The Billionaire's Game: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Book One)

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The Billionaire's Game: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Book One) Page 2

by Bella Forbes


  Aleks walked into the night club like he owned the place. He went right to the manager and asked Mr. Bernard for his usual waitress to be the one who served him and his guest. The man stuttered out a yes and walked away, a look of confusion on his face. Aleks shrugged, unconcerned about what the man thought of him and headed towards the designated room. He held many business meetings at this club and he liked the atmosphere; private, upscale and lots of pretty waitresses to look at. Jessica, the girl who usually served him was no exception, but while he found her attractive she just didn’t do it for him. He liked his women thin, tall and blonde, he was quite the cliché, and Jessica was on the petite side, curvy and dark haired. She was beautiful but she didn’t get him hard. Not like the girl from the coffee house. Embroiled in his own thoughts, it didn’t register that the very girl he was thinking of was standing in front of him at the bar in a skimpy black skirt. Aleks did a double take, his eyes traveling from the woman’s face all the way down to the tips of her black stilettos. Damn she was gorgeous, and that dress left little to the imagination. Swallowing hard, Aleks moved further into the room, acting as if her presence didn’t shock him in the least. Now he understood why the manager was so distressed. Little did the manager know that Aleks preferred the woman standing before him far more than the one who usually served him?

  “Have a seat, sir. Here’s your usual,” The woman walked over to him and handed him the glass of Scotch on the rocks and walked back to the bar.

  She appeared to be avoiding him and he knew by the way she was looking at him that she recognized him from that morning. She opened her mouth as if to speak again when his phone rang. Holding up his finger to her, he turned and answered the phone.

  “Sokolov,” He said brusquely.

  “I’m sorry to call on such short notice. But I won’t be able to make the meeting. The merger can wait until Monday. There is far too much for me to do here. I’ll call you on Monday and we can set up another meeting then,” It was the man who was supposed to meet him.

  “Fine. I’ll call you next week,” He snapped and hung up the phone.

  Irritation clouded his vision for a moment. He put out money and reserved a private area for the client and the bastard didn’t even have the decency to show.

  “Is everything alright, sir?” Halle asked moving closer.

  “Fine. Change of plans is all. Looks like my client won’t be showing up.”

  “Oh,” she said, her face falling, “I’m so sorry.”

  He waved away her sentiment. “It’s just business.” Then he had a thought. “You know what? I think I’ll stay for the rest of the time allotted. You’re a beautiful woman and I’d be happy to have your company for the evening,” He said, raising an eyebrow at her.

  Aleks may have been out of a business deal but he could have some fun with the sexy woman in front of him.


  The man was looking at her strangely. His gaze was burning a hole into hers and his ice blue eyes became a cloudy smoldering gray. Halle’s step faltered as she walked towards him, the drink outstretched in her hand. Before she could stop it from happening Halle pitched forward, the drink splashing across the man’s suit jacket and shirt. She landed on her knees in front of him, the glass slipping from her hand and bouncing across the carpeted floor.

  “Shit!” She yelled, forgetting for a moment where she was.

  Halle stood, recovering, and grabbed a cloth napkin from the bar top. She raced back to the man and kneeled in front of him again, this time mopping up the mess she made of his most-likely very expensive suit.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m not used to these shoes and I—.” She began before Aleks held up a hand for her to stop talking.

  “Just clean it up,” He said coldly.

  Halle nodded and continued to wipe up the mess she made, trying so hard not to focus on the feel of the hard muscles of his abdomen as she wiped the shirt off. Noticing there was a spot on his pants, she moved the towel to his leg and began to wipe. The man growled deep in his chest and his hand gripped her hip. Halle realized then how close she was to his crotch. Face flaming, Halle jumped up, tossing the towel on the floor and running from the room. She fucked up royally and hoped she didn’t get Jessica fired because of it. Forgetting the tips she would miss out on, Halle scurried to the employee area and sat in a corner. She’d hide for a few minutes and then she’d get the hell out of there.


  Aleks winced at the discomfort of his hard dick pressing against the zipper of his pants. She ran away from him. Fury began to rise in his chest and he stood, adjusting his pants to make room for his growing erection. He had to have her back this instant. He had to teach her a lesson that she should never run from him. It couldn’t be a coincidence that she was the one waiting on him for his meeting. He wasn’t going to let her get away again.

  Tossing aside his soaking wet jacket, Aleks stood and threw the doors open to the lounge. He would find the manager and make her come back. He wasn’t leaving until he had her. Aleks stalked to the manager’s office and threw the door open.

  “Mr. Sokolov. I hope everything is going well with your meeting,” Mr. Bernard, the manager, muttered, visibly cowering.

  Aleks rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Not at all actually. My client canceled and now your waitress has fled the room. You make her go back in there this instant or I’ll take my meetings elsewhere from now on and I’ll also make sure the owner of the hotel knows how incompetent you are.”

  The manager noticeably shrunk before Aleks. “Yes, sir. Right away,” He said and jumped from his seat.

  Aleks stalked back to the lounge and waited. He didn’t expect the manager to disappoint.


  Halle jumped as a hand clapped down on her arm.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” It was the manager.

