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Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2)

Page 3

by Lindsay Paige

  “Mhm,” is all she says, her eyes closed. When I pull out of her and get up to throw away the condom, she tugs on my arm, eyes bright. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Laughing, I say, “Wanting me again already?”

  Presley shrugs, releasing my arm. When I come back from the bathroom, she’s got all the covers wrapped around her. I put on my pants and say, “Smarty, don’t you have a class this morning?”

  She groans and rolls over. “And your point is?”

  “That you need to get up.” Walking over, I place a kiss on her forehead. “Maybe you should wear a strapless shirt or something.”

  “It’s winter. Why would I do that?”

  With a cocky grin, I nod at her slightly red shoulder. “So everyone can see it.”

  Presley laughs, throwing a pillow at me. “You’re ridiculous, Levi. Maybe you should go shirtless.” She raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Marking your territory again, Presley,” I chide knowing that I must have marks on my back. I try and fail to hide my grin. She can mark me all she wants. “C’mon and get up before I change my mind about making you go to class.”

  My phone rings, but Presley picks it up first, a small frown on her face. “It’s my brother.”

  “Well, answer it.”

  “Everything okay, Trev?” she answers. I take a seat beside her on the bed and watch as she smiles. “Are you two becoming friends?” she asks with a glance at me. “Okay,” she says a second later, holding my phone out to me.

  “Hey, McCarthy.” Why is he calling me?

  “Carr,” he greets. “I was, um, wondering if you wanted to get your team together for a scrimmage later? Figured it would be better than us practicing on our own.”

  Oh. “Yeah, sure. No problem. When?”

  “When what?” Presley asks.

  “Quit being nosey, Smarty,” I tell her.

  McCarthy groans and says, “Tomorrow, 7:30?”

  “We’ll be there.”

  Chapter Five


  My morning and afternoon classes went better than I thought they would go. Maybe it had to do with my morning with Levi. I can’t help the smile that is plastered on my face. Plus, it’s great to see Trevor and him getting along.

  I walk into my apartment and toss my bags down. I hear my phone ringing and when I see the display, dread comes over me. The display says Dad.

  “Hello, Daddy,” I try to sound cheerful because Dad doesn’t like when I’m down.

  “Presley, I need Marley’s phone number please.” That’s a strange sentence. I really wasn’t expecting that.

  “Um, may I ask why?”

  “I’m keeping track of Trevor’s grades and they aren’t up to the par that I want. He needs a tutor and I know Marley has already taken these classes.”

  “Daddy, the semester just started. Give him a chance.”

  “He needs to focus on school and working out. He’s going to be in the NHL and they won’t draft him if he loses his scholarship and his position on the team.”

  “So, how did you know about his grades? Are you checking up on us?”

  “I’m checking up on him. I’m not concerned about your grades.” He made sure to throw that last part in there. He never cares about what I do. I’m just a girl and really a nobody in the family.

  I’m not in the mood to listen to his crap today. “Oh, that’s right, Daddy. I’m just no one in the family.”

  “I highly suggest that you watch your tone, young lady. I’m not concerned about you because you have Levi. He’ll keep you in line and secure your future.”

  “Excuse me?” I shout at him. “Keep me in line? Are you serious? This isn’t 1613, Daddy. It’s 2013 and I have my own plans, remember?” My blood is boiling. How dare he talk to me like that.

  “Talk to your daughter.” I’m not sure who he is talking to until my mother comes on the line.

  “Presley Marie, this conversation is over. Now, give us Marley’s number. Do it for your brother.”

  “Why are you with Daddy?” My parents had been divorced for years and have barely spoken to each other. Or so I thought.

  “That is none of your concern. Now, stop arguing with your father and give us the number.” I hear my dad ask for the phone again.

  “Presley, do this for your brother.” My father is just saying that because he knows that I’ll do anything for my brother.

  “Fine.” I give him Marley’s number.

  “Thank you, Presley. Oh, and I put more money in your account.” And then he hangs up.

