The Manny Tames the Cowboy

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The Manny Tames the Cowboy Page 11

by Beau Brown

  Beau Brown

  Tex Greerson can have just about any omega he wants. He’s pretty much plowed through all the single omegas in Sweet Water. Even though Tex secretly yearns to find an omega of his own, no one has been able to convince him to settle down.

  Griffin Kantain is seven months pregnant and running from his abusive alpha. When he tries to steal Tex’s truck, the cowboy stops him cold. When Tex realizes Griff is pregnant, he’s driven to help him.

  Griff isn’t originally from Sweet Water and he doesn’t quite understand all these goody-two-shoes who are trying to help him. Most perplexing of all is the sexy cowboy, Tex, who’s taken him into his home. Griff can’t tell if Tex just sees him as a charity case, or if maybe there’s something more between them. When Griff’s old alpha comes sniffing around things get even more complicated.

  This is a sweet and sexy, contemporary, non-shifter love story with mpreg and a HEA ending. Though part of the Omegas of Sweet Water, Texas, this standalone story does not need to be read as part of the series.

  Chapter One


  I had the distinct feeling of being watched as I loaded the bags of oat onto the bed of my pickup. I glanced over my shoulder, but there wasn’t anyone there that I could see.

  It was late afternoon in Sweet Water. Fred and Oscar bickered over checkers out in front of the Sweet Water Cafe like always, and Polly was redressing the mannequins in the front window of her clothing store. Nobody seemed to be paying me no never mind.

  As I hoisted the last bag with a grunt, I wiped my brow with the back of my arm. Usually Jake would have been here to help me load the truck, but Hunter and he were having a well-deserved date night. I’d reassured Jake I could handle loading a truck just fine all by myself. If my back hurt in the morning, well, that was my own fault.

  I headed into the grain store to pay the bill, and when I came out, I was shocked to see the driver side door open, and a young omega climbing in my truck.

  “Hey!” I yelled, sprinting toward my vehicle.

  The engine roared to life and, with the door still open, the vehicle jerked into motion. I increased my speed as disbelief jolted through me. I’d left the keys in the ignition because nobody carjacked anybody in Sweet Water. Hell, everybody knew each other too well.

  I caught a glimpse of the driver, eyes wide and face flushed. He looked a few years younger than me, with tangled blond hair and tanned skin. I was fast enough, and he was unfamiliar enough with my car, that I reached him before he could actually leave me in the dust. I grabbed onto the driver’s side door jamb and pulled myself onto the truck’s step bar, balancing precariously.

  If he’d been a violent soul, he easily could have elbowed me and sent me sprawling onto the road. But luckily for me, he was apparently just a thief. I was so close to him I could breathe in his scent; it was unusual and reminded me of autumn with hints of cinnamon and cloves.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I growled, grabbing at the wheel.

  Probably trying to shake me loose, he hit the brakes, and it took all my strength not to go flying. Somehow I held on, and before he could accelerate again, I wrapped my arm around his neck and yanked him from the car. He snarled and cussed, scratching at me violently as we tumbled into the road.

  I wrestled him to the ground, while the truck rolled slowly into the gutter and came to a complete stop. As I struggled with him, I noticed his rounded belly poking out from under his T-shirt, and my eyes widened with shock.

  He was pregnant?

  I immediately let go and stood, feeling like a heel for manhandling a pregnant omega. “What in the world are you doing trying to steal my truck in your condition?” I demanded breathlessly.

  “Screw you.”

  I scowled. “You could have got hurt!”

  “I was doing fine until you came along and pulled me out of the truck, asshole,” he snapped, sitting up and pushing the hair out of his eyes.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Who cares?” He scrambled to his feet rather gracefully, considering his girth. He brushed off his jeans and glared at me.

  “You’re not from around here.”

  “What a loss,” he smirked, glancing around. “Who’d want to live in a hell hole like this anyway?” He started to walk away.

