Code Name: Dove

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Code Name: Dove Page 24

by Leon, Judith

  He held the box out and said, “I saw these yesterday.” He grinned. “I’ve noted that you could desperately use some jewelry. So I thought—well, I saw these and of course right away thought of you.”

  She opened the lid and inside, on a bed of white cotton, lay a pair of dangly earrings. Each was a silver dove with wings spread, their eyes tiny emeralds.

  She lifted the earrings, felt the message they actually conveyed. He, too, had enjoyed their partnership.

  “They’re beautiful, Joe.” She handed him the box, removed the silver moon-sliver earrings she was wearing and exchanged them for the doves. She tilted her head.

  He said, “They look great.”

  She closed the box lid and slipped the box into her jacket pocket.

  They turned and Joe linked arms with her. Their steps in perfectly matched stride as they walked through the door and into a beautiful, sunny day, Nova said with a new air of confidence, “Agent Cardone, I think we make a great team.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5120-9


  Copyright © 2004 by Judith Hand

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