Single Daddy Dragon

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Single Daddy Dragon Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  “We’ve just met,” Sapphi replied quickly.

  “Oh, you look so cozy together.” Betsy smiled good-naturedly and stroked Archie’s chin. “Drawn to the baby, I expect. At your age I was broody. Couldn’t wait to have some cubs of my own to chase around after.” She gave them a knowing smile.

  “No, not broody,” Sapphi said quickly. Flustered, she added, “Not that I don’t like babies. Fiona and Harlan, my parents, have a two-year-old.”

  “They’re a handful at that age,” Betsy said, showing no intention of leaving them alone.

  “Do you want me to feed Archie, while you eat?” Sapphi asked, reaching for the spoon that Alex was attempting to feed Archie with, but the young boy was too busy watching the people around him. With large eyes, he looked at Betsy, and then at Sapphi, before his head wobbled and he looked back to Alex. Sapphi smiled. “Come on, Archie, let’s eat all your…whatever this is.” It didn’t smell remotely appetizing.

  “Thanks.” Alex began to eat, forking his food into his mouth like a starved man.

  Betsy, seeing the conversation stalled, slipped away to go and chat with the other couple in the café. Sapphi aimed a spoonful of baby food at Archie, and instinctively opened her mouth, before clamping it shut. She probably looked like a goldfish.

  “So, what brings you to Bear Creek?” Sapphi asked.

  Alex coughed and nearly choked on his bacon and eggs. Reaching for his coffee cup, he took a large gulp, his eyes watering. “Sorry. Erm. What brings us to Bear Creek?”

  “Yes. Are you just passing through?” Sapphi asked conversationally, as if it didn’t matter. Even though it did. She was drawn to Alex, but she wasn’t ready to pull up her roots and follow a nomad across the country.

  “I came here to see the mountain and look up an old friend.” Alex looked down at his plate. He was avoiding her eyes, which meant he was hiding something. But what?

  “I can show you the mountain.” Sapphi didn’t want to hear lies and excuses. As mates, they were supposed to tell each other everything, bare their souls to each other. But not within the first ten minutes of meeting.

  “I’d like that.” His shoulders relaxed, and he speared a sausage with his fork.

  “But you’ve already seen some of it.” Sapphi ducked her head and concentrated on filling Archie’s spoon with more creamy baby food.

  “Last night.” Alex set his knife and fork down for a moment. “I didn’t run because I thought my mate was out there. I wasn’t running from you.”

  So, who was he running from? Sapphi looked up, daring to meet his eyes. “It must be hard traveling with a baby.”

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, and picked up his utensils. “We had to leave our car in a town about a hundred miles from here.”

  “Why?” she asked directly.

  “It broke down and I couldn’t wait for the repairs.” He avoided her eyes once more. “I thought I’d buy another car in Bear Creek. Is there anywhere you can recommend?”

  “Oh, yes.” Sapphi sighed with relief, she’d been half afraid Alex was going to turn out to be a penniless vagabond. Not that money mattered. And she had her family treasure... But still, Fiona and Harlan would accept Alex much easier if he was a man who was self-sufficient. “There’s a used car dealership on the main road heading out of town. When you’ve finished eating, I can show you.”

  “I’d appreciate that.” His eyes caressed her face, but he was holding himself back. Didn’t he like her?

  Sapphi looked down at her worn jeans and her scruffy shirt, she hadn’t exactly made an effort. After all, when she walked out the door this morning, she never expected to meet her mate.

  Especially one who already had a baby. Was he a single daddy? Sapphi glanced at his finger, no wedding ring.

  So many questions flew around her head. But she didn’t voice them, not yet. She wanted to savor this moment, before real life crowded in. Alex being here complicated everything. But it was a complication she wanted to pursue, if only she knew he felt the same.

  Chapter Four – Alex

  Alex finished eating and drank his coffee, while Sapphi fed Archie. Their conversation had stalled, thanks to the obvious eavesdropping of Betsy, who was busy wiping tables that were already clean, so that she could stay within earshot.

  “I think Archie’s all finished.” Sapphi placed the spoon in the bowl.

  “Shall I get him some ice cream now?” Betsy asked, clearing the table with a smile.

