The Wolf and the Bobcat:

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The Wolf and the Bobcat: Page 11

by E A Price

  Casey pulled back; concern flashed across his face, as his wolf howled at him. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  She wriggled until he put her down. “You didn’t hurt me, but I’m not okay – look at the time!”

  Casey shrugged. “So?”

  “I’m supposed to be at work in twenty minutes, and by now, all my family will be out of bed, you have to go!” She started pushing him to the window.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Casey held firm, and Deanna’s slight frame couldn’t move him. He crossed his arms. “First of all, I need my clothes, and second of all, I’m not going out the window.”

  Deanna groaned and grabbed his clothes, hurling them at him. Painstakingly slowly, he began pulling them on. His wolf grumbled; he had hoped for at least a few more minutes with his mate.

  “You absolutely are going out the window, now, hurry, hurry, hurry!”

  She ripped off her pajamas and donned underwear, and then her uniform. She found him open-mouthed, staring at her.

  “Fuck, kitten, you really are gorgeous.”

  Deanna flushed as she scented his heightened arousal. She realized it was actually the first time he’d seen her fully naked. A small smile played on her lips as her own desire kindled.

  Casey, a punch-drunk look on his face, moved toward her, and she slapped at his hands. “Not now, we don’t have time.”

  “You could call in sick…” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. His wolf roared in delight at that suggestion.

  She bit her lip. “Don’t tempt me. You need to go.”

  Deanna strode over to the window and opened it, motioning him to go through it.

  “You’re really not joking, are you?”

  She looked at him, pleadingly. “Please, for me?”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “Ugh!” She stamped her foot. “You are the most infuriating, irritating wolf in the whole world!”

  Casey smirked. “Yep, and I’m all yours. Go out with me tonight?”

  She put her tiny hands on her hips. “Will you climb out the window if I say yes?”


  “Then, yes, yes, yes! Okay?”

  Casey pulled on his boots and sauntered over to her. “Absolutely.”

  Both their beasts leapt about, joyfully. He sneaked a quick kiss before clambering through the window.

  There was a small knocking sound at her door. “Dee, Dee, are you awake?” demanded Dinah.


  Deanna gave him a shove, and he lost his footing, plummeting to the lawn. He hit the ground with a terrific thump.

  “Casey, are you okay?”

  He groaned and looked up to see her worried face sticking out the window. “Yeah, sure, luckily the ground broke my fall.”

  “Good.” Her head disappeared before reappearing again a few seconds later. “I’ll see you tonight.” She blew him a kiss, and then she was gone.

  Casey slowly got to his feet. It was lucky he was resilient. He dragged himself over to his jeep. His whole body ached, but he could care less. He had a date with his mate… again. But he had a good feeling this one would be better than the last. Although, eventually, last night had been lovely. It was wonderful falling asleep with his mate, and then waking up with her.

  But tonight would be even better. His wolf howled in happiness. He couldn’t wait.


  Deanna whistled as she wrote a parking ticket. Some thoughtless jackass had parked in the handicapped spot at the library. She’d been all for giving them the benefit of the doubt, but Mrs. Martin, busybody extraordinaire, had assured her the guy driving was just a jackass.

  She said he was a slimy looking individual, who, when she challenged him, flipped her the bird. Not that Mrs. Martin cared. She’d had an exciting day; what with a giant bear shifter forcing his way into her house, and then finding out he was Carly, the pack Omega’s mate. She was buzzing with her gossip.

  Deanna had to admit it was pretty exciting; it took Alec, Jake, Gabe and a taser to bring the huge bear down, and even then, they struggled. Deanna had never seen anything like it, and to think he was the mate of the tiny Omega! And she thought Casey dwarfed her!

  Her sex fluttered at the thought of him. Tonight could not come soon enough. Her bobcat concurred with that.

  She popped the ticket on the windshield.

  “Hey!” yelled a nasal voice.

  Deanna spun to see a middle-aged man striding toward her. He was a few inches shy of six feet, with narrow sloping shoulders and a very slight limp. His dark hair was slicked back while his craggy face was thunderous.

