Steve Allen Show, The, 130–131
threatened by the Mob, 129–130
as Tonight Show host, 129–130
Willard praised by, 171
Allen, Woody
Brickman’s collaboration with, 179–180
Broadway Danny Rose, 87
coming into his own, 179–181
Cosby and, 224
on decline of Hope’s later work, 261
desire to be a writer, not performer, 178
difficult early years as stand-up, 178–179, 180
Allen, Woody (continued)
Emmy for Sid Caesar special, 178
Kissinger mockumentary by, 266–267
on Liebman’s shortcomings, 143
material stolen by, 180
May emulated by, 178
in NBC Writers Development Program, 122, 123
Newhart emulated by, 178
in nightclubs, 178
NY presentation houses’ influence on, 78
Paar infuriated by, 179
Playboy Club act of, 180
on returning to stand-up, 353
Sahl emulated by, 179
on Sahl’s influence, 161
as Stanley sitcom writer, 143
Sullivan infuriated by, 179
work for Candid Camera, 177–178
writing for Caesar, 124
All in the Family, 288–289
Alternative Comedy, 336
Altman, Jeff, 322
Alton, Bill, 204
Amberg, “Pretty,” 55–56
American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA), 64
Amos ’n’ Andy show, 31–33
Amsterdam, Morey, 83, 126–127, 128, 277
Anastasia, Albert, 63, 65
Anderson, Eddie, 34
Annette Kellerman Diving Girls, 12
Another Nice Mess, 267
anti-Communist hysteria. See Red Scare
anti-Semitism. See also racism and racial stereotypes
European fascism and, 35, 36–38
of Fay, 15
Groucho Marx’s battle against, 10–11
regarding The Jerry Lewis Show, 208
supposed, of Rickles, 150
Apatow, Judd, 337
Apollo hall, 185
Arbogast, Bob, 251
Arkin, Alan, 170, 204–205
army comedians, 39–40
Arthur, Robert, 116
Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts, 89
Asnas, Max, 87
Astor, Dave, 275
Atwell, Roy, 107
Aukerman, Scott, 355
Austin, Phil, 247
Baby Grand nightclub, 188
Baker, Phil, 18–19, 24
Ball, Lucille, 121–122
Banducci, Enrico, 160, 161, 162, 165, 199
Barbour, John, 199, 236–237, 261
Barbutti, Pete, 144, 147–148
Barney, One Ball, 69
Barry, Todd, 354
Barth, Belle, 71–72, 193, 292
Basil, Harry, 325, 326
Basin Street East nightclub, 189–190
Bean, Orson, 66, 134, 137
Bearde, Chris, 277
Beautiful Phyllis Diller Show, The, 268–269
Becker, Murray, 176
Behr, Roger, 303–304, 322
Belushi, John, 316
Benny, Jack
arrested for smuggling jewelry, 35–36
asked to join Marx Brothers, 17
billed as Ben Benny, 18
on following the Marx Brothers, 17
Greene praised by, 146
on Hitler’s death list, 38
Jack Benny Program, The, 33–35, 94, 96
other acts copied by, 18–19
Paar hired as summer replacement for, 132
Paar impression by, 135
persona designed by Boasberg, 19–20
silence milked for laughs by, 33, 34
Silvers warned of “TV trap” by, 102, 105
on the Vietnam War, 264–265
Woody Allen praised by, 180–181
Benoff, Mac, 119
Ben Stiller Show, The, 337
Berger, Phil, 303–304
Bergman, Peter, 247
Berle, Frank, 99–100
Berle, Milton
abusive rehearsals by, 98–100
Boasberg’s writing for, 19
on Cantor, 21
at the Carnival Club, 83–84
complaint about Martin & Lewis, 81
cross-dressing by, 100–101
eclipsed by Caesar, 110–111
Friars Club roast by, 44
friendship with Silvers, 101
at Harry Einstein’s death, 45
on Healy’s influence, 11–12
influence on Carter, 78
Jaegger’s (Lindy’s waiter) treatment of, 86
large cock of, 287–288
laugh track loved by, 114
as Lindy’s leader, 85–86
makeup used to fight age by, 285
on miserable vaudeville conditions, 3
passed by Comedy Boom, 312–313
radio debut with Vallee, 29
rivalry with Fay, 15
sandwich named after, 87
Saturday Night Live disparaged by, 313
in South Florida, 58, 59
as Texaco Star Theater emcee, 97–101
threatened by mobster, 55–56
vaudeville break of, 24
Youngman’s roast of, 287
Berle, William, 285, 312–313
Berman, Shelley
arrogance of, 213
Comedian Backstage documentary on, 211–213
comedy records by, 194
Flicker on selfishness of, 170
performance after Paar walked off, 136–137
solo success found by, 170
start in the Compass Players, 168, 169
Bernie, Ben, 18, 20
Big and Tall Books, 336
Billy Gray’s Band Box
closing of, 279–280
as comedy club progenitor, 274
