Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins Page 10

by Allen Gates

  He waited for her reaction and it came too quickly making him realize that with the killings and her profession his try at humor was not apropos, so to prevent a confrontation he smiled and said, “I’m kidding Anne, I love women. I especially love cute women who are sure of themselves and yet remain honest and pure. You fit that bill and that is why I started this fling, as you called it.”

  “I may be cute or even pretty, but where did the pure come from? Remember, we slept together on the first night.”

  “Don’t worry, I definitely remember and took that into consideration.”


  LEN, FOR SOME strange quirk of luck, had not run into the Doctor at all in his duties over several floors. Now that it was time for the next shift, he stood staring at her and smiling as she approached the desk. She had picked up on his presence as she entered the hallway. Once she had acknowledged him she quickly looked away engaging the nurse on duty.

  “If there are no special requests for me, I’m going to head this tired body home.”

  “Good night Doctor, have a nice night.”

  “Thanks Gayle, I’m heading to a special little section of beach beside the ocean with my little dog.”

  “Would you like some company, Doc? I like dogs, Len said looking directly in her eyes.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but no.”

  “I can be good company, Doc.”

  She reached out and grabbed his name tag.

  “I really appreciate the offer Lenny Boy, but I will do fine with just my little dog friend.”

  “My name is Len, not Lenny he said very sternly pulling her hand away.”

  “Oh, most Len’s are short for Lenny. I will try to remember that if we ever have an occasion to speak to each other again.”

  She turned, winked at the lady behind the desk and walked down the hall.

  “I think she’s starting to like me, Gayle.”

  “That’s not the way I read the conversation, Lenny boy.”

  He glared at her and then smiled knowing she was just being cute. He stepped out of the side door, as the Doctor’s car was pulling out of the lot.

  “I know where you live, Stephanie, and I’ll be waiting for you.”


  PULLING OFF THE highway onto a marked scenic overview, the senator parked and stepped out of his car. The view was breath taking. He nodded to a woman standing in front of her car taking pictures. She smiled and stood staring at him then excitedly said, “You’re Senator Radford.”

  “Well, yes I am and thank you for noticing. It’s always nice to have a person from your district recognize you.”

  “I was so sorry to read of your wife’s tragic death. It must pain you so.”

  “Thank you for your concern and yes it was very troubling.”

  With that he turned and walked to an area affording him a total view of the vast ocean. The beach and rock lined shore were obscured in spots, because of the heavy tree line along the rolling terrain. A sailboat with heavy white mast in full dress was moving slowly across the horizon. The white sails against the blue hue of the water presented a magnificent picture. It was breath taking.

  “Marie, you should be here to see this.”

  He checked his watch. He had to hurry if he was going to catch the sunset on the beach. But, is it the sunset you want to see or is it something or someone, his mind asked him?

  Waving goodbye to the lady still taking pictures, it caused a reaction from her he wasn’t anticipating. She asked to take his picture with her. She set the timer, arranged the camera on the guard rail and stood next to the Senator, smiling as the flash went off.

  “Thank you so much, Senator Radford, maybe someday I will get you to autograph it for me.”

  “I would be most happy to sign it for you if the opportunity arises in the future.”


  GRABBING HOBO, STEPHANIE acknowledged Mrs. Cummings sitting in her usual position in front of the TV and then walked to her car. Hobo was in his usual excited state, so he ran ahead, turned and started to bark.

  “Easy boy, we have a lot of time ahead of us.”

  When she opened the door on the passenger side Hobo jumped in and took his usual pose looking straight ahead out the front window. Stephanie smiled and stepped around to the driver side. A note was pinned under the wiper blade. It simply read, [I FOLLOWED YOU HOME!!!]

  A fear, the depth of which she had never known before, swept over her. Hobo’s whimpering brought her back to an awareness of her present situation. Starting the engine she drove off filled with fear of who and why someone wrote the note. What does it mean, I followed you home?

  Tomorrow, you will take this to the police. Tonight, you will try to forget it and enjoy a pleasant evening, she convinced herself. Pushing down on the accelerator, she reached over and turned on the radio, leaned back and determined that nothing mattered except tonight. With senatorial luck it will be a wonderful night. “Please do not rain on my parade.”


  LAUGHING LOUDLY AS they walked out of the bar into the night air, they turned to each other and kissed.

  “Where are we headed, Anne, your place or mine?”

  “My place would be better for me. I quite often get an emergency type call on my land phone and I need to be ready to respond.”

  “Well, I have a small problem. I can’t stay all night. I must be at home for a very early business meeting.”

  “You know my rule Terry, stay the night or go home now.”

  “I guess we had better call it a night then. Will you be here tomorrow night?”

  “I’ll be here barring some unusual problem with the case.”

  Anne moved into his chest; he saw a need and answered it. He kissed her again with the passion she wanted, then led her to her car, stood and watched her drive away. She is different from most women, went through his mind. He sat staring out and began to rethink his plan. A few drops of rain hit the windshield. He sat and watched as it turned into a full force rain storm.