  “Ice cream?” Sapphi asked. “Do you want ice cream, Archie?”

  “He does.” Alex chuckled at Archie’s excitement. “Although, I don’t think Archie knows what ice cream is. He gets excited about everything.” Alex leaned forward and added softly, “After Archie’s finished, will you walk with me? Somewhere quiet where we can talk.”

  Sapphi looked up shyly. “I’ll walk you down to the car dealership.”

  “I was thinking of the park. I promised Archie he could play on the swings.” Alex didn’t care where they went as long as they were in each other’s company. But he also had to figure out what he was going to tell Sapphi about Archie. Not because he didn’t trust her, but because he wanted to keep her safe.

  “Sure. Although you might want to wait for Archie digestion system to do its business before he goes on a swing. Baby sick is not nice.” Sapphi looked up as Betsy approached the table. “Thanks, Betsy.”

  “You are welcome.” Betsy sighed and glanced around the table. “Well, don’t you make a cute family.”

  Sapphi concentrated on picking up the spoon and carving out a small amount from the single scoop of vanilla ice cream in the bowl. Alex certainly would like a family with Sapphi, but baby Archie had a real mommy, who might be here in town. He needed to get his priorities straight. Find Kim, then concentrate on the affairs of the heart.

  She’s our mate, his dragon protested. She is our main priority.

  We gave our word to Kim, Alex answered. However, all his primal instincts told him now that they had found Sapphi, nothing else mattered. Nothing else mattered at all.

  He shook off those primal instincts. What kind of a man would he be if he let Kim down and broke his promise to her? Not the kind of man Sapphi deserved.

  “Thanks, Betsy, can I get the bill, please?” Alex asked. He rose from his seat and walked over to the cash register, his awareness of Sapphi acute. How he’d managed to run from her last night, he didn’t know. Now that he’d made the connection with her, nothing would make him leave. Nothing.

  Except death. Alex looked at Archie’s innocent face and thought of Kim. Did death haunt this small child?

  “There’s your change,” Betsy said as she handed him a few coins. “I hope you come back and visit soon. You are staying in town, aren’t you?”

  Alex fixed his attention on Betsy. “I am. Yes.”

  “Good.” Betsy leaned her elbows on the counter. “She’s a good one, that one. Make a good mom.”

  “Betsy…” But before he had a chance to tell Betsy that Archie didn’t need a new mom, something had caught her attention. “Ah, here’s Sapphi’s mom and sister. Come to check up on you.”

  Alex turned around to see the two people who had been with Sapphi earlier. He walked back to the table, hoping to make a good impression on his mate’s family. A lump formed in his throat, were they all dragons? Wow, he’d gone from being one of only two known dragons in existence, to something of a common beast in Bear Creek.

  “I think your mom is here,” Alex said to Sapphi as she finished feeding Archie, who looked as if he were on a sugar high. If he wanted Archie to sleep at all today, he was going to have to let him burn off some of his pent-up energy.

  “My mom?” Sapphi looked confused for a moment. “Couldn’t keep away?”

  “Just checking that everything is all right. Are you going to introduce us?” Sapphi’s mom asked.

  “Sure. Alex and Archie, meet my mom, Fiona, and sister, Ruby.” Sapphi made the introductions, while keeping an eye on h
er mom’s expression. Did she disapprove of Alex already? Of course, she might not appreciate her daughter taking on another woman’s child.

  “Hello, Alex.” Fiona sat down in an empty seat next to Archie. “And you are a handsome young man.”

  “Fiona works for social services. Babies are her specialty.” Sapphi smiled as she watched her mom with the baby.

  “Social services?” Great, just what he needed. He hoped Fiona didn’t plan to ask any awkward questions about Archie.

  “Yes.” Fiona met his eyes. “I get along better with children than adults.”

  “Fiona has a reputation for biting off people’s heads,” Ruby said. “Not necessarily literally. But you never know.”

  “Ruby!” Sapphi exclaimed. “You’ll scare Alex off.”

  “Then he isn’t exactly mate material, is he?” Fiona asked sweetly. “Not if he’s afraid of a middle-aged woman.”

