The Kennedys

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The Kennedys Page 95

by Thomas Maier

Miller, Kerby

  Miller, William E.

  Milton Academy

  Mind and the Heart of Love, The

  Mindszenty, Josef

  Minh Ho Chi

  Minihan, Andrew

  Mitchel, John

  Mitchell, George

  Miten, Michael

  Moffat, J. Pierrepont

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Moore, Arthur

  More, Thomas

  More the Merrier, The

  Morgan, Edward P.

  Morgan, Ted

  Morlion, Felix P.

  Morris, Charles R.

  Morrison, Bruce

  Morrissey, Francis X.

  Morse, Samuel F. B.

  Moses, Robert

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  Mudd, Roger

  Mulcahy, Richard

  Mulkern, Patsy

  Murphy, Frank

  Murphy, John

  Murphy, Philip

  Murray, John Courtney

  Murray, Rose Mary

  Murrow, Ed

  Myth of Sisyphus

  Nast, Thomas


  National Association for the Advancement

  of Colored People

  National Association of Evangelicals

  National Conference of Citizens for

  Religious Freedom

  National Council of Churches

  National Geographic

  Nation of Immigrants, A

  Neuhaus, Richard John

  Newfield, Jack

  New Republic

  New Ross, Ireland

  New York

  Al Smith’s power in

  Kennedy family move to

  Robert Kennedy’s senate campaign in

  New Yorker

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Journal American

  New York Times

  New York Times Magazine

  Ngo Dinh Nhu

  Niebuhr, Reinhold

  Nixon, Richard

  and the 1960 presidential campaign

  and the 1968 presidential campaign

  resignation of

  Norris, George

  Novak, Michael

  Nunnerly, David

  O’Boyle, Patrick Cardinal

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise

  O’Brien, Hugh

  O’Brien, Larry

  O’Brien,William Smith

  O’Byrne, Eleanor M.

  O’Connell, Daniel

  O’Connell, James


  death of

  at the funeral of JFK

  and Joe Kennedy

  power of

  scandals involving

  separatist views of

  O’Connor, Frank

  O’Connor, John

  O’Donnell, Kenny

  O’Dowd, Niall

  Ohrenstein, Manfred

  O’Mahoney, Jeremiah

  Onassis, Aristotle

  O’Neill, Owen Roe

  O’Neill, Thomas P., Jr.

  on John F. Kennedy’s political skill

  relationship with JFK

  O’Reilly, John Boyle

  Ormsby-Gore, David

  Ormsby-Gore, Sissy

  O’Shaughnessey, Wakes

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Other America, The

  Otis, Harrison Gray

  O’Toole, James

  Oxnam, G. Bromley

  Pacelli, Eugenio

  See alsoPius XII, Pope

  Pacem in Terris,

  Paine, Thomas

  Paisley, Ian

  Parker, Theodore

  Parkinson, Cecil

  Parnell, Charles Stewart

  Parochial schools

  Pascalina, Mother

  Paul VI, Pope

  Peace Corps

  Peale, Norman Vincent

  Peel, Robert


  Phenomenon of Man, The

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Phillips, Cabell

  Pierce, Franklin

  Pierce,John W.

  Pilgrim’s Way

  Pius IX, Pope

  Pius XI, Pope

  Pius XII, Pope

  coronation of


  anti-Catholic, anti-Irish bigotry in

  and black Americans

  and the 1946 campaign of JFK

  and the 1952 campaign of JFK

  effect of immigrants on

  and the election of JFK to President

  influence of religion on

  involvement of the Catholic Church


  and Jewish Americans

  and the Know-Nothing Party

  and the 1960 presidential campaign of


  and the 1968 presidential campaign of

  Robert Kennedy

  and Protestants

  religion as an issue in

  in Texas

  in West Virginia

  Pollard, Ramsey

  Powell,Adam Clayton

  Power of Positive Thinking, The

  Powers, Dave

  Profiles in Courage



  and black Americans

  on JFK’s staff

  in Northern Ireland

  and politics

  in sixteenth and seventeenth century


  Protestants and Other Americans United

  for the Separation of Church and


  Queen Kelly

  Question Box, The

  Radziwill, Lee

  Raisin in the Sun

  Raleigh, Walter

  Rather, Dan

  Rauch, Sheila

  Raymond, George J.

  Reader’s Digest

  Reagan, Ronald

  Rebellions, Irish


  Reeves, Richard


  Reid, Whitelaw

  Religion as a political issue


  Republican party, the

  and abortion

  and anti-Catholicism


  in the 1952 election

  Joe McCarthy and

  and Northern Ireland

  Reston, James

  Restore Our Alienated Rights

  Retreat for Lay People

  Ribicoff, Abraham

  Richardson, Carol

  Robert Kennedy:A Memoir


  Robertson, Pat

  Roche, John

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rockwell, Norman

  Rogers, Elmer E.

  Roman Catholic Church, the

  and abortion

  bigotry toward

  and birth control

  and communism

  and the Cuban missile crisis

  education and

  immigrants and

  influence of the Kennedy family on

  involvement in politics

  Joe Kennedy’s influence with

  Kennedy family donations to

  leadership in Boston

  on marriage

  oppression of

  progressiveness in

  on sexuality

  support of JFK

  women of

  See alsoVatican, the Romero, Juan


  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  bigotry of

  on immigrants

  Joe Kennedy and

  negotiations with the Vatican

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.,Jr.