  I moved forward and took hold of his elbow. “Wait up.” He tried to yank his arm away, but I held on tight. “Stealing a truck is against the law.”

  A small group of people were gathering a few feet away. He gave them a wary glance and tried again to break my grip. “Let me go.”

  “No. Way. You can’t just go around stealing cars.”

  “Look, man.” He lowered his voice. “Give me a break. I’m fucking pregnant with no alpha. I have enough problems.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “Why don’t you have an alpha?”

  His mouth hardened. “None of your business.”

  I tightened my fingers. “Play nice or I won’t.”

  He sighed. “The alpha shit doesn’t matter. But I grabbed your truck because I need to get the hell out of Sweet Water and…” He glanced down at his belly. “Obviously I can’t walk to the next town in this condition.”

  “You ever hear of a taxi?”

  “I don’t have that kind of money.”

  I let go of his arm. “A bus then?”

  He shifted his gaze around nervously. “Too predictable.”

  I frowned. “What does that mean?”

  A muscle worked in his gaunt cheek. “Never mind.”

  It slowly dawned on me he must be running from someone. Not counting his stomach, he was thin. Too thin. His face was unwashed and his hair matted. “When was the last time you had a meal?”

  He swallowed. “I just need to go. I’m not a stray puppy.”

  As surly as he was, for some reason, I felt sorry for him. He needed help whether he wanted it or not. I pointed toward my truck. “Get in.”

  He stiffened. “I don’t know you.”

  I held out my hand. “The name’s, Tex Greerson.” He hesitated but then he shook my hand. His palm was cool and firm against mine. “I’ll give you a ride to Slaterville.”

  Surprise rippled through his gaze. “What? Why?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t want you trying to steal another car.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “You’re just going to drop what you’re doing and give a complete stranger a ride two hours away?”

  I pushed his shoulder gently so that he’d move to my truck. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “Oh, I get it.” His mouth hardened but he moved to the vehicle. His shoulders were stiff as he climbed in the passenger side.

  I waved to the small group of people gathered. “Sorry about the excitement, folks.”

  A couple of people laughed and some muttered, but they dispersed. I started the truck and backed carefully out of the shallow gutter. Then I accelerated onto the main road heading out of town. I fully intended to keep my promise and drive him where he wanted to go, but I felt like he needed to eat and shower too. I decided to take him to my house before going on to the other town.

  “We’re going to make a quick stop at my place before I take you to Slaterville.”

  “What a surprise,” he mumbled. As we parked in front of my ranch house, he let out a long sigh. When I shut off the engine he turned to me. “Blow job or anal?”

  My face flushed hot and I recoiled. “Excuse me?”

  “What are you, a virgin? Do you want me to suck you or do you want full-on sex?”

  “Uh, neither.” I climbed out of the truck, feeling borderline insulted. I yanked open his door and he sat there watching me suspiciously. “I brought you here to get you a meal and a shower before I take to over to Slaterville.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Irritation boiled in my gut. “I ain’t interested in you sexually, kid.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Why not?”

  I laughed gruffly. “Because m
y dance card is full.”

  He blinked at me, looking puzzled.

  I sighed. “Do you want some food and a shower, or not?”

  He truly did look confused. But he slowly slid from the truck, keeping his wary gaze on me. I went up the porch first, unlocking the door and swinging it wide. He followed me in, his body tense and uneasy. I closed the door behind him and headed toward the kitchen. As I opened the fridge and started taking eggs and cheese out he hovered in the doorway.

  I glanced over at him. “Sit. Would you like orange juice or milk?”

  He slipped onto a chair and cleared his throat. “Juice… please.”

  I poured him some fresh juice and set it in front of him. Then I put some butter in the small skillet and cracked three eggs. As the food sizzled in the pan, I studied him while trying not to be too obvious. It wasn’t normal for an omega to be pregnant and alone. He was definitely hiding from someone, and it made me wonder if his pregnancy was the result of a sexual assault or an abusive relationship.

