Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2)

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Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2) Page 1

by Lindsay Paige

  Off the Ice

  Book Two in The Penalty Kill Trilogy

  Lindsay Paige & Mary Smith

  Off the Ice

  Copyright 2013 by Lindsay Paige and Mary Smith

  This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this book to anyone else.

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  All rights reserved. Except for the use of short passages for review purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced, in part or in whole, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, or any information retrieval system, without prior permission in the form of writing by the authors.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any actual places, products, or events mentioned are used in a purely fictitious manner.

  Cover Designed by: Damonza

  Edited by: K² Editing


  To our fans who have fallen in love with these characters alongside with us.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter One



  “Ugh, I can’t believe we’re back already. Doesn’t it feel like we just left for break yesterday?” I look over at my twin brother, Trevor, as he is eating his lunch.

  “Seems that way, but you’re wrong. It’s been longer than yesterday.” I shrug at his response as I pick at my salad. I’m taking a heavy load of classes this year, but I think it will be good for me. Plus, it will look really good on law school applications.

  “Okay, I’m required to ask, how is Levi?” Trevor huffs out.

  “Required?” I look at him confused.

  “Yeah, isn’t there an unwritten rule that I’m required to ask about your boyfriend?”

  “I don’t think it’s a rule, but it’s polite. Anyway, he’s fine. He’s been going over to his dad’s a lot still.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad that his dad is okay. Speaking of Dad,” Trevor trails off and looks at me.

  “No, I don’t want to talk about Dad, Mom, or any of the above.” Even though I thought my parents and I were making some headway on our relationships, it took a backseat when I decided to spend Christmas with Levi and his dad. I made the decision not to go to our family dinner and it was the first time I ever defied my dad. However, being with Levi and Victor was where I wanted to be, and I enjoyed myself.

  “I’m just saying it was really strange not having you there with us.”

  “Really? No one talks to me but you when I’m there anyway.”

  “I don’t want to argue, Twin. I’m just talking.” Trevor holds up in hands in defense.

  “I don’t mean it that way. I’m just under a lot of stress. I’m sorry.”

  “Stress? Have you seen the workout plan that Dad’s put me on?” I can’t help but laugh. My brother is on the fast track to the NHL. Our father has had that plan set in stone for Trevor since the day he picked up a hockey stick and put on skates.

  “Listen, I’ve got to run to the next class.” I jump up and peck his cheek as I rush out into the cold winter air. I’m about to go into the classroom when my phone buzzes. I look down and see it’s a text from Levi.

  Levi: School sucks. Wanna take a nap? ;)

  A smile spreads across my face as I read the text. My boyfriend is so sweet and funny.

  Me: Wish I could =( I’m going into class

  Levi: guess I will wait till dinner, 6?

  Me: see you then <3

  I try to get comfortable in the crappy seat in the classroom, but my head keeps thinking about Levi. We had a rocky start, but we’re working through it. I can’t wait for dinner tonight. We haven’t really spent a lot of time together since getting back on campus. His dad had a heart attack and is still recovering. Levi didn’t even want to leave his side, but his dad told him he had to come back to school. Levi has big plans to go into the NHL, too. However, he has a career goal to work in a laboratory that creates medications. My goal is just to make it through this semester and get to law school.

  I suffer through the class and make a note that I’ll need energy drinks for that class to stay awake. I brave the cold winter air again as I head to my apartment. I’ve got a few hours before Levi comes and gets me. I throw my books onto my kitchen table and try to figure out if I’m taking on too much. I shake my head to release the negative thoughts. I can do this, I can do this. Maybe if I say that a thousand more times it’ll sink in. I just turn my back on the pile of school work and head to the bedroom. I wasn’t sure what we were doing tonight, so I decided to dress semi casual.

  I jump into the shower and begin to get ready. I’m halfway done when there is a knock on my door. When I open it, Levi’s blue eyes are staring back at me.

  “You’re early.” I put my hands on my hips and stare at him.

  “I figure we could have an appetizer.” He wags his eyebrows up and down.

  I laugh as his lips crash into mine.

  “Smarty, I’ve missed you so much.” Levi rests his forehead on mine.

  “Missed you too.” He is guiding me to the bedroom, and I know that we will never leave if we get there. “I need to finish getting ready.”

  “You’re beautiful.” He gently kisses my lips. “Let’s just stay in tonight,” he whispers in my ear, and I feel my knees give.

  I know that if I don’t get away from him, we really wouldn’t leave. “No, I’m hungry.”

  “Mmm, me too.”

