drug associations abandoned by, 142–143
as early Las Vegas star, 141, 144–145
friendship with Bruce, 142, 225
friendship with Greene, 144–145
on his father’s inventions, 141
nightclub career of, 143–144
in Stanley sitcom, 143
started by Youngman, 30–31
start in show business, 142
with Universal in Los Angeles, 142
violent side of, 144–145
Ha! comedy channel, 328
Haldeman, H. R., 240–241, 267
Hall, Arsenio, 335
Halstead, Fred, 238–239
Hammerstein, Oscar, 8
Hanking, Larry, 242
Hanson, Hans, 88
Hanson’s Drugstore, 84, 87–88, 90
Harbach, Bill, 129, 207
Hardwick, Chris, 355
Harlow, Honey. See Bruce, Honey
Harrington, Pat Jr., 57, 130
Harris, Van, 40, 164
Hart and Lorne Terrific Hour, The, 270–272
Harvey Wallinger Story, The, 266–267
Hawn, Goldie, 256
HBO specials, 299–301
Healy, Ted, 11–13, 53
Hee Haw, 256–257
Hefner, Hugh. See also Playboy Clubs
Black comics aided by, 214
Bruce given lawyer by, 226
Burns & Carlin booked by, 176
creation of the Playboy Clubs by, 213–214
Woody Allen booked by, 180
Henry, Bert, 194
Henry, Buck, 172, 202, 203–204
Henry Morgan Show, The, 49, 52
Here’s Morgan, 50–51
Herlihy, Ed, 52
heroin. See drug use
Hershfield, Harry, 10
Hicks, Bill, 326
Higgins, Dave and Steve, 328
High, Jack, 67
Hiken, Nat, 47, 102, 105
Hitler, Adolf, 37, 38
Holmes, Jake, 182–183
home improvement scams, 92–93
hook or hoop, in vaudeville, 7
Hoot Nights, 276–277
Hoover, J. Edgar, 38, 121, 239
Hope, Bob
blackface act of, 11
Boasberg’s writing for, 19
bypassed by kidnappers, 262
Comedy Store strike supported by, 307
Hope, Bob (continued)
decline of later work by, 261–262
on Fay, 16
first to use volume writing, 261
hard work in radio, 260–261
as nightclub insult comic, 57
politics of, 260, 262–264
pot jokes by, 264
in Roberta, 79
successes in the ’60s, 236, 261
suspended by Paramount, 262
troops entertained by, 262, 263–264
vaudeville break of, 24
writers assigned to help Agnew by, 263
Hopkins, George, 68
Horne, Lena, 129
Hornsby, Don “Creesh,” 125
House Un-American Activities Committee, 115, 117, 118, 121
Howard, Cal, 127
Howard, Curly, 13
Howard, Cy, 252
Howard, Moe, 3–4, 12, 13, 99
Howard, Shemp, 12
Howe, Buddy, 79
Hughes, Howard, 233, 234, 235
Hughley, D. L., 333
hungry i, 160, 161–162, 177, 199
Hyers, Frankie, 57, 58
Hyman, Joseph, 106
Igus, Darrow, 312
Illson, Saul, 249, 250
I Love Lucy, 121
Imogene Coca Show, The, 123
improv comics, 165
Improvisation, The (the Improv)
Alternative Comedy venues versus, 336
anniversary marathon show at, 306
change into comedy venue, 275
Evening at the Improv, An, 323–324
Klein as star of, 275–276
Letterman’s anniversary show at, 319
Los Angeles branch of, 304
as one of the two first comedy clubs, 274
performers not paid by, 306
incubator baby shows, 1
Ingels, Marty, 148, 253
In Living Color, 331–332
insult comics
comics in audience of, 57
dangers for Black comedians, 190
Leonard, 149, 153–154
Mob dangers to, 55–56, 57, 58, 63
in nightclubs, 55–58, 69–70
Rickles, 150–154
Internet, the
affect on comedy by, 351–352
podcasts, 354–356
Twitter, 354
Irvin, Arthur, 183–184
Irwin, Stan
as early Las Vegas performer, 139
on Hanson’s Drugstore, 87
on Harvey Stone, 40
lounge acts tried by, 153
on Rickles and Leonard, 153
Roy’s act rented by, 91–92
Isaacs, Charlie, 98, 118
Jack Benny Program, The
in radio, 33–35, 94
in television, 96
Jack Carter Show, The, 108, 109
“Jackie” as a name, 157
Jack Paar Program, The, 137
Jack Paar Show, The, 133, 179
Jack Paar Tonight, 285–286
Jackson, Donald, 121
Jackson, Jesse, 238
Jacoby, Coleman, 105
Jaegger (Lindy’s waiter), 86
January, Pepper. See Rivers, Joan
Jerry Lewis Show, The, 206–209
Jerry Lewis Theater, 207, 209
Jessel, George
Healy’s attempt to kill, 12–13
on Mob “protection,” 53
as nightclub insult comic, 57
on the Sheedy Time Circuit, 3
in South Florida, 59
start in schoolroom sketches, 10
“Joey” as a name, 157
Joey Bishop Show, The, 87, 237–239, 240
