Two Nights in Vegas

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Two Nights in Vegas Page 2

by Gaines, Olivia

  The connection was maintained for a few moments of post coital bliss until he extracted himself from her while lowering the bottom of her skirt. He turned his back to her and placed the waste in a baggy and zipped it up. Nadine did not want to wrap her mind around the possibility that Ziploc bags of used condoms was something he did on a regular basis and she did not need to know. What she wanted was what he had mentioned; a bed and more room to work.

  Mystery gently touched her face, “Beauty, have you eaten yet?”

  “I had a little something earlier,” she told him as she nibbled on her bottom lip. He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip as he told her, “I am starving.” He took her by the hand and led her down the stairs and out the door. The next stop was to the Freemont Hotel to the Second Street Grill. They were quickly seated and handed menus. Mystery was making direct eye contact with her, “Can I ask you something?”

  Nadine gave a cautious smile, “Sure.”

  He sipped at the water that had been placed on the table, “will this be it for us tonight, or will you allow me more time with you this evening?”

  She sipped at her water as well, “You did mention something about a bed and needing more room to work.”

  He smiled a full on toothy grin, “then you may want to eat a salad.” He was still smiling as he called the waiter over, “I don’t want to jostle your dinner later.”

  She nearly sputtered out her water. The waiter asked, “Do you know what you would like to order.”

  Nadine handed him her menu, giving Mystery Man direct eye contact accepting his challenge, “I will have the chicken Caesar salad, please add tomatoes.”

  Mystery Man only ordered a sandwich and all throughout dinner, he continued to give her a look of “I am going to work you over.” Nadine had never been more stimulated and could barely finish the salad. Pillow biting was definitely going to be a late night exercise in restraint. The waiter brought the check and she reached for it, “You bought drinks and the lap dance, I’ll take care of this.” His brows went up showing amusement, surprise and his consent. The man had few words, but they communicated on a level that echoed a connection that was years in the training.

  It was a slow walk back to the bike giving their food time to digest, but he continued to whisper things to her that had her on edge. “Tasting you from my fingers is not enough.” Mystery told her of the many ways he wanted to have her and how many times during the night he planned to take her and which positions he planned to use. Ordinarily those types of statements she found offensive, but from his lips, the words were mesmerizing. In the past two hours he had given her a happy ending twice, and she was going to take him at his word.

  Minutes later, they were on the bike and headed back to the hotel. He parked and helped her from the seat. Confidence preceded him as he led her to his door, and before the door had even closed, he had her in his strong arms. Mystery Man lifted her like a blushing bride and carried her to the bed and fell in with her, all the while pulling at her clothing, as well as pulling at his own. Within seconds he had another condom in his hand, had worked his way out of his pants, and was leaning over her.

  “Please tell me you want me as much as I want you, Beauty?” She pulled her shirt off and took him in her hand and helped guide him in. It was as thick as it had felt on the balcony and he thrust hard forcing her to cry out, “Oh!” He withdrew and thrust deeper still, withdrew and thrust deeper. He rolled to his back bringing her on top of him as she moved in a slow rhythm trying to take in the entirety of his desire. Nadine felt as if the sheer size of him was tearing her but she didn’t care, she needed more of him, she wanted to be closer to him.

  Something was wrong, he wasn’t free to move like she needed him to; his feet were still bound by his pants and boots. She disentangled herself to stand and remove his boots and jeans. He was still reaching for her trying to get her to come back to the bed, to come back to him. She took her time to remove the rest of her clothing and the two were down to just skin; skin, the bed, and lots of energy. There was no way she was going to waste his beauty or that gorgeous, powerful and dynamic erection. Slowly climbing back in the bed, she almost did a crawl across the king sized mattress. By the time she reached him, he was in full blown arousal and only groaned and he rolled her underneath as he wrapped her legs around his back. “I’m not going to promise I’ll be gentle, but I will be thorough,” were his last words to her before he covered her mouth with his own and he brought her to a clawing climax repeatedly through the night.