  Of course, he put money in my account, because that is what he does. Every single time. I know exactly what to do. I go to my laptop and log into my bank account. I look at the amount and just roll my eyes. An ‘I love you’ or ‘great job’ would mean more to me than this. I transfer half of it into an interest bearing account. I know that I shouldn’t hide money, especially from Dad, but I need to be sure that my law school will be taken care of. Yes, I want to be independent, but I’m not an idiot. I know how much law school is going to cost.

  Plus, what is the deal with my mother being there? They’re never together. My parents divorced because my mother kept climbing the corporate ladder and my dad wanted a ‘house wife’ more than a ‘working woman’. I hate that he thinks Levi is going to take care of me. I’ll do this on my own, as much as I can. I shake my head and clear my thoughts. I grab my books and figure out what I need to do for my classes. I begin to study and figure out my timelines for my research papers.

  Before I know it, it’s dinner time. I text Levi to see what he’s doing. Then I text Marley to see if my dad contacted her. I sit my phone down and head into my bedroom and change into some comfy sweats. Maybe I will order take out tonight. It’s supposed to snow anyway. After tying my hair up in a messy bun, I go back to the kitchen.

  Marley: Looks like I’m an official employee of McCarthy, Inc

  Me: Ha! That isn’t the name of my dad’s medical practice

  Marley: Either way … I’m getting $$$

  Me: Trev know yet? He hasn’t called me yet

  Marley: He will soon enough

  Just then my phone rings.

  “Hey, Twin,” I sing out.

  “Shut. Up. Do you know about this crap plan Dad came up with?” Trevor is very upset.

  “Well, some of it. I did give him Marley’s number.” Trevor begins rattling about Dad’s plan for an extensive workout and study schedule.

  “I’m glad that he doesn’t care about me and didn’t put me on that schedule.”

  “Ugh, that’s not true, Pres. They care. They’re just weird.”

  “Not in the mood to talk about it. I need to study and apparently, you do too.” I laugh at him and then hang up.

  I still haven’t heard from Levi, but I assume he is having ‘guy time’ with his friends. I decide that takeout Thai food will be the best thing to drown my misery. As soon as I order, I pop in a DVD of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. It’s my favorite of the trilogy, and I wait for my food to come.

  When it arrives, I eat with nothing but the background noise of the movie behind me. I can’t stand it another minute. I call Levi’s phone, but goes to voicemail. I try to sound cheerful.

  “Hey, Levi, just wanted to say goodnight. Love you.” On the inside, I’m about to scream to figure out where he is. Oh no, maybe I’m the jealous one and not Levi. I slap my hand to my forehead. I’m acting like a possessive child over a piece of candy. Suddenly, my phone rings. I don’t even look at the display.


  “I will give you $200 to come get him right now.”

  “Victor? Take who? Levi?”

  Victor sighs. “I made the mistake when I talked to him this morning that the Christmas lights were still strung on the front porch. He has been here all day, taking down all the decorations, cleaning, and packing stuff into the attic. Don’t get me wrong. I love my son, but he’s driving me insane.” I laugh at him a
nd then I mentally kick my ass thinking anything bad about Levi.

  “Well, he just wants to make sure that you’re okay.”

  “I know, but please keep him on track. I don’t want him to fall behind in his studies.”

  “You have my word, Victor.” I smile. He’s such a great man. I hear Levi in the background.

  “Hang on.” Victor must have covered the phone, and I hear their muffled voices.

  “Smarty, I’m heading back to campus. Pop’s is throwing me out of the house.”

  I laugh. “You’re smothering him. He knows his limits.”

  Levi sighs. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the scrimmage.”

  “Deal. Love you.”

  “Love you.”

  I have to sigh and relax against the back of the couch. I can’t believe that I didn’t trust him. Even for a split second. I know Levi better than that. I get up, shut off the TV, lock my door, and climb into bed.

  Chapter Six


  You’re smothering him. Presley’s words have been nagging me since she said it yesterday. Sure, I call him a lot more and I go over more, but that doesn’t mean I’m “smothering” him, right? He needs someone to check up on him. If I don’t, who will?

