All For Erica at Christmas

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All For Erica at Christmas Page 5

by Elisa Leigh

  “You look stunning love, as always. I got you something.”

  I look at the door of our closet and see my man standing there in black slacks and a tie that matches my dress. Colt walks to me, and I’m taken over by the rich smell of his cologne. I lean in and get a better smell of my man.

  “You’re wearing that push-me-in-the-bush cologne Colt.”

  He bursts out laughing. “What?”

  “You know. You smell so damn good, I want to push you in the bush and do naughty things to you.”

  He kisses me silent where I’m no longer thinking about his cologne, but the naughty things he’s going to do to me later. He ends our kiss and places his forehead against mine. “Damn Baby, I can’t even let an hour go by without needing you in some way. Shit, this isn’t how I wanted it to go. Come sit down on the bed.”

  I follow him into our bedroom and wait for him to get out what he’s struggling with.

  “Erica. This is a small token of my love for you. I want you to feel cherished and loved for the rest of your life. I’ll try my best to show you every day. If some days are harder to see it than others, look at these and remember the times that were easier.”

  He pulls out a little black velvet box. My heart stops for a minute, when he opens the box, there is a stunning pair of diamond studs.

  “Oh my God, Colt. These are beautiful. Thank you so much.” I pull out the feather drop earrings I just put in and switch to the studs. I’ve never been given jewelry before, not even by my parents. His token of love means more than he knows.

  “Are you ready to go? Mom and dad are dying to meet you. Plus, Gemma keeps bugging me about the fact that I’m finally bringing a girl home. She told me she’s bringing the guy she had been seeing. Don’t mind me when I go all big brother on him.”

  “You’ve never brought a girl home before?” I ask, grabbing my purse.

  “Nope, you are the first woman I’ve ever been serious about. And believe me, my mother is already crazy about you.”

  That makes me feel a little better as I pull my coat on at the front door. He puts on his suit coat and then a sexy pea coat. We go out to the driveway, and his black Chevy Silverado is already pulled out of the garage. After he helps me up into the passenger seat, he walks around and slides effortlessly into the driver’s side.

  “It’s been awhile since I celebrated a holiday with family. Usually, I spend it alone watching movies on Hallmark and eating chips and salsa.”

  Colt grabs my hand and kisses it before placing it on his thigh and holding it. “Not this year baby girl, or any other that comes after it.”

  Before I know it, we are pulling up to a large gated driveway. Colt enters a code on the machine, and the gate opens for us. He drives us up the long path, and I gasp as soon as I see his parent’s home. Home is an understatement, the thing is huge with a circular driveway and tall double doors, I’m feeling less than ready to walk in there on his arm.

  I look down at my outfit wondering if what I’m wearing is appropriate for a night at the Montgomery’s. He parks next to a blue Toyota Tundra, and I wait anxiously for him to come around and open my door. He grabs my hands, but I pull him back, not quite ready. He walks closer and kisses me softly.

  “They bought the place five years ago to retire on. This is not the place I grew up baby. My dad was a doctor. He worked at the hospital for thirty years and invested well. They aren’t rich babe, and they aren’t snobs. Please don’t feel intimidated by their home, it’s only a piece of them. They’re regular people.”

  “Thank you. I shouldn’t have judged your parents before meeting them. Please forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I get it. I just don’t want you to be worried about them. You ready now?”

  I nod and take his hand as he leads me up the stairs on the porch to the front door. He opens the door, and we walk in.

  “Ma? Dad? We’re here!” He hollers out. The cutest older woman bounds out into the hallway that leads to the doorway. She is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater that has a light-up reindeer on it. I have never seen anything like her before. She runs right past Colt and pulls me right into her arms.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Montgomery,” I say. It has been so long since I’ve had a motherly hug.

  “None of that nonsense. You can call me Paulette or Ma. Everyone else does. I feel like I know you. Colt hasn't shut up about you for years now. I was almost sure he made you up.” She says laughing.

  “Ma, please. Go easy on me. I was in a delicate position. I didn’t want her thinking that I made passes to all my deputies.”

  “No chance of that babe,” I say. “I am the only female on the force, besides Sheila, and she can’t stand you,” I say laughing.

  “I like you. Give Colt your coat and come visit with me in the kitchen. This is Jimmy. Colt’s father.” She gestures to the handsome older guy that came out of the living room.

  “Sure Ma, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Jimmy.” I hold out my hand to Jimmy, and he pulls me into another hug.

  “You darling girl, will call me Dad, you got it?” He gives me a stern look, and I do the only thing I can do, I nod my head. These people are going to make it easy to love them.

  When Dad releases me, I hand Colt my coat and purse. I kiss his cheek then follow Ma into the kitchen. This is shaping up to be the best Christmas I’ve had in years, and I owe it all to the man who came out of the shadows and claimed my heart.



  I enter the kitchen and standing behind the counter peeling potatoes is a pretty girl that I swear I’ve seen before. Her warm eyes meet mine, and a huge smile spreads across her face.

