Book Read Free


Page 12

by Toya Richardson

  ‘Shouldn’t you call Emma?’

  Greg looked at her quizzically.


  ‘You’ll have to let her know where you are. Perhaps she’d like to come over and stay with you.’

  ‘That’s sweet of you but she doesn’t need to know where I am. Unless you know something I don’t.’

  ‘Well I thought as you two were…’ Her voice trailed off. Gazing into his eyes again, she saw the look of realisation staring back at her.

  ‘Did you think we were an item?’

  She fiddled nervously with the hem of her T-shirt.

  ‘Well, I assumed that you were. It was the way you interacted together.’ Her voice faltered.

  ‘I would hardly have been coming on to you since you’ve been back if I was already in a relationship.’

  ‘I guess not, sorry.’ She looked down, once more playing with her T-shirt.

  ‘We were a couple once. I met her in Australia and we were going to set up a business together, but it didn’t work out. Emma’s a really good buddy now, that’s all.’

  ‘Why did it end…or is that too personal?’

  ‘A bit clichéd but we grew apart, wanted different things from life. It was an amicable split. Anyway, she’s getting married to her English boyfriend in a few weeks time. He’s a great guy, you’ll love him.’

  Amberley, continued to fiddle with her clothing, not daring to stare at him because her expression would give her away. She could feel his eyes on her. She glanced up, their eyes met again, she blushed and pulled her hair over her shoulder, making a curtain between them, acting as a shield.

  ‘Is there anyone else on the horizon?’ she asked in a small voice.

  ‘Would it matter if there was?’

  Softly Greg stroked her hair away from her face and back over her shoulder. His voice had a hypnotic quality to it. He was playing with a lock of her hair; she had to remind herself to breathe.

  ‘No… no of course not. I just want you to be happy.’

  ‘For the record, I can assure you I am single. There’s only one person who will ever make me happy.’

  He left his comment hanging. Amberley didn’t have the nerve to ask who it was. She hoped she already knew the answer.


  Her sleep that night was filled with nightmares of Steve chasing her forever. She lost count of the amount of times she woke up in a cold sweat, with a silent scream caught in her throat. She looked at the clock it was five-thirty. Sleeping would be useless. She yawned, stretched. With Greg sleeping in the next room, she tiptoed down the stairs.

  After putting on the kettle, she leaned on the draining board and looked out over the garden. The rain had gone now and the flowers, trees, shrubs and grass looked fresh and vibrant.

  ‘Morning,’ came a sleepy voice from behind her.

  Greg stood in the doorway to the kitchen. His hair was sticking out at all angles and, for a moment, he looked like her childhood friend again. Until she watched him stretch and saw the muscles ripple under his taught flesh.

  ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ she asked, busying herself with something mundane to take her mind off the very male presence watching her.

  ‘Tea would be good. I take it you didn’t sleep very well either.’

  ‘No,’ she responded, handing him a mug. ‘I don’t think I’ll sleep easy until I know that Steve has been captured.’ She looked down at her fingertips thoughtfully; they were already beginning to heal.

  ‘But I am not going to let him ruin my life. I have to keep on doing what I want. I will not let him be the victor in this.’

  Greg strolled over to her and put an arm loosely around her shoulder. ‘That’s my girl. You’re tough enough to see this through.’

  Amberley longed to reach out and trail her fingers down his bare chest. To marvel at how good his flesh would feel under her touch. It would be so easy to become physical with him. He rubbed her shoulder gently. She felt vulnerable and was emotionally too fragile to keep letting these thoughts fill her head.

  ‘I nearly forgot to tell you,’ she said moving away from him to put her mug in water to soak, ‘I’m going to be an Auntie.’

  ‘That’s fantastic news, I’m really happy for them. When’s the baby due?’

  ‘Around Christmas time. Although if she’s anything like her father, she’ll be late.’

  ‘Greg laughed. So they’re having a girl are they?’

  ‘What? Oh no, that’s just me, I have a feeling it will be a girl.’

