Blue Steele Box Sets 2

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Blue Steele Box Sets 2 Page 14

by Remington Kane

  Chapter 30

  Blackwood gazed out the window of the house he was in and searched the surrounding landscape with an unattached rifle scope. He was a huge man, both tall and wide and his strength was enormous.

  Blackwood was in a luxurious home with Alejandro and Mitchell. They were impressed with the care and detail Prophet had taken in setting up the hideouts for her army of serial killers. That army was either dead or imprisoned, but the supplies that Prophet had squirrelled away for them were still available.

  The home Blackwood and his men occupied was owned by a wealthy couple off on a world cruise. If anyone came by to check on the property, Blackwood and the others could show them phony ID’s. The documents identified them as members of the security firm employed to keep watch over the home. They also had the codes to the alarm system.

  There were spare keys for the vehicles inside the four-car garage and enough food to last for days. The weapons cache that Prophet had hidden near the home could have armed over a dozen men. Along with the arsenal was a supply of homemade plastic explosive, with instructions on how to assemble the detonators stored with the yellowish bricks.

  “I hate Prophet,” Blackwood said. “But I’ve got to admit, the bitch knows how to plan a raid.”

  Alejandro, who loved knives, held up a gleaming machete that had a razor-sharp blade. They were still going through the supplies and weapons and each man had found a new toy.

  Mitchell, who strangled his victims, had lost the tips of two fingers recently while surviving an explosion. In the sorority house in Oregon, he had found that manual strangulation using his hands was painful and difficult. He was overjoyed to discover a wire garrote with the supplies, and he held it up while grinning.

  Alejandro pointed at the garrote.

  “That’s what you need. It took you forever to strangle those whores back at that college.”

  Mitchell wiggled the hand with the severed digits. The middle finger was so short that he could no longer use it to shoot someone the bird.

  “This is like a career ending injury for a strangler, but I hope we do another college. I can’t get enough of that young tail.”

  “No colleges, this time,” Blackwood said. “It would be too predictable. But Prophet left a list of possible targets. There will be young women at all of them.”

  “Let me see that list again,” Mitchell said.

  Blackwood walked over to Mitchell and Alejandro. They read over the list while it lay atop a table, alongside a map. It was mainly a list of private homes that were located in small communities, many of which had young children or teens. When Alejandro’s eyes fell on a target near the bottom of the list, he tapped it.

  “That one, it’s secluded and there will be lots of targets there.”

  He was referring to a small town in the desert. According to the facts listed beneath the name, it had only a handful of cops and a population of less than five hundred.

  Blackwood rubbed his chin as he spoke to Alejandro.

  “Why this place?”

  “I passed through there once and you wouldn’t believe how beautiful the women are. It’s a small town, but they’ve got money too. I remember hearing that some celebrity lived there, but I don’t remember the name. It was one of those comedians who got famous by having a Sit-Com, you know the one I mean, there was a monkey in the show.”

  “If we whacked a celebrity that would make the news all right,” Blackwood said. “But if people in the town have money they might also have private security. It could be why the police force is so small.”

  “They won’t be expecting anything like us,” Alejandro said. “And who knows, we might find money and jewelry there too.”

  “That’s a good point, plus, I always hated that damn monkey the guy had.”

  “What about this target?” Mitchell said, as he laid a finger on a location by using his good hand.

  The line he was pointing at gave the name of a religious retreat. It was located miles from anything else, but was in the same area of the country where the town Alejandro favored was located. According to the information Prophet supplied, there were estimated to be upwards of eighty participants at the retreat. They would predominately be young women.

  Blackwood thought about it and nodded.

  “Hmm, that’s a good choice too, but we’d have to take out their cell tower before we went in. The place is too big to use signal jammers. Also, we’ll lose some of the women if they run off into the desert.”

  “We won’t lose any if we attack hard and take over quickly, plus, the desert will help us. If they run off into the desert they’ll have nowhere to go,” Mitchell said.

  “I don’t like it,” Alejandro said. “If any cops showed up we’d be easy to pick off in the middle of nowhere.”

  Mitchell shook his head in disagreement.

  “That other sheet Prophet left has escape routes and hiding places for each target. If we do it right, no one will know we’ve been there until we’re long gone.”

  Alejandro nodded as he looked over the details of the religious retreat.

  “Hmm, there’s a maze of tunnels nearby, some old mineshafts and a map to get through them. Still, I like the idea of going after the town. It’s got more ways in and out and there’s a city a short drive away.”

  “Let me think about it for a while,” Blackwood said. “And I want you guys to stay alert in case someone is onto us.”

  “Someone? Like who?” Mitchell said.

  “That tall dude that was with the twins, that’s who. One of those girls claimed that he was their father. If I were him, I’d be looking for us.”

  Alejandro laughed. “That dude spooked you, didn’t he?”

  When Blackwood glared at Alejandro the laughter died in the smaller man’s throat.

  “He didn’t spook me, but he’s one of us, you saw that. If he’s as tough as I think he is, he’ll be coming for me sooner or later for hurting his girl. I just want to be ready for him.”