  “Hi, I’m Erica. I’m Colt’s…”

  “You’re Colt’s woman. I’ve heard a lot about you. Gemma, Colt’s sister.” She says. “I’d shake your hand, but I have potato slime all over mine.” She wiggles her fingers up in the air, and I laugh.

  “I’m good. Can I help with anything? Colt said we didn’t need to bring a dish, but I think it’s a little rude to show up empty-handed. Please let me help.”

  “I liked you already, but now I know you’re a perfect for this family,” Ma says smiling. “Can you open that bottle of red wine on the counter and pour us a glass? Gemma and I like ice and sprite mixed with ours.”

  “Oh my gosh, me too!” I grab the wine and start opening it.

  “It’s like a red wine spritzer, so freaking good.” Gemma moans.

  “Colt was telling me that we went to high school together. You look so familiar, but I don’t really remember you.” I tell her while I make our drinks.

  “Girl, I don’t remember you either. I want to say you were a few years ahead of me. Plus, high school wasn’t the best time for me.”

  “Oh god, me either.” I agree.

  I finish the drinks and hand Gemma hers. Paulette has her hands in the oven, pulling out a massive rack of lamb. When she pulls out a small ham I’m thanking Jesus because I didn’t want to have to push around my food all night.

  “That smells great Ma. Can I freshen up your wine?”

  “I am good right now girlie. Tell me about yourself. I mean I’ve heard so much from Colt, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

  “Oh, ok. I’m twenty-four, and I just resigned from the police force. I have no idea what I am going to do now, but I’ve got some money that I’ve set aside to live off until I figure out my next move.”

  “Well, that’s ok dear,” Ma says as she pats my forearm. “You’re young. It will come to you in time.” I smile at the kindness she’s shown me. These are the things I’ve missed out on for the past ten years.

  “I’ve been thinking about working from home full time. I’ve been making graphics for author’s during my free time, sort of as a hobby. I want to make it into a real business.”

  “I’m sure Colt will help you out with all of that. He’s got a mind for it. If it didn’t work out, it’s not like he wouldn’t take care
of you.”

  “I’d never take advantage of him. Please don’t think that’s why I’m with him. I love him.”

  “Honey, I know. My Colten is an excellent judge of character. He wouldn’t be with you if all you were after were his money. Besides, that reaction said it all.”

  “I love him more than I can put into words. I never thought I could feel this way.”

  “I can’t wait to feel like that,” Gemma says as she slides the potatoes into the boiling water.

  “You don’t? You’ve been dating Brandon for a while now.” Ma asks turning to Gemma and crossing her arms over her chest.

  Just the name makes me cringe, and I can’t help but think of my sleazy ex-partner. One of the many reasons I’m happy to be done with my stint as a police officer.

  “To be honest, there’s something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on. There’s something that rubs me the wrong way, but I could be overreacting. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “You don’t have to explain it. If you aren’t happy, you don’t have to be with him. Plain and simple.” Ma grabs her hand and squeezes.

  “I know Ma, but it’s the holidays. I figured I’d give it a while longer and see if I’m being picky like I am with every guy I meet.”

  Gemma shrugs and starts cleaning up her mess.

  I drink my wine and think about Brandon. Gemma’s Brandon couldn’t be my ex-partner Brandon, could he? For her sake I hope not, that guy is a major douchebag.

  “Erica, do you mind setting the dining room table for me?” Ma asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  “Sure,” I say putting down my wine and grabbing the plates she hands me.

  “Here are all the place settings you need. Napkins are in the hutch out there.”

  “No problem.”

  I walk through the saloon style door into the dining room. The massive oak twelve-seater table catches my eye, and I can’t help but imagine our children sitting here one day. I lay out the plates and the silverware. I locate the napkins Ma told me about and decide to try a fancy fold I learned while working at La Tana Del Lupo, the swankiest restaurant in Denver. It was a holiday job, I only worked there November through the beginning of January, right before I started the police academy. I was able to save enough to get me through the twelve-week police academy without having to work.

  I decide on the crown fold, but as I finish up the last one, someone comes up behind me. I immediately know it isn’t Colt by the feel and smell of him. I move away quickly, and my stomach turns when I see Brandon Zahn. He shouldn’t be anywhere near this wonderful family. I move to the other side of the table putting space between us.

  “Brandon? What are you doing here?”

  “I was invited. Gemma is a nice piece of ass. She’s pure and untouched, isn’t ready for a man like me. But you are, aren’t you Erica?”

  “I’m pretty sure I answered that question the other day when I gave you that black eye.”

  “I couldn’t help myself. You were looking hot, just like you were a minute ago bent over this table.”

  “It wasn’t an invitation!” I shout, banging my hand down on the table.

  “Look, baby, don’t get your panties in a twist. You have been giving me signs for months now. When I finally made a move you, you act like a prude.”

  “Newsflash asshole, I have a boyfriend. There are a million other reasons, but number two is you’re a creep. In the future, if someone doesn’t give you consent, ripping their uniform off and forcefully kissing them isn’t okay. They're not a prude, fucker, they’re protecting themselves!”

  “Oh, baby don’t play hard to get. You know you want this.”

  “You’re delusional, Brandon. I’d never want you and neither will Gemma after I tell her what kind of man you are.”