Hackett at, 142, 143
Shore and, 280, 281
Bishop, Joey
as early Las Vegas performer, 139
Joey Bishop Show, The, 87, 237–239, 240
as Mob wedding emcee, 65
quarrel with Bruce, 164
Black, Lewis, 349, 350
Black comedians. See also racism and racial stereotypes; specific comedians
in Amos ’n’ Andy show, 32
blackface use by, 186
Chitlin’ Circuit for, 184–185, 221, 222–223, 291
in early stand-up, 184–190
in front of white crowds, 190
Gregory’s groundbreaking for, 215, 220
Hefner’s help for, 214
marketed by Dooto Records, 191–192
Black comedians (continued)
marketed by Laff Records, 291–294
Murphy’s success and comedy boom for, 330–333
not hired by Allen, 189
protest in the ’70s and, 289
Red Scare and, 100
in vaudeville, 21–22
blackface acts, 11, 31–33, 186
blacklisting. See Red Scare
Blaine, Jerry, 192–193
Blakeman, Scott, 305
Blankfield, Mark, 312
Blomen, Henning, 238–239
blue, working. See dirty talk
Boasberg, Al, 19–20
Bob & Ray, 135
Bobrick, Sam, 282
bomb, satire on the, 167–168
bomb tests near Las Vegas, 140–141
Bonerz, Peter, 204, 241–242
Booker, Bob, 196
Boosler, Elayne, 306, 308, 322
Borge, Victor, 29, 88
Borscht Belt, the, 73
Bourbon, Ray, 70–71, 101
Bowen, Roger, 169
Brando, Marlon, 238
Brecher, Irving, 353
Brenner, David, 275, 300, 307
Brent, John, 204
Brice, Fanny, 21, 29
Brickman, Marshall
on Bruce’s Chicago arrest, 225–226
on Cavett as a monologue writer, 181
collaboration with Woody Allen, 179–180
on the new theft-proof comedy, 159
on Roman, 253
on Sahl’s influence, 161
on Woody Allen, 178
work for Candid Camera, 177
as writer for Rivers, 184
Bridges, Steve, 351
Bright, Jackie, 64
Brillstein, Bernie
as agent for Michaels, 269, 271, 272
as agent for Steinberg, 300
Belushi loaned money by, 316
Hee Haw created by, 256–257
start as Wood’s secretary, 65
Broadway Open House, 125–128
Broadway presentation houses. See New York nightclub comics
Brooks, Albert
Benny’s influence on, 35
confidence of, 279
as Diamond’s opening act, 279
early experience in plays, 278
as Einstein’s youngest son, 43
first stand-up experiences of, 279
first television shots of, 278
friendship with Rob Reiner, 278
growing up in show business, 277–278
on his father’s last days, 44, 45, 46
last stand-up at Paul’s Mall, 279
Owens helped by, 278
on returning to stand-up, 354
Brooks, Mel
on Abbott & Costello, 31
on Benny’s influence, 35
Caesar’s first meeting with, 106, 107
on Caesar’s imitative skills, 106
on Cantor’s influence, 26–27
hired by Caesar under the table, 107
Imogene Coca Show and, 123
Liebman’s lack of appreciation for, 107, 110, 143
in Stone ad, 100
2000 Year Old Man routine of, 195–196
as Your Show of Shows writer, 110
Brown, Joe E., 18
Bruce, Honey
Bruce introduced to heroin by, 90
on Bruck’s and Hackett’s friendship, 142
on drug use, 158
first meeting with Bruce, 89–90
Bruce, Lenny
arrests of, 224–226
Burns & Carlin helped by, 176
Carlin compared to, 260
Carlin on honesty of, 157
charisma of, 204
on Chicago Mob deaths, 61
comedy changed by, 157–159, 166
comics angered at conviction of, 226
The Committee influenced by, 242–243
at Cosmo Alley, 176
as counterculture martyr, 228
at the Crescendo, 162, 164
death of, 228
decline of, 224–228
dissatisfaction with early appearances, 89
drug use by, 89–90, 158, 204, 224–225, 226, 228, 243
envied by other comics, 164
evolution of his act, 157–158
first broadcast on Arthur Godfrey, 88–89
first meeting with his wife, 89–90
freedom of, 158
friendship with Hackett, 142, 225
Greene idolized by, 146
guts to go dirty, 88, 163
influence of, 166, 204
in The Interlude, 162–163
joke after JFK assassination, 200
live act versus records of, 158, 163
Los Angeles Times on decline of, 226–227
loss of trust by, 227
material stolen from Jordan by, 89
Murray Roman’s emulation of, 253
Newhart’s fame predicted by, 195
panned by Time, 164
panned by Variety, 164–165
The Premise used as drug drop by, 204
quarrel with Bishop, 164
Rivers encouraged by, 183
Sahl and Winters compared to, 165
Sahl called after arrests, 225