  After speaking with Simon again, they went to Greg’s makeshift gallery. The sun was warm and it felt good to be with him. Amberley just wished she could shake off the feeling of being watched. She was suspicious of each tourist she came in to contact with and every car slowing down.

  ‘Do you think I should go with only local scenes?’ Greg asked her.

  ‘Sorry?’ she replied she was lost in thought, looking at one of his paintings.

  ‘You’re not really into this are you?’

  ‘I am. I was looking at this one up on the cliffs.’

  Greg snapped his fingers. ‘I’ve got it,’ he said, eyes bright.

  ‘What? What did I say?’

  ‘Why don’t we start your portrait today? It’s warm and sunny, perfect painting weather.’

  ‘That sounds like a great plan.’


  As Amberley stood by the boulders, she breathed in and out deeply. Up here, she felt alive, carefree. Greg poked his tongue out while he set everything up. She giggled to herself. Greg looked up.

  ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘When you concentrate you have this habit of poking your tongue out. You look so sweet.’

  ‘So you think I’m sweet do you?’ he said with a glint in his eye.

  ‘Erm, are you ready to start painting me yet?’

  ‘Yep, just about ready. Now relax and try to think of some happy memories.’

  She gazed out to sea, watching the seagulls float gracefully by on the thermals. It was a therapeutic scene and soon she became lost in thoughts of the past – to more pleasant times.

  ‘Amberley.’ Looking up, she saw Greg smiling down at her.

  ‘What’s the time? I think I was close to dozing off.’

  He sat down on the boulder next to her. ‘Nearly time to go, it’s late afternoon, not sure of the exact time; I don’t wear my watch very often.’

  She stretched languidly and yawned. Greg watched her; even that small movement stirred his feelings for her.

  ‘What were you thinking about?’ he asked her softly.

  ‘Lots of things really. Holidays in Cornwall, the stupid games we used to play, watching Mum and Dad kiss when they thought we weren’t looking… that kind of thing.’

  ‘Would you say your happiest memories are from Cornwall then?’

  ‘Hmm, I guess so.’

  ‘Maybe this is where you’re meant to be.’

  It was a statement rather than a question but it made her think. She watched as he began packing up.

  ‘If it’s not too personal, Greg, why did Emma and you really split up?’

  He was kneeling down, putting paints in a box. ‘It’s like I said earlier, she was a good mate and for a time we were great together. I think we both knew it wasn’t going to be a forever thing. In the end, we both wanted different things from life.’

  ‘Surely you tried to make it work though.’ Amberley picked up a small stone and rolled it over in her fingers. ‘You were together for a pretty long time.’

  He snapped the box of his paints closed and looked at her. ‘We did, but it didn’t work out, but at least we came out of it as good friends. If we had stayed together, it would not have been amicable. Not many people can say that when a relationship ends.’

  ‘Don’t I just know it!’ she said, her tone bitter.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said getting up, ‘I didn’t mean to imply…’

  She held her hand up. ‘Don’t be daft, I was only fee
ling sorry for myself.’

  They began to walk back down towards the village. Greg stopped and turned around to look at Amberley, who was trailing along behind, deep in thought.

  ‘What about you, Amberley, has there been anyone special?’

  ‘No, not really. I thought Steve was for a while, but as I was always wrapped up in my work, I didn’t really spend time nurturing any of my relationships.’

  Greg laughed. ‘Maybe we’re both destined to grow old and crotchety on our own.’

  ‘I’m not so sure, they do say that everyone has a soul mate, perhaps we’ll be lucky and find ours one day.’

  ‘Or maybe we already have but we just don’t know it yet.’ His statement was heavy with meaning.

  Amberley shrugged. ‘Maybe, tell you what, I’ll check my crystal ball when we get back and see what the future holds.’ She laughed.

  Greg laughed too.

  Suddenly, she turned to look back at the cliff tops, the hairs on the back of her neck pricking up in warning once more.