  He moves so quick, backhanding me before I see it coming. I scream out in pain and cower in the corner of the room as Brandon gets closer. Before he’s able to do anything else, Colt appears.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Colt roars from the entrance.

  Holding my cheek, I fall to the floor and cry. I know my silence has come back to bite me in the ass, I only hope it hasn’t pushed Colt away.



  When I followed dad into the living room, I wasn’t expecting to see one of my officers enjoying a drink by the fire. Brandon Zahn has been on the force for just over a year after retiring from the Army. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and even paired him up with my precious Erica thinking her goodness could rub off on his grumpy exterior.

  I just found out tonight that he’s been seeing my baby sister, for over a month. Why the hell didn’t he have the balls to tell me himself? Why am I just finding this out now? When he excuses himself to go to the bathroom, I level my dad with a hard stare.

  “Did you know about this?”

  “Your sister asked us to give her time to tell you. She wanted to see how things went before she told you she was dating someone that worked for you. She wanted to give it a fair shot this time.”

  “All I want is the best for her.”

  “Every time she starts dating someone new you run their background and give her all the reasons she shouldn’t be with the guy. I think she was justified in keeping this one to herself.”

  I scrub my hands down my face and pace back and forth. I know I need to let this go, but something is niggling at the back of my mind. Something isn’t sitting well, and I keep coming back to Erica.

  When I hear Erica scream, I run in that direction. The sight I’m met with has my blood running cold and my career going out the window. My Erica is in the corner holding her cheek and Brandon walking towards her.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” I yell, stopping Brandon in his tracks.

  Erica drops to the floor crying, and I want nothing more than to pick her up and get her out of here. I need to take care of the threat before I can think about taking care of my girl and that has my soul ripping in two.

  “You. Get the fuck in that corner and turn around. I don’t want you to move. Don’t talk, don’t even scratch your fucking balls unless I say so. I want you to stand there until I’m ready for you.” I yell, pointing to another corner. He holds his hands up and smirks like he’s got nothing to be worried about, the cocky son of a bitch.

  Dad, Ma, and Gemma all come running into the dining room one after the other and stare wide-eyed at the three of us. I walk to my woman and crouch down in front of her, needing to know she’s okay.

  “Tell me that mother fucker didn’t touch you, Erica. Tell me the things that I’m imagining are far worse than what actually happened. Baby, give me something so I can figure out what needs to happen to that piece of shit over there.”

  I watch and wait as tears continue to spill down her cheeks. The indecision and regret written all over her face has my heart seizing in my chest. The longer the silence stretches between us, the faster my anger grows. I’m about to lose my mind when she slowly lowers her hand from her face, and I see her already bruising cheek. The asshole is dead.

  “Mother fucker!” I growl, standing up to show him what I think about him putting hands on my woman. Erica stops me from going over there.

  “Wait! I wanted to tell you.” She cries.

  “Tell me what?” I shout and move away from the only woman who I ever thought would be my future.

  “It started months before you and I happened. I didn’t say anything because I had already had so many partners and I didn’t want to have another. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Then I decided to quit. I didn’t think it would matter anymore. He wouldn’t be an issue because he wouldn’t be anywhere near me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Erica? Were you and Zahn…?” I shake my head not wanting to believe what she’s saying. “Were you and Zahn together?”

  “God no! Colt, he wouldn’t leave me alone! At first, I thought he was friendly. Then he wouldn’t
stop flirting. When he asked me out last week, and I told him I had a boyfriend, he laughed it off. He tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away. That’s when he got aggressive, and I punched him just like Jacob taught me to do.”

  I don’t know whether to be pissed that she didn’t tell me about this or proud that she was able to protect herself from him.

  “There was never a bar fight?” I ask aloud, not expecting an answer. I help Erica to her feet and pull her into my arms. Her trembling body seems smaller tonight than it ever has. I kiss the top of her head and her swollen cheek.

  “I love you baby girl. That will never change. Tell me what happened tonight.”

  She shakes her head back and forth. I pinch her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Erica, you know I need your side of things. You’re going to be pressing charges on this son of a bitch. Now tell me what happened.”

  “He came in here while I was setting the table. He tried making a move on me, but I told him no, again. I told him I was going to talk to Gemma, tell her what kind of man he is. That’s when he hit me. You know the rest.”

  I look over at my family, and I can tell they are dying to help.

  “Ma, could you get my girl some ice?”

  “Of course, dear.” She says walking back into the kitchen.

  “Gem, you take Erica into the living room.”

  She nods, but I can tell this is eating her up inside.

  “Hey Gem?”

  “Yeah, C?”

  “We’ll talk after, okay?”

  She smiles sadly and nods. She walks out of the room with Erica. Leaving me to take care of this asshole.

  Dad walks over to me and clasps me on the shoulder. “Son, I can’t imagine the position you’re in. Had anyone ever laid a hand on your mother I’d have done things I wouldn’t regret. I don’t want you to have them, and as angry as you are, I know you are too good a soul to darken it with this asshole. Do the right thing and make the call you still haven’t made yet.”


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