  “Take that off there!” he ordered.

  Deanna raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry sir, but you need a sticker to park in this spot.”

  He tapped his foot impatiently. “I was only gone for a few minutes.”

  She told herself to remain calm, and not let herself be intimidated. Her bobcat was all for shifting, and taking a chunk out of the human, but she restrained herself. “By my watch, it was more than ten, but that doesn’t matter, you can’t park here for any length of time.”

  He sneered and picked up the ticket; he began ripping it and let the pieces flutter to the ground. “That’s what I think of your ticket.”

  “Sir, the ticket’s already in the system, it’s not going anywhere and repeated failure to pay it may end with you being arrested. Now, are you going to move your car, or do I need to have it towed?”

  He folded his arms. “I’m waiting for someone.”

  “Well, you can move your car over there.” Deanna pointed a few spaces away. “You’re not going far; your friend will still find you.”

  He leaned toward her, and she flinched at the strong cologne mixed with sweat. He hadn’t washed in a few days. “What if I don’t want to move?”

  Deanna stood her ground as her bobcat roared as fiercely as she could. “Sir, I am asking you to, I would advise you do so.” There was a heavily implied ‘or else’ at the end of that sentence.

  He breathed in and out, heavily, and his nose whistled slightly. An ugly smile spread over his face. He was about to open his mouth again, when a gleeful voice cut through the tension.


  Deanna’s jaw dropped. “Mom! You’re here!”

  Tess Hardison ran over to her; her mom hugged her and swiped a red, lipstick-smeared kiss on her forehead. “Yep, just arrived an hour ago. Oh, good, you two have already met. Gary, this is my daughter, Deanna, and pumpkin, this is my fiancée, Gary.”

  They looked at each other distastefully.

  Gary snorted. “Nice to meet you, pumpkin.”

  Tess pouted and flicked her hair over her shoulder; Deanna inwardly sighed. Her mom was 40-years-old, and she still behaved like a teenager. Her mom was five foot nine, with a slim build, and dark blonde hair. No one would guess she had ever given birth to one child, never mind five; she looked fantastic. In the right light, she could pass for being in her early thirties. In fact, she often told people she still was. Deanna often thought her mom and Darcy looked a lot alike, although, she would never admit that to Dennis. He already had enough mommy issues.

  Tess looked between to the two of them. “Are you two already fighting?”

  Gary pointed a grubby finger in Deanna’s direction. “She’s trying to give me a ticket.”

  “Is this true?” challenged Tess, in disbelief.

  Deanna counted to ten. “He’s parked in a handicapped spot; I’m just doing my job,” she told her mom, patiently.

  Tess waved her hand. “But Gary’s family, surely you can make an exception.”

  Deanna wavered. She really didn’t want to let this slimy guy off the hook, but she didn’t want to start a fight with her mom. “Okay, I’ll forget the ticket.”

  Gary gave her a triumphant smirk. “Thanks, pumpkin.”

  Ugh, she did not like the way he said pumpkin. It creeped her out.

  Tess beamed. “That’s my pumpkin. Do you know
why I call her pumpkin?”

  “Mom, please don’t…”

  Tess ignored her. “I call her that because she had such a big head when she was born, you wouldn’t believe it to look at her today, but it was really massive. I had to have a ton of stitches, and I was in agony.” She tweaked her daughter’s chin. “Not that I blame you, pumpkin.”

  No, of course not. At least not very often…

  Gary leaned against his car, completely disinterested in anything Tess was saying.

  “Oh, pumpkin, look at you – a Sheriff’s Deputy, I’m so proud… Although, I can’t help but wish the uniform wasn’t so mannish and boxy. You already have enough trouble looking feminine, and this certainly isn’t helping. Not to mention this haircut, whatever possessed you to cut it so short?”

  Deanna patted her head, self-consciously. “I like it; it’s easy to manage and I think it looks cute.”

  “Yes, on 12-year-old boys I would have to agree, but not on grown women, pumpkin.” Tess sighed exaggeratedly. “Oh, well, at least it will grow back… eventually.”