John Byner Comedy Hour, The, 283
Johnnie Walker National Comedy Search, The, 324
Johnston, Denny, 296, 315–316
joke books, 155–156
Jolson, Al, 42
Jon Stewart Show, The, 335
Jordan, Will
on Berle’s large cock, 287
on Bruce’s ad-libbing talent, 158
on Hanson’s Drugstore, 88
material stolen by Bruce, 89
material stolen by Woody Allen, 180
NY presentation houses’ influence on, 78
on Rickles, 150, 153
on Rivers’s hard work, 184
on Ross’s death, 315–316
on Roy’s name change to Dangerfield, 94
Sullivan impression by, 112
on Sullivan’s lack of intelligence, 112
Josefsberg, Milt, 34, 95, 133
Kalcheim, Nat, 93–94
Kallen, Lucille, 105–106, 123
Kalmar, Bert, 42
Kamen, Milt, 123–124
Kaplan, Marvin, 144
Kate Smith Hour, The, 30–31
Kaufman, Charlie, 343
Kay, Monte, 289
Kay, Tom, 327
Keaton, Buster, 8–9
Keaton, Joe, 8–9
Kefauver, Estes, 60–62, 67, 138
Keith, Franklin, 1
Keith-Albee vaudeville circuit
chaste policy in, 1–2, 7
br /> circuits competing with, 3
competition crushed by, 2
monopoly of, 3
ruthless bottom-line orientation of, 1
Kelly, Gladys, 12
Kelly, Lew, 5
Kempley, Walter, 131
Kenna, Charles, 100
Kennard, Clyde, 217
Kennedy, John F., 196–199
Kennedy, Joseph P., 198–199, 233
Kennedy, Robert, 233
Kent, Lenny, 39, 100–101
Kent State protestors, 263
Keyes, Paul, 123
Kilborn, Craig, 349
Kiley, Brian, 324, 328, 347
King, Alan
Cosby influenced by, 223
on early days in Las Vegas, 138
on the March on Washington, 219
on Mason’s demise, 210
record act of, 81
Stewart as opener for, 334
on wartime comics, 39
King, Alexander, 134
King, Martin Luther Jr., 219–220
King, Michael Patrick, 334
Kinnison, Sam, 325–326
Kirb, Myron, 105, 106
Kirchenbauer, Bill
on Langston’s Showbiz, 295
on Make Me Laugh, 303
McCawley disliked by, 323
Kirchenbauer, Bill (continued)
at meeting about Comedy Store pay, 307
on Mitzi Shore’s greed, 308
on Norm Crosby’s Comedy Shop, 303
Kirk, Mike, 100
Kirkpatrick, Theodore C., 120
Kissinger, Henry, 266
Klein, Robert
on Carson’s dress code, 248
on Catskill comedians, 75–76
on comedy becoming increasingly vulgar, 353
on the comedy industry, 324
Dangerfield loaned money by, 276
on HBO not censoring acts, 299
on Hoot Nights, 276
as Improv comic, 275
influence of, 275–276
on Leonard after being eclipsed by Rickles, 154
on Prinze, 297
on Roy’s arrest, 93
with Second City, 173
on Williams’s theft of jokes, 299
Knotts, Don, 39, 130
Knudsen, William, 33–34
Koman, Michael, 347
Kovacs, Ernie, 131, 146
Kovic, Ron, 263
Kramer, Kenny, 309–310
Krassner, Paul
on Bruce’s death, 228
on Bruce’s joke after JFK assassination, 200
Bruce’s mistrust of, 227
compared to Manson, 243
on Gregory’s run for president, 239
on Groucho Marx’s use of LSD, 244–245
Laff Records, 291–294
Laff Stop comedy club, 313
Lahr, Bert, 14, 29
Landesman, Fred, 170–171
Landesman, Jay and Fran, 170–171
Lane, Mark, 239
Langston, Murray, 295, 301–302
Larry Sanders Show, The, 332
Lassally, Peter, 322
Last Laugh, The, 304–305
Las Vegas, 138–154
bomb tests near, 140–141
change from Mob ownership to corporate ownership, 233–236
Club Bingo in, 139
early days of, 138–140
Greene as star in, 144–145, 147–148
Hackett as star in, 141, 144–145
Hughes’s investment in, 234, 235
locust plague in, 141
Mob’s move to, 67, 138
Rickles as star in, 149, 153–154
satirized on The Stan Freberg Show, 167–168
late night TV, 125–137. See also Tonight Show, The
Broadway Open House, 125–128
first openly gay man on, 236
Joey Bishop Show, The, 87, 237–239, 240
Les Crane Show, The, 236–237
Letterman’s show, 319–320, 334–335, 346
NBC’s development of, 125–128
Nightlife, 237
O’Brien’s show, 338–342, 347, 352
Steve Allen Show, The, 130–131
studio audience for, 127
Tonight! America After Dark, 131
untapped audience for, 128
Late Night with Conan O’Brien, 338–342, 347, 352
Late Night with David Letterman, 319–320, 334–335, 346
Laugh-In, 255–256, 268–269, 270
laugh track on TV, 113–114
Lawford, Peter, 233, 267
Lawrence, Martin, 332–333