  No one.

  Exactly. I am not smothering him, Smarty. Shaking my head, I focus on the scrimmage. It’s not really intense, but more like a bunch of guys enjoying playing the game. I still talk trash to McCarthy and it’s still fun, but now it’s because he’s Presley’s brother and not because I want to mess with this head.

  “Couldn’t take the time to stuff my gloves with gum or cut my laces? You’re slacking, Carr.”

  I grin. “Aw, you do miss me! Presley will be so happy to hear that you want to be my friend. I draw the line at actually hanging out with you, though.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Carr.” He glares but then lets out a small chuckle.

  The game is easy flowing, but we still get in a decent practice with it. Afterwards, I wrap an arm around Presley’s waist as McCarthy walks up to us. Marley is standing with us as well.

  “Please tell me that you’re here to talk to your sister and not to ask me to hang out,” I smirk. He rolls his eyes and Pres asks what we’re talking about. “Your brother wants to be my friend. Isn’t that right, McCarthy? He even misses my little pranks.”

  McCarthy ignores me completely and looks to the girls. “Mom wants you to call her, Pres.” Smarty tenses beside me, nodding tersely and I wonder what happened now. “Do you want me to walk you to your car, Mar?”

  Marley looks to us and then to McCarthy. “Sure, I, uh,” she pauses for just a second, “I have to talk to you about our sessions anyway.”

  They say goodbye and walk away. That was weird, but whatever. I dip my head down and kiss below Presley’s ear. “What happened?” I whisper.

  She shrugs. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

  Her mood has shifted completely, and I don’t like it at all. Sometimes, I wish I could wring her parents’ necks and make them see the amazing girl in front of them. I wish she could have had parents like mine. Parents that would always be there for her and make her feel like she is a part of the family. Instead she’s stuck with these jackasses who make her feel like she means nothing to them.

  Presley tells me that she doesn’t want to go in anywhere, so I run through the drive thru and we head back to her place. I don’t say anything, but I watch as she picks at her food. After lifting her fork and then putting it back down twice, I can’t help myself.

  “What happened, Smarty?” I ask softly, setting my fork down and reaching out to take her hand.

  Presley sighs. “Same old shit, Levi. I’m just a girl who they don’t need to worry about because apparently my boyfriend will keep me ‘in line’ and take care of me because I obviously can’t take care of myself. Are you fucking kidding me?” Her chair scrapes across the floor as she stands, goes to the fridge, and pulls out a beer. Did she just say fuck? Before I can say thing, she’s talking and cussing again. “I’m getting so fucking tired of this, Levi. So tired. What do I have to do to prove myself? What will make them see that I’m just as good as Trevor, because I am, right?” Her eyes focus on me, and I realize that she wants an answer.

  “C’mere, Smarty.” She sits sideways in my lap and chugs back some beer. I take it from her and set it on the table with a thump. “Look at me,” I whisper, hooking a finger under her chin to make her, just in case she decides not to do it on her own. Presley’s eyes are sad and angry. “Presley, first of all, you know that I know you’re independent and completely capable of taking care of yourself, okay?” I run a hand through her red hair. “You shouldn’t have to prove yourself at all and you are just as good as your brother. If you ask me, I would tell you in a heartbeat that you’re better.

  “Smarty, maybe you just need to go to them both and tell them how you feel. Or stop communicating at all. Whatever is best for you.”

  “Maybe,” she shrugs before resting her head on my shoulder.

  “Hey, Pres?”


  “When did you get such a potty mouth?”

  Her laugh is genuine, and I’m thrilled that I can make her laugh when she feels like she does. “I’m just so fed up,” she whispers.

  “I know, Smarty. I know.”

  “I think I’m going to go to bed. Thanks for supper.” Presley stands and goes to walk to her room.

  “Want me to stay?” I call after her. She’s worrying me a little and even if she tells me to go, I probably won’t. “I’m asking to be polite,” I add.