  He drank his juice fast, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his tanned throat. When he sat the glass down it was empty and he leaned back with a big sigh. My lips twitched because his enjoyment of the cool beverage was the first time he’d acted like a normal person.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  He hesitated. “Griffin. Most people just call me Griff.”

  “Okay.” I noticed he didn’t volunteer his last name.

  He cleared his throat. “No offense, but why are you doing this? I mean, if you don’t want sex, I can’t figure out your motive.” His voice was hushed.

  “I don’t need something in return just for being kind.”

  He pulled his blond brows together. “Nobody does something for nothing.”

  I flipped the eggs and shrugged. “I do.”

  It was obvious from his obstinate expression that he wasn’t buying it. “Don’t you need to deliver all that shit you were stacking in the truck?”

  “Yeah, but my boss will understand if I’m late.” I put a piece of toast into the toaster.

  “I’ll bet. Helping me is way more important to him I’m sure.” He shook his head. “You’re nuts.”

  Ignoring his mockery, I slid the eggs onto a plate, and grabbed a fork just as the toast popped up. “Do you want some more juice?” I spread butter on the bread.

  “No thanks.” His eyes were glued on the eggs and toast as I carried them over.

  I set the dish down along with a napkin and fork. He just stared at the food for a minute, and then he closed his eyes and inhaled. “Jesus, that smells good.”

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  He opened his eyes and glanced at me. “Ain’t you eating?”

  “I don’t want to ruin my supper.”

  “Oh.” He picked up the fork and dug in, eating so fast I was a little concerned he might choke. I puttered at the sink, washing up a few dishes I’d left from breakfast. I knew he wouldn’t appreciate me keeping him company at the table.

  Once he was mostly finished, he swiped the plate with his finger, getting every last trace of yolk. As he sucked on his finger he stared at me. I draped a dish towel over the sink and faced him. “Ready for your shower?”

  He stilled and pulled his finger from his mouth. “Yes.” His voice was hard.

  “Follow me.” I headed out of the kitchen, pausing on the stairs to wait for him.

  He came out of the kitchen looking like he was being led to his execution. I knew he still didn’t trust me, but I ignored his suspicious gaze and continued up the steps. I took him to my master bedroom. “You can use my shower. I don’t have shampoo and stuff in the guest bath at the moment.”

  “Whatever.” He hovered in the doorway.

  I pulled a big fluffy towel from the cupboard and set it on the counter. “Use whatever you want of mine. There’s a razor in there too if you want to shave.” I moved to the door and I could feel his surprise.

  “You’re not staying?”

  I laughed. “Why would I? Were you planning on giving me a performance or something?”

  His face tinted pink. “Come on man, drop the act.”

  I sighed and put my hands on my hips. “Griff, I don’t want to have sex with you. I’m not sure how else to say it.”

  “I don’t have any money. I can’t pay you back for the food and stuff.”

  “I know.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Do you like it rough or something? You want a fake rape scenario?”

  I curled my lip in distaste. “I’m not sure who you usually hang around with, but I have plenty of opportunities to get laid. I don’t need to pick up random, pregnant omegas and force myself on them.”

  “Ahhh. I get it. You’re turned off because I’m pregnant.”

  “No. That has nothing to do with anything.” I shook my head and left the bathroom.

  After a while I heard the shower start and I went into my room and grabbed a clean pair of jeans, briefs and an extra-large T-shirt to accommodate his stomach. His jeans had been riddled with gaping holes, and not in a cool way. He was thinner than me, so I set a belt on top of the folded clothes.

  When the shower stopped I knocked on the door. “Hey, Griff, I’m setting some clean clothes outside the door here for you. Take your time.”

  I left my bedroom and went downstairs. I texted my boss Jake about what was going on. I knew he wouldn’t care if I delivered the grain tomorrow instead of this evening. After a while Griff came down the stairs slowly, clutching his dirty clothes.

  The jeans were big on him, like I’d figured they’d be, but he looked like a different person. His hair was damp and slicked back and for the first time I was able to see his handsome features clearly. He had high cheekbones and beautiful blue eyes, framed by dark brows.

