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Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance

Page 3

by Darcey, Sierra

  “No, you all stay here, I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun.”

  “Awww, you’re going to miss the whole spa experience.” Tash said, sounding let down.

  Yes, Cherilyn thought, but there are other, better experiences to be had.

  The intensity in Marcus’ face and voice was overpowering. “I must have you.”

  Cherilyn once again found herself in his room but this time it was broad daylight. And she was not drunk. Clear-headed, the situation felt different from last night, but still her desire for Marcus was strong, like nothing she had ever experienced before, her skin tingled in anticipation of his touch.

  Last night had been a giving in to mindless passion. Today she’d have to admit to a conscious choice to be with him knowing it probably wouldn’t go beyond tomorrow. Still she wanted this so much it felt overpowering.

  Marcus put his arms around her, holding her close, looking into her face intently, “You look … nervous.”

  “No, well, maybe.” Cherry looked away, not wanting her embarrassment to show.

  He leaned in, brushing his cheek against hers, and whispered into her ear, “Please don’t change your mind.”

  She heard the desperateness in his voice and it excited her. His gaze, his expression was one of genuine need, “I’ll always respect your decision,” he said, “but damn, I want you. Here and now.”

  She looked into his deep, sexy eyes. It was downright heady. His presence made her feel weak in the knees. “I need to sit.”

  He brought her to the couch. “Is it too early for a drink?”

  Cherry realized she wanted this bad and she wanted to experience it and remember it and not be clouded with alcohol. “I don’t think we’ll need to get drunk.” If she was going to make the decision to have just a purely physical relationship, just hot sex, then she was going to enjoy it would have to be good. With new found courage, she took his face in both hands and kissed him.

  Marcus didn’t know what came over her but was glad of the change. “Look at you. Should we go to the bedroom?”

  “Bedrooms are over-rated.” Much like in her office fantasy, she stood and undressed down to her underwear. Marcus appeared totally stunned. Keeping her eyes on him, Cherry walked over to where there was a small table with two chairs and took one of the chairs moving it to the center of the room. Taking Marcus by the hand, she led him to stand in front of the chair, removed his shirt and pulled down his pants.

  To his embarrassment he popped up at full attention.

  “Hmm,” She grinned slyly at him, “looks like you’re ready.”

  He leaned in to kiss her, but she planted both palms on his chest and held him back. “No.”

  “No?” Marcus said with almost inaudible whisper.

  “Sit.” She pushed on his shoulders forcing him to sit, then grabbed his tie and used it to bind his hands behind him. Standing in front of him, teasingly removing her bra and panties, he groaned in response. Marcus strained against the restraint as she straddled him, and felt him shudder as she took him in her.

  Raising herself up and down in undulating movements, she continued to move at a painfully slow pace knowing it was driving him crazy. Watching his expression, she was enjoying the power she felt in taking control and being the one to arouse him.

  Hands on his chest, she caressed his nipples and smiling leaned in and kissed his lips softly. Moving up and down using her body to squeeze him. His breathing ragged, she could tell he was straining for her to move faster but was at the same time holding back trying to make himself last longer.

  Holding onto his shoulders, Cherry started moving up and down rapidly, her breasts bouncing. He groaned, both of them were covered in a sheen of sweat, but she was determined not to let up until she reached her own satisfaction.

  She felt at the same time a desperate yearning for completion and yet never wanting this moment to end. Marcus watched her with obvious amazement on his face as she relentlessly moved her hips until her own crushing orgasm wracked her body. The pulsating contractions within her pushed Marcus over the edge. His loud release, when he could hold back no longer, reverberated in the room. Cherry gripped his shoulders collapsing onto him.


  Monday morning came much too early to Cherilyn’s way of thinking. She was a jumble of nerves as she showered and dressed, paying special attention to her outfit and make-up. She was flustered in anticipation of seeing Marcus and wondering how would he treat her. Would he make eye contact or just have a stony expression, ignoring her altogether? Worse yet, what if he regretted their weekend and tried to have her fired?