  Faintly, I hear a giggle. “C’mon then.”

  Chapter Seven


  I wake up to an empty bed. I’m a little disappointed, but I know that Levi has to go clear across town to get ready and go to class. I lay in bed staring at my ceiling. Last night, I really needed to hear those words from Levi. He keeps me sane. Just another reason why I love him.

  My phone is buzzing to alert me of a text message and I see that it’s from Trevor:

  Please remember that I love you very much.

  What the hell does that mean? My display changes and it says: Mom. Oh, hell. Mom must have talked to Trevor first.

  “Hello, Mom.”

  “Presley Marie, I do believe your brother told you last night to call me. Am I correct?”

  It’s way too early for this. “Yeah, he did.”

  “Then why didn’t you call me last night?”

  “Because I was fucking my boyfriend instead.”

  “PRESLEY MARIE McCARTHY!” My mother screams so loud, my ears ring.

  Okay, maybe that wasn’t the brightest thing to say. I sit up, trying to compose myself. “I’m sorry Mom. That was out of line and it wasn’t the truth, I promise. I was just having a stressful day and I went to bed early.”

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, but you need to straighten up.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I huff.

  “Now, I called for a purpose. I spoke to your brother already and we’re having a family dinner tonight.” I roll my eyes. A family dinner means awkward silence for an hour. “It’ll be us four, Levi and Marley.”

  “What? Why subject Levi and Marley to our family problems?”

  “For one reason, Levi is part of your life and I would like to get to know him better. Plus, Marley is tutoring Trevor and she’s been your friend since you were a child. I thought it would be nice.”

  “I’m sure Levi and Marley have plans-”

  My mother cuts me off. “No, they don’t. Trevor took care of that since you were too lazy to call me last night.”

  Again, I roll my eyes. What’s the point of even having a conversation? “Fine. What time?”

  “Six and we’re going to the Royal, so please none of that dumb hockey crap that you wear.”

  I have the urge to wear daisy duke shorts and a Sidney Crosby jersey tonight, but I know better. She hangs up before anything els
e is said. I’m so glad that I only have afternoon classes today, because today is going to suck. My phone rings and I see Levi’s stunning smile on the display.

  “Well, how’s your morning going, Smarty?”

  I just groan.

  “Yeah, I figured that. Trevor called me.”

  I groan again and flop back on the bed.

  “It’ll be okay, Smarty. I’ll be there around five-thirty to get you, okay?”

  “Well, fuck.”

  Levi busts out laughing. “You know you’re pretty badass when you say that.”

  “See you tonight.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you.”


  My classes sucked. My lunch sucked, and everything in between sucked. I’m not looking forward to tonight. Marley is here, and we’re getting ready. I pick out a lavender, flowing, thigh high dress. I know it’s a little short for Mom’s taste, but that is my rebellion. I slip on matching colored high heels and slip back into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. I decide to put my hair up in a high bun. Levi loves my neck.

  “So, do you know why your parents wanted me to come?” Marley’s in a black A-line mini dress and it has a black chiffon overlay. She’s wearing the brightest pink shoes with flawless makeup and hair.

  “They feel you’re part of the family. Welcome,” I say sarcastically. Marley laughs then gets a serious look.

  “Um, not that you don’t look hot, but are you going to cover that?” She points to my shoulder, and I look into the mirror to see a faded bite mark on my shoulder.

  “It’s not that bad. If they ask, I’ll tell them I was attacked by an animal.”

  Marley scoffs. “An animal named Levi.” I can’t help but blush.

  “Girls, are you ready yet?” Trevor shouts as he opens the door.

  “Don’t rush perfection, jerk,” Marley shouts back, and I hear Trevor laugh.

  “Are you done?” I ask her after I finish my touch ups and she nods. We grab our purses and coats off the bed and head towards the boys.

  “Holy shit.” Trevor’s jaw drops as he looks at us.

  “You’re drooling there, buddy.” Levi pats his shoulder, and Trevor shoots him a dirty look. Marley and I just giggle at the boys.


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