Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins Page 24

by Allen Gates

  His eyes were fixed on her. Then after telling her to be careful he turned and walked to the car.

  She was surprised at his attitude change. What bothered him, she wondered?

  Leo Trent was angry as he drove his regular patrol along the coast road. However, each opening along the road that provided a view of the ocean began to calm him down and accept her meeting with him for what it was. At least it had not interfered with his approach to her as a person of interest. Even in the dark the ocean was a gray background to the faint white caps of the waves breaking as far as he could see. Throw in the moon’s reflection shimmering on the moving surf and it was impossible to remain in an agitated state. Still he wondered, “Why were they arranging to meet with her?”

  As he passed the seldom used pull-off, he caught a glimpse of a parked vehicle. He turned around quickly and pulled into the lane and stopped directly behind the parked car. Approaching slowly he directed his light through the back window. It appeared to be empty. Stepping around to the side he approached the driver’s door. His flashlight beam proved his observation correct, the car was empty.

  “Good evening officer, nice night wouldn’t you say?”

  Leo saw the shadowed figure of the man walking up the incline toward him. He instinctively placed his right hand down close to his sidearm.

  “Very nice sir; do you have some ID on you?”

  “Yes sir.” As he reached behind him for his wallet he saw the policeman place his hand on his weapon.

  “Easy, I’m just getting my license.”

  “It’s self-protection sir, automatic reaction.”

  He took the driver’s license and read the name.

  “So mister Wearing, what are you doing out here?”

  “Am I trespassing or something?”

  “That is not the answer I asked. What are you doing here?”

  “I am in town trying to locate my ex-wife.”

  “Are you talking about Dr. Wearing?”

  “Yes, sounds like you know her.”

  “I just left her a short time ago. She’s buying a home on up the coast.”

  “I wasn’t aware of that.”


  STEPHANIE WALKED INTO the restaurant and saw Lon stand and wave to her, then moved over to the opposite side of the booth sliding in next to Anne.

  “This is getting serious,” Anne said in a very serious almost scolding tone. “You’ve got to quit being so trusting and taking these silly chances.”

  “Now start at the beginning and tell us how this came about from the phone call requesting the meeting to your arriving here.”

  “The call came in and he identified himself as my realtor.”

  “Did he say his name?

  She thought for a second and said, “No, he said this is your realtor and I said, how are you, Erick?”

  He explained that there was a problem with the house that I had to see and sign a waiver form before he turned in the offer. He wanted me to see the problem first-hand and sign an agreement to overlook it or he would stop the closing. It seemed logical to me. I realize that I’m sometimes too quick to jump into these situations.”

  Lon leaned forward to say something to her and his leg rested against Anne’s. She started to remove it and then let it remain enjoying the spark it had created.

  He was deep in his conversation with Stephanie when they heard his name called. It was Leo Trent walking toward them.

  Stephanie spoke first. “Hello Officer Trent, I did not expect to see you again so soon.”

  “Why are you here Leo, Lon asked?”

  “I’m here to ask the Doctor a question? Were you aware that your ex-husband is in town?”

  “Oh my God; he can’t be here; there is a restraining order against him. His court order forbade him from following me to California.”

  “Well he is here, I spoke with him, but if the court order does contain that provision, we can arrest him.”

  “Well one good thing about this, Stephanie, I think we just solved the mystery of the note leaving.”

  “Doctor, get us a copy of the court order and we’ll put out a bulletin on him.”

  “Let me know tomorrow, Lon; I need to get back on patrol.”

  “I was worried about you sleeping in your car with the motor running, Leo. That’s why I stopped and blew the horn.”

  The officer’s face reddened with the remark.

  “I wasn’t sleeping Doctor Wearing,” Leo responded in an agitated tone.


  “TERRY WAS SURPRISED to see Cassandra Jones reenter the bar as he exited the parking lot. He was tempted to go back and join her, but he had put up with enough of her pushy ways for one day. It was time to regroup as his plans were not working out according to his liking. He would play along with her for pure personal gain and let Anne stay on the back burner for now. He felt an urge for some company.

  “Don’t be a fool, get home. You know she’s going to call you. She may even stop by to be sure you are at home. Don’t blow this with your lack of self-control, his inner conscience told him. He said out loud, “Okay Cassandra, you win this time, I ‘m going home.”


  LEO TRENT WAS both embarrassed and angry that Stephanie had told the detectives he was sleeping on the side of the road. He looked at Lon and said that he had followed her to her new house to explain, but never got the chance due to the phone call from Anne just as he had arrived.

  “Relax Leo the Doctor was just concerned about you. She thought you may have been overcome with carbon monoxide. Anybody could have assumed that.”

  “Besides Leo, she doesn’t care if you pulled over to take a nap,” Anne threw in for a tease.

  “I was not sleeping, Anne!”

  He saw the smile on her face and realized she was ribbing him. He grinned and said, “You got me,” then turned and left the restaurant.