  Cherilyn put on earrings and then changed her jacket for the third time. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she tried to make herself believe that she was not dressing up for Marcus but just wanting to appear professional for work. Yet no matter how nice an outfit she wore, a part of her felt as if she were wearing a T-shirt that flashed like a neon sign ‘I slept with the boss.’ She expected Marcus would not speak of it, but what if he bragged to other men at work and they all started whispering about her behind her back or worse straight to her face?

  Despite her worries she had to admit she’d had a great weekend, in fact the greatest sexual experience of her life and remembering it made her feel as if the apartment had suddenly gotten very warm. Saturday after spending the afternoon with Marcus, Cherilyn spent the evening with her friends sight-seeing and doing typical Las Vegas stuff. In a way the time spent together salvaged the weekend and brought the girlfriends closer together. Sunday morning they had flown back. She hadn’t run into Marcus again and was left wondering what would happen next.

  In Vegas, Cherry tried to convince herself nothing mattered except the heat of passion, and at the time she believed it, but now in the light of day, she couldn’t help wondering if it had all been a terrible mistake.

  Tashida drove today. She was sipping coffee from her travel mug, babbling on, Cherry tuned it out with her heart beating faster the closer they got to work. She was wondering if maybe he called in sick, thinking perhaps she should have done that herself. She could try to avoid him and hoped she wouldn’t have to look for a new job.

  Tash was complaining the weekend was a bust because she didn’t meet anyone or have any crazy adventures. And she spent a great deal of time focusing on the fact that she still didn’t have a man in her life.

  Cherilyn couldn’t commiserate. Though technically she wasn’t in a relationship, she’d definitely had a wild time in Vegas, but since Marcus was their boss she couldn’t tell Tash anything about it. Her mind went back to Saturday afternoon, when she had collapsed onto Marcus after making love to him. She kissed him then, smiling and looking into his eyes. Moving off him she untied his hands. They moved to the bedroom and lay down on the bed facing each other. Marcus couldn’t stop touching her or take his eyes off her and she felt the same way.

  He had a hot tub in his bathroom, so they filled it and got in. The warm water pulsating over their bodies heightening their pleasure as they made love again. This time slower, but equally pleasurable. Remembering it made her shiver. This weekend had been, by far, the most erotic experience she’d ever had.

  Cherilyn saw the back of Marcus walking into his office when she arrived at work and her heart skipped a beat. She slunk down into her cubicle, hoping to go unnoticed, and immersed herself in work. All morning though, her ears were alert for his voice.

  Later in the morning she regretted drinking so much coffee because that meant she now had to go to the bathroom. She stood up, adjusted her clothing, taking a moment to glance about. Not seeing Marcus anywhere, she figured he must be out of the office. On her way back from the bathroom however, she heard voices talking in the hallway and recognized one of them as Marcus. She stopped at the corner, out of sight, waiting, not wanting to face him.

  “Miss Johnson? Why are you just standing there?” The shrill voice of Edna Daines cut through all other conversations.

  Beyond mortifie
d, Cherry cringed, wishing a hole would open up in the floor and swallow her whole.

  “You’re not being paid to hold up the wall, you know.” Edna scowled.

  “Yes, I know,” Cherilyn said through gritted teeth. Now she was forced to step out and walk back to her cubicle with Marcus knowing that she had been standing there listening. She was so embarrassed, yet when Marcus caught her gaze, his eyes sparkled with understanding. He gave her a small, but sweet smile causing her heart to flutter all the more.

  Cherilyn’s phone buzzed with a text from Marcus and for a moment she wondered how he got the number but realized he’d have access to everyone’s number.

  Do you think Edna Daines ever parties in Vegas?

  Cherry had to clamp a hand over her mouth after she laughed out loud. She peered around the cubicle and caught his eye.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  Delete that.