  Somewhere during the wee hours, she found pieces of her clothing and slipped out the door. It was four a.m. when she landed in her own bed. This was one wild night. She was going to be very sore in the morning, but her mystery man had been worth it. It was definitely a record for her, five orgasms in one night; Mystery Man was worth being a hussy for an evening.

  Chapter Five

  Nadine awoke slowly, stretching lazily like an over fed cat, allowing her toes to come alive one by one. Her thighs were sore, her back was hurting and as she swung her legs off the side of the bed, she groaned in sheer agony. Oh, for the sake of all that was sane, what had she done last night?

  Slow, methodical movements were needed to get her aching body from the bed to the bathroom and when she finally made it; she reached for non-existent underwear, rolled her eyes in the air when she remembered where she left those things, and took a seat on a cold commode. Half way through the morning emptying of her bladder, she cried out from sheer tenderness and a burning. Burning! Wait, it wouldn’t happen that fast, she must have a tear. She thought about mystery man’s size and smiled to herself. She had been a rough and tough cowgirl and had ridden that prize bull! Her cupcake was none too appreciative, but she felt like a real champ.

  She completed her morning care and called the front desk for a box of salt or Epsom salts if they had some; she needed to soak away some of the soreness. While she waited for the salt, she called room service and ordered something light to eat before her immersion in the tub, and then she would head down to the pool for some sun and reading.

  Half a cup of coffee later, room service arrived with salts and grub which prompted her to start the bath water while she pecked at her meal. Nadine added a tad bit of hotel shampoo to the water for bubbles and scent, and when the tub had reached the perfect level for soaking, she slowly lowered her body in and exhaled. It all seemed so surreal.

  She met a strange man in the lobby that smelled like ambrosia to a dying patient. She got on a motor cycle with said man, went to a strip club where a woman with big boobs gyrated on his lap and he used his fingers to make her happy. She closed her eyes. She thought about the nightclub and hanging off the balcony while this man took her from behind in public. In public no less, like she was a common strumpet! To make matters worse, he took her to dinner, which she paid for, ate like a bird because she didn’t want her stomach upset as he jostled her about, which he did, for at least four hours. She thought maybe Mystery Man was fresh out of prison to have a libido like that. It wasn’t a little blue pill, because his fun stick went down but came back up real quick.

  The only saving grace was that he did not know her name and she did not know his. It was even better that he did not know her room number. Tonight, she would take it easy and pray for forgiveness for a wanton evening. He said he would be thorough, but he sure wasn’t gentle. But damn, that shit was good enough to make you write a bad check for a second order!

  Two hours later and at nearly two in the afternoon, she felt human again and made her way to the pool. Floppy hat on her head, large sunglasses, a tall drink of some sort with an umbrella, a magazine, and she was set to relax. Nadine secured a cabana out of the harsh desert sun, kicked off her shoes, unsashed her cover up and laid back. Ahh, this was the life.

  A shadow loomed over her and she was almost afraid to open her eyes, but she had smelled him the moment he opened the doors to enter the pool area. Mystery had not taken a seat, but stood with his back

to the sun so he could shield her eyes if she wanted to look up at him. “I was beginning to think I had broken you,” he said with a deep drawl.

  Nadine tilted her head up to see his face, “No, I am no worse for wear.” Mystery Man squatted down beside her. He touched her shin and her leg got hot, “I awoke and found you gone.” She said nothing, waiting to see if he was going to say something stupid and prevent her from making a whore of herself again. “I found myself needing to feel the warmth of your skin, the heat of your breath against my neck and to hear that sound you make at that critical moment.” Nadine removed the sunglasses, to look him in the eye. Yeap, she was headed towards another night of being his chew toy. “The thought,” he said to her face, “of you getting away without me saying good bye or spending at least another evening with you, almost made me panic. I was relieved when I saw you by the pool.”