  “There’s three of us,” Mitchell said. “Even if by some miracle he found us, he wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  Blackwood considered that, then thought of something else.

  “Let’s hope that he doesn’t have any badass friends.”

  Chapter 31

  Tanner, with Sara Blake, rode along a city street in Los Angeles.

  Sara had received a call from Thomas Lawson earlier that morning and was told that he wished to speak to her and Tanner in person. When she informed Lawson that she and Tanner were in California, Lawson said that he would arrange a secure location where they could have a video conference.

  Both Sara and Tanner had assumed that Lawson wanted to talk to them about a contract for an assassination. Tanner realized it was something else entirely when Lawson revealed that Dr. Jessica White and her husband would be attending the video conference. There would be others as well, and Tanner had an idea of what Lawson had in mind.

  “He’s trying to build a team around White,” Tanner said, as Sara drove them to where the meeting would take place.

  “What sort of team?”

  “Some sort of off the books special forces team would be my guess. White’s not an assassin, but he’s nearly as deadly as I am.”

  The meeting was to take place in a new building where Lawson had an executive suite of offices.

  Sara nibbled at her bottom lip as she thought things over. They were driving through a rundown section of the city as they headed toward a tall office building that was visible in the distance.

  “Lawson still must need someone killed. That’s why he called you, but I’m confused as to why he would involve Dr. Jessica White. She’s not an assassin.”

  Tanner smiled. “Jessica is like you; she can handle herself in a fight.”

  A moment after saying those words, Tanner shouted for Sara to stop the car. She pulled the vehicle to the curb near a fire hydrant and Tanner opened his door to get out.

  Sara called to him. “Where ar
e you going?”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Sara watched Tanner weave between traffic as he headed across the street. She left the car and followed Tanner, who had just entered an alleyway. The narrow space sat between two brick buildings that were boarded up and had For Sale signs on them.

  Just before she entered the alleyway, Sara heard what sounded like a muffled scream. The scream was followed by a cry of pain. When she rounded the corner, Sara saw that Tanner had embedded a blade into the chest of a man holding a baseball bat.

  Tanner gripped the bat as the knifed man collapsed to the garbage strewn alley floor, then he turned to face three more men. The men were struggling with a woman whose top had been torn away. One of them had his pants around his ankles.

  Sara understood that Tanner must have spotted the woman being dragged into the alley and had come to her aid. She marveled at the assassin.

  She had once thought Tanner to be nothing more than a heartless killer, but his humanity and decency made themselves known often. Without a thought to his own safety he was willing to face-off against four men.

  Tanner caught a thug under the chin with the bat and the man grunted and fell backwards. When one of the two remaining men fumbled for a gun in his waistband, Tanner whirled the bat around and struck the would-be rapist between the legs. The scream that followed told Sara that the man’s testicles had been crushed by the blow. She watched as he slid down along the alley wall with his hands cupped over his crotch, moaning in agony as he did so.

  The gun the man had been reaching for tumbled to the ground. When Tanner bent over to claim it, the fourth and final man took off running while holding his pants up with one hand.

  Sara brought out her gun just as the man grew close to her, but received a warning from Tanner.

  “Don’t fire your weapon! We don’t need to bring the cops running.”

  Sara lowered her arm, but then brought the gun up fast and struck the punk on the side of the head. The man staggered and Sara hit him with the weapon again, and then again. That last blow rendered the fourth man senseless.

  The woman in the alley made it to her feet and seemed unconcerned that her breasts were exposed. Sara took a good look at her, saw the glittery shorts, the spiked heels, the over made up face, and came to the conclusion that she was a prostitute. After the young blonde gave Tanner a guarded look, she sent him a nod along with the word, “Thanks.”

  Tanner nodded back, and the woman covered herself as best she could with her torn blouse and hurried away.

  Tanner hustled along behind her. The hooker turned left at the alley’s entrance and walked away. A few people had stuck their heads out of windows, while others stood in the doorways of local shops. The commotion in the alley having caught their attention.

  Tanner ignored the gawkers, took Sara by the arm, and headed to where they’d left the car. Within moments, they were back on the move.

  Tanner turned to look at Sara and found her grinning as she drove along.

  “What’s with the smile?”

  “You risked your life to save that hooker from being raped. I’d say that makes you a hero.”

  Tanner laughed. “I’m no hero. I just won’t stand by and see anyone abused like that.”

  “Whatever you say,” Sara said, and the smile stayed on her face.

  A short time later, Sara and Tanner entered a new glass tower. They were escorted by building security to a small conference room where a sealed envelope awaited them.

  The envelope contained instructions as well as a list of who would be attending the video conference. Besides Jessica White and her husband there were two names, Jake Caliber and Blue Steele.

  “I remember reading a newspaper story about Jake Caliber recently,” Sara said. “I mean the grandson, not the grandfather.”

  “Why was he in the paper?” Tanner asked.

  “He was attacked by a biker gang in Texas and there were about a dozen men. Apparently, Jake Caliber killed them all while saving a woman’s life.”

  Tanner cocked an eyebrow.

  “That’s impressive. It sounds like something old man Caliber might have done. Guts and ability must run in the family.”