  He glanced down at his old clothing. “Maybe you should burn these. I’ve been wearing them for three weeks straight.”

  I grimaced. “Are you homeless?”

  “Something like that.” He dropped his eyes as if embarrassed.

  “Everybody hits hard times occasionally.” I pointed to the elephant in the room; his stomach. “So how is it you’re pregnant but you don’t have an alpha?”

  He sighed. “Does it matter?”

  “It’s pretty unusual.”

  “I got myself into a situation and now I’m out.” He bit his bottom lip. “Or at least I think I’m out.”

  “So then you’re running from your alpha?” That wasn’t something omegas did too often. The only reason a pregnant omega would flee his alpha was probably abuse. And while abuse was uncommon among our kind, it wasn’t unheard of. But I didn’t want to be too blunt and flat out ask him if he was abused. He seemed to hate answering even the simplest of questions, let alone something that personal.

  “It wasn’t a good situation.” He rubbed his stomach, looking uneasy.

  “Do you have people in Slaterville?”


  I frowned. “Well, do you have family anywhere nearby? I’d be happy to take you there instead.” A pregnant omega shouldn’t be on their own. Especially an omega that was obviously broke and desperate.

  “I don’t have family period.”

  His emotionless statement didn’t sit well with me. “Why Slaterville?”

  “Because it isn’t Sweet Water.”

  “Is your alpha from here?”

  He dropped his chin to his chest. “Look, I’m sure your alpha instincts are going shit nuts right now at the thought of a pregnant omega on his own. But I’m fine. I don’t need you to worry about me. I really just need a ride. If you’re still willing.”

  I cocked my head. “You’re the farthest thing from fine.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  I chuffed. “Maybe. But I highly doubt you can take care of yourself and that little baby you’re carrying.”

  His face flushed. “I’m doing my best.”

  “What if your best ain’t good enough? You shoul
d be putting on weight, not losing it. You’re way too thin. How far along are you?”

  “Thirty-four weeks.”

  “Jesus, you have no more than two months to go?” I shook my head. “You’re way too skinny.”

  He wrinkled his brow. “I’ve been lying low and that made eating hard. But once I get to Slaterville I’ll be okay.”

  “Are you crazy enough to think you can get a job the condition you’re in?”

  His face hardened. “I have ways of making money.”

  I scowled. “On your back?”

  “Who are you to judge me?” he snapped. “Fuck you and your judgmental attitude.”

  I held up my hand. “Calm down. I ain’t judging you.”


  I leaned toward him and growled, “Griff. Settle down. I’m not judging you.”

  “Seems like it to me,” he grumbled.

  A strange and crazy idea seemed to take root as I studied his grumpy profile. The idea of him living on the streets, having sex with strangers just so he didn’t starve to death didn’t sit right with me. It felt all kinds of wrong; especially with him being seven months pregnant.

  I cleared my throat, my heart thumping against my ribs as I drummed up the nerve to tell him my unorthodox idea. “What if I told you that instead of dropping you off in Slaterville, I might have a better solution for you?”

  “What kind of solution?” He narrowed his eyes.

  I raked a hand through my hair, feeling unsure of my own idea. “Look, I ain’t no knight in shining armor. Far from it, in fact. But maybe I ran into you for a reason today.”

  “What the heck are you talking about?”

  “I’m saying sometimes things happen for a reason.”

  “Oh, Lord. Are you one of those crazy religious types?”

  “Hell no.”

  “You sure?” He glanced around, as if seeking a hidden pulpit somewhere in the room.

  “I’m not even remotely religious. But I do have empathy for someone in your situation.”

  He tilted his head. “Is that right?”

  “Yes.” I sighed. “Now, knowing you, you’re going to immediately think I’m trying to fuck you when I tell you my idea. I ain’t. I can’t stress this clearly enough to you. I. Do. Not. Want. Sex. With. You.”


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