  Later Marcus came over and leaned against her cubicle casually. He spoke to her in a low voice. “I would you ask you to lunch, but I’m certain I couldn’t keep my hands off you. Neither of us returning to work would be suspicious don’t you think?”

  To hell with the job, Cherry felt like saying.

  Marcus leaned in, “meet me tonight?”

  “Where?” She was attempting to sound casual although the air felt full of electricity whenever Marcus was close to her.

  “Your place?”

  “I have a roommate,” she tilted her head towards Tashida, who unfortunately at that moment was entertaining several employees with her impression of a chicken.

  Marcus laughed lightly, “Come to my place. Seven? I’ll text you the directions.”

  Around three in the afternoon he texted: Thinking about you. Her skin was on fire, unable to concentrate on anything else, she couldn’t wait to see him. But was it a mistake to continue this way? She didn’t want either of them to get fired, so their relationship would have to be kept hidden. She didn’t like the idea of not being honest and open in the workplace, especially with Tashida. Was she willing to risk everything for him?

  Cherilyn found herself wishing the economy was better so she could get job with another firm easily. But should she leave a good paycheck and benefits, all she had worked for up to this point for this - whatever it was they were doing? She couldn’t really call it dating or a relationship, much as she’d like to, and what if it didn’t work out what then?

  Cherry knew it was stupid to get romantically involved with someone from work. And what were they now to each other anyway, just temporary sex partners? Maybe that’s all he thought of her. But then why did she feel so good when she was with him?

  Still, no matter how many worries she had or practical reasons she came up with why it was better not to, Cherilyn knew she’d go to his apartment. She couldn’t stop herself from going to him.

  When she arrived at Marcus’ place she slipped easily into his arms. His kiss, passionate and wanting, was also long and slow and sweet and patient. To her there was emotion behind the kiss, real feelings, not just lust.

  They fell quickly into bed, unable to hold back.

  Later they sat in bathrobes eating dinner by candlelight. Marcus served meatballs and spaghetti. “I’m sorry; I had this romantic dinner planned.”

  “This is romantic.” Cherilyn took the glass of wine he offered her.

  “I thought I could control myself better, you know, have dinner first. But damn woman you have a definite effect on me. I hope you know how much you mean to be.”

  Cherry choked on a meatball.

  Marcus slapped her on the back. “Cherry- you okay?” She had quick vision of herself in an ambulance in nothing but a robe, Marcus also, and having to explain herself in the ER. It made her a little light-headed.

  Marcus brought her a glass of water. Cherry took a long drink and tried to regain her composure. “I’m okay,” she smiled at him trying to appear casual as if his words hadn’t just sent shock waves through her. “Did you cook this yourself?”

  He laughed, “That’s what you want to know? To be honest - no. I picked it up at this little Italian place I know. We should go there sometime.”

  She was glad there were no more meatballs. “You mean out in public?”

  “Ashamed to be seen with me?”

  “No, but- you know if anyone from work saw us out together the gossip would get back. It’s against company policy to fraternize, no relationships, no in-office dating.”

  Marcus handed her a piece of garlic bread. “This is true, but, I don’t want to date you in the office just outside of it.”

  “But, if Edna Daines ever-”

  “I definitely don’t want to date Edna Daines.”

  Cherilyn shook her head and laughed momentarily picturing Edna and Marcus. “That’s not what I meant. But if there’s even the hint of impropriety one or both of us could get fired. Generally, though, it’s the underling that gets the boot.”

  “Well,” Marcus lifted up her chin and trailed kisses across her neck. “I don’t want you to get fired.” His hand slipped inside her robe warm against her breast. “What if we keep things professional at work, then after work…”


  “Can we keep seeing each other?”

  “I’d like that.” A lot, she wanted to add.

  Cherry reached inside his robe and ran her hands up his back. She loved the feel of his skin. At times she couldn’t even put a conscious understanding to why she was so attracted to him, it was more than his looks or body there was just something about him. They seemed to fit together perfectly, like they had always known each other and belonged to one another.

