Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance

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Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance Page 7

by Darcey, Sierra

Camille shot her an annoyed glance. “If you’re going to be with him, you’ve got to get used to this - he will need you one day. Can he count on you?”

  Cherilyn heard in her voice the ferocity of mother for her child and beneath that fear.

  Camille gave her a pointed look obviously questioning whether she had the inner strength. “Marcus has to eat at regular times. If his blood sugar goes low he needs food right away, if you can’t get anything into him you have to call 911.” She poured more juice into his mouth and the twitching movements stopped. His body relaxed and the sweating subsided.

  Cherilyn steeled herself, scared and worried all at once. Obviously the two hour car ride, a lengthy church service, then back to the house with all the talking, cooking, playing, it had been too long since he ate. If only she’d known. As his eyes opened, he gave her long poignant look before he passed out.

  The drive back to Myrtle Beach was quiet between Marcus and Cherry. However, Tashida talked enough for all three of them. She was still raving about Tad when they dropped her at the airport.

  Cherilyn drove even though it was Marcus’ car. He sat slumped in the passenger seat looking out at nothing but darkness. Once he had eaten Marcus was essentially okay, but still seemed out of sorts and avoiding her. Alone in the dark and quiet of the car, Cherry thought it would be easier to talk. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She had to wonder if this was the disease talking, making him crabby or was this who he really is? Had she been fooling herself all along?

  Marcus exhaled a long breath, “I’m sorry, I don’t feel great but that’s no reason to take it out on you.”

  “So can I ask without making you angry, just simply, why didn’t you feel comfortable enough to tell me? An illness is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I agree with you, it isn’t anything to be ashamed of, but I didn’t want anyone at work to find out. I didn’t want to be considered a liability or perceived as unable to do my job in any way.”

  “Okay, so you thought I’d tell? Don’t you trust me?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d use it against me. What if we broke up? You might be angry and want retribution, try to get me fired.”

  His words stung as badly as if he had struck her across the face. She wished now she hadn’t asked. She had assumed the reason was embarrassment, but to find out he didn’t trust her at all was heartbreaking. “You think so little of me,” her voice was small.

  “I couldn’t be sure you wouldn’t go after my job.”

  Cherilyn felt like she was in a bad dream, stunned she said, “I wasn’t after your job and I’m not a vindictive person.”

  “I know that now. Still, you’ve been worried about potentially losing your job right?”


  “How would that have happened? You must have thought me capable of being spiteful or wanting to get rid of you.”

  He was right, even though it felt different when applied to her. But for Cherry that phase was so early on in the relationship. She thought by now they had moved beyond that stage and had achieved an understanding. “I thought, for my part anyway, that at this point we had a bit of trust going on.”

  “You’re right, we did. I should have told you.” Marcus sounded tired and sad. “Even though it’s nothing to be ashamed of, I still feel like it’s, I don’t know, unmanly I guess or could be seen as a weakness.” His hand shook slightly.

  She touched his arm, “Are you alright?” Cherry asked, panic in her voice.

  Marcus yanked his arm away, angry “See, this is exactly what I didn’t want. I can’t stand to have you look at me differently.”

  Cherilyn spoke with calculated slowness, “Don’t even ask or expect me to not care about you.”

  “I’m not a kid. I’ve been a diabetic a long time. When I was eight years old I passed out and ended up in the emergency room. That’s when they discovered I was diabetic. I had to learn to give myself shots at that small age.”

  Cherilyn drove into the parking lot of their condo and pulled into Marcus’ reserved space. Her heart went out to the little boy he was then, not so much to the man yelling at her now. “If you’re okay and don’t need anything, I’ll sleep at my place tonight.”

  The fact that he made no attempt at all to stop her, hurt more than she could have thought possible.

  He missed her, damn it all to hell. Low blood sugar episodes always left him irritable and on edge. They had been inseparable the past two months sleeping side by side every night. He had gotten used to spooning with her, the feel of her warm, naked flesh pressed up against his. Now half the bed was cold and empty. Marcus didn’t like it.

  It took a while, sometimes days even, for him to feel normal again. He hadn’t had an insulin reaction that bad in a long time, he was always so careful and the embarrassing way it happened left him feeling humiliated. It reminded him of when he was a child, and the kids at school had made fun of him. Did anyone ever really get over that?

  Marcus was determined to make it up to her. Roses for a start, maybe buy her perfume, take her out to dinner to their favorite restaurant. Treat her nice and hopefully she’d get over it. He was certain they’d be able to weather this.

  They had their whole lives ahead of them and he sure as heck didn’t want to lose her.


  In the morning they drove to work separately, not his choice but Cherilyn was already gone when Marcus stepped out to the parking lot. When he arrived at the office, there was a definite chill in the air, emotionally speaking.

  Cherry almost felt sorry for him because of the worried look on his face. She didn’t think she needed to apologize for anything, but wasn’t really sure how to get their relationship back on track.

  “Coffee?” Marcus offered.

  “No, thanks.” She wanted so desperately to ask him if he’d eaten, if he needed anything, and how he felt. But she knew he would hate that. He was right, he was a grown man and had taken care of himself all these years. Still, a person could be concerned about him, couldn’t they? The silence became awkward.