  “That was nice of him to come and tell me about my ex being around.”

  “You sounded really frightened when you heard he was here. Do you have reason to be afraid of him?”

  “Yes, I am terrified of him. He was abusive and when I finally filed for divorce he became extremely angry and beat me severely. He spent time in jail and the judge issued a restraining order preventing him from following me out of state when I accepted the position here in Santa Barbra.”

  “If he turns out to be the one leaving notes on your car, it would make no sense for him to scare you if he is trying to win you back, Stephanie.”

  “It sounds to me he wants to get even with you, Lon injected. You need to stay extra alert. He is obviously watching you. He knows where you live, he knows where you work, and it appears he now knows where you play.”


  IT BECAME APPARENT that he could not put the evil off to wait for her. It was becoming stronger and he knew that he could not fight the dominating strength of the urge that he knew was coming. It was important for him to create a timely opportunity and prepare carefully for the act certain to happen soon to prevent any mistakes. As much as he did not want to give in to it he knew it was useless to fight it. He needed to get home as he felt the heat beginning to surge stronger than he had ever experienced. He feared it was too late and it had progressed beyond his ability to slow the demanding force within him that was requiring her to become his final triumph.

  He was aware that his last encounter had been the catalyst for this new out-of-control eroticism. It had been her skin, the warm softness of her breast that had brought him desires that he could not understand, but the overwhelming need for that feeling was burning inside his chest that felt like it was about to explode. He would have to delay his plan for her and satisfy this longing with someone else.


  LON ASKED DR. Wearing if she would drive Anne home to save him some time he needed to spend with his family. He stood by his car and watched them drive out of the parking lot.

  On the way across town Anne suggested they stop in at her favorite oa
sis before calling it a night. Stephanie declined, but after prodding agreed, realizing she needed to create friendships, She felt sure Anne could, in fact, become a good friend. So, she agreed to the stop for one quick drink.

  Anne was disappointed when she learned that Johnnie was not there for their friendly conversation. Sitting at the usual stool at the bar she ordered a gin and tonic and a glass of red wine for Stephanie. In the midst of their conversation a tap on Anne's shoulder caused her to turn around on the stool.

  “Hello detective.”

  “Well hello Miss Jones. I thought you left with Terry.”

  “No, I sent him on home and decided to come back and see if you would show up. I was just about to leave when in you walked. Who’s your friend?”

  “This is Dr. Stephanie Wearing. Stephanie, meet Cassandra Jones.”

  “Can I buy you a drink, Miss Jones, Anne asked?”

  “Oh by the way, before we go any further, if you’re intentions are to talk about Terry Ryan with me, please don’t bother. There is nothing for you and I to discuss; I want nothing to do with him, he’s all yours.”


  HE KNEW WHO his next victim would be. Her name was Sherry and she had made it very clear to him where she was most nights. He knew she would welcome seeing him again and it would be an easy conquest if she was there. She would be eager to get into his car and resume their previous time together.

  “Remember, this is a spontaneous act that you did not plan. So, you must be very patient and extra careful!”

  The back parking lot was just as he remembered and the timing appeared perfect. With only the few cars parked in the backlot he knew the crowd would be small making it easy to locate her if she was inside. He looked around and then got out and walked to the front entrance staying in the shadowed part of the walk close to the building. The lighting was poor in the front area and he was rewarded with a large uncovered window making it easy to scan the barroom filled with tables.

  His heart almost stopped when he saw her sitting there with a man and woman. Did they come together? There were several bottles on the table which meant that they had been there a while. It being a weeknight she probably would be leaving soon, he surmised. Staring at her he could picture her softness in his mind and the urge began growing. It became stronger quicker than he had previously experienced. That scared him and he thought of running for fear he might act too quickly.

  “Don’t just stand there peeking fella, go on in.”

  Startled by the voice he turned to see a woman holding open the front door and smiling at him.

  “I’ve decided to just go on home, I think.”

  “What a shame, and the night is still young. Do you have a wife with a curfew for you?”

  He gave a fake laugh to put her off.

  “No curfew, but I have a big day tomorrow.”

  “Well, just to give you the heads up, honey, I’m a one-man, one-drink woman, so if you change your mind I’ll buy you one drink and the second option will be left to you.”

  She smiled seductively and disappeared inside. He watched her sit at the bar, turn, and smile at him through the window.

  “Two choices,” he said as he walked back to the parking lot with his mind telling him to leave and forget his plan for tonight. He put aside the danger warnings and sat in the driver side seat and began the waiting period.

  His car was parked at such an angle that he could see anyone leaving front or back. Now, he could be patient and keep his wits one step ahead of the urge and wait. He wondered which of his new friends would exit first. He knew which one he preferred, so he decided to concentrate on her until reality proved him wrong.

  The back door opened and music filled the air, then disappeared as it closed. A woman approached as his heart raced, but she was neither of his choices. He watched her get in her car and drive off.