  FROM HIS VIEW parked a short way up the street he watched Stephanie walk quickly down the porch steps and at a fast pace approach her car. He noticed the change in her and as she seemed to be in unusually high spirits and he thought, Let’s see how long she remains on cloud nine when she reads my note.

  He watched her pause before reaching in and bringing out a small folded piece of paper. The pleasure he desired came over him as he witnessed the change in her body posture. She sat down, swung her legs into the seat and placed her head on her hands holding the steering wheel.

  This was the reaction he had hoped for. Satisfied with the results of his plan to this point, he could simply wait for the next opportunity to take the next step. He looked at the sky, and it was growing dark and it appeared ready to rain. That could be a good thing, he reasoned. Darkness and rain both have their merits for deception; especially when you have them both on the same night. He watched her car pull away and he started his engine.

  As she drove off, he pulled out to follow as a spattering of rain continued to hit the windshield.

  “Where do you go at night after work? I guess tonight we’ll find out.”

  Stephanie was delighted to see William’s car as she approached the parking area. There was a second car parked next to his which she found unusual. The drizzle of rain continued to dance on her windshield. That’s alright; I can handle a little rain. Hobo scratched at the side window, turned and barked at her.

  “Patience my friend, I need a couple of seconds.”

  He barked again, so she reached over and opened the door for him. He leaped out and was headed down to the beach and was out of sight in seconds. She checked herself in the mirror and as she did she caught the image of a car driving slowly behind her and when she turned to look it backed up and sped away. She thought of the notes and wondered if it could have been the writer.

  No, Stephanie it’s just someone who did not prefer being here with others around. Get ou
t of the car and get down to the beach and join your dog. One last look at hair and applying lipstick and she was ready for what she hoped would be the beginning of a pleasant evening and maybe more.

  “Wait much longer and it will be dark and this fluff won’t matter. He won’t be able to see you.”

  He was looking her way and waved when she appeared at the top of the hill. As she neared the bottom of the incline, she smiled and walked to him taking in and admiring his stature. In fact she thought all six foot one, slightly graying hair and tanned face was something very special.

  “It’s nice to see you Stephanie. I was hoping you would be here.”

  “That’s very nice of you William, may I say that I was hoping for the same. Have you seen Hobo?”

  “He came running up to me and after I petted his head he ran off at full speed toward the water. I watched him running along the edge of the water and then lost track of him watching for you.”

  It began to rain with more intensity.

  “I had better go find him before the storm really gets going.”

  “I’ll go with you. Let’s hope the heavy rain holds off a little longer.”

  Stephanie began to call Hobo’s name over and over unaware that he was hidden a mere twenty-five feet away, held in a man’s arms his mouth bound tight with tape.

  “Where could he have gone?” she asked.

  Suddenly the skies opened up and torrents of rain literally blinded them as they ran back up the hill to their cars.

  “We can sit in my car until it slows down; then we can resume the search.”

  Water was dripping off them as they took refuge in the car. They looked at each other and laughed. Her hair was flat and her mascara was running below each eye. He took his handkerchief and wiped the black from her face. His tenderness touched her and she thanked him for being so special.

  The sound of a car door closing and an engine starting surprised them. Obscured by the rain, the car appeared as a shadow and they could not see the driver as he backed out and drove away.

  “Where could he have been all this time?” the senator asked.

  The rain began to subside and they decided it was their opportunity to resume their search.

  Stephanie went to her car to see if she had an umbrella. As she opened the door she heard whimpering in the rear of the car. She pushed the trunk release button and walked to the back and lifted the trunk lid. Hobo jumped up and she saw tape around his snout.

  “William, hurry, I need you.”

  He approached and saw the tape.

  She asked, “Why would anyone do such a thing?”

  “He obviously didn’t want us to hear him bark and alert us that he was nearby watching and before the downpour hit, he carried him to your car. You didn’t lock it so he had access to the trunk. The question is, “Why would he do this to you?”

  “I need to show you something, William.”


  AS TERRY SAT in the parking lot pondering his next move, the rain began to come down harder. His mind had filled with anger toward Anne as he replayed her ending to the evening.

  “That should teach her a lesson,” he said talking to the image conjured up in his mind of her last words.

  Two can play the “I have rules” game. Let’s see how long it takes to change her attitude. Next time she’ll have to ask me to go home with her.”

  “Wait a minute,” he thought, “calm down and finish what you started.”

  Rain pelted his windows, causing difficulty in driving. He decided it was better to call it a night. Picking up speed he suddenly hit a deep pool of water in the road causing the car to fishtail. He was able to maintain control and slowed his speed. He couldn’t keep his mind off Anne and now regretted not going home with her.

  “On a night like this why didn’t you stay the night?”

  I can simply phone her tomorrow and all will be well. He turned his car around and drove back to the corner bar. Home was the last place he wanted to be on a night like this.

