Hot & Heavy (Chubby Girl Chronicles Book 2)

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Hot & Heavy (Chubby Girl Chronicles Book 2) Page 15

by Tabatha Vargo

  She turned my way and blushed when she realized my eyes were on her.

  The night was great; Shannon drank and laughed. She chatted with my friends when they stopped by as if she had known them her entire life, and they seemed to like her. She wasn’t usually so open and excited, but every time she lifted her cup to sip her drink, I knew it was the alcohol talking.

  The more she drank, the happier she became. She moved closer and her hands explored my knee, working its way up throughout the night until she was leaning against me, snuggling into my side, and kissing me sweetly on the neck.

  I had stopped drinking an hour in after seeing how heavily she was drinking, so I was sober. And while I was thoroughly enjoying her attention, I knew she was drunk.

  “How about we get you home?” I said, rubbing the top of her hand as she ran it beneath my shirt.

  “Your stomach is so flat,” she said in awe.

  I chuckled.

  “It’s so …” She ran her fingers over my ab muscles, and I swallowed hard, trying to ignore how wonderful her fingers felt against my skin. “There are all these ripples and muscles. It’s really sexy, Matthew.”

  She was whispering in my ear, her voice effectively traveling down my body and landing in my balls. My cock was already standing with her attention, but I knew I couldn’t let it go anywhere. Not while she was drunk and unaware of what she was doing.

  Her hand shifted lower, and I covered it with mine, pulling it back up and away from my dick.

  “I definitely think it’s time to go home,” I said, pulling away a bit and grabbing her hand.

  Her glassy eyes lit up, and she grinned. “I agree. Take me home. Take me and show me what it is you do to make women fall at your feet. Loosen me up, Matthew. Make me fall at your feet and forget it all.”

  Her words stopped me. “What are you trying to forget?”

  I was definitely missing something.

  She waved her hand and giggled. “Nothing.”

  She stood from her seat and leaned against me, making me laugh.

  “You’re drunk. Come on.”

  “I’m coming. I’m coming,” she muttered, tripping over her feet a little. “Oh, wait. No, I’m not coming … yet.” She laughed at her own joke, making me chuckle.

  “Silly girl.”

  I started walking her toward the exit. The quicker I could get her in my car and home, the better.

  “I’m not a girl, Matthew,” she said, tapping the tip of my nose with her finger. “I’m a woman. Look at all this womanly-ness.” She made a sweeping gesture over her body with her arm and then grabbed her breast.

  Thankfully, we were already in the parking lot and no one got a view of her grabbing herself. Honestly, if she wasn’t wasted, I would have enjoyed the view, but I knew she wasn’t herself.

  “Yes, you’re all woman, baby. Trust me. I know.”

  “Aww, you called me baby. That’s so freaking sweet. I like it when you call me sweet names.” We stopped at my car as I dug out my keys to open the passenger side door for her.

  She stopped me, reaching up and grabbing me by the face with both hands. “Did you hear me? I said I like you, Matthew.”

  I looked down at her, wishing she meant it and that it wasn’t just the alcohol talking, but I could see in her glazed red eyes and hear in the slur of her voice that she had no idea what she was saying.

  Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “I like you, too, Shannon. So much.”

  With those words, she pressed against me, pulling me in and kissing me harder than she ever had. Losing her hands up the front of my shirt, she ran her fingers up my chest before moving them around my back and down to grab my ass.

  I pulled away from the kiss. “Whoa, babe, let’s slow down and get you home.”

  She pouted. “Why are you stopping this? I want you.”

  I chuckled, knowing she was out of it. “Yeah, well, we can’t do it here against my car in the middle of the parking lot, now can we?”

  I wasn’t going to have sex with her when she was drunk. I wanted her—there was no doubt about that—but I wanted her to know I was inside her when it finally happened.

  My words worked, and she let me put her in the car and buckle her in.

  By the time I was halfway across town, she was snoring in the seat beside me. I wanted to take her back to my place, but something told me that wasn’t a great idea. I wasn’t a weak man, but Shannon made me that way. I wasn’t sure I could continue to push her away every time she drunkenly threw herself at me, and I didn’t want to take any chances.

  I shut my car off when I pulled up to her apartment building, and before waking her, I sat and watched her sleep soundly for a bit. From the flutter of her lashes against her cheek to the sleepy pout on her soft lips, she was winning me over. I could hardly believe it, but I was done for.

  Reaching out, I slipped my fingers through her hair, cupping her chin and running my thumb over her cheek. I wanted her. Not just sexually, but completely.

  Her eyes opened a bit, and she yawned. “Are we there?” she asked, her voice still slurred from too many drinks.

  I nodded. “We’re at your place. Let’s get you inside and tucked in, okay?”

  Lilly and Devin weren’t there, as usual, so I took Shannon into her room and sat her on the bed.

  Her room was simple and clean with white bedroom furniture and gray walls. There were pictures of her and her friends and a vanity with lotions and sprays. Sheer curtains hung from the two windows, moving with the breeze of her ceiling fan. Her closet door was open, allowing me to see the loads of clothes, shoes, and purses she had.