  “I’m sorry,” Marcus blurted out.

  Cherry cocked her head to one side and smirked, “Sorry for what?”

  Marcus ran a hand over his face. “I’m not even sure anymore, but it seemed a good place to start.” He smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was a diabetic. I have no reason not to trust you.”

  “Marcus, I think both of us should have been a little more open.” She hesitated, “Do you remember I told you that my mother died when I was in college?”

  “Yes,” Marcus nodded.

  “What I didn’t tell you is she died right in front of me. She had a seizure, there was no warning, it just happened and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I called 911, but it was too late. Later in the hospital they told me she’d had a brain tumor which probably caused the seizure. The doctor said she would have died soon anyway; that it was better that she went quick. Can you believe he said that to me?”

  Marcus touched her arm and gave her a sympathetic look.

  Cherilyn took a deep breath, trying to center herself, “Anyway, yesterday when you were on the floor, shaking and it happened so sudden, so out of the blue.” She started crying, “I didn’t know what was happening to you - ”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry-” Marcus started but never got to finish whatever it was he was going to say because Mr. Daycroft and several of the higher up managers within the company walked in. Marcus let go of her arm and Cherilyn wiped the tears away quickly.

  “Marcus, Cherilyn,” Mr. Daycroft said, “We wanted to come on down here and see how you two are getting along.”

  Marcus gave her a look she would have called accusatory if it weren’t for the abject fear in his face. And she could tell he was wondering if Tashida spoke about their relationship and more importantly about his diabetes.

  That was exactly what Marcus was thi
nking: Had his relationship with her cost him his job? “Did you?” He whispered.

  “I didn’t say anything.”


  “I don’t think she would.”

  Mr. Daycroft said he wanted to check out the new office to see how things were coming along. Once Marcus showed him and the other managers around and they reviewed the progress that had been made, Mr. Daycroft seemed happy with the outcome. It became obvious they had not heard about any relationship, nor about Marcus’ diabetes. Still, between the comments Marcus made last night and this morning, Cherilyn wondered how much trust he had in her and their relationship.

  Mr. Daycroft sat them both down and explained how pleased he was with the job they had done and how he needed a good man like Marcus to head up this office. He offered Marcus the head of the southern division position, a promotion and a permanent job in Myrtle Beach. Cherry was thrilled for Marcus. Mr. Daycroft then turned his attention to Cherilyn and offered her Marcus’ job back in Pittsburgh.

  Cherry was stunned and thrilled and worried all at once. The job offer was exciting and surprising but she found herself unable to look at Marcus. As she discovered last night he apparently thought she might have been after his job all this time. Would he now think that he was right all along? And, to accept the job would mean they would be separated.

  “Think it over,” Mr. Daycroft said. After a few more hours, he and the other bosses decided to take advantage of the opportunity to play golf. Once they were gone, a quiet settled like a low fog over the office.

  “Stay with me.”

  Cherilyn looked up sharply. His plea shocked her. “And what then, Marcus? Quit my job, turn down a great promotion and have no money while you get a big raise and move up the corporate ladder? How about you quit your job and come back to Pittsburgh with me?” She could see in his eyes that he wouldn’t even consider the possibility. She didn’t really expect him to quit, but wished his feelings for her would have made him falter a bit, think about it for even a few moments. It hurt that his aspirations in business were more important than his relationship with her. “Do you still think I was after your job?”

  He paused, and that alone was enough for Cherry. She shook her head, she couldn’t stand it that after all the time they had spent together he would still doubt her. It was the absolute last straw. She left work and went back to her condo. Later in the day, after she had a long phone conversation with Mr. Daycroft, she accepted the position in Pittsburgh and made flight arrangements. She waited all the rest of that day and night for Marcus to come to her, but he didn’t. Each of them slept alone in their own individual condos for only the second time since they arrived in Myrtle Beach.

  In the morning she was gone.

  Marcus was having another morning full of couldn’ts. He couldn’t believe Cherry took off without saying goodbye. He couldn’t believe she decided to accept the position and left him that easily. And he couldn’t believe he felt this bad already and didn’t know how to fix it.

  Marcus had spoken with Mr. Daycroft and the other managers in person before they left for the return flight to Pittsburgh. He formally accepted the position offered to him and tried to appear upbeat and enthusiastic.

  The drive to Summerville, Marcus told himself, was just for a quick visit home and to have time to clear his head, but really it was to ask his mother’s advice. He felt more than a little childish not being able to handle his own love life. But this was important, Cherry, he was beginning to realize, was essential to him.

  Camille Black was not one to sugarcoat anything. “You’re being a fool, boy.”

  “I know.” Marcus looked miserable.

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “What can I do?”

  Camille looked highly insulted, like the answer was obvious and she shouldn’t have to say it.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Marcus got loud, “She’s the one who left, she took the job. I’m offered a job here.”

  “You know,” Camille’s voice grew quiet, “when you were little I wondered sometimes if I was being too hard on you. I made you learn how to give yourself insulin shots, not because I wanted you to grow up to be tough, but to be strong. Because I wanted you to believe that you could do anything, that you were no different from anybody else.”