  She still had not spoken or responded to him and then she saw it. It was a momentary flicker in his eyes of uncertainty, but he forged ahead, “If tonight is your last night in Vegas,” he took her by the hand, “will you spend it with me?”

  Before Nadine could respond, a large bosomed brunette bounced over and pretended to be helpless as she set up her cabana. His eyes never left Nadine’s face. The woman practically threw her shades at him while clearing her throat to get his attention. Nadine knew this would be her way out, he was going to make an ass out of himself with this woman and she could use it as an excuse to save what remained of her dignity. Instead, he reached down, picked up the glasses, handed them to the woman without giving her a second glance and maintaining eye contact with Nadine. Okay, she was good to go. Another night of being a breathing sex toy it was!

  “And what shall we get into tonight, my Man of Mystery?” He smiled at her with that same hunger in his eyes that she had witnessed last night.

  “First, I thought I would take you to dinner,” he turned her hand over and kissed her wrist. Nadine shook her head, “that’s what you said last night when you fed me a salad and then proceeded to toss it.” Mystery man actually laughed out loud showing her a full smile, with crinkles around the eyes, as he put his two fingers to his lips to ponder his next words.

  “Fair enough,” he said, “however, I will get us a car, you can put on the little black dress I know you packed, and leave the rest to me.”

  “I will meet you at the front desk at seven?” Nadine asked hesitantly.

  “Make it six, so we will have more time together,” he stood groaning a bit as he rose, which brought a larger smile to her face; he was sore too. Mystery Man turned to leave, but stopped, “When do you leave for home?” He did not ask where home was and she was not going to volunteer any information.

  “Tomorrow,” was all she added, since his question was left open ended, so was her answer.

  His gaze was making her uncomfortable until it softened, “you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

  Nadine slid her shades back onto her face, “by the way you are moving, are you certain I didn’t hurt you?” He only chuckled as he walked away. “I like you Beauty,” he said. Even watching him from the back as he strolled towards the doors, Nadine thought he moved like a predator. Every woman by the pool was vying for his attention and it seemed as if he saw and heard none of them.

  “I like you too Mystery Man,” Nadine whispered under her breath.

  Chapter Six

  The closer it got to six o ‘clock the more nervous Nadine became. People had seen her with him at the pool and she was beginning to think she needed take a few more precautions since tonight he had a car. She had snapped a photo of him with her phone when they were by the pool, and she sent it to her private email in case she came up missing. She also included in the message where she had stayed in Vegas and his room number.

  It was stupid she realized, but on those FBI and crime scene shows, the investigators always went through the personal emails. “Stop being stupid, you have already spent an evening underneath the man,” she told herself as she put on the final touches of her makeup. Relax, just go with it and enjoy your evening, tomorrow, Nadine, you can go back to your orderly life, fifty hour work week and men who cannot appreciate you. Tonight, was all about feeling, sensing and enjoying that man.

  She arrived at the front desk at five minutes till and found him waiting in a black tuxedo looking like a model for Gigolos Are Us. He extended his arm to her and led her out the door. All eyes were on them as they made a fetching couple which made Nadine relax knowing that so many people saw them leave together.

  She was surprised to see a limo waiting for them as he helped her inside; he slid in next to her and already had her in his arms. His mouth was everywhere as he kissed, touched, caressed and whispered into her ear. Before she could respond, Mystery Man had scooped her up, and drug her across the seat to straddle his lap. His hands were full of her glutes as he pulled her closer and down over his need. His hand fumbled in his pocket to remove the protection as he handed it to her while he unzipped his pants and freed himself. The packet was opened, he applied it to his person and beckoned her to take him inside. She adjusted her underwear and her hips and slowly, inch by inch, felt him filling her. She was very sore and he noticed her wincing. He raised her hips and used his fingers to help her relax and catch up to how he was feeling. Within minutes, Nadine was in full blown heat and they were going at it like two teenagers on prom night.