  “Pervert.” I slap his shoulder and pull away from him. I finish curling my hair as I hear ESPN in the background. I head into the living room, and I see that Levi is stretched out on my couch, asleep. He has been running like mad between campus and his dad’s house, and I know that he is tired. He looks so peaceful, and I don’t want to wake him, even though I’m hungry. I set my phone alarm and curl up next to him. He instantly throws his arms around me and pulls me close to him. I can smell his aftershave, and I gently kiss his lips. I lay there and bask in his warm arms.


  When I wake up, I’m in my bed. I look around and see that Levi isn’t here. I switch my light on. My clock says four AM. I look at Levi’s pillow and there is a note on it.

  Wish I was here when you woke up!

  Maybe we can do dinner another night.

  Forever yours,


  He might be a brute on the ice, but he’s really a teddy bear. I switch the light off and curl up with his pillow, falling back asleep.

  Chapter Two


  Every day feels like a blessing since that day in the hospital when Presley came back to me. Pops got better and Presley spent Christmas with us. He loves her almost as much as I do. I think a lot of it has to do with finally having a woman around again. Especially when that woman is Presley.

  I’m sitting in my dreaded morning class and my phone vibrates with a text from Presley.

  Smarty: Wish you had stayed :(

  Me: Want me to make it up to you tonight?

  I smile when she tells me I better. Gah, I love my girl. Shaking my head, I try to focus. Classes already suck this semester, but if that’s what it takes to get the degree I want, then I’ll suffer. Lunch rolls around and I meet Harper and Nichols at the diner. Things aren’t the same between us, but we get along.

  “How’s Presley?” Nichols asks.

  He asks me every time he sees me. I think he still feels guilty about everything that happened and this is his way of checking in on us. “She’s good. We’re good, man.” He nods, but I press forward. “We’re all good, Nichols. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have had anything to tell her to start with. Don’t worry about it anymore.”

  “Aw, my best buds are making up,” Harper gushes like a girl before barking out a laugh.

  “Shut the hell up,” I laugh, “but seriously,” I turn back to Nichols, “we’re fine.”

  Nichols nods and the conversation turns to hockey, bunnies, and classes for this semester. “Are we going on a big spring break trip again?” Nichols asks.

  “I don’t know what Pres has planned,” I start, quickly interrupted by Harper making sounds like a whip. He ignores my glare and starts talking about possible destinations. It’s a couple months away to start with, but that’s the next big thing we have to look forward to. The mention of beaches has my mind thinking about Smarty in a bikini. Good God, what a sight that would be.

  Pulling out my phone, I send her a text asking if she has one. When she says yes, I want to run over there right that second. But I don’t. Instead, I devise a plan where I will get to see her in a bikini in January.

  After lunch and my classes, I workout before heading to Presley’s. A smile plays on my lips on how working out is a win-win for me. One because it’s good to stay in shape for hockey. Two because Presley loves how fit I am. Getting to her apartment can’t happen fast enough, and I have to make a pitstop before I can go to ensure that my plan will work.

  I knock and wait for her to answer. The door opens, a smile quickly capturing those lips I love so much when she spies the strawberry milkshake in my hand. It feels like she’s on to my devious little plan because she only lets me in after I hand her the milkshake.

  “Thanks, Levi.” She stands on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “But this wouldn’t have anything to do with the text you sent me at lunch, would it?” One of her eyebrows quirks up.

  “Smarty,” I chide. “You know me better than that.” I grab her hips and pull her against me, leaning down to whisper into her ear. “I don’t have to bribe you to get what I want.” She inhales sharply before regaining her composure, slapping my arm.

  “You’re ruthless. C’mon, let’s sit down.” Presley drags me to the couch and pushes me down, my suspicions raising a red flag when she doesn’t sit. I watch silently as she sets the cup on the coffee table and says, “You better be glad I love you and you better hope my milkshake doesn’t melt.”

  My breathing immediately halts as grabs the hem of her sweatshirt, slowing lifting it to reveal a bare stomach and then a light blue string bikini top. I want to lean forward and kiss her stomach, but my eyes are glued to her hands that drop the sweatshirt and move to the top of her sweatpants. I gulp as she wiggles out to reveal a pair of bottoms just as skimpy as the top.

  “You don’t wear this in public, do you?” I ask, my eyes traveling up her body to her eyes as she comes to straddle me.

  “Mmhmm,” she murmurs against my neck with a kiss.

  “Not anymore.”

  Smarty giggles, pulling away to look at me. “Do you really think you can tell me what to do, Levi?” she whispers, dragging a lone finger over my chest. “More importantly, do you think I will listen and do what you want?”