  “What are you getting at, Mom?”

  “You have the same ability as anybody else to fall in love. You don’t need to put up a wall. You can let someone in. You can let someone take care of you. It’s okay.”

  Marcus studied the ground. “But she’s already gone. What do you expect me to do now?”

  “I expect you to engage your brain.” His mother spoke slowly, “If the world was going to end tomorrow and you could choose only one - Cherilyn or the job, which would it be? And if you have to think longer than three seconds, then she’s not the one for you.”


  Back in Pittsburgh Cherilyn took over Marcus’ office. With a heart full of pain and regret she boxed up his personal belongings and put all her things into his desk, then two workmen came and removed her old desk. The room was all hers now. But the promotion, unfortunately, somehow felt tainted, she should have been ecstatic having achieved this level of success, with a raise and getting her own office, but losing Marcus, having him think she connived to get his job left her sad.

  It was more than a bit odd now being the boss of Edna Daines. Though, to her credit, Edna was polite and professional. It was Edna who let her know that Marcus had accepted the position in South Carolina, Cherilyn had been back in Pittsburgh nearly a week and Marcus had not called or texted her in all that time.

  Her days now were taken up with dull meetings. She had already regretted choosing the job on more than one occasion. A fancy office would not keep her warm at night, yet giving up all her dreams and aspirations for a man who would place her second to his job seemed ridiculous. Still, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  Tashida knocked and entered. She looked animated, “Keke’s getting married. Guess another wild, single ladies weekend in Vegas isn’t a good idea.”

  Cherilyn laughed, “I’m happy for Keke. She deserves every happiness. How are things with Tad?”

  Tash acted coy, “We talk, he wants me to come back down there for a longer vacation or maybe he’ll come visit me here. If he does come up, would it be okay if he stays at the apartment?”

  “Certainly.” Cherilyn paused, “But, if I can give a bit of advice from someone who’s blown it, go after love and hang onto it with both hands.” She glanced at the clock, with a tinge of annoyance in her voice said, “Time for another meeting.”

  Tash eyed her curiously, “You are happy about your promotion aren’t you?”

  “Yes, yes, of course.” She conceded, but her flat demeanor said otherwise.

  An hour and a half into a meeting about earnings statistics left Cherilyn ready to fall asleep. But she bolted upright and nearly fell out of her seat, her heart racing in her chest when Marcus Black strode right in with a determined air.

  “Mr. Daycroft,” Marcus said. “I’m sorry to interrupt but I have something important to say. First, I appreciate, more than I can express, all the opportunities you have given me. The job here in Pittsburg, then the chance to open the new office in Myrtle Beach, and being made head of that division was all I had ever hoped for. But,” he paused looking at Cherilyn. “Due to personal reasons, I must decline the offer. I am tendering my resignation - effective today.”

  “Mr. Black, isn’t this something we can work out?” Mr. Daycroft looked at him in concern, “Is it an illness, do you need a leave of absence?”

  All the excitement and good feelings Cherilyn felt when he walked in the door drained out of her. Marcus no doubt would think she had said something about his diabetes.

  “Mr. Daycroft, I am not in need of any medical attention. I am in love with a phenomenal woman, and she lives right here, in Pittsburgh. I cannot be apart f
rom her- in fact - ” Marcus paused and looked directly at Cherilyn. “I’ll follow this woman anywhere.”

  Cherry stood up abruptly leaving the room, with Marcus close behind her. The whole office was suddenly full of people curiously peeking around their cubicles to watch.

  Once they were in her office with the door closed, Cherilyn whirled around to face him, “Do you really mean it?”


  “Marcus, I didn’t expect you to quit Myrtle Beach and I never wanted to take your job.” Cherilyn nervously rubbed her hands together.

  “I know you weren’t after my job, Marcus moved closer and took her hand gently caressing it. “You earned this promotion.”

  “But it doesn’t feel right. I’ve put you out of a job.”

  “You haven’t. I made a choice.”

  William Daycroft entered the office. Cherry and Marcus stopped talking and stepped away from each other.

  “Well Marcus, Miss Johnson - this is a surprise.” William had his usual leering grin on his face. “I didn’t know our Cherry here was giving it away to everyone in the company.”

  Marcus stepped forward and punched William right in the face. He landed with a thud, out cold.

  Mr. Daycroft entered and Cherilyn felt her whole body tense, she thought this couldn’t have gone any worse, and now certainly we’re both fired.

  Marcus held onto his sore hand and had a panicked look on his face, “I’m so sorry, sir.”

  Mr. Daycroft put his hands on his hips and surveyed his nephew lying on the floor, “That’s okay, I’ve wanted to punch him myself a few times.”

  Marcus appeared resigned. “This is all my fault; none of this is her fault. I know this relationship comes as a surprise, but I’ll bow out. Please keep Cherilyn on.”

  Mr. Daycroft cocked his head to one side. “I knew you two were in a relationship.”

  “You knew?” Cherry was shocked.

  Mr. Daycroft chuckled, “Do you think anything ever gets by Edna Daines?”


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