Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2)

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Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2) Page 12

by Lindsay Paige

  With an empty net and extra defender on the ice, the crowd goes crazy. The puck drops and Penguins have control.

  Fifteen seconds.

  Number eighteen passes to number seventy one.

  Ten seconds.

  Number seventy one passes to number nine.

  Five seconds.

  Number nine passes back to seventy one, who shoots and … scores.


  We won. The crowd is jumping, screaming, yelling, and whistling, and the team is celebrating on the ice. It’s the greatest win I’ve personally seen. I’m screaming so loud my head and throat hurts, but I can’t believe it.

  On the other hand, Victor falls in his chair in defeat. I feel bad for him for one second before I begin to scream louder.

  “Okay, Smarty, you can stop jumping now.” Levi is standing next to me holding my shoulders down.

  “Did you see that? Did. You. See. That.” I need to say it slowly in hopes that I’m not dreaming.

  “I was standing right here when it happened.”

  “Well, that sucked,” Victor grumbles.

  “Oh, Victor, maybe next time.” I gently pat his shoulder and give him a sympathetic look.

  “I think you’re teasing me, child.” It’s the first time he has ever given me a stern look, and I bust out laughing.

  “Well, shall we head down to the meet and greet?” Levi points down by the benches where people are already lining up.

  My breathing picks up, and my hands begin to sweat. I’m about to be in the same room as the world’s greatest players. My legs are weak as we walk down towards the benches. I’m squeezing Levi’s hand tighter and tighter as we get closer.

  “If you break my hand, I can’t play hockey,” Levi whispers in my ear.

  “Sorry, I feel like I’m going to faint.”

  Levi laughs. “If you faint, I will die laughing at you.”

  “If I faint, I pray Geno gives me mouth to mouth,” I quip back at him. Levi stops in the middle of the aisle and looks at me.


  “Oh, stop being jealous and walk. It’s my birthday.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Well, it’s her birthday present.” Victor finally helps me out. “Now, walk Levi, so we can get this over with.” I look at Victor and smile at him. I know that he really doesn’t want to go into the meet and greet, but he’s a great sport and does anyway.

  They let us in a few at a time and I’m shaking more as we get closer. Levi’s rubbing my shoulders as we enter the room. There are a total of eight players in the room and I can’t catch my breath as I see all my favorite players are in here. Sidney, Geno, Flower, Neal, Dupuis, Orpik, and Vital were all there. Levi takes me by the hand to the closest player to where we are standing. Levi’s a natural at talking to the players as we get autographs and talk to them. I finally relax a bit as we make our way around the room. As soon as it started, it is over, and we are leaving the room.

  My heart rate slows as we head back to the hotel. In my hand, I hold my program with the players’ signatures on it, like it is the Holy Grail. I keep telling Victor thank you over and over again. He chuckles and tells me ‘you’re welcome’.

  We say goodnight to Victor and head back to our room. I should be tired from all the excitement from today, but I’m not. Levi comes up behind me and kisses the nape of my neck.

  “I don’t even have to ask if you had fun today.” His whisper sends chills down my spine.

  I lean back on him. “I’ve had the greatest day.”

  “I’m glad, Smarty. I love you.”

  I never grow tired of hearing those words. “I love you too.”

  I turn around in his arms and look up at him. He leans down and kisses me. His soft lips are hypnotic as are his hands squeezing my hips. He guides me over to the bed, and I lay down. His body covers mine as our kiss deepens. I don’t know how long he kisses me. All I know is that I want to stay in his arms forever.

  “Why don’t you change, Smarty? We need some sleep since we are heading out tomorrow.”

  I slightly pout my lips. “We haven’t had sex in a while, Levi.”

  “I know, but I’m actually tired. I don’t want to be tired driving back tomorrow.” He kisses my lips and then rolls off of me. I can’t help be a little disappointed, but I understand. I get up and head to the bathroom and change into my night clothes.

