357–8, 382–3, 390; birth and christening, 187–8; Hatfield household, 189; parents lavish care on, 194, 195, 201; declared illegitimate after mother’s death but still loved by Henry VIII, 206–7; at Edward VI’s christening, 216; named as one of his heirs, 230, 235; and religion, 233; father’s death announced to, 239; pursued by Thomas Seymour, 245–8; relations with Edward, 255–6, 258; he excludes from succession, 259, 264; watches events surrounding his illness, 262; seemingly accepts Lady Jane Grey as Edward’s successor, 264; at Mary I’s court, 279; Courtenay’s suit, 279; Mary excludes from succession, 280; as focus for Protestant opposition, 280; Dorset plots to put on throne, 283; put in Tower, 287, 288–90; moved to house arrest at Woodstock, 290; superficial reconciliation with Mary, 294; looks likely to succeed Mary, 295; relationship with her, 296–8; more plots in her favour, 296–7; Philip II attempts to find husband for her, 297–8; makes plans for her accession, 299; Mary’s influence on her, 301–2, 375, 406–7; accedes to throne, 301–2; arranges Mary’s funeral, 302–3; coronation, 304–7; regal style, 307; marriage issue, 307–9, 310, 312, 322–3, 335–6, 407; relationship with Leicester, 307–8, 310–11, 312–16, 319, 329; religious settlement, 309, 311, 329, 355–7, 407; first summer progress, 310–11; backs Scots rebellion against Mary of Guise, 311–12; Amy Robsart’s death, 313–14; threats to her throne and succession issues, 314–28, 330–4, 407; smallpox attack, 328–30; reaction to Mary, Queen of Scots’ marriage to Darnley, 336–8; reaction to Riccio’s death, 339; reaction to Darnley’s death, 340–1; imprisonment of Mary, 343–5; northern rebellion in support of Mary, 344–5; refuses to execute her, 345; allows Lennox to become James VI’s regent, 347; Ridolfi plot against, 347; reaction to Charles Stuart’s marriage, 349–50; ongoing relationship with Leicester, 354–5; Anjou match, 355, 357–9, 361; Virgin Queen concept, 358; Leicester remarries, 359–60; and Margaret Clifford, 360–1, 420–1; Catholics consider murdering, 361–2; vanity, 264; Bess of Hardwick’s scandalous rumours re, 364; her sudden death to ensure that of Mary, Queen of Scots, 365; agreement with James VI, 367; incurs Philip II’s enmity, 367–8; Babington plot, 368–9; and Mary, Queen of Scots’ death, 369–73; Pope Sixtus on, 374; and the Armada, 375–7, 378; Leicester’s death, 379; and Essex, 379, 384–5, 386, 388; succession issues become serious, 380–2, 386–7; deteriorating health, 385–6; last days and succession squabbles, 388–94; on popularity of rising stars, 16; death, 394–5; tomb, 407; glorification of memory, 408; in Belvoir Castle codex, 422; assessment, 395–6, 406–8

  Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of Henry VII), 86

  Elizabeth, Queen (Edward IV’s wife) see Woodville, Elizabeth

  Elizabeth, Queen (Henry VII’s wife) see Elizabeth of York

  Elizabeth of York: appearance, 99; character, 80; in sanctuary at Westminster Abbey, 46; marriage to Henry VII negotiated by Margaret Beaufort, 53–4, 56; Henry VII vows to marry, 60; rumours that Richard III plans to marry, 62; Henry VII in no hurry to marry, 77; marriage to Henry VII, 79–81; significance of marriage, 3; moved during pregnancy to Winchester, 81–2; Arthur’s birth, 83–4; relationship with Margaret Beaufort, 85–6; birth of rest of family, 85–6; coronation, 90–1; relationship with Henry VII, 95, 100; at Henry VIII’s investiture as Duke of York, 95; at Arthur’s marriage, 107; developing relationship with Henry VII, 107; and Margaret’s marriage to James IV, 109; and Arthur’s death, 110–11; death, 111; tomb, 4, 115; in Holbein fresco, 218; and Elizabeth I’s coronation, 305

  Empson, Richard, 119

  Erasmus, Desiderius, 103–4, 134, 153, 171

  Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of, 379–80, 383–5, 386, 388, 395

  executions, ritual of, 208

  Exeter, siege of (1497), 100

  Exeter, Marchioness of, 196, 197

  Exeter, Henry Courtenay, Marquess of, 187, 188, 196–7, 219

  Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of, 42

  Eye, Suffolk, 55

  families: Tudor-era attitude, 423

  Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 99, 100, 101, 125

  Feria, Count of, 300–1, 302, 307–9, 310, 364, 395

  Ferrer, St Vincent, 60, 101, 116

  Field of Cloth of Gold, 156–7

  Fisher, John: promoted by Henry VII, 116; delivers his obituary sermon, 120; on Margaret Beaufort’s reaction to Henry VIII’s coronation, 127; at her death, 127–8; gives her obituary sermon, 128; Wolsey asks for opinion on Henry VIII’s annulment, 171; murder attempt against, 180; imprisoned, 190; made cardinal, 190–1; death, 192

  Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond: birth, 155; made Duke of Richmond and Somerset, 160–1; relationship with Anne Boleyn, 184–5; at execution of Carthusians, 192; Henry claims Anne intended to poison, 204; terminal illness, 210, death, 211

  Fitzroy, Mary, Duchess of Richmond, 193, 198, 235

  Fitzwilliam, Sir William, 213

  Flodden, Battle of (1513), 135–7

  Florio, Michel Angelo, 418

  Fontenay, Albert de, 365–7

  Fotheringhay Castle, 370–1

  Fowler, Thomas, 353

  Foxe, John, 234; Book of Martyrs, 357, 418

  Framlingham Castle, 262, 274

  France: Henry VIII’s ambitions to win, 124–5; his first campaign, 133–4, 137; Henry VIII makes peace with Louis XII and marries sister to him, 139–44; Louis succeeded by Francis I, 145; Mary I betrothed to his heir, 155; Field of Cloth of Gold, 156–7; defeat at Pavia, 159; Henry VIII realises his ambitions will never be realised, 159–60; possible French marriage for Mary I negotiated, 161; Henry VIII’s second campaign, 231; Northumberland seeks backing in event of Charles V invading England, 265; Mary I’s war against, 298–9; Elizabeth I makes peace, 301–2, 308; likely to resist Leicester marriage, 308; Henri II’s death, 309–10; Francis II’s death, 316; Elizabeth’s attack on Le Havre, 329; pressurises Elizabeth to release Margaret Douglas, 337–8; possible Anjou match for Elizabeth, 355, 357–9, 361; St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 357; reaction to Mary, Queen of Scots’ death, 372, 373; supports Arbella Stuart as Elizabeth’s heir, 393


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