  Roosevelt, Sara Delano

  Ross, Harold

  Rosslyn, Tony

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Russell, Bertrand

  Russell, John

  Russert, Tim

  Russo, Joseph

  Ryan, Carolyn

  Ryan, Dennis P.


  Ryan, Mary Ann

  Ryan, Mary Kennedy

  Salinger, Pierre

  Sanders, Dennis

  Sands, Bobby

  Saturday Evening Post

  Scammon, Richard

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

  Schulberg, Budd

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Securities and Exchange Commission,115 Seeger, Alan

  Seitz, Raymond

  Selassie, Haile

  Seven Storey Mountain, The

  Shannon, William V,

  Shattered Faith

  Shaw, Brian

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Sheehy, Maurice

  on communism

  Sheen, Fulton J.

  Sheil, Bernard J.

  Sherrill, Henry Knox

  Shriver, Eunice Kennedy. SeeKennedy,


  Shriver, Maria

  Shriver, R. Sargent

  Sidey, Hugh


  Sinatra, Frank

  Sinn Fein

  Sirhan, Sirhan

  Sitwell, Edith

  Skakel, George


  Slayton, Robert

  Smith, Al

  candidacy for President

  dinner in honor of

  Smith, Amanda

  Smith, Jean Kennedy. SeeKennedy, Jean Smith, Jerome

  Smith, Stephen

  Smith, William Kennedy

  Soderberg, Nancy

  Solomon, Barbara Miller

  Sorensen, Ted

  Soucy, Edward A.

  South Africa

  Soviet Union

  Spalding, Chuck

  Spee Club

  Spellman, Francis

  and communism

  death of

  at Eunice Kennedy’s wedding

  at Jean Kennedy’s wedding

  and JFK

  and Joe Kennedy

  on Joseph McCarthy

  and Kathleen Kennedy’s relationship

  with Billy Hartington

  and the media

  and parochial schools

  political power of

  and Richard Cushing

  and Rose Kennedy

  and the U. S. government

  in Vietnam

  St. Joseph Register

  St. Louis Review

  Stanford University

  Steinem, Gloria

  Steinfels, Peter

  Stevenson, Adlai

  Stolen Years

  Stone, I.F.

  Storrow, James Jackson

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Studies in Church History

  Sullivan, Ed

  Sullivan, Mrs. William H., Jr.

  Sunday Independent

  Sunset Boulevard

  Sutton, Billy

  Swanson, Gloria

  Talbot, Ted

  Taylor, Myron C.


  anti-JFK feeling in

  assassination of JFK in

  and JFK’s Presidential campaign

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thoreau, Henry David

  Thuc Ngo Dinh

  Thye, Edward




  Timilty, Joseph Francis

  Tobin, Maurice

  Torn, Rip

  To Seek a Newer World

  Tottenham, George

  Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy

  on abortion

  on Irish immigrants

  on Robert Kennedy

  Trella, John J.

  Trevelyan, Charles

  Trimble, David


  Truitt, Max O’Rell

  Truman, Harry

  and the Vatican

  Tubridy, Dorothy

  U. S. News and World Report

  Udall, Stewart

  Ulster Defense Association

  United Irishmen

  United States, the

  anti-Catholic, anti-Irish bigotry in

  attitudes toward immigrants in

  Catholics in

  education funding in

  education system

  immigrants to

  influence of religion on government in

  isolationism in

  legal status of immigrants to

  social programs in

  Uprooted, The

  Uris, Leon

  USA Today

  Vallainc, Fausto

  Vanden Heuval,WHliam

  Vatican, the

  Joe Kennedy as liaison between the

  White House and

  See alsoRoman Catholic Church, the

  Vaught, W. O.

  Vena, Luigi

  Vidal, Gore

  Viereck, Peter


  Vile Bodies

  Virgin Birth,The

  Wagner, Robert

  Walesa, Lech

  Walker, Francis A.

  Wallace, George

  Walsh, David

  Walsh, Ed

  Walsh, John

  Ward, Clement

  Ward, Michael J.

  Warren Commission

  Washington, George

  Washington Irving(ship)

  Washington Post

  Washington Times-Herald

  Waugh, Evelyn

  Weaver, Robert

  Weigel, Gustave

  Welles, Sumner

  West Virginia

  Wexford Independent, The

  Whalen,Thomas J.

  White,Theodore H.

  Whitman, Walt

  Why England Slept


  Wilder, Billy

  Wilkie, Wendell

  Wilkins, Roy

  William of Orange

  Williams, Hosea

  Williams, John L.

  Wills, Garry

  Willy, Wilford

  Wine, James W

  Wise, Stephen

  Wofford, Harris

  Wolfe, Alan

  Women in the Catholic Church

  Wood, Richard

  World War II

  Ireland during

  isolationism during

  JFK’s experience during

  Joe Jr.’s experience during

  Yarborough, Ralph

  York, Forrest W

  Young Melbourne, The




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