  When I come out of the bathroom, Levi is already in the bed with the sheet just covering his lower half of his body. I still can’t get enough of his chiseled chest and abs. Trevor and he have been working out with the program my dad recommended and I have to say that it’s working.

  I turn off the lights and crawl into bed with him. I lay my head on his chest and smile. There is nowhere I would rather be.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The weekend with Pops and Presley was awesome, but midterms are right around the corner. Today, I’m stuck at the library between classes to study and work on an assignment due tomorrow. I’ve been here for a little bit, but my eyes are already starting to cross.

  “Hey, Levi.”

  I look up to see Sunny plopping down in the seat next to me. “Hey,” I mutter, looking back at my textbook.

  “I just wanted to apologize for that day at the gym. It wasn’t a good day for me and although I’m not the greatest girl out there, I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

  I glance at Sunny, who is more serious than I’ve ever seen her. “You mean asking if my girlfriend would be okay with either me sleeping with you or a threesome?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

  She laughs softly. “Yeah. That. I’m not that kind of girl, Levi. You know that.”

  “Coulda fooled me, but it’s okay. I’ve got to study, though.” I motion to my books.

  “Yeah, sure.” Sunny stands and pushes in her chair. “Hey, question. I saw your girl with this really cute guy and that blonde chick at one of the deli’s outside of town. Who’s the guy? Does he go to RU?”

  “Are you talking about McCarthy?” I describe him, but Sunny shakes her head.

  “I know who he is. I don’t think this guy is a hockey player. He’s shorter, wears glasses-”

  “He’s not a hockey player,” I interrupt. “And he doesn’t go to RU. His name is Zack.”

  “Well, he’s cute in that dorky, smart guy kind of way. But I’ll let you study. Later, Levi.”

  Sunny walks away and I wonder what the hell Smarty was doing with Zack after his drunken performance the last time he came by her apartment? Shaking my head, I finish my studying.


  I’m laying in my bed and decide to call Presley. She answers on the fourth ring. “Hey, Smarty. How was your day?”

  “Good. Yours?” she asks.

  “Just fine. Wore myself out studying, though. I’m ready for these damn midterms to be over with.”

  “You’re telling me. Just think how afterwards, we’ll be at the beach together.”

  “And you’ll wear a bathing suit similar to what an old granny would, right? Not that blue bikini?” Just the memory of the last time I saw her wearing that bikini, makes me want to go see her. Presley’s laugh brings me back to our conversation.

  “I like my bathing suit, Levi. And you know I wouldn’t mind if you couldn’t control yourself while we’re gone, but I would like to at least go to the beach a few times.”

  Chuckling, I tell her, “We’ll see. Hey, Sunny thought she saw you with Marley and Zack today. How’d that go?” That seemed like an okay way to ask without being the jealous boyfriend, right?

  “I was with Marley, yeah. Um, why were you talking to Sunny?”

  “She saw in me in the library and apologized for her, uh, suggestions.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You were at the library talking about threesomes with your former bunny? Interesting.”

  “Relax, Smarty. She was having a bad day and she apologized for it. Not like we were discussing how to tal
k you into it,” I half laugh.

  “Not funny, Levi.” Her voice is deadly serious.

  “Not that serious either, Presley. I need to get some sleep, though.”

  “So do I. I love you and will talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Yeah, love ya too.” We hang up, and I shake my head. Sometimes, she gets so serious over the little things. After a shower, I head to bed because I’m freaking tired.


  Midterms are a bitch. I don’t even see Presley all week because if I’m not taking a midterm or studying for a midterm, I’m sleeping to try and stay sane. If there is one thing in this world that can single handedly stress me out, it’s these tests. Every damn time. But I always reach this point right before my last one where I’m completely calm and stress-free. I have a moment of clarity as I realize that I studied and worked my ass off and when the grades come back, I’ll pass just fine.

  I had that moment this morning. And now midterms are officially over. Thank goodness. I think Smarty may be done with her last one by now, so I call her. The relief that fills me when she answers has no limits.