  “I, uh, I’m sorry. I needed a minute,” She said, standing and smoothing the tiny skirt back down over her thighs.

  The manager watched her movements, his eyes widening at the exposed view of her legs. Halle scowled at the floor unable to look up at him.

  “The customer complained that you bailed. He wants you back in the room this instant.”

  Halle shook her head.

  “Well in that case, I’ll have to fire your friend,” He said with a snide smile, “and don’t think you’ll get away scot free either.”

  He advanced on her, his arm encircling her waist and pulled her up against his chest. Revulsion rolled her stomach and bile rose to her throat at his touch. The man in the other room didn’t elicit this type of reaction when he grabbed her hip. Maybe he was a better choice than the disgusting manager.

  “Ok, ok, I’ll go. Please let go of me,” Halle whispered.

  Anger clouded his face but he let go of her. Halle sighed with relief and turned to leave. She felt the disgusting man’s hand slide up the back of her thigh and cup her naked ass and her stomach turned again. Walking as quickly as she could in stilettos she moved out of his reach and headed towards the lounge. Anything was better than the nasty manager’s advances.

  Once inside, she stood at a distance, watching the man as he watched her from the sofa.

  “Aren’t you going to speak?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I’m so sorry about before,” She said without moving forward.

  The man waved it off. “Why did you run?”

  Halle shrugged. “I didn’t know what you wanted from me,” She said honestly.

  The man chuckled. “I’d thought it was pretty obvious.”

  Halle’s face heated. “Oh,” was all she said.

  “Now that that’s out of the way, how about you tell me your name?”

  “Halle Poole,” she answered.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Halle. I’m Aleks Sokolov.” He held out his hand for her to shake so that Halle had no choice but to move closer.

  She shook his hand but he didn’t let go. Instead he pulle
d her to sit down beside him. She was very aware of their proximity; the warmth of his arm was searing hers. The whole length of his trouser clad thigh was pressed against her bare one. The skirt had ridden up when she sat so that her bare ass was on the couch, the fabric of which was soft and rich. She was on sensory overload and despite her misgivings; moisture began to pool between her thighs. There was no mistaking that he was handsome and Halle wanted him but she was having qualms due to working her friends shift. What if Jessica was fired because of her?

  “Would you like another drink, Mr. Sokolov?” She asked, and started to stand up.

  He shook his head and raised his hand for her to stop. Halle’s heart began to quicken. What was he going to do? She thought about the sleazy manager and cringed. Aleks Sokolov was a lot more attractive but she didn’t want to have sex while she was working.

  “What are you so worried about, Ms. Poole?” Aleks asked as he drew little circles on her arm with his finger.

  Halle’s heart hammered now, her skin heating from his touch. She couldn’t speak and her throat felt so dry it hurt to swallow.

  “I need some water,” She mumbled and stood before he could urge her back down.

  She scurried to the bar and poured water from a sweating pitcher into a glass. Chugging it without coming up for a breath, she refilled it again and took a few sips before setting it down and looking up at him. There was a smirk on his face when she finally met his eyes, the blue icy depths burning her skin as they traveled down her body.

  “Ready to join me again?” He asked.

  Halle nodded, unsure of how to answer a question like that. She was the waitress not an escort and a part of her was offended that he would even imply so. He stood, uncrossing his legs and moved towards her as Halle stood immobile in the middle of the room. She wasn’t sure what to do or where to go. He was gorgeous and sexy and that expensive suit hugged him in all the right places. If she met him anywhere else she would have likely gone home with him. But here and now? Well she wasn’t sure if it was such a good idea.

  “I, uh, I’m not sure what you’re asking,” She said. Honesty was the best policy after all.

  “I think you do, Halle,” He said.

  He was standing in front of her now and she had to look up to meet his eyes. Even with her heels on and being five-foot-seven he was at least five inches taller than she was.

  “But, I’m just a waitress,” She muttered, trying to take a step back.

  Aleks didn’t let her. Instead his large hand circled her bicep and pulled her up against his chest. It was hard under her hands and she tried to pull away but he held her there. Her nipples, pebbled with desire, rubbed against the hard muscles of his pecs, and Halle began to pant with anticipation.

  “But as a waitress, isn’t it your job to serve the customer and make them happy?” He whispered in her ear.

  Halle shivered from the contact. “Uh, yeah, I mean, not really. I’m supposed to serve food and drinks, I’m not supposed to—.”

  “Ms. Poole, I know what a waitress does, but I was asking if you would serve me and do what I want for the next hour?” He looked down at her again, the look on his face serious.

  Halle’s mind began to race with the possibility. She wanted him, which was evident by her racing heart and aching pussy. But she was working. What if someone came in? What if he told people about it? No, she couldn’t do it.

  “I’m sorry. No,” She said with conviction.

  Aleks’s face darkened and Halle took a step back. Was he dangerous? She didn’t get that vibe from him, not like the manager, but she didn’t want to tempt fate either.

  “Come here,” He said, his voice filled with an unfamiliar accent. It wasn’t a question. It was an order.

  Halle hesitated for a moment but then willed herself to move forward. She stopped about two feet from where he stood.