  It was all Shannon. It even smelled like her.

  I pulled her shoes off her feet and helped her onto the bed. Pulling the blanket up around her shoulders, I pressed a soft kiss against her forehead.

  “Call me tomorrow.”

  She nodded with closed eyes.

  I turned away, ready to leave her and go home, but just as I was about to leave her room, she called out my name.

  “Yeah?” I turned around, taking in the view of her in bed without me.

  “Please stay,” she said softly. The begging quality of her voice was doing me in, and I knew even though it would be hell lying next to her without touching her, I couldn’t say no.

  I shut her bedroom door, closing us in together, and then I slipped my shoes off. Climbing into bed with her, I pulled back the blanket and slid in next to her warm body. She moved against me, and I clenched my eyes closed, enjoying the feel of having her so close.

  Her fingers tangled in the collar of my shirt, and she worked her face between my shoulder and my chin, her sweet breath rushing over my neck with every breath she took.

  It was hell.

  It was heaven.

  “Good night,” she muttered against my skin, sending my body into overdrive.

  “Good night,” I responded.

  Swallowing hard, I lay there and stare at the ceiling until I heard her softly begin to snore. She wanted me to stay, but I couldn’t. It was torture on my body knowing she was there, willing and ready. I wouldn’t sleep … not with her curves pressed so tightly to every part of my body.

  As soon as she drifted into a deep sleep, I slipped from her bed, put on my shoes, and crept from her room. I was halfway through the apartment, getting close to the door when a light flicked on in the kitchen.

  I turned quickly to find Devin standing in the kitchen staring back at me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Matthew?” he asked, his accusing eyes trailing over me.

  “You want the truth or the lie?”

  “Fuck you. You know I want the truth. Are you fucking with Shannon now? Because I don’t think Lilly would like that too much, and anything that makes Lilly unhappy makes me unhappy.”

  I nodded. “This is different,” I said, hoping that was enough of an explanation for him.

“It’s never different with you.”

  He moved out of the kitchen, coming to stand toe to toe with me. His eyes moved over my face, and his tense jaw went slack.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered to himself.

  “What?” I asked defensively.

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  “This is exactly what you get, motherfucker.”

  Again, he laughed.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, man?”

  “You’ll see. I don’t need to kick your ass. Being in love is like a punch to the gut. You’re already fucked, and you don’t even know it.”

  At that, he chuckled once more before he turned away and started down the hallway.

  “Lock up on your way out and good luck.”

  And then he was gone. In the distance, I heard the soft click of a bedroom door and then the apartment was silent.

  I locked the door and went to my car.

  I’d come a long way, that was for sure. I had left a willing woman in her bed alone. That had to be a sign I was truly losing my shit.

  My house was empty and dark, and I didn’t bother turning on any lights as I went to my room and peeled my clothes from my body. Just as I was climbing into bed, my phone buzzed. Thinking it was Shannon, I snatched my phone from the side table and swiped my thumb across the screen to open my messages.

  Corrine: Up for a late-night fuck?

  I didn’t bother responding. Instead, I closed my messages, set my phone back next to the side of the bed, and went to sleep.




  It was the only logical reason for me to be aching all over. At some point during the night, I’d been run over and then backed over. My entire body was sore, and my head pounded so badly that even turning over nearly did me in.

  My memory was skewed. I remembered Matthew being there and us going out to the bar, but I had no idea how I got home or if anything happened between us.

  Sitting up in bed, I moaned when my skull rang with what felt like a hit from a sledgehammer. I rubbed my temples and fell back against my pillow. Nausea roiled around my stomach and made me gag.

  I was in hangover hell.

  It was a bad place.

  I never wanted to go there again.

  Rolling onto my side, I see a tiny piece of paper with my name scribbled across the top on my bedside table. I snatched the paper from the table and read it.

  You’re adorable when you sleep. Also, you snore.

  I covered my face with my hands, smiling against my palms. Swiping my phone, I sent him a quick text.

  Me: Lies. I don’t snore. I sleep like an angel.

  A few minutes passed before he texted back.

  Matthew: True. You do sleep like an angel. An angel who snores.

  Matthew: How’s the hangover?

  Me: Very hangover-y

  Matthew: Lol. Bite the dog. It’s the only way.

  Me: If I even think about alcohol, I’ll get sick.

  Me: I’m sorry if I did anything inappropriate last night.

  Matthew: No worries. I like you inappropriate. ;)

  I chuckled.

  Matthew: You owe me, though. When can I collect?

  Me: I owe you? What do I owe you?

  Matthew: I went home with a nasty set of blue balls after you groped me all night. Thankfully, I’m a nice guy and didn’t take advantage.

  Me: Aw, I’m sorry. Thank you for being a nice guy.

  Matthew: You’re welcome. You can pay me back later by having dinner with me?

  I smiled. I wanted nothing more than to see him again. I loved being around him.

  Me: What time?

  Matthew: I’ll pick you up at 6.

  Me: Ok. See you then.