  “So many to choose from; and they’re so easy,” he said to her tail lights. Then, “There she is!”


  ANNE WATCHED THE angry, ready to fight, expression fade from Cassandra’s face. A smile took its place as she continued to stand and stare at Anne as if she was deciding whether to believe her or not. Anne began to feel uncomfortable and decided to break the silence.

  “It seems to me the important question is, how is your relationship going with Terry?”

  There still came no response, just a stare that defied logic and then she turned saying nothing and left the bar.

  Watching her walk out into the night Stephanie was confused over what she had witnessed said, “That was a strange situation, Anne.”

  “Those two deserve each other, both are extremely strange. I met this Terry here at the bar and found him unpleasant and self-centered. The problem is, she can’t get through her head that I want nothing to do with him. In fact I want nothing to do with either of them.” She saw the perplexed look on the Stephanie’s face.

  “Hey, sorry you had to witness this messy situation. But listen, we had better get out of here, remember you still have to drop me off at home and we both have to work tomorrow. You were really nice to go out of your way like this for Lon and me. I owe you one.” Just before closing the door Anne called back, “Angie, tell Johnny we missed him.”


  HE CONTINUED TO sit waiting and then smiled as he watched her walk out of the rear door of the bar. As she neared her car he called to her in a subdued voice and her face broke in to a smile.

  “Well Rob, I’m surprised to see you here! I wasn’t sure if I would ever see you again.”

  “Hello Sherry. It’s nice to see you too. Are you in a hurry or can you spend some time with a lonely man who has been sitting and waiting for you.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “I peeked in the front window.”

  “Why didn’t you come in? We could have had a drink together.”

  “Bashful I guess. I know it’s late, but would you like to go somewhere?”

  She hesitated and then said, “Sure, let’s go for it.”

  He reached across and opened the door for her and she quickly got in.

  She was prettier than he remembered and he smiled at her to suppress any doubts she might have. “I’m glad that you were here Sherry.” He started the engine and drove cautiously out the front exit.

  He was looking at Sherry as he was driving out and did not see the other woman step out of the door and stare in his car as they passed. She recognized him from the earlier encounter.

  “You would have liked me better,” she said to the passing car.”

  Sherry wasn’t sure where they were heading and began to feel a little bit of concern as, “Am I safe?” crept into her mind.

  “We have been driving for quite a while, where are we going? I figured we were just going back to the drive in for burgers, Rob.”

  “I thought we could head for the coast and maybe look at the surf and count the stars, Sherry. Then we can let nature take its course.”


  CASANDRA, STILL NOT totally sure of what had just transpired gathered her varying emotions as she left the bar for her trip home. The ideal scenario she surmised would be to trust that Terry, in fact, went straight home as he stated. The other choice was not to trust him. She could call or drive by his place and check. She chose the latter and headed for a one-time drive by. It was out of the way for her, but she had to know. She hoped that she would find his car parked in front of his home.

  As she pulled around the corner of his street her heart sank when she did not see the car. Driving on by and picturing him someplace she did not want him to be, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt until she could face him. Speeding up she passed the house once again, drove to the corner, and turned for her trip home with mixed feelings.


  SHERRY LIKED ROB, but in spite of that she was feeling uneasy driving this far out of town with him. It was extremely dark with low clouds and little or no stars. She felt in her pocket
; it was there. Her fear was relieved to a degree as she clutched the pepper spray in her hand. She relaxed and remembered that she really liked him and had been completely at ease with him the last time together. He was attractive and he was very pleasant to talk to—so why are you worrying? She looked over at him and he turned and smiled at her and touched her hand easing her doubts.

  “Here we are, he said, pulling off onto a dirt road. This lane leads to a nice place for us to sit and talk.”

  The car began to slow and stopped on a rise overlooking the shadowed shoreline. The head lights caused a shimmering effect on the rolling water and with the brightness of the moon it created a picturesque scene.

  “Oh wow, this is really nice. I can see why you like to come here.”

  Now what, she thought, where is he going with all this? Is he going to kiss me, or like the first time, simply need someone to discuss his life with?

  As if he sensed her thoughts he reached over grabbed her arm and pulled her to him and kissed her. She was pleased at the answer to her question and responded eagerly to his obvious passion. Her hope was that this night would be the beginning of something lasting.

  He felt her surrender and assured himself that he had become a different man. He thought, at this time and in this place, with this lady, he could be patient and enjoy his new feelings. He was confident he would be able to touch her warm skin now with his new found strength. He could overcome the evil one to prevent the urge from over taking his will. He lowered his hand from her shoulder to her breast. She reached for his hand to remove it and then gave in to her desire and let him continue to explore. When he felt the warmth he became incensed with new cravings and felt his loss of control. He knew that the evil one wanted more and he could not stop him. He was no longer himself, rather a distant observer of what was taking place.


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