Lawrence Welk Show, The, 124
Laxalt, Paul, 233, 234
Lear, Norman, 82, 290
Leave It to Dave, 317
Lee, Madeline, 119
Leeds, Thelma, 42, 45
Lehman, Ernest, 99
Leno, Jay
caution after 9/11, 349
Clay’s act hated by, 327
at the Comedy Store, 296
Klein’s influence on, 275–276
McCawley disliked by, 321–322
at meeting about Comedy Store pay, 306
NBC consulted by, 339
start in stand-up, 296
Leon and Eddie’s “Celebrity Night,” 82–83
Leonard, Eddie, 65
Leonard, Jack E., 81, 149, 153–154
Les Crane Show, The, 236–237, 253
Lester, Buddy, 139, 161
Lester, Jerry, 126–128
Letterman, David
anniversary show at the Improv, 319
on comedians getting started at the Comedy Store, 294
at the Comedy Store, 295
Comedy Store strike joined by, 307
Conan O’Brien liked by, 342
David Letterman Show, The, 317–319
emcee work preferred by, 295–296
filling in for Carson, 319
first show after 9/11, 346
first stand-up by, 295
first Tonight Show appearance by, 317
holding deal with NBC, 317
hostile reviews for, 320
influence of, 317
Late Night with David Letterman, 319–320, 334–335, 346
Leave It to Dave, 317
on Leno at the Comedy Store meeting, 306
move to CBS, 338
move to Los Angeles by, 295
in Peeping Times, 298
stand-up not the strong suit of, 296
tooth gap of, 298
on Williams’s fast style, 299
Levenson, Sam, 223
Levinson, Barry, 281–282, 284, 298
Levy, Morris, 193, 194
Levy, Ralph, 96
Lewis, Danny, 73
Lewis, George Q., 171–172
Lewis, Jennie (Dagmar), 127, 128
Lewis, Jerry
on the Borscht Belt, 73
Copacabana act of, 62–63
enormous ego of, 82
friendship with David, 309
at Hanson’s Drugstore, 88
Jerry Lewis Show, The, 206–209
in Martin & Lewis act, 80–82
Martin on his split with, 131
as NY presentation house usher, 78
record act of, 80
as Tonight Show host, 206
Vietnam War criticized by, 264
Lewis, Joe E.
as early Las Vegas performer, 139, 140
joke on Berle by, 98
Mob beating of, 53–55
/> Pully as kindred spirit, 68
in South Florida, 58
Lewis, Monica, 61
Lewis, Richard
David originally disliked by, 309
on David’s response to fans, 311
on David’s work to get started, 312
on Schultz, 274–275
Liebman, Max
Brooks not appreciated by, 107, 110, 143
dance numbers liked by, 107
Hackett cast in Stanley sitcom by, 143
lawsuit by Freeman, 107
Reiner hired by, 108
Second City’s Broadway failure and, 205
shortcomings of, 143
TV shows and revues of, 105–106
Your Show of Shows debuted by, 108
Lily, 272, 273
Lindemann, Leo, 85, 106
Lindy’s, 84–86
Linkletter, Art, 44, 45, 206
Lipowitz, Lorne. See Michaels, Lorne
Little David records, 289
Living Premise, The, 203
locust plague in Las Vegas, 141
Loeb, Philip, 119–120
Loew, Marcus, 3
Louis C. K.
asked to write by Letterman, 342
as Conan O’Brien writer, 340–342
as Dana Carvey Show creator, 343, 344
on the end of the Comedy Boom, 329
Internet’s affect on, 352
struggle in the ’90s, 333–334, 340
Unknown Comic’s influence on, 302
LSD. See drug use
Lubitsch, Ernst, 38
Ludden, Alan, 295
Lynde, Paul, 143
Mabley, Jackie “Moms,” 185, 190
Mackin, Tom, 286
Madison, James, 156
Madison’s Budget, 156
Maher, Bill, 275, 321, 349
Maher, Jack, 165
Maini, Joe, 158
Make Me Laugh, 303–304
Make Room for Granddaddy, 285
Malcolm X, 187
Man, Frank, 94, 142–143, 151
Manson, Charles, 243
Margolis, Jack, 247–248
marijuana. See drug use
Markham, Dewey “Pigmeat,” 185–186, 189, 221
Markoe, Merrill, 317, 318
Maron, Marc, 308, 355–356
Marr, Sally, 88–89, 227, 228
Marsh, Lou, 151
Marshall, Penny, 281
Marshall, Peter, 68–69
Martin, Dean
at the Copacabana, 62, 63
at Friars Club roast, 44
on his split with Lewis, 131
in Martin & Lewis act, 80–82
Martin, Steve
bad magician act of, 277
film debut by, 267
HBO special by, 300
inspirations for, 277
meeting with Mule Deer, 277
on Roman, 253
start at Hoot Nights, 277
on The Tonight Show and stardom, 321
on writing for the Smothers Brothers, 251
Martin, Tony, 44, 45
Martin & Lewis, 80–82
Marx, Chico, 17
The Comedians Page 49