  “It’s your dragon he should be scared of.” Ruby leaned forward and whispered so Betsy couldn’t hear.

  “I am formidable in the air,” Fiona said absently, while playing patty-cake with Archie.

  “Stop trying to scare him,” Sapphi replied, sticking up for her mate, which earned her a smile of approval from Fiona.

  “I can look after myself,” Alex responded. “But I’m here to make love, not war.” He cringed at the words and blushed as Ruby burst out laughing.

  “Ruby.” Sapphi aimed a kick at her sister, but she moved her leg just in time. “Don’t spoil it.”

  Ruby straightened her face and put her hand on Sapphi’s shoulder. “Sorry, Sapph. It’s good to meet you, Alex, and Archie. Our family needs a couple of new members, and Harlan will be happy to have two more males on his side.”

  “They’ll outnumber us,” Fiona said bluntly.

  “We were just going to walk to the park,” Sapphi said, getting up. “I can make my own way home.”

  “I can wait in town for you,” Fiona offered.

  “Listen, I have some things I need to take care of, a hotel room for one,” Alex said quickly. “Why don’t you point me in the direction of the best hotel in town, and the car dealership, then you go home with Fiona.” He watched her mouth droop, she thought he was trying to get rid of her. “Once we’re all cleaned up, maybe Archie and I could call on you this evening?” Now he sounded old-fashioned. Who in the hell called on people these days?

  “Good idea,” Fiona said quickly. “Come to dinner, both of you.”

  “Stop trying to organize my life,” Sapphi said a little too loudly.

  Fiona softened. “I’m not. I just think you should let Alex do what he needs to do, and then meet up with him later. It would be good to get to know them both over dinner, and then we can look after Archie while you two have some time alone together.”

  Sapphi gave Fiona an apologetic smile. “Would you? Dad wouldn’t mind?”

  “Harlan only wants what’s best for you, we both do. You know that, Sapphi.” Fiona held out her hand and Sapphi took it. Alex wished it was him holding her hand, but he wasn’t sure any of this was a good idea. Until he knew he could keep her safe, maybe it would be best if he and Archie left town. But they had to be here for when Kim arrived.

  His dragon snorted. We are not leaving our mate. We can keep her safe.

  Alex knew his dragon was right, leaving was not an option.

  “I’ll give you directions.” Sapphi let go of Fiona’s hand and pulled a piece of paper out of her purse. “I’ll draw you a map of town with the places you need to visit, and here’s the house. It’s easy to find.” She handed it to Alex. “You will come, won’t you?”

  “Yes.” Had she read his mind, sensed his unease? His hand closed around hers as he took the map from her. Skin touched skin, and the bond between them strengthened. He would never leave, could never leave. Not now, not ever.

  Did that mean he had to choose between Sapphi and Archie? Somehow Alex had to make it work out for all of them. Which meant Sapphi leaving him alone, so that he could try to find Kim. But watching his mate leave the café was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  Chapter Five – Sapphi

  “Did Alex tell you why he’s here?” Fiona began grilling Sapphi for information as soon as they were in the car.

  “He said he’d come to find a friend.” Sapphi clicked her seatbelt into place and turned to look out of the window. Alex was leaving the café; he looked directly at her and stood still, staring as Fiona pulled out into the traffic and drove away.

  “Did he say who?” Fiona asked.

  “No.” Sapphi watched out of the window, even though they turned a corner and she could no longer see her mate.

  “What about Archie? Did he say who the mother was?” Fiona asked.

  “No.” Sapphi at last fixed her attention on Fiona. “Why all the questions?”

  “I’m just intrigued, that’s all. Usually, shifters only breed with their mate.” She shrugged. “But I’ve seen enough of life to know that accidents happen.”

  Sapphi settled back in her seat. She didn’t want to think about Alex being with another woman, let alone breeding with another woman, so she changed the subject. “Thanks for offering to babysit tonight.”

  “You’re welcome, Sapphi. You and Alex need to get to know each other.” Fiona stopped at the end of the main street and turned right, following the road along the lower slopes before heading up into the mountains. Their house was higher up than most houses surrounding Bear Creek.