  That was her mom, always making her feel about two inches tall. Her bobcat whined in annoyance; some things never changed.

  Her mom tapped a finger on her chin. “Besides all that, you do look good, Deanna. Your cheeks are practically glowing.”

  Deanna felt her cheeks pinken. She imagined that was all due to a certain wolf shifter. “You look good too, Mom.”

  “I’ve quit drinking, and smoking. I’m on a detox, and I feel fantastic.”

  “That’s great, Mom,” she murmured. She hoped the drinking thing was long-term; her mom did have a habit of over-indulging on alcohol. Tess turning up to Danny’s twelfth birthday party, completely wasted, had not been fun.

  Tess clapped her hands together. “Come on then, let’s go home, I’m dying to see everyone.”

  “Well, Danny and Drake are at School; Dennis is at work, and I’m working too.”

  Tess put on a sad, little face. “But I’m home now, and I want to see my family. Come on; bunk off for a few hours.”

  Bolstered by her bobcat’s resolute support, Deanna stood firm. “I’m sorry; I have to finish my shift. Darcy’s probably at home with Grams and Dinah, though. Why don’t you go to the house and wait?”

  Tess sighed. “You’re such a spoilsport; I’m not here very often, I thought you'd want to spend time with me.”

  “You could visit more often if you wanted…”

  A flash of anger stole over Tess’ face, before she smothered it with a tight smile. “I’ll see you later, pumpkin.”

  Tess grabbed Gary and pushed him into the car. She gave Deanna a stiff wave as they drove away.

  She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, and her bobcat settled a little. Why did spending time with her mom have to be so torturous?

  She pulled out her phone and began dialing Darcy. The least she could do was warn her of Tess’ visit, although she doubted words could do her mom justice.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time Deanna arrived home, Dinah and Drake were bouncing up and down with excitement. Tess had brought them numerous toys, and gifts and the two youngest children were thrilled to see her again. Danny was happy but not as happy as he had been the last time she showed up.

  As he got older, he was less and less happy to see his mom. It saddened Deanna; it was the same for her and Dennis. Over the years, the broken promises take their tolls.

  Dennis was agitated at her arrival and tried to stay out of her way as much as possible. The same was true for their grandma. Grams was Dennis and Deanna’s biological grandmother, on their father’s side. He had died when they were small. Technically she wasn’t related to the younger siblings, but she didn’t treat them any differently. Since her own bobcat mate had died, she was pleased to have so many family members around her. But that didn’t quite extend to Tess…

  When the two women got together, inevitably there was an argument, and Tess stormed off in a sulk, which then upset the younger kids. Grams was trying to avoid that happening. As much as she disliked Tess, she loved her grandchildren and didn’t want them to be hurt.

  Darcy was stuck trying to play peacemaker. Apparently, Tess was promising trips to Disney World, which were never going to happen. Dennis wanted to harangue his mother about this, but Darcy kept him in check.

  They shared an early, and slightly tense, dinner together. The younger children asked Tess when she was moving home, and how long she was staying, but she wouldn’t be drawn on either question, and changed the subject.

  As for Gary… he had barely said two words since he entered the house, and they were all just trying to forget he existed.

  After finishing washing the dishes with Dennis, Deanna hopped from foot to foot.

  Dennis flicked a dish towel at her. “What’s wrong with you, squirmy butt?”

  “I didn’t realize Mom would turn up today; I’m supposed to have a date tonight…” And lord knows she didn’t want to stand him up again; her bobcat would never forgive her.

  Dennis groaned. “With Casey?”

  She tried not to smile. Word got round fast. “Yes, with Casey.”

  He pursed his lips but soon softened. He may not like the guy, but he wanted Deanna to be happy. And apparently that sorry excuse for a wolf made her happy. “Then go, we’ll be fine here.”

  Her bobcat howled in happiness, but Deanna faltered. “Are you sure? I hate to leave you here with Attila the mom.”

  “Darcy and I will manage, seriously, have fun.”