  On some level she knew it was ridiculous to think this way and having these feelings so soon would no doubt lead her to getting her heart broken, but for now she would enjoy this beautiful man and thank her lucky stars.

  He lifted her up easily and took her to his bed. Marcus smiled down at her, “I hope you’re not tired, or in a hurry to go anywhere ’cause to do this right - this is going to take a while.”


  This is going to take a while…

  Cherilyn had to take a deep breath to center herself. Her little cubicle at work was no place for thoughts like these, ones that made her wish she had a damp cloth for her face. Heck she could use a cold shower right about now. Yet her mind couldn’t stop returning to last night.

  He had slowly opened her robe bit by bit, kissing her neck exposing one shoulder then withdrew her arm from the sleeve and kissed the inner elbow and wrist. He did the same with her other arm and undid the belt tantalizingly slow, kissing, touching, caressing as he went building up the tension within her. Running his hands up and down her body she longed to return the favor but Marcus would not let her. He made her lay back, now fully naked, on his bed. He took the tie from her bathrobe and used it to tie both her wrists together over her head. He had looked into her eyes as he did it, she realized, to make certain this was okay. She had never done anything like this before but she was too aroused to put the brakes on now. Realizing, though, she had done it to him in Vegas and turnabout was fair play. Marcus removed his own robe and then positioned himself over her kissing her face, then her neck, breasts, stomach. Moving down between her legs his mouth evoking, tantalizing her with his tongue, arousing to the point of overwhelming, making her feel like she couldn’t stand anymore.

  “Please.” Cherry gripped the pillow behind her in tight fists. “Please Marcus.”

  She felt more than heard the laugh and knew it was meant in kindness. She begged him to enter her, still he continued tormenting her with pleasure refusing to stop or wait until the cries of release escaped her lips. Then her muscles relaxed all at once, feeling somewhat like warm gelatin melting into the bed and she thought her breathing probably wouldn’t return to normal until maybe sometime in the next millennium.

  Marcus unbound her wrists and moved to lay on his side facing her, his head propped by one hand. To say he looked pro
ud of himself was an understatement.

  If she could have come up with something sarcastic to say she would have said it but her brain had turned to mush. Yet, she felt so utterly fantastic, he deserved to be proud, hell he’d earned a standing ovation.

  Marcus assessed her. “How did I get so lucky?”

  She smiled at him through sleepy eyes. Someone pinch me she thought, no wait don’t, if this is a dream I don’t ever want to wake. Marcus pulled her into an embrace, his patience, his tenderness made her desire him even more. Her body was warm and supple and inviting, Marcus moved on top of her and entered her at an unhurried, rhythmic pace. With unyielding patience and stamina his pulsating movements pleasuring her again and again, driving her wild until -

  “Are you ill, Miss Johnson?” The sudden voice and face of Edna Daines in front of Cherilyn jarred her from her reverie.

  This can’t be happening again, Cherry thought and pulled back, “No, Mrs. Daines I’m not ill.”

  Edna peered in uncomfortably close. “Then why are you all sweaty?”

  Cherry took a tissue dabbed at her face, “it’s a little warm in here.”

  “If you’re sick you should go home.”

  “I’m not sick.” Cherilyn stated firmly, not raising her voice, but making her point and hoping to put an end to this embarrassing line of questioning.

  “Well then, the board of directors and Mr. Daycroft want to see you in the conference room.”



  Walking towards the conference room, through the glass walls she could see about twenty people waiting for her. Opening the door and walking in Cherilyn cleared her throat, hoping to appear a confident professional and not the nervous wreck she felt inside.

  Mr. Daycroft stood and gestured her to an empty chair. Marcus, seated with the other managers, had a concerned look on his face that she couldn’t decipher. His not meeting her gaze made her perspire even more, but she sat down and put a smile on her face and then clasped her hands together tightly in an attempt to cover up her anxiety.


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