sick humor of, 164
at the Slate Brothers nightclub, 163
in strip joints, 158–159
television shots in 1957, 163
theft-proof material of, 159
with Universal in Los Angeles, 142
Buck & Bubbles, 22
“Buddy” as a name, 157
Burke, Johnny, 40
burlesque, 6–7, 25
Burnett, Carol, 143
Burns, George
arrested for smuggling jewelry, 35–36
Boasberg’s writing for, 19
Friars Club roast by, 44
on the hoop in vaudeville, 7
on lack of studio audience in radio, 113
on the laugh track, 114
on money struggles in vaudeville, 23
radio debut with Vallee, 29
in South Florida, 59
on Swain’s Rats and Cats, 8
vaudeville break of, 24
Burns, Jack, 174, 175, 177, 271, 312
Burns & Carlin, 174, 175–177
Burns and Schreiber Comedy Hour, The, 271–272
Bush, George W., 345
Buttons, Red, 30–31, 97, 287
Byner, John, 283
Caesar, Sid
Berle eclipsed by, 110–111
Brooks hired under the table by, 107
Caesar, Sid (continued)
Caesar’s Hour, 123–124
Copacabana act of, 106
creative approach of, 110
first meeting with Brooks, 106, 107
lawsuit by Freeman, 107
Liebman’s production for, 105, 106
start in the Catskills, 73–74
television success of, 97
World War II camp shows by, 39
as Your Show of Shows star, 108–111
Caesar’s Hour, 123–124
Cagney, James, 290–291
Cahill, John, 36
Callie, Mike, 313
Cambridge, Godfrey, 203
Camp, Hamilton, 252
Campbell, Glenn, 251
Cantor, Eddie
Colgate Comedy Hour emceed by, 81
Einstein befriended by, 41–42
Jewish children aided to escape Nazism by, 37
radio career of, 26–28
in vaudeville, 20–22, 24
Carell, Steve, 340, 343
Carey, Drew, 322
Carlin, George
arrested with Bruce in Chicago, 226
assassination of King and, 220
Broadway Open House watched by, 127
on Bruce, 157, 176
Bruce idolized by, 228
on Bruce’s decline, 227
in Burns & Carlin, 174, 175–177
comedy records by, 258, 289
Comedy Store strike supported by, 307
cute acts tiresome for, 258
on Davidson, 257
drug use by, 174, 175, 228, 244, 257, 258, 290
first solo acts by, 177
as Flip Wilson Show writer, 289
forbidden words used by, 259–260
friendship with Burns, 175
HBO special by, 300–301
hippies emulated by, 257
Joe Kennedy not amused by, 198
late night talk show pilot by, 300
LSD taken by, 246, 257, 258
mainstream standing sabotaged by, 258–259
Merv Griffin as breakthrough for, 257
Michaels criticized by, 353
political viewpoint of, 175, 176, 177
in radio, 175
in With Six You Get Eggroll, 258
as Tonight Show guest, 206
wide range of, 174–175
work after Burns & Carlin breakup, 177
Carney, Art, 199–200
Carnival Club, 83–84
Carol Burnett Show, The, 174
Caroline’s Comedy Hour, 334
Carrey, Jim, 331, 332
Carroll, Jean, 78–80
Carson, Johnny
Cavett compared to, 240
dress code for his show, 248
as fill-in for Paar, 135
Letterman filling in for, 319
retirement of, 338
Tonight Show moved by, 294
Carter, Jack
on army comedians, 40
on Berle’s abusive rehearsals, 99
on Cantor, 21
on columns in New York, 86
on the Concord resort, 75
on Hanson’s Drugstore, 84
Jack Carter Show, The, 108, 109
on Jaegger (Lindy’s waiter), 86
Las Vegas act interrupted by bomb tests, 141
Mason disliked by, 210
on Max Asnas–isms, 87
on NY presentation houses, 77
NY presentation houses’ influence on, 78
Playgoers Club as hangout of, 83
on pot smoking by Hanson’s crowd, 90
on Pully’s straight man Gump, 69
on Rickles’s social ineptitude, 150
on Roy, 91
on South Florida nightclubs, 58
on Sullivan asking paraplegics to take a bow, 112–113
as Sullivan favorite, 111
on Wynn, 30
Carvey, Dana, 339, 343
Cat Balou, 114
Catch a Rising Star, 304, 308–309
Catskill resorts, 72, 73–75, 313
Catskill roadhouses, 72, 73
Cavett, Dick
on Banducci, 162
Carson compared to, 240
on Colby, 181
Dick Cavett Show, The, 240–241
on Griffin’s bid for The Tonight Show, 206
as Jerry Lewis Show writer, 208
on Paar’s unique character, 134
on Rivers ambition, 183
stand-up attempts by, 181
as Tonight Show writer, 181, 206
on Woody Allen’s brilliance, 179
CBS Morning Show, 133
Cedric the Entertainer, 333
Chambers, Ernie, 249
Chandler, Raymond, 234–235
The Comedians Page 47