  “Thank you, baby brother, you’re a star.”

  Deanna skipped into the hall and grabbed her purse.

  “Are you going out?”

  Her bobcat yowled; Tess was standing behind her.

  Deanna worried Tess would want her to stay home. “Well, I have a date…”

  Tess beamed. “Good for you, pumpkin, I knew you’d manage to find someone. But are you sure you want to go out dressed like that?”

  Deanna frowned, looking down at her jeans and sweater. “I look okay.”

  Tess shook her head. “If you want to keep him, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that. Otherwise, he’ll find someone else.”

  At that moment, Dinah called out for their mom, and Deanna made her escape. She hurried out to the minivan and sped away as quickly as she could. She tried to push the matricidal thoughts out of her mind.

  It didn’t matter, nothing her mom said mattered. She was on her way to see her mate, and everything was going to be okay.


  Casey asked her to meet him just outside the wooded area, in a popular picnic spot. She was curious as to his plans, but he wouldn’t tell her anything.

  When Deanna arrived, he pulled her into a searing kiss. “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “I can tell.” His arousal was mercilessly digging into her stomach; she marveled that she had ever taken anything quite so large.

  He chuckled and ran his hands down her back. “I thought we might go for a run tonight.”

  Deanna’s eyes lit up. Yes, that was a wonderful idea; it had been so long since she’d shifted and just let herself go. “I’d love that.”

  She wriggled out of his grip, and much to Casey’s delight, began stripping out her clothes. He quickly followed suit. While she neatly folded hers and left them on a picnic table, in his haste, he threw them around, letting them rest where they landed.

  Deanna clasped her hands together, a little nervously. This was really the first time she had been fully naked in front of him. He caught a brief glance earlier, and he had seen parts of her naked, but this was the real first time.

  Casey’s wolf roared in pleasure. God, she was perfect. His eyes dilated as he took in every inch of her small but luscious body. She was petite with a few curves in all the right places. What he wouldn’t give to suckle on these gorgeous, pert breasts…

  She giggled at seeing his manhood bobbing and wa
ving at her. She was definitely having the effect she was hoping for.

  He almost started drooling. “Maybe we should forget about the run…”

  “No way! You want me; you gotta catch me, wolf.” She winked and shimmered through her shift.

  A goofy grin smothered his face when he saw the cute little bobcat. He knelt down and put his hand out to stroke her. The bobcat shook her head, nipped him on the wrist, playfully, and sprinted away.

  His wolf howled in delight as he forced the shift and took off after her. There was nothing a male wolf shifter liked more than a chase, and if he just happened to be chasing his mate… all the better.

  The wolf crashed through the woods, pounding after the delectable little feline. As he watched her run, her tail swishing, he could swear she was almost laughing at him. She was fast, but he was faster.

  Within seconds, he would have her, but he had a better idea.

  The bobcat could sense the wolf approaching, but then he pulled back. She wondered what he was playing at. She had no doubt that, more than anything, he wanted to catch her. What was he playing at?

  Moments later, the wolf came at her from the left. She yelped and veered off course, running in a new direction. The wolf did this, over and over again, continuously changing her course until eventually they came to the edge of the woods.

  The bobcat halted, and the wolf hurtled into her. They tumbled over the ground, gleefully rolling over one another. The wolf finally had her beneath him; he towered over the splayed bobcat. He snapped his jaws before swiping his tongue over her face.

  Giggling, Deanna shifted back to human and bomped his nose. “Euw! Gross, naughty wolf.”

  Chuckling, Casey did the same, until he was on all fours over her naked body. She looked up at him expectantly. Already her nipples had pebbled, and the honey was flowing from her in anticipation. Casey scented her arousal and growled lustfully.

  Unexpectedly, he stood up and pulled Deanna with her.

  She frowned. She kind of thought… He took her hand and started leading her towards a house at the edge of the woods. She blinked as she surveyed the familiar surrounding.

  They were in Rose Hill – the rich side of town. Where the Mayor lived. They were about to walk naked into the fanciest, and snootiest, cul de sac in the whole of the town.


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