  “I don’t know who this Special Agent Blue Steele is, do you know him?” Sara asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard the name a time or two, and Blue is a woman. She’s a bounty hunter and one that I never wanted on my trail. From what I’ve heard, she’s the best there is.”

  “Lawson does know talent when he sees it, now let’s find out what’s going on.”

  When the connection was made on the large computer monitor, Tanner and Sara found themselves looking at a conference room in New York City. Lawson was seated at the left of a round table. Seated on the other side of the table were Dr. Jessica White, her husband, and a man who Tanner assumed was Jake Caliber. He resembled the much older and more famous Jake Caliber.

  “I had an idea we might meet again someday, White,” Tanner said. “But I thought it would be in person. Anyway, I take it that this isn’t a social setting?”

  Lawson leaned forward a bit and stared at them from the screen. “I need your assistance, Tanner, and I think you’ll admit that I’ve been helpful to you lately, yes?”

  Tanner nodded in agreement. Lawson had proven to be a useful man to know. Recently, Tanner had to deal with serious trouble in the town of Killburry, Connecticut, where a criminal organization known as The Brotherhood tried to kill him. Tanner instead destroyed The Brotherhood and Thomas Lawson was helpful during the aftermath.

  Tanner had been living in Killburry under the identity of Tom Myers. Thanks to Lawson, Tom Myers was a name that Tanner could keep using when he needed to appear as an average citizen. Lawson had also been helpful in other ways, and there was the fact that Tanner liked him. The man seemed like a straight shooter. That was a rare quality in a government type.

  “I’ll listen to what you have to say, Lawson. After that, I make no promises.”

  “Fair enough, and Miss Blake, this concerns you as well.”

  Sara broke from her trance and looked at Lawson. She had been staring at Mr. White. His resemblance to Tanner was plain to see, in particular, they shared the same intense eyes. Sara cleared her throat before speaking.

  “Maybe we should all be introduced properly, hmm?”

  “Yes,” Lawson said. “Excuse my manners, but time is of the essence.”

  When Jake Caliber was introduced, his eyes lingered on Tanner as he squinted at him. Caliber was in his thirties, nearly as tall as Mr. White, and had dark good looks.

  “You’re a hit man, Tanner, aren’t you?”

  “I prefer the term trained assassin,” Tanner said.

  “I saw your face on a flyer being passed around by some Mexican cartel a while back. Their leader wanted you bad.”

  “He got me, and now he’s no longer around.”

  Caliber looked at Lawson. “Why is Tanner involved in this?”

  “I’m hoping he’ll join us. We could use his help.”

  “A hit man? He’s the type of guy we should be going after, not partnering up with.”

  Tanner let out a sigh. “Give us your spiel, Lawson. I’m running out of patience.”

  “The reason we’re speaking Tanner has to do with the recent attacks by Prophet and her group of serial killers. I’m sure you’re aware of what’s been going on.”

  “Of course. Those attacks have been all over the news. Is that what this is about? You want me to find and kill Prophet?”

  “No, we have her in custody, although we’ve not released that information to the press yet.”

  “Why not?” Sara said. “People would be relieved to know that she’s no longer a threat.”

  As Sara spoke, Lawson had been checking his phone as he read a text. When he looked up, he spoke to Sara.

  “I’ll explain everything in a moment, Miss Blake. Blue Steele will be joining our video conference from a location in southern New Jersey.
Blue has already been briefed by me.”

  When Blue’s picture appeared, Tanner studied her face and smiled as a gleam entered his eyes.

  “Blue Steele?”

  Blue stared into the monitor as her own eyes widened. Tanner’s resemblance to Mr. White had startled her.

  “You’re Tanner?” Blue said.

  “I’m Tanner.”

  Seated beside him, Sara could tell that Tanner found Blue Steele to be attractive. The jealousy welling up inside her was both a surprise and a source of wonder.

  Chapter 32

  After I recovered from the shock of how much Tanner resembled White, I concentrated on the meeting. I had always had a crush on White and Tanner was nearly as handsome as he was. I reminded myself that I was a married woman and put my mind back on business.

  Lawson had reduced our pictures on the screen until they filled a row at the bottom of the monitor. An image appeared above them that showed a woman with dyed red hair being escorted along a corridor while shackled in chains. It was Prophet.

  “That is Sigrid Talbot,” Lawson said. “She’s the woman who called herself Prophet. She was placed in custody after Blue Steele tracked her down in California.”

  Jake laughed. “Blue, you got the bitch? You’re something else, cousin.”

  “Yes,” Lawson said, while smiling at me. “Blue is exceptional at what she does, as are all of you. But, getting back to point, the reason we haven’t announced Prophet’s capture has to do with these men.” Lawson hit a button on a remote and the likeness of three men appeared. They looked like they were taken from the men’s driver license photos. Lawson hit another button and one of the photos grew larger than the others.

  “The man on the right is Terrance Blackwood,” Lawson said. “Blackwood and the other two men are serial killers. Blackwood is nearly seven feet tall and weighs over three hundred pounds. He is not fat, but muscular, and by all accounts he’s insanely strong. Our source also claims that Blackwood dabbles in cannibalism.”


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