  “I don’t care what you’re doing, I’m coming over and you should probably be there when I get there.”


  I don’t know what she was about to say, but I interrupt her anyway. “Smarty, I need to see you. Now.”

  “Okay. You may get there before me, though.”

  “That’s why you gave me a key, Smarty,” I say and she laughs. Once I wrap up the phone call, I grab my keys to go see my favorite redhead. There’s a little surprise at seeing Presley’s car in the lot. She did make it here before me. I practically run up the stairs, barging into her apartment.

  “Presley,” I call out when I don’t see her as I lock her door. No reason to give anyone the opportunity to come inside.

  “Looking for me?”

  Swiveling on my heels, I turn to see Presley barefoot, wearing a black lacy bra and matching sheer bottoms. As fast as my long legs will take me, I cross the room, cupping her face in my hands. I capture her lips and groan as her tongue slides into my mouth. God, I have missed her. I move my hands down her neck, pushing her against the door frame so I can lean into her.

  “Mm, Presley,” I rumble as I nibble along her jaw. “Missed you so much.”

  Smarty grabs my wrists, pulling my hands down by my side. I lean back to look at her, and she smirks. Presley tugs me the rest of the way into her bedroom, her hands grabbing my shirt to lift it. I finish pulling it over my head as she kisses my stomach, unbuttoning my pants and yanking them down. Once I’m naked, she stands, and I kiss the hell out of her, dragging her lower lip into my mouth and between my teeth to bite down on it. Smarty’s moan is almost the end of me.

  My fingers grasp the clasp of her bra, but the damn last one won’t unhook. I stop kissing her and look over her shoulder to see what I’m doing.

  “I got it,” Presley says softly, reaching behind her before I become frustrated. She smiles as the straps slide down her arms and as she drops the bra to the floor. My attention is fully focused on this outrageously beautiful, curvy body standing before me. Presley shimmies out of her panties then takes my hand to lead me onto the bed.

  That red hair spreads to perfectly around her on the pillow. As I hover over her, I can’t help but think again of how fucking stunning she is. I lean my head down to kiss her, those nails of hers digging into the skin on the back of my neck, as I use one hand to grab the conveniently placed condom on her nightstand. Quickly, I roll it on because I want her so badly, especially after a long week like this one.

  Presley wraps her legs around my waist, waiting, and I don’t hesitate to push myself into her. She arches her back as she tries to force her hips to move closer to mine.

  “God, Levi,” she breathes with her eyes closed. Nothing ever sounded sexier than the way she says my name like that.

  While I build my fast, steady rhythm, I kiss her neck, sucking on the skin. There’s one thing, in particular, that I want to feel, and I know just what to do to make Presley do it. I bite a pinch of the skin on her neck, and her hands immediately grab at my back. I want to feel her nails cutting into my back as she drags them downwards. I want it to feel as if she has to do something because of all the sensations I’m making her feel.

  I reposition us so I can drive into her harder, and I do just that. Slamming into her with all I have, one hand caressing a breast, the other her clit, I sink my teeth into her shoulder, just as I thrust into her really fast, hard, and deep.

  “Oh God, Levi,” she screams in my ear, her fingers dragging their way down my back. When I don’t slow down at all, her hands almost frantically try to hold still in one spot, but she can’t. Presley claws at my back, her legs tensing around me, and just as I return to her mouth, biting her lip, she yells out my name with her climax. Her nails dig so deeply, I think she’s cutting skin and with one more push into her, I find my release.

  My body relaxes quickly as I take a breather, resting my body on hers. My head is next to hers, but facing the pillow, tilting inward so I can breathe.

  Gently, I kiss her shoulder. “I’m pretty sure everyone in this building definitely knows by now that I’m a God.” Presley laughs and I add, “I really, really missed you, Smarty.”

  “I missed you too, Levi.” Her hands glide up my sides, and I turn my head to look at her as she does the same. After my quick kiss, she smiles and says, “We have a full week ahead of us filled with nights like tonight.”