  “I won’t ask again,” He said, a dark look on his face.

  Halle’s resolve crumbled and she almost fled again, but the fear of retaliation and losing Jessica’s job made her plant her feet.

  “I think I’ll stay here,” She said, planting her hands on her hips.

  Aleks frowned and his handsome face changed from inviting to menacing.

  “I’ve paid for your service and you will obey me. Or there will be consequences.”

  Halle swallowed hard. “I’m not your slave and I’m not a prostitute. If you want me to be with you maybe you should treat me with a little respect,” Her voice wavered but she didn’t back down.

  She watched Aleks and could practically see the wheels turning. He was angry, his face darkened even more. He was used to people obeying him when he gave them an order. But Halle had more respect for herself than that.

  “Fine, you want to play games, then we can play games,” He said, closing the space between them with one stride. “I want you; I’m being honest when I say that. I think you want me to, and all payment aside, I’m not leaving here until I get what I want. And I always get what I want.”

  Butterflies assaulted Halle’s belly, he was for real, and it wasn’t just a threat. She wanted him, the dark looks and threats didn’t scare her. She was more afraid of losing Jessica’s job.

  “But what if I lose my job—.” She began.

  Aleks shook his head. “No one will come in here. The manager knows better than that. Besides, I’d hate for you to lose your job because you didn’t obey me.”

  It was like he could read her mind. Halle swallowed and looked down at her hands. Should she give in to her desire to be with him and break the rules for once in her life? Wouldn’t it be just her stupid luck if she lost Jessica’s job anyway and didn’t get to be with the hot guy?

  Without saying anything, Halle approached him, until they were almost touching. He took her movement as consent and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. Halle began to pant; the feel of his hard body and even harder erection pressed against her made her feel like she was going to combust.

  “I knew you wanted me all along. I’m glad you obeyed, but I still may punish you” Aleks said, before lowering his mouth to hers.

  Halle shivered but didn’t have a change to dwell on his words because he captured her mouth with his, the kiss fierce and deep and Halle moaned despite her earlier reservations. His lips were soft and eager and she’d never been so lost in a kiss before. Aleks pushed his tongue between the seam of her lips, his tongue finding and tangling with hers. Halle wrapped her arms around his neck, hiking her leg up over his hip. The tiny skirt rode all the way up to her hips then, and Halle started at the feel of the cold air against her ass. The distraction didn’t last long, however, especially since Aleks’s hand found the place her skirt vacated. He pulled back with surprise, a smirk on his face.

  “I guess you had some surprises under that tiny skirt after all,” He said as he steered Halle towards the couch and gently lay her down.

  Halle’s face heated at his words but the embarrassment was quickly forgotten once his mouth found her mouth again. Aleks settled his large frame over her on the couch. Essentially naked from the waist down, Halle could feel the hard length of Aleks against her lower abdomen. She yearned to arch her hips up and take him, but she wanted to see where it would go first. Aleks took the lead, ripping off his shirt and pulling Halle’s off with record speed. His mouth found her nipple and he sucked and nipped until her back was bowing off the couch. He moved to the other side and continued and Halle felt herself grow wetter and wetter by the moment. Her pussy ached to be touched and she pushed her hips up against his body to show him how much she wanted him.

  “You’re quite the eager little waitress, aren’t you?” Aleks said with amusement. “I’m not done with your punishment yet, Ms. Poole, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  Halle’s heart hammered against her rib cage at the prospect of what was to come. Was he going to spank her? The idea sent a thrill through her body that ended at her pussy. Just the thought of
it made her almost come. Halle whimpered with need as he continued to tease her nipples, pinching and nipping them before his mouth kissed a trail down her stomach. He stopped just shy of her center before moving to one side and kissing down her inner thigh. Pushing her legs wide as he went, Aleks teased her with kisses, pressing a light one to her pussy as he moved to the other side. Halle was breathless with anticipation and she sunk her hands into his hair and tried to guide him to where she wanted him to go. Aleks pulled back in response and looked at her with a smirk.

  “If you keep it up your punishment will last longer,” then a thought seemed to occur to him, “here, give me your hands.”

  Halle held her hands out and Aleks leaned over to the floor and came up with his tie. He proceeded to wrap it around Halle’s hands before pushing them over her head.

  “Keep them there. And don’t touch me again,” He barked, this time it was clear the accent was Russian.

  Halle nodded as she was eager to continue and didn’t want to anger him in such a way as to make him stop. Aleks nodded right back before standing up. He removed his pants and boxer briefs in one swift movement and Halle was able to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of his body before he joined her on the couch again. His chest was rock solid with a smattering of hairs on his pecs. A light trail of hair led down from his belly button and stopped at his pubic hair. His thighs were strong and muscular and his erection stood up so stiff it almost touched his navel. Halle gasped silently at the size of him and wondered how they would fit together. Nerves suddenly overtook her at the prospect and she almost told him she changed her mind. Before she could utter the words though, Aleks covered her body with his and the feel of him, skin on skin, made Halle forgot what she was thinking about. He found her mouth again, and Halle longed to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him close.


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