  ‘What’s up?’ he asked.

  She shook herself and shrugged her shoulders. ‘Nothing, just more paranoia, I still cannot shake off the feeling that I’m being watched. Anyway, we need to get back to the cottage. Don’t forget, we’re seeing Keith tonight to discuss the bank meeting tomorrow.’


  Keith was his usual cheerful self when they arrived.

  ‘I think you should sail through this tomorrow, mate,’ he said, looking at the proposals Simon had emailed to them.

  ‘I agree. The fact that you will be paying the loan back over a relatively short period of time will help. The Centre as a whole will be giving work to the local economy and the banks will be all for that,’ responded Amberley, looking at the figures Keith had passed to her.

  ‘That’s what I’m aiming for, thanks for your input, guys. I also appreciate you coming with me tomorrow.’

  ‘No problem, Greg, I think we can both see what a great opportunity this is. And I am more than happy to be with you at the meeting. Any bank would be mad to decline. I’ll also touch on the point tomorrow that Simon and I are interested in helping to advertise this venture and show him what our vision is.’

  ‘That’s a good idea, Amberley, if you give them your website address then they can see how you operate,’ said Keith, putting his arm around her. ‘She is amazing, Greg, I think you should marry her!’ Keith kissed her soundly on the cheek.

  The drive back to the cottage had been a silent one, each of them lost in private thoughts. Once back inside, the air was heavy with tension. Amberley watched Greg warily; his eyes were guarded as he returned her gaze. She went to speak but faltered as Greg said,

  ‘You go to bed, I’ll check the house is secure, night.’

  She nodded, unable to reply.


  The following morning, Amberley went downstairs to find Greg pacing anxiously up and down in the garden. He was wearing a tie, shirt and suit trousers and looking very uncomfortable. She stood in the kitchen doorway watching him. He walked back into the kitchen when he saw her.

  ‘It’s not an execution you know.’

  He forced a smile. ‘I know that, it’s just that my whole future hangs on this meeting.’ He went back outside and sat down heavily on a garden chair.

  ‘Look,’ she said sitting down next to him. ‘You’ve seen the business plan; you’ve heard what Keith, Simon and I have said: it’s all positive. The bank would be crazy not to loan you the money.’

  ‘You’re right, Amberley. Oh to hell with it,’ he said, pulling the tie over his head. ‘I hate what I am wearing, I’m not myself. I’m going to put on jeans and a casual shirt.’

  While they sat in the meeting room, waiting for one of the bank’s financial advisors to see them, Amberley looked at how relaxed and confident Greg was. She was glad he’d changed his clothes. The door opened and the advisor walked in.

  ‘Mr Winters, it’s good to see you again.’ They shook hands.

  ‘This is Miss Masterson,’ said Greg. ‘She assisted with my business plan and I’d like her to present it for me.’

  She pulled the plan from her briefcase and handed each of them a copy.

  ‘There isn’t another venture like this in the immediate vicinity. Mr Winters’ gallery and studio will be an asset to the local community, as you can see,’ she said indicating to the ideas in the business plan. She then continued, ‘coupled with the other units at the centre, it will be good for the local economy and provide some much-needed employment.’

  ‘Valid point,’ he mused.

  ‘This venture will be well advertised on the internet and in international tourist magazines. Then you have the mediums of local press, radio, social media and word of mouth. People will be clambering to visit.’

  With her conclusion she added, ‘we will leave you this proposal to look at. Mr Winters’ business is just what the area needs and I am positive that your bank’s trust will be well placed.’ She took one of her business cards from her case and handed it to him. ‘Please, visit my company’s website if want to see what we have to offer.’

  She turned to Greg, ‘Mr Winters has a few words he would like to add.’

  Greg was astounded by her professionalism and admired the way she had dealt with the whole presentation, there was no way he’d have been able to do it that well.