  “I hope he manages to buy a car.” What if she never saw him again? The thought caught in her head and her chest felt heavy.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll find a way to get here,” Fiona assured her. “Are you okay, Ruby?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Ruby asked a little too sharply.

  “It’s all new. Sapphi finding her mate.” Fiona glanced in the rearview mirror at her younger daughter. “You aren’t jealous, are you?”

  “Goodness, no!” Ruby laughed. “I was thinking…Alex is a dragon, right?”

  “He is.” Sapphi couldn’t wait to fly with him and her own dragon agreed. Tonight could not come soon enough.

  “What if there are more?” Ruby voiced her awe. “What if there are lots more, all hidden away?”

  “Hmm, that might explain why Alex had a child with someone who wasn’t his mate,” Fiona mused. “If he thought he was the last dragon, he might decide to breed with as many women as possible to repopulate the world.”

  “Yuck,” Ruby said. “You make him sound like a prize bull.”

  “In a way, he is.” Fiona stopped the car outside the house.

  “So, you’re going to suggest that to Harlan? Tell him he has permission to father hundreds of children, so we can give the world more dragon shifters?” Ruby teased.

  “No. I am not. Neither is Harlan Jr.” Fiona opened her car door and got out in disgust. “But we do need to discuss this.”

  “There’s something else I’d like to discuss, too,” Sapphi said quickly, finding courage in the appearance of her mate.

  “Is there.” Fiona’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s round up the men and sit down for a family meeting. Ruby, you can help me cook pizza. Sapphi, you can make one of your wonderful apple cakes. I think we’re going to need plenty of comfort food.”

  “Goodness,” Ruby said quietly to Sapphi as they walked up to the house together. “If Fiona is suggesting pizza and apple cake, this has got to be serious.”

  Sapphi giggled, feeling lighter. She was ready to make some decisions on her future. A future that would now contain her mate.

  An hour later, the family was seated around the kitchen table, eating pizza and making small talk. Only when they started on coffee and dessert did Sapphi switch the subject, taking control of the family meeting and her destiny.

  “Dad, I’m sure Mom told you I met my mate,” Sapphi began.

  “She did,” Harlan said. “I’m happy for you, Sapphi, and hope you and your mate find the happiness you deserv
e. Just as I have found happiness with Fiona.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Sapphi placed her fork down on her plate, leaving her dessert half finished. “I’ve also made some other decisions, that you may not be so happy about.”

  “Oh.” Fiona turned her shrewd gaze on Sapphi. “Like what?”

  Sapphi looked down at her plate and took a deep breath, wishing she were anywhere but here right now. Flying above the mountain with her mate would be her dream destination. But she had to be an adult. How could she convince Fiona and Harlan she was making an adult decision if she didn’t discuss it like a grown-up?

  “I’ve changed my mind about the internship.” There, it was out in the open.

  Ruby reached out her hand and took hold of Sapphi’s, squeezing it to show her support, while Fiona and Harlan both studied her. Sapphi waited for them to voice their disappointment.

  “And how long have you felt like this?” Fiona asked easily. Too easily. Was she setting a trap for Sapphi to fly right into?

  “A month, maybe more.” Sapphi swallowed her nerves.

  “That’s about what we thought,” Harlan said as he ate his cake.

  “You knew?” Sapphi asked, shocked. “Why didn’t you say?”

  “Because we knew you would when the time was right. At least we hoped you would,” Harlan finished.

  The breath left Sapphi’s body. “I had this whole speech laid out, where I convinced you I knew I was doing the right thing.”

  “We can listen to it, if you want.” Harlan glanced at Fiona, who had kept her opinion to herself. “Fiona, our daughter needs to know you fully support her in her decisions.”

  Fiona sighed. “I’m not going to lie, I hoped you would enjoy the internship and take over Harlan’s business. But we’ve watched you working in the garage and seen some of the jewelry you make. We’ve talked it over between us and understand that your path leads elsewhere.”

  “That’s it?” Sapphi asked. “You aren’t mad at all?”

  “No, you don’t need money, you have a fortune at your disposal. All we ever wanted was for you to find a purpose, something to fill your days, that you enjoy.” Fiona smiled gently, a rare sight. “Whatever you do, we’ll be proud of you, Sapphi.”


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