  Johnny seemed surprised when he entered.

  “I thought you left with Anne?”

  “We decided to call it a night and meet here tomorrow night. Let me have a big draft of your choosing. No wait, let me have a vodka martini with a twist. With this rain, I may as well hang around here.”

  He turned to survey the room. The usual neighborhood crowd he thought. There was a couple dancing and he noticed the man was enjoying himself with his hands roving in several key locations. He watched an attractive lady coming back from the restroom sit at a table near the juke box. He caught her eye and lifted his glass to her. She returned his salute and kept it raised signaling Johnny for another drink.

  “Go for it, he thought. There is nothing to prevent you from striking up a conversation. He walked to her table and asked her if she would like some company.

  “Why not, you look like a gentleman.”


  READING THE ONE line message, the senator seemed puzzled. He raised his eyes and stared at Stephanie for a brief moment.

  “This is serious, Stephanie. You cannot ignore it any longer. You need to take this to the police. There is a dangerous man in this area and something like this could spell danger for you. It may have nothing to do with the other murders, but you can’t take the chance. Are you certain you can’t think of someone who might be doing this to you?”

  She just shook her head no looking at him almost in tears.

  “Listen, it’s still early and it appears the rain will continue for a good while longer. Would you like to come by my house for a drink or cup of coffee, or whatever you prefer?”

  “I would like that, but look at me, I’m drenched.”

  “Not a problem. You follow me and I’ll drive slowly so you won’t lose sight of my car in this rain.”

  She started the engine as he walked around behind and got into his car. The rain started up heavy again, as they were pulling out onto the roadway.

  “This is turning out to be quite an eventful night and it’s not over yet,” she said to Hobo. I wish you could talk and say who did that to you.”

  Arriving at his home, she pulled up close behind him and watched the gates open and then close as she made her way through.

  “Why don’t we own something like this?” Why would we want something this large, right Hobo? Get back to reality, girl.”

  The senator helped her out of the car and said to bring her dog along. They entered the house and Stephanie immediately became mesmerized by its size and magnificent décor. He had been married, but the furnishings screamed masculinity.

  “Look Stephanie, you can’t stay in those wet clothes. At the top of the stairs, turn left and the third door on the right is the guest room. You can shower if you feel comfortable. There are towels and robes in the bathroom closet. Make yourself at home. Would you like a mixed drink, coffee, tea or even hot chocolate if you’re feeling young?”

  “I’m feeling very old in these drenched clothes with my hair hanging like a mop. I would love a vodka tonic.

  She found the guest room to be very elegant and yet not overbearing. Removing her clothes, she went into the tub area. It was very spacious. Looking in the full-length mirror, she could not believe her appearance. Her hair was in complete disarray from the rain. Her makeup was completely gone.

  The shower was spacious and there were several choices of shampoo. The warm water proved gratifying and even the towel was special. Its thickness seemed to envelop her. When she was dry, the towel felt like it had never been used. She put it up to her face and breathed in deep to take in the fresh bouquet.

  After removing the hair dryer that was mounted on the wall, she began to dry her hair, looking at herself in the full length mirror.

  “You’re beginning to look a little better,” she said to her image. A heavy white robe was hanging in the closet and she pulled it on and grabbed her wet clothes.

  Assuming there must be a laundry room she began opening doors
as she passed each one and stopped short after opening the door to one of the rooms. A portrait she recognized as his mother hung over a large beautifully made up bed. The decor appeared more like a shrine than a room to sleep in. It must have been his mother’s room, she surmised.

  She thought it strange as she looked at the bed. It appeared as if someone had been lying on it recently and left a depression. Closing the door, she walked to the stairway and as she descended she paused to look at the many pictures and paintings displayed on the wall along the stairwell. Recent family photos were mixed with obvious elder members of their ancestry. She stared closely at the framed pictures of his recently deceased wife intermingled with those of his mother. Stephanie was intrigued with them as each seemed to portray her in varying emotions.

  In most she noted a sense of happiness, but in others a sad almost pleading expression seemed to prevail. Hearing sounds from the downstairs she continued down the staircase and entered the den. He had showered and was wearing a red robe and bedroom slippers. Again she was enamored by his elegance and special looks.

  “Is there a laundry room so I can dry these clothes?”

  “Here, give them to me. I’ll throw them in the dryer. Your drink request is in the den. I’ll be right back.”

  There were cookies beside the tray holding two glasses of very appetizing looking chocolate drinks. She could not believe she was involved in this unusual situation of being in a stranger’s home with nothing on but a robe and him in another room drying her underwear.

  She watched William as he returned and sat in the chair across from her.

  “Let’s drink to a very rewarding evening. What we need is some relaxing music. I’ll warn you right up front, I’m a Sinatra fan.”

  Frank Sinatra came out of every side of the room and then blended into the center for a beautiful sound. “It is nice, isn’t it, he said looking at her? Do you dance, Stephanie?”


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