  “There is no doubt in my mind that you will do whatever you want, Presley.” I clutch her hips, trying to keep my hands in place for the moment, but the pure need to run these hands all over her is getting to me. “I can only hope you will consider what you wearing this in public will do to me.”

  Presley smiles mischievously, coming forward a little to rest her ass over the exact spot my pants bulge. “I know exactly what wearing this does to you, Levi, and I can only imagine the effect it will have on you when I wear it in public where you can’t so obviously touch me.”

  I chuckle. “Don’t tease me, Smarty.” I grant my hands permission to leave her hips, dragging them up her back, over her shoulders, down her breasts and to her stomach. I slide my hands over the top of her thighs, but drop them to the inside on my venture back up. My eyes stay on Presley’s watching her reaction unfold before me. When I reach the top of her thighs, I take my hands up her back, pulling the string of her top with one hand until it comes undone and the other running underneath her hair to her neck.

  She comes easily, kissing me softly. Her lips part and her tongue roughly searches for mine, making me groan. A knock on the door rips her away from me. Who the hell is here? Presley seems surprised as well as she leaves me to go answer the door.

  “I’ll get it,” I say hurriedly, getting up and passing her. “Tie your top, Smarty, and go put your clothes back on.” Whoever it is, they don’t need to see her in a bathing suit, much less one that is about to fall off her. After I make sure that’s what she’s going to do, I open the door, blocking any view one may have of the inside.

  Glaring, I find a dorky looking, short guy wearing glasses, a plaid long sleeve shirt, and jeans. My towering size doesn’t seem to intimidate him at all and it pisses me off just a little.

  “May I help you?” I ask.

  “I’m looking for Presley.”

  Who the hell is this guy? He’s definitely not a hockey player and I’ve never seen him before yet here he is, asking for my girlfriend. Before I can answer, Presley squeals, pushes past me, and jumps into the guy’s arms.

  “Zack! Oh my God! How are you?”

  “You didn’t forget about me, did you?” He smiles at her.

  “Of course not! How could I forget about you? How was it? I want to know all the details!”

  I clear my throat before he can speak, making Presley aware of my presence.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Levi.” Presley turns back to the guy and says, “Zack, this is my boyfriend, Levi Carr. Levi, this is my friend Zack Jones. He spent last semester studying abroad and the jackass is just now getting around to coming to see me!” She slaps his arm, much like she has done to me many times before and laughs.

  Zack sticks his hand out and I shake it. “Nice to meet you,” I lie. Couldn’t the little fucker pick a better time to stop by besides the time where I’m about to fuck my girlfriend? My girlfriend who is wearing a tiny bikini underneath those sweats, and I can’t haul her to the bedroom because of him.

  As if sensing my displeasure with him, Zack looks to her and asks, “Pres, is it a bad time?”

  “Yes,” I say at the same time Presley says, “Of course not.” She cuts a glare at me, and I smirk back. C’mon, Smarty, I silently beg, make him come back later.

/>   “We were just hanging out, Zack. Come in and you can tell us all about your trip!”

  “It’s alright, Pres. We’ll have lunch tomorrow, okay?”

  “Zack, it’s fine.”

  “I’ll text you,” he says in a decline to her offer. Maybe it’s just because of the confident vibe he gives off with his hand on Presley’s back or maybe it’s the kiss he places on her cheek before he leaves, but I don’t like him.

  “Who is he exactly?” I ask once we’re back on the couch, but Presley is sitting beside me and not in my lap, her milkshake and bikini forgotten. For her anyway.

  “He was a friend of Trevor’s before he moved away with Dad. After Trev left, Zack would keep an eye on me and study with me. He’s a good friend of mine, Marley’s, and Trevor’s.”

  “Did you date him?” I ask flatly, not liking the thought of an ex hanging around.

  Once her surprise disappears, she drills me. “Levi Carr, please tell me you are not one of those jealous ‘You can’t hang out with any other guys’ jackasses. We’re just friends.”

  Chuckling, I take her hand to tug her into my lap. “No, Smarty. I’m not. You can hang out with all the guys you want. I was just trying to figure out who he is to you. You’ve never mentioned him before,” I say softly.

  “That’s because he was studying abroad. Wait.” She tilts her head, watching me with squinting eyes. “Not that you should be, but you weren’t jealous at all just then? I mean, before I told you who he was, I was in his arms giving him a hug and then he pecked my cheek before he left. You weren’t jealous? Not even a little bit?”


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