  He cleared his throat. ‘I am from this area and have dreamed about this kind of venture for most of my life. The possibilities are endless and everything will be in keeping with local crafts and traditional buildings.’ He stood up and walked around, collecting his thoughts together.

  ‘We’ve mentioned that fact of much-needed employment for local people and I believe my project, and that of the Centre as a whole to be honest, is just what the local people are in need of. Cornwall has always been popular with tourists and always will be. If you’d only give me the chance, I’ll prove to you that this business will be a success.’

  He sat back down, looking embarrassed, but Amberley was proud of him. His words had been from the heart, filled with passion.

  ‘Well. Mr Winters, both Miss Masterson and you have given me quite a bit to take into consideration. I will do some further research and get back to you by close of play tomorrow with the bank’s decision.’

  After saying goodbye, they walked from the bank.

  ‘You were amazing in there, Amberley. Whatever happens, thank you.’

  She looked at him, a huge smile on her face. ‘All I did was put the project in a positive light. It’s what I’ve done for years, but you,’ she said, stopping to look up at him, ‘what you said came from the heart.’ She placed one hand over the region of his heart and added, ‘I think that is what will clinch the deal. Putting money into the local economy is extremely lucrative, trust me.’

  ‘I only said what I felt.’

  ‘I know and that will be enough. I’m so proud of you,’ she murmured, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

  ‘Hey, if you react like that every time I make a speech, I’ll have to do it more often. But for now, I’m taking you to lunch.’

  Amberley linked her arm through his.

  ‘Great idea, I’m starving.’


  By midday the following day the bank had not called. Greg was pacing up and down nervously. He kept picking his phone up. Amberley watched him, whilst flicking through a magazine.

  ‘Staring at it won’t make them contact you any quicker, Greg.’

  ‘Why haven’t they called back yet then?’

  She stood in front of him placing a hand on his chest to stop him pacing.

  ‘Give me the phone,’ she held out her hand.


  ‘Because it will stop you from looking at it, now come on, hand it over. Remember, they said we would know by close of play today, so there’s still some hours to go.’

  ‘How can you be so calm?’

  She retrieved the phone from him and
sat back down, picking up the magazine again. ‘I guess it’s because I’m used to playing the waiting game,’ she explained.

  Amberley put the magazine down when he continued to pace. ‘Come and sit here and explain to me how you want your gallery to look again.’

  She patted the space next to her and beckoned him with her finger.

  His face lit up. ‘Okay.’

  No sooner had he begun to explain the layout to her than his mobile rang. He stopped talking and stared at the phone as if it was something alien.

  ‘Well go on then… answer it!’ She handed it back to him.

  ‘Hello,’ he said, hesitantly.

  He mouthed to Amberley that it was the bank. She moved to his side, Greg put the phone on loudspeaker.

  ‘Congratulations, Mr Winters, you’ve secured the loan. The bank was most impressed with the business plan and the way Miss Masterson and you delivered the ideas. All in all, a very slick presentation, well done.’

  ‘Thank you, you’ve made my day.’

  He put the phone down and lifted Amberley up, swinging her around.

  ‘We did it,’ he said, laughing.

  ‘Yes we did, I am so very happy for you, you deserve it.’

  They stared deep into each other’s eyes. Time appeared to stand still; Amberley knew she could gaze at his eyes for an eternity. Slowly he slid her down his body; he cupped her face in his hands, eyes boring in to her very soul. His hot, firm body pressing hard against hers, their lips hovered a hairsbreadth apart. The heat was overwhelming, the desire for him to kiss her was overpowering.

  Tentatively, she placed her arms around his neck. Their mouths touched lightly, that was all the encouragement he needed. His lips moved slowly over hers, causing the fire inside her to burn deeper. She moved in time with him, pulling Greg as close to her body as she possibly could. She needed and wanted to feel the heat of him. Her mouth surrendered completely to his, allowing his tongue to delve deeply, claiming all it touched as his own. Warning bells sounded within her head and she broke away from him, breathless. They watched each other cautiously, desire and apprehension in their stance.


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