  She wasn’t sure if she brought out the worst in him or he the worst in her, but by Jove, the sex was mind blowing. The whole zip lock baggy thing in his pocket was a bit unsettling, but at least there was protection and it had not broken. The limo came to a stop and the two had righted their clothing and she checked her hair and put a wayward strand on his head, back in place as they exited the car to have dinner at the Barrymore.

  It was old school Vegas with blue tufted seats, movie memorabilia on the ceiling and Rorschach paintings of movie stars. She ordered the roasted duck breast with asparagus while he enjoyed a small strip steak and green beans. During dinner, they talked about nothing. A few glances were shared in between bites which Nadine found it ironically, to be the best date she had been on in years. Even though she had screwed him before dinner and probably would again afterwards, there was no pretense in this evening. There were no bullshit lies about how much he made or job titles, or even if he had a wife, six children and one was a dialysis treatment away from keeling over. He had not looked at his phone, he was not texting and neither was she. Tonight was about him and her, not their lives, but the life they were sharing in this moment. She shared a piece of her duck breast and he shared a piece of his steak. Dinner over, they sipped wine, shared more ‘I’m going to tear your clothes off looks,’ he paid the check and they left.

  The limo took them down side streets to a private night club that required its entire guest list to wear masks. She wasn’t sure about this one, until she turned and saw he had donned a Phantom of the Opera style mask and out fitted her with a red silk and lace masquerade disguise. “Whatever you do, do not take it off, okay?” She nodded as he led her into the club. After paying an entry fee for them both, Mystery led her through the doors of the inner sanctum where people were engaging in various stages of fellatio. It took everything in her to not seem prudish until she noticed the largest penis she had ever seen in her life. Two women were working on it as the man laid back, sipped on a cognac while watching the women please him. The next room was the cunnilingus room filled with moaning, writhing women, who were standing, leaning, bent over, legs in the air, feet behind their heads, and boobs jiggling. The room smelled like a female locker room after a hard core Zumba class. The door to the right was labeled anal, Mystery looked at her and she silently mouthed the words, adding a sister girl neck roll for good measure, “Awww, hell, naw!” He laughed and threw up both his hands.

  The next room was labeled “Fetish” and she slowly pushed open the door. Inside there were people donned in latex, animal costumes and a man in a diaper being cha
nged by a woman that he was calling Mama. The diaper had been filled. The door was released slowly as Nadine backed away, eyes wide. She looked at Mystery, “I will never be able to unsee what I just saw.” He laughed, but she was serious, “I need a minute.”

  The room to the left was for couples only and he opened the door and led her inside. He took a seat beside her on a large settee and gently kissed her lips. Nadine was unable to focus on him because she was listening to all the sounds around her of other twosomes in various stages of coupling. She was afraid of what the furniture looked like under black light and shivered at the thought of all the naked asses that had come before her. As if someone had read her mind, they were handed a large towel to cover the chair. Mystery whispered in her ear, “Close your eyes Beauty, and listen to the passion in the room.” Nadine did as she was instructed and her imagination took over.

  Mystery unzipped the top of her dress to expose her breast and she felt his hands on her legs, up her thighs and was removing her panties. She lay back on the furniture. His lips were on her thighs, then moving upwards and she felt his mouth cover her cupcake. She felt hands on her breast, as someone further unzipped her dress, pulling it down to her wait exposing her midriff. The cool air of the room brought the buds to erection. A mouth covered her right nipple. She felt a mouth cover her left nipple while hands rubbed her legs. She knew it was his mouth below but she refused to open her eyes to see who the mouths belonged to up top. She knew if she did, she would freak out. Someone had removed her shoes and she could feel a being suckling her big toe. Her senses were all firing and she was close. Pressure was being applied to her there and it was Mystery, suited up and going in.


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