  Matthew: Think about me today.

  I giggled, making my head hurt worse.

  Me: I will. You think about me, too.

  Matthew: I always think about you.

  I set my phone down and covered my face yet again.

  What was I getting myself into with him?

  AFTER I HAD DOWNED THREE IBUPROFEN, I started to feel human again.

  I managed to shower and get to work, which I didn’t think would be possible. I vowed never to drink the night before work again.

  When I walked into Franklin’s, Lilly’s eyes went wide.

  “You look like death. Are you okay?”

  I nodded, dragging myself across the room and behind the jewelry counter.

  “Are you sure? I’m not being rude, but I’ve never seen you like this. Did something happen?”

  “Yes. Tequila and a few others happened.” I tossed my purse under the counter and flopped down onto the stool.

  She giggled. “Oh, you have a hangover? That sucks.”

  “Very much so.”

  Lilly was in good spirits again, considering what she had gone through recently. I was glad to see her getting back out there and coming back to work. I just hoped she was ready.

  The good news was she had Devin. I was starting to see the appeal behind him. He was a nice guy, and he treated Lilly like a priceless item. Not only that, I was starting to understand how she could enjoy his hands all over her. I could understand the bed squeaking down the hallway, and the sounds of pleasure spilling from the room.

  Those were all things I was beginning to want more and more, but I knew getting myself drunk to go through with it wasn’t one of my best ideas. Not to mention, Matthew was evidently too much of a gentleman to take advantage. I loved that about him.

  “So what have you been doing lately?” Lilly asked. “You seem to be gone a lot. I hope it’s not because Devin is at our place all the time.”

  “Not at all. I like Devin. He’s a good guy. I’ve just been out and dealing with things with Grammy.”

  I wasn’t confident enough to tell her about Matthew yet. Not to mention, I wasn’t sure how she felt about me being around him after the big blowup at her birthday party.

  “How’s she doing? Your grammy? Is there anything you need?”

  I knew what she was getting at, but I wasn’t desperate enough to have her ask her mom for financial help. Not yet anyway. I’d been saving every dime I had, hoping I would be able to cover costs when it was time to pay, but so far, it wasn’t looking very good.

  I applied for other jobs and everything, but even though there were plenty of places to work, no one was calling me back.

  It was stressful, but I wasn’t going to give up on Grammy.

  I couldn’t.

  And if the time came when payment was due, and I didn’t have the money, then I would go to Lilly. Until then, there was still a chance.

  Three hours went by and Lilly and I did our usual things once the store was caught up and all the cases were stocked, which was sitting and watching soap operas on the small TV in the back.

  My phone rang, and I pulled it out of my pocket. Seeing Matthew’s name on the screen, I stepped out of the store and onto the sidewalk out front so Lilly wouldn’t hear my conversation.

  “Hey,” he said.


  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling much better. Thank you for asking.”

  “Of course. So I was thinking we would do a five-star tonight. Are you down with that?”

  I hadn’t gone to one of his fancy places yet. It was the least I could do, considering he had gotten me home safe and untouched the night before.

  “Okay. Sounds good. What should I wear?”

  He chuckled. “Anything you want. You look great in everything.”

  “Fine. I’ll wear a paper bag,” I joked.

  “Now that sounds hot. Definitely wear a paper bag. Wet it a bit before I get there and maybe I’ll be able to see through it.”



  “Whatever. How have I teased you?”

  He laughed. “Excuse me but I’m th
e one who remembers last night, Miss Handsy.”

  I covered my face and groaned in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be, but the next time you decide to get touchy-feely, make sure you’re sober so I can take advantage. Deal?”


  I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but Matthew was winning me over. Maybe it was because I was starting to see what a nice guy he was. Maybe because I knew most of what people saw when they looked at him was a front. That beneath it all, he was genuine with a heart of gold and a sweet soul.

  Either way, I was falling for him, and there was nothing I could do to stop myself.

  I went back to my apartment early to dress for the fancy restaurant. I wasn’t feeling one hundred percent, but I was feeling well enough to go out for dinner. When he picked me up, he was wearing an expensive suit and his Rolex.

  Men and their watches.


  His hair was damp and looked as though he had fingered it into a messy, sexy style. He was freshly shaved with just the perfect amount of hair on his chin and around his lips.

  He grinned at me when I opened the door, and his eyes fell down my body in a slow, lazy perusal, making me glad I went home and changed into something a bit more appropriate.

  “Damn, Red, your legs are amazing,” he said as his eyes made their way back up from my ankles. “So long and smooth.” He shuddered like I was giving him chills, and I felt myself blush all over.

  “Thank you.”

  He moved in and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  I believed him.

  I had never believed anyone when they told me I was pretty, but something about the way he said it and the look in his eyes when he pulled away from me … He sincerely thought I was gorgeous, and I had never felt more fabulous in all my life.

  “So do you,” I said.

  He did.

  Dear God, he looked edible.

  I locked the door behind me, and we held hands to his car. His long fingers were warm in mine, and on occasion, he would slide his thumb over my knuckles.


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