  “Nights, mornings, afternoons, evenings.”

  Smarty laughs, “Yeah, those too.”

  “I’m gonna clean up. I’ll be right back.” I kiss her cheek and head to the bathroom. When I return moments later, I slip on my underwear, and see that while I was gone, she snatched my shirt off the floor, so she could wear it. I climb back into bed with her and ask if she’s at least started packing yet.

  “Do you see a suitcase anywhere?” I fake a glare and she giggles. “How long has Mr. Neat Freak Levi been packed?” She perks an eyebrow, pressing her lips together so she won’t laugh.

  “Since yesterday but only because I knew I rather spend tonight with you than at my place packing.”

  “That’s sweet.” Presley grins before finally releasing her laugh. “Is that the only reason that you packed two days in advanced?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being organized, Smarty.” Pulling her against me, I add, “You should start packing now before I change my mind and decide that we’ll just stay here the whole time.”

  She huffs and squeezes her arms that are around me. “We don’t leave until tomorrow and it’s like four in the afternoon. I have plenty of time.”


  Oh, yeah. Smarty had plenty of time last night, which is why she was scrambling this morning to finish packing so we could go the airport. I smirked at her when she snapped at me about how I was just standing around, watching her in her frenzy. It didn’t help that I said, “I told you to pack, but you were too busy with God Levi.” Her glare was humorous.

  Now, we’re on our way to the hotel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. McCarthy is driving and there is small talk between him, his sister, and his girlfriend. I dig my phone from my pocket and call my father.

  “Hey, son. How was your flight?” he answers.

  “It was good. We’re headed to the hotel now.”

  “Okay. Be careful down there and have fun.”

  “We will, Pops. Call me if you need me, okay?” I’m trying my best not to worry too much about being gone for a week at a place nowhere near home.

  Pops chuckles. “You’re not much of a help in South Carolina, Levi. I’ll be fine, though. Don’t worry. Just have fun and relax.”

  “Alright,” I grumble because I didn’t need him to tell me how helpless I am right now.

  “And Levi?”

  “Yeah, Pops?”

  “Don’t call me for at least two days.”

  I fake a laugh
. “Okay. Love ya, Pops.”

  “Love you too, son.”

  I stare at my phone for a second and when I look up to see Smarty watching me, I say, “Don’t even start.” The last thing I want to hear right now is that she agrees with him. Pops will be fine. He has neighbors, so it’s not like he’s in the middle of nowhere. Unless he goes to the land… No, he’s healthy, and he can handle himself.

  “After we get checked in, is everyone up for something to eat?” McCarthy asks from the front.

  “Yeah,” the rest of us say.

  We get checked in, dropping our bags off in our rooms. Walking up behind Presley, who is putting her hair up in a ponytail, I grab her hips to bring her against me. I kiss her shoulder softly and say, “I can’t call my dad every day, but you can call him when he won’t let me.” I rest my chin on her shoulder, and she gives me a small smile.

  “He’ll be fine, Levi,” she says.

  “I know, but I want to be sure, you know?”

  Presley leans into me, resting her hands over mine. “I love that you worry about him.”

  There’s a pounding on the door and then McCarthy says, “We’re about to leave your asses! Let’s go.”

  Presley steps away from me and I have no choice but to follow her. I smirk at McCarthy, “We were just trying to have a little fun.” He glares when I wink at him. Smarty slaps my arm and denies what I said.

  We eat along the boardwalk and afterwards, Marley and Presley leave McCarthy and me behind to shop at these little stores along the way. After an hour of their shopping, Trev decides he’s tired of following them around. We sit at a bench to wait for the girls.

  “Hey, I don’t know what you might have planned for Pres’ birthday, but the team wants to throw us a party again this year when we get back. I figured since her birthday is while we’re here, you would do something then and she wouldn